
Interviews: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and

Interviews: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Olson, Gary A. / Gale, Irene / Lunsford, Andrea, PUBLISHER: Southern Illinois University Press, This book contains interviews with psychologist Mary Field Belenky, linguist and philosopher of language Noam Chomsky, French deconstructionist Jacques Derrida, international literacy scholar Paulo Freire, distinguished anthropologist Clifford Geertz, philosopher Richard Rorty, and cultural critic Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (all of whose work has influenced the discipline of rhetoric and composition) followed by essay responses from notable scholars in rhetoric and composition.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Richards, Jennifer, PUBLISHER: Routledge, The term 'rhetoric' describes the effective use of language, usually to persuade or influence. Frequently set up in opposition to 'truth' or 'plain speech', it has attracted much critical debate from ancient philosophy to current literary theory. Examining both the practice and theory of this controversial concept, Jennifer Richards looks at: historical and contemporary definitions of the term 'rhetoric' uses of rhetoric in literature, by authors such as William Shakespeare, Mary Shelley and James Joyce classical traditions of rhetoric, as seen in the work of Plato, Aristotle and Cicero the rebirth of rhetoric in the Renaissance and its return to the contemporary academy through Composition and Literature courses the current position and way forward for rhetoric in literary and critical theory, as envisaged by critics such as Paul de Man, Jacques Derrida and Kenneth Burke. This insightful volume offers an honest and accessible account of this debatable yet unavoidable term, making this book invaluable reading for students of literature, philosophy and cultural studies.

Offerte relazionate rhetoric: Rhetoric
Politicians and Rhetoric: The Persuasive Power of Metaphor

Politicians and Rhetoric: The Persuasive Power of Metaphor

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jonathan Charteris Black, PUBLISHER: MacMillan, NA

Conversational Rhetoric The Rise and Fall of A Women's

Conversational Rhetoric The Rise and Fall of A Women's

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jane Donawerth, PUBLISHER: Southern Illinois University Press, NA Acquista Ora

The Rhetoric of Credit: Merchants in Early Modern Writing

The Rhetoric of Credit: Merchants in Early Modern Writing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sullivan, Ceri, PUBLISHER: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Scores of business advice manuals, double-entry handbooks, and trade publicity briefs give the early modern merchant help on guaranteeing the value of his word. The Rhetoric of Credit looks at the rhetorical handling of the just price of goods, cash and credit; analyses the uses of the heroism in trade; shows how the ethos of the merchant is enhanced in dealing with bankruptcy and sovereign dept, and distinguishes between miser and usurer. Such shifts between the fields of social and financial credit structure the three plays that it goes on to examine: If You Know Not Me (1), The Alchemist, and Eastword Ho

Decoding ESL: International Students in the American College

Decoding ESL: International Students in the American College

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tucker, Amy / Tucker, PUBLISHER: Boynton/Cook Publishers, In "Decoding ESL," Amy Tucker extends current research and theory on contrastive rhetoric to study ESL students tackling the art and skill of writing and reading literature. For her, contrastive rhetoric is not a matter of comparing usage in the native language for explanations of mistakes in English. Contrastive rhetoric must include information about the two cultures, about expectations and other sociocultural variables that influence and affect communication. Each chapter investigates successive stages in the attainment of college skills in a second language, from the absorption of grammar structures and expository patterns to encounters with American literature. Along the way, the book considers the overriding concerns of current composition practice and theory: issues of learner motivation, syllabus design, collaborative classroom techniques, revision strategies, reading/writing connections, and communicative contexts of discourse. Tucker pursues a neglected area of study, arguing clearly and strongly that ESL students should develop their own responses to what they read. Her students engage in a range of communicative tasks, including interviews, class discussions, journal writing, and essay and revision assignments. Her discussions of the students' work prove how careful analysis of language can help you understand not just that one student, but many. Sample syllabi show how you can do the same.

Political Money: Deregulating American Politics: Selected

Political Money: Deregulating American Politics: Selected

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anderson, Annelise / Abrams, Floyd / Allen, Michael Patrick, PUBLISHER: Hoover Institution Press, In this policy primer on campaign finance reform, Annelise Anderson sorts through the rhetoric, congressional hearings, and public debate to describe the current rules and regulations and to prescribe viable options for change.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cook, Albert Spaulding, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, History writing is a form of literature that claims a unique correspondence to the processes of the real world. In this ambitious study, Albert Cook examines the literary d imensions of historiacal writing. He examines two seemingly contradictory constraints on historiography: the truth-claims of texts and the rhetoric of historical discourse. He shows how these constraints combine to enable, rather than prevent, the presentation of meaning in temporal sequences of events. Cook's scope encompasses the historigraphical aspects of the Hebrew Bible and the Gospels, Homer, Thucydides, Tacitus, Gregory of Tours, Einhards, the Anglo-Saxon chronicles, Machiavelli Guicciardini, Gibbon, Ezra Pound, Foucault, Heidegger and Bradel. In the first half of his work he focuses on the practice of individual historians; in the second on particular philosophical or organizational techniques, in scriptural historians philosophical historians, or the self-critical historians of our own time. Though his concerns are systematic his analysis bears upon development questions in the practice of historiography over the past twenty-five hundred years. Thus, the book is not a history of historiography but a historicized perspective of its manifestations in different cultures. Its ambitious scope extends to questions of literary theory and criticism, literary history, rhetoric, semiology and narratology.

Offerte relazionate rhetoric: History/Writing
Calvin and the Rhetoric of Piety

Calvin and the Rhetoric of Piety

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Serene, PUBLISHER: Westminster John Knox Press, The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. Volumes in this series are intended for scholars, theologians, pastors, and lay people who are committed to faith in search of understanding.

