sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition

International Law 6th Edition, Martin Dixon

International Law 6th Edition, Martin Dixon

Textbook on International Law di Martin Dixon, Oxford University Press, sesta Edizione, nuovo.

Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law

Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fiadjoe, Albert, PUBLISHER: Routledge Cavendish, Taking a critical look at the major areas of constitutional and administrative law, Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law places a firm emphasis on the protection of citizens' rights and good governance. The third edition of this book builds on the success of the previous two editions, setting-out the established legal principles through Caribbean cases, along with critique and commentary of the law where appropriate. Contemporary issues and changes in Caribbean public law are addressed including: the refining of the rules governing judicial review; recent cases dealing with the death penalty; and the likely impact on CARICOM initiatives on the rights of citizens.

Offerte relazionate sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition: Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law
Law and Community: The Case of Torts

Law and Community: The Case of Torts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cochran, Robert F. / Cochran, Jr. / Ackerman, Robert M., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, In Law and Community, Robert F. Cochran, Jr., and Robert M. Ackerman explore the connections between individualism and communitarianism in American law. The authors argue that, though tort law is dominated by individualistic language, it has significant communitarian influences.

The Vegan Sourcebook

The Vegan Sourcebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stepaniak, Joanne, PUBLISHER: Lowell House, More than just diet and nutrition, vegan living strives to exclude all forms of exploitation, harm, and cruelty to animals. Veganism challenges ingrained notions about the use of animals in all aspects of modern society and advocates a progressive consciousness about health and consumer choices. The Vegan ong>Sourcebookong> encompasses all aspects of vegan ethics, diet, nutrition, and lifestyle, including the philosophical, environmental, political, sociological, and nutritional perspectives of this growing worldwide movement. It includes approximately 50 meat-, egg-, and dairy-free recipes; vegan substitutions; menus; planning for adequate nutrition; and a guide to cruelty-free personal care products, household products, clothing, and footwear.

Offerte relazionate sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition: The Vegan Sourcebook
Communication Law: Practical Applications in the Digital Age

Communication Law: Practical Applications in the Digital Age

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Caristi, Dom / Davie, William R., PUBLISHER: Pearson Custom Publishing, Debuting in its first edition, "Communication Law "is an engaging and accessible text that brings a fresh approach to the fundamentals of mass media law. Unique in its approach and its visually attractive design, this text differentiates itself from other current texts on the market while presenting students with key principles and landmark cases that establish and define communication law and regulation, providing a hands-on learning experience.

Exploring C.S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia

Exploring C.S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beetz, Kirk H., PUBLISHER: Beacham Publishing Corporation, Year after year since , The Chronicles of Narnia remains one of the best-selling and best loved children's series of all time. Full of biblical references, myths and legends, the chronicles provide a moral frame for millions of young readers. The Chronicles of Narnia ong>sourcebookong> traces Lewis's spiritual journey from atheist to Christian, identifies and explains the many uses he makes of the Bible, and takes readers into the land of Narnia as they have never experienced it. The ong>sourcebookong> includes projects and activities for young readers, questions that generate lively discussion between parents and children, websites for internet research by young surfers, lesson plans for teachers, and resources for librarians.

Offerte relazionate sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition: Exploring C.S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia
Perspectives on Behavior 2nd Edition

Perspectives on Behavior 2nd Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harry Ayers, PUBLISHER: David Fulton Publishers Ltd, NA

Cover kobo H2O 2nd edition

Cover kobo H2O 2nd edition

Vendo nuova cover Kobo H2O 2nd edition comprata per sbaglio perché ho un semplice kobo aura. Disponibile anche colore viola sempre con pellicola protettiva e pennino

Offerte relazionate sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition: Cover kobo H2O 2nd edition
The Ultimate Web Developer's Sourcebook

The Ultimate Web Developer's Sourcebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Keyes, Jessica, PUBLISHER: AMACOM/American Management Association, From basic information on how to manipulate GIF images to sophisticated guidelines on how to connect a database to an Internet site, The Ultimate Internet Developer's ong>Sourcebookong> is the first one-stop reference that delivers all the answers. Complete, authoritative, and up-to-date, it's packed with: -- Clear explanations -- plus mini-tutorials -- of crucial Web-related topics and technologies -- Hot Internet tips and tricks, contributed by 30 industry experts -- Sample code to help users quickly solve problems, along with links for finding more code -- Screen shots to further clarify the explanations From design issues to coding fundamentals to server and performance dynamics, Internet and intranet developers will turn to this all-encompassing reference for specific guidance on how to: Locate freebies for a Web site -- animate images -- add e-commerce to a site -- use meta tags -- acquire and manage content -- audit Web-based systems for security, usability, and privacy -- use ASPClasses, Perl, and Voice XML -- code cookies -- write a shopping cart system using JavaScript -- use an Application Service Provider to host a database -- produce a static HTML table -- perform Web site maintenance -- handle applet to server communication -- and much more.

The Information Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine

The Information Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hoffman, David, PUBLISHER: Crossing Press, The only comprehensive guide to information on western herbal medicine, this invaluable book offers a bibliography of herbalism and herbal pharmacology, a glossary of herbal and medical terms, a guide to computer databases for the herbalist, and Medline citations for commonly used medicinal herbs.

Offerte relazionate sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition: The Information Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine
EBook reader Kobo Auro mod. 2nd Edition

EBook reader Kobo Auro mod. 2nd Edition

Vendo bellissimo e nuovissimo eBook reader Kobo Aura mod. 2nd Edition. Costo al negozio 119€. Prezzo trattabile. Qualità prodotto . Nessun graffio, MAI caduto, quasi mai usato.

Pagliacci Has Nothing on Me! 2nd Edition

Pagliacci Has Nothing on Me! 2nd Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marguerite Bonnett Marguerite Piazza, PUBLISHER: Lulu com, NA

Offerte relazionate sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition: Pagliacci Has Nothing on Me! 2nd Edition
Physiological Systems in Insects, 2nd Edition

Physiological Systems in Insects, 2nd Edition

Physiological Systems in Insects, 2nd Edition Marc J. Klowden Academic Press Ottime condizioni Spedizione: GRATUITA con ritiro in sede Con altra modalità: da concordare

The Mudpies Activity Book: Recipes for Invention

The Mudpies Activity Book: Recipes for Invention

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blakely, Nancy / Blakey, Nancy / Watts, Melissah, PUBLISHER: Tricycle Press, The projects in this popular, creative ong>sourcebookong> include a hurricane in a bottle, a do-it-yourself radio show, and edible art.

Offerte relazionate sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition: The Mudpies Activity Book: Recipes for Invention
The Book of the Law

The Book of the Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weiser Books, PUBLISHER: Weiser Books, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." This oft-misunderstood phrase, which forms the basis for Crowley's practice of Magick, is found in The Book of the Law. Dictated to Crowley in Cairo between noon and 1 pm on three success days in April , the Book of the Law is the source book and key for Crowley students and for the occult in general. For the first time the Book of the Law is offered in a deluxe, hardcover edition fittingly issued in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Liber AL vel Legis's transmission to Crowley.

The Gardener's Sourcebook

The Gardener's Sourcebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buff, Sheila, PUBLISHER: Lyons and Burford Publishers, For any gardener who needs information -- and that is every gardener -- this is the essential book. Contains over five thousand sources for every aspect of horticulture imaginable, from greenhouses to gardening Web sites.

Offerte relazionate sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition: The Gardener's Sourcebook
Mastering Tort Law (Carolina Academic Press Mastering)

Mastering Tort Law (Carolina Academic Press Mastering)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Andrew R Klein Edward C Martin John H Bauman Paul J Zwier II Ronald W Eades Russell, PUBLISHER: Carolina Academic Press, NA

International Law Directory, Martindale Hubbell  e

International Law Directory, Martindale Hubbell e

MARTINDALE HUBBELL: International Law Directory World volumi International Law Directory World volumi International Law Directory Italy Switzerland International Law Directory Italy Switzerland International Law Digest World International Law Digest World Libri in inglese per le biblioteche degli Studi Legali. Tutti in ottime condizioni pur con minimi segni d'uso.

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Vendo lego star wars  Slave I (2nd edition) MISB

Vendo lego star wars Slave I (2nd edition) MISB

Vendo Lego Star Wars Slave I (2nd edition) MISB astronave di Boba Fett

University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law

University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: University of Pennsylvania Dept of Law University of Pennsylvania Law School, PUBLISHER: Books LLC, NA

Offerte relazionate sourcebook on tort law sourcebook 2nd edition: University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law
Moral Law

Moral Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kevan, PUBLISHER: P & R Publishing, Demonstrates the value of the Law of God in the believer's life. Based on the insights of the brilliant Puritan writer Anthony Burgess

Megahouse one piece Trafalgar law

Megahouse one piece Trafalgar law

Dalla mia collezione privata vendo le seguenti figures Megahouse dedicate al personaggio di Trafalgar Law: - Trafalgar law sailing again versione punk hazard, nuovo, mai uscito dalla scatola, ordinato dal Giappone, 60€ compreso di spedizione - Trafalgar Law 2.5 limited edition, nuovo mai uscito dalla scatola, originale 90€ compreso di spedizione. - Trafalgar law variable action figures Megahouse, nuovo, mai aperto, arrivato dal Giappone, 70€ compresa la spedizione. - Trafalgar law IRO nuova, mai aperta, direttamente dal Giappone, 90€ compresa di spedizione. Solo persone realmente interessate all'acquisto. No perditempo. Offro massima serietà ma ne richiedo altrettanta.

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Tronchetto frang tort bourne sandy

Tronchetto frang tort bourne sandy

Tronchetto frange tort Bourne Sandy tg 38

Toxic and Hazardous Materials: A Sourcebook and Guide to

Toxic and Hazardous Materials: A Sourcebook and Guide to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Webster, James K. / Webster, Carol, PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, "Libraries with large environmental collections will want this unique introduction to a multidisciplinary and popular topic. It includes more than sources of information: reference books, periodicals, reports, proceedings, databases, libraries, associations, research centers, and audiovisual materials." Choice

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Professional English in Use Law. Edition with answ

Professional English in Use Law. Edition with answ

Svendo a 18 euro libro praticamente nuovo mai usato di inglese per giuristi o chi studia giurisprudenza, inglese settore legale titolo Professional English in Use Law. Edition with answers (Inglese) Copertina flessibile - 14 mag di Gillian D. Brown (Autore), Rice Sally (Autore) Cambridge Spedizione piego di libri di poste
