risk management and financial institution j hull

Risk management and financial institution J. Hull

Risk management and financial institution J. Hull

vendesi libro Risk management and financial institution scritto da John Hull. la bibbia del risk management, dell'asset management e dell'attuariato. Libro in Inglese: Low price edition. Usato ma in ottimo stato. consegna a mano a Milano (anche in zona bocconi) o spedizione. Rispondo anche a whatsapp

Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance, Third Edition

Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance, Third Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pritchard Carl L, PUBLISHER: Esi International, An encyclopedia of risk management tools, this third edition covers the latest perspectives on risk. It focuses on a systematic approach to risk management and highlights specific techniques that enhance organizational risk identification, assessment, and management. Providing a blueprint for assessing and mitigating risk, the book addresses risk processes and practices as well as specific risk management techniques. It includes four appendices that contain information on contractor risk management, list of risk sources, basic probability concepts, quantifying expert judgement, and special notes on software risk. The book concludes with a glossary of terms.

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance, Third Edition
Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance

Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pritchard, Carl L., PUBLISHER: Esi International, Focuses on a systematic approach to risk management. This authoritative text includes more than a dozen chapters highlighting specific techniques to enhance organizational risk identification, assessment, and management, all within the project and program environments. The appendices are rich with insight on applying probability, statistics, and other complex tools.

NATO, Security and Risk Management From Kosovo to Khandahar

NATO, Security and Risk Management From Kosovo to Khandahar

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: M J Williams, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: NATO, Security and Risk Management From Kosovo to Khandahar
Construction Insurance, Bonding, & Risk Management

Construction Insurance, Bonding, & Risk Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Palmer, William J. / Maloney, James / Heffron, John L., III, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, Don't let a construction lawsuit wipe you out. More and more construction contractors are getting sued these days. Make sure you protect yourself against costly litigation with Construction Insurance, Bonding and Risk Management edited by William J. Palmer, James Maloney, and John L. Heffron. Written in jargon-free language, this quick-and-easy resource will help you identify and manage risk in every phase of construction--from bidding on the job to driving home the final nail. You get the know-how you need to make sense of today's confusing array of insurance and bonds and to select the best coverage for your general business operations, individual contracts, job bidding and more.

The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable in Financial Risk

The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable in Financial Risk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Francis X Diebold Neil A Doherty Richard J Herring, PUBLISHER: Princeton University Press, NA

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable in Financial Risk
Crime and Terrorism Risk: Studies in Criminology and

Crime and Terrorism Risk: Studies in Criminology and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kennedy, Leslie W. / McGarrell, Edmund F., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Crime and Terrorism Risk is a collection of original essays and articles that presents a broad overview of the issues related to the assessment and management of risk in the new security age. These original articles show how researchers, experts and the public are beginning to think about crime and terrorism issues in terms of a new risk paradigm that emphasizes establishing a balance between threat and resources in developing prevention and response strategies.

Opportunities In Human Resource Management Careers

Opportunities In Human Resource Management Careers

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McKenzie, J. Steven, Traynor, William J., PUBLISHER: Contemporary Books, "Opportunities In Human Resource Management Careers offers job seekers essential information about a variety of careers within the field of human resource management and includes training and education requirements, salary statistics, and professional and Internet resources.

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Opportunities In Human Resource Management Careers
Affluent for Life

Affluent for Life

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ridlehuber, Ted, PUBLISHER: Charter Financial Publishing Network, From one of America's most respected authorities on wealth management, a refreshingly straight-forward book that explains the 12 issues essential for expanding and protecting a person's net worth. Affluent for Life informs readers how to increase wealth without taking on uncomfortable risk; how to preserve wealth for children; how to give wealth wisely to charity; and the estate at death. This book explains the concepts and strategies essential for any discussion with financial professionals.

Risk Management Edilizia

Risk Management Edilizia

Vendesi libro di Risk Management per l'Edilizia editore Flaccovio ed. . Il libro, in ottimo stato, affronta la tematica della gestione del rischio in ambito edile.

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Risk Management Edilizia
Seventeenth-Century Parliamentary and Financial Papers:

Seventeenth-Century Parliamentary and Financial Papers:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Braddick, Mike J. / Ransome, David R. / Braddick, M. J., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Camden volumes, published by the Royal Historical Society, offer collections of skillfully edited primary source material for historians. The Camden Miscellany collections contain a variety of shorter documents and papers. This volume comprises seventeenth-century documents on parliamentary and financial matters.

Elementi di finanza e risk management, O.Roggi

Elementi di finanza e risk management, O.Roggi

Elementi di finanza aziendale e risk management, Aswath Damodaran, Oliviero Roggi. Libro in buone condizioni, non sottolineato. Per informazioni e-mail.

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Elementi di finanza e risk management, O.Roggi
Forum Risk Management Arezzo

Forum Risk Management Arezzo

Forum risk management arezzo Hotel Portici vi invita dal 24 al 27 novembre a partecipare al Forum Risk Management in Sanità che giunge nel alla sua decima edizione. L'evento è un momento di incontro tra tutti gli attori della sanità, dove confrontare e condividere le migliori buone pratiche ai fini della appropriatezza, della qualità e della sicurezza nei percorsi diagnostico-terapeutici. Vi aspettiamo al Hotel Portici di Arezzo! Contattateci allo per info e prenotazioni. Hotel Toscana, Hotel Arezzo, Hotel Arezzo Centro, Hotel Arezzo Vicino Stazione, Hotel Forum Risk Management Arezzo, Hotel Arezzo Pieno Centro, Hotel Arezzo Fiera, Hotel Arezzo Centro Storico.