Critical Essays, Volume I: Ancient Orators. Lysias.

Critical Essays, Volume I: Ancient Orators. Lysias.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dionysius of Halicarnassus / Dionysius / Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Of Halicarnassus, PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, Dionysius of Halicarnassus had migrated to Rome by 30 BCE, where he lived until his death some time after 8 BCE, writing his "Roman Antiquities" and teaching the art of rhetoric and literary composition. Dionysius's purpose, both in his own work and in his teaching, was to re-establish the classical Attic standards of purity, invention and taste in order to reassert the primacy of Greek as the literary language of the Mediterranean world. He advocated the minute study of the styles of the finest prose authors of the fifth and fourth century BCE, especially the Attic orators. His critical essays on these and on the historian Thucydides represent an important development from the somewhat mechanical techniques of rhetorical handbooks to a more sensitive criticism of individual authors. Illustrating his analysis with well-chosen examples, Dionysius preserves a number of important fragments of Lysias and Isaeus. The essays on those two orators and on Isocrates, Demosthenes and Thucydides comprise Volume I of this edition. Volume II contains three letters to his students; a short essay on the orator Dinarchus; and his finest work, the essay "On Literary Composition, " which combines rhetoric, grammar and criticism in a manner unique in ancient literature. The Loeb Classical Library also publishes a seven volume edition of "Roman Antiquities, " by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, a history from earliest times to 264 BCE.

Corporate Advocacy: Rhetoric in the Information Age

Corporate Advocacy: Rhetoric in the Information Age

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hoover, Judith D., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Internal and external advocacy is a complex communication process, with many interwoven purposes, methods, and expected (or unexpected) outcomes. Judith Hoover and her contributors show what the advocacy processes are, using a fascinating set of case histories, and then analyze and evaluate them by means of rhetorical, cultural, critical, and argumentation theories. In doing so they blend organizational communication and classical rhetorical theory, and thus extend the concept of corporate advocacy into new areas of study. An important resource for teachers and students of communication theory and practice, and an unusual insight for corporate communication specialists. In fourteen case studies analyzed through three significant communication theory perspectives, Hoover and her contributors examine the concept of advocacy by looking at corporate rhetoric, corporate cultures, and the hidden sources of power inherent in both. We listen to the messages of corporate spokespersons such as Lee Iacocca. We observe the internal cultures of business and industry. We investigate the meanings of such terms as "Wall Street" and "consumerism." We broaden our view to include not only union advocacy, but also the role of language in the organizational distribution of power. By synthesizing these cases through yet a fourth perspective, the book not only extends the concept to recognize internal advocacy processes but also reveals the complexity of advocacy strategies that must be designed to accomplish multiple purposes and that must respond to multilayered and interconnected contexts.

Catholicism in the English Protestant Imagination:

Catholicism in the English Protestant Imagination:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tumbleson, Raymond D., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This study examines the role of anti-Catholic rhetoric in late-seventeenth- and early-eighteenth-century England. Raymond Tumbleson shows how the fear of Popery, a potentially destabilizing force under the Stuarts, ultimately became a principal guarantor of the Hanoverian oligarchy. Discussing writers from Middleton, Milton and Marvell to Swift, Defoe and Fielding, as well as numerous pamphleteers, the book crosses traditional generic, disciplinary and chronological boundaries between poetry and prose, literature and polemic, the Reformation and the Augustan age.

Islam and War: A Study in Comparative Ethics

Islam and War: A Study in Comparative Ethics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelsay, John, PUBLISHER: Westminster John Knox Press, This book explores questions regarding the justice of war and addresses the lack of comparative perspectives on the ethics of war, particularly with respect to Islam. John Kelsay begins with the war in the Persian Gulf, focusing on the role of Islamic symbols in the rhetoric of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. He provides an overview of the Islamic tradition in regards to war and peace, and then focuses on the notion of religion as a just cause for war.

Using English: From Conversation to Canon

Using English: From Conversation to Canon

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maybin, Janet / Maybin / Maybin, Janet, PUBLISHER: Routledge, In "Using English," writers from a range of academic discipline examine a wide variety of texts and discourses including: everyday conversation, English in the workplace, English and Rhetoric, literary practices, English and popular culture, language and literature. Highly interdisciplinary in approach, this second in a series of four book provides a coherent introduction to the way in which language is shaped and used in practice. Contributors include: Mike Baynham, Guy Cook, Lizbeth Goodman, Janet Maybin, Robin Mercer, Jane Miller and Neil Mercer.

Offerte relazionate rhetoric: Using English: From Conversation to Canon
Elizabethan Women and the Poetry of Courtship

Elizabethan Women and the Poetry of Courtship

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bell, Ilona, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, During Elizabeth I's reign, love poetry acquired a popularity and brilliance unparalleled in English literary history. Ilona Bell shows how the tropes and rhetoric of love poetry were used to court Elizabethan women (at court, in the great houses, and in society at large) and how the women responded to being wooed, in prose, poetry and speech. Juxtaposing canonical male poets and recently discovered women writers, she investigates texts addressed to, written by, read, or heard by Elizabethan women, and charts the beginnings of a female lyric tradition.

Minor Works: On Colours. on Things Heard. Physiognomics. on

Minor Works: On Colours. on Things Heard. Physiognomics. on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aristotle / Hett, W. S., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, Aristotle, great Greek philosopher, researcher, reasoner, and writer, born at Stagirus in 384 BCE, was the son of Nicomachus, a physician, and Phaestis. He studied under Plato at Athens and taught there (); subsequently he spent three years at the court of a former pupil, Hