Superfoods for Life
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Riccio, Dolores, PUBLISHER: HP Books, No one can deny the countless benefits of a healthy diet. When we eat right, we feel better, we look better, we even experience renewed youth and vitality. Now, Superfoods for Life makes proper nutrition easy--and delicious--while offering a complete list of special anti-aging foods. It includes 250 simple and appetizing recipes, packed with the nutrients your body needs and prepared with easy-to-find ingredients. With Superfoods for Life, eating healthfully--and staying young--never tasted so good. The New York Times Book Review on Superfoods: "Increasingly, nutritional science is affirming much, if not all, of the thinking that once seemed to reside only on the fringe, in particular ideas about the power of some nutrients to help the body resist cancer and heart disease. Ms. Riccio takes many of the foods, particularly fruits, vegetables, grains, and fish, known to have especially healthful properties and methodically provides recipes for them...the recipes manage to seem more appetizing, less like medicine, than those in many a book with its eye on today's health fervor".