Health and Safety Risk Management 3rd Edition

Health and Safety Risk Management 3rd Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tony Boyle, PUBLISHER: IOSH Services Limited, NA

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Health and Safety Risk Management 3rd Edition
Safety, Health, and Asset Protection: Management Essentials,

Safety, Health, and Asset Protection: Management Essentials,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lack, Richard W., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Essentials of Safety and Health Management is the book you need to stay on top of the rapidly evolving profession of occupational safety This remarkable collection of theory, application, and fact will guide you through today's turbulent time of broadening responsibilities and fast-paced change. Chapter topics include regulatory compliance, legal aspects, risk management, and training. In light of today's global workplace, the book also highlights some of the technical standards and cultural approaches to occupational safety in the international arena.

Occupational Blood-Borne Infections Risk and Management

Occupational Blood-Borne Infections Risk and Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: C H Collins D A Kennedy, PUBLISHER: CABI Publishing, NA

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Occupational Blood-Borne Infections Risk and Management
Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on the completion of the latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations synthesizes the latest thinking in knowledge management with the design of information technology and the Internet-enabled new organization forms. The major emphasis of this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual organizations and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual organizations.

Active Technologies for Network and Service Management: 10th

Active Technologies for Network and Service Management: 10th

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stadler, R. / Stiller, B. / Stadler, Rolf, PUBLISHER: Springer, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM'99, held in Zurich, Switzerland in October with the topical focus on Active Technologies for Network and Service Management. The 20 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 50 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on decentralized monitoring and anomaly detection, management components and multi-domain management, the future of SNMP-based management, programmable SNMP-based management, management of programmable and active networks, IT and enterprise management, and management tools.

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Active Technologies for Network and Service Management: 10th
Old Risks-New Solutions, or Is It the Other Way Around?

Old Risks-New Solutions, or Is It the Other Way Around?

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: World Bank Publications, Old Risks New Solutions, Or Is It The Other Way Around is the latest book in a series based on the MIGA Georgetown University Symposium on International Political Risk Management. The Symposium has traditionally brought together almost 200 senior practitioners from the political risk insurance (PRI) industry, including investors, insurers, brokers, lenders, academics and members of the legal community. This volume reflects the key issues which have faced investors and insurers alike including arbitration and a dynamically evolving marketplace. Contributors to this volume reflect on the evolution of the PRI industry during a period of dramatic changes in the marketplace. Not only has the crisis had a tremendous impact on the volume of investment projects, particularly into developing countries, but also on the perception of risk and claims management. The volume begins with a look at the global market place in the aftermath of the financial crisis from an insurer s perspective. It continues with an overview of claims experience and key issues investors should understand when relying on bilateral investment treaties. The volume then examines challenges facing investors and insurers alike when considering sovereign risk within the context of political risk. The volume concludes with an overview of the PRI industry and its evolution over time how did insurers see the global marketplace evolving over time, what are they predicting now, and how much has it really changed? Old Risks New Solutions provides valuable insights for practitioners and investors alike, particularly in today s turbulent and uncertain markets.

Principles of Accounting, Chapters 1-14

Principles of Accounting, Chapters 1-14

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kimmel, Paul D. / Weygandt, Jerry J. / Kieso, Donald E., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, This book starts with a macro view of accounting information by presenting real financial statements. The authors establish how financial statements communicate the financing, operation, and investing activities of a business. To integrate the use of financial statements for decision making, the authors identify a finite set of tools necessary to make business decisions based on financial information. The Decision Toolkit is provided for the reader and integrated throughout the text.

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Principles of Accounting, Chapters 1-14
Environmental Economics and Management Theory, Policy and

Environmental Economics and Management Theory, Policy and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Janet M Thomas Scott J Callan, PUBLISHER: Cengage South Western, NA

Expert Pain Management

Expert Pain Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Springhouse Publishing, PUBLISHER: Springhouse Corporation, Readers learn pain management techniques and how to foster a successful team approach. Contents include principles of nociception and pain, pharmacology of pain management, diagnostic tools, common pain syndromes, psychological aspects of pain, noninvasive techniques, medical and surgical techniques, complementary therapies, cancer pain management, acute pain management, care of children with pain, care of elderly with pain, referrals to professional contacts and resources, selected references, and index.

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Expert Pain Management
Financial Reporting and Analysis Using Financial Accounting

Financial Reporting and Analysis Using Financial Accounting

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Charles H Gibson, PUBLISHER: Cengage South Western, NA

Financial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspective

Financial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspective

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stolowy/Lebas / Stolowy, Herve / Lebas, Michel J., PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, Financial Accounting and Reporting, the re-titled second edition of Corporate Financial Reporting, has become respected and widely used over the four years since it first appeared. This updated and redesigned edition is an introduction to financial accounting for business students who need a ausera rather than apreparera perspective in accounting. Even more so now than when the book was first published, students of financial accounting in international universities or business schools should be taught to appreciate, understand and analyze a variety of accounting and reporting issues from a global theoretical and generic point of view, rather than just be provided only the aanswera prescribed in their country of study. This book provides that modern global perspective. Financial Accounting and Reporting has four key strengths. It takes a ausera perspective throughout, whether discussing reporting principles or in the practice of financial analysis; it both offers a non-prescriptive a-national approach and allows an understanding of comparative differences in practices; it is highly international and reflects the trend towards harmonized international reporting.

Offerte relazionate risk management and financial institution j hull: Financial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspective
Information Sources in Finance and Banking

Information Sources in Finance and Banking

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lester, R. G. / Lester, Ray, PUBLISHER: Bowker-Saur, This book guides users to both traditional and computerized sources on all aspects of the financial system, including historical sources; IT impact; banks and other financial institutions; money markets; stock markets; Euromarkets; commodity markets; foreign exchange markets; central banks; international organizations; funding agencies; news services; national and international data and statistics; and laws and regulations.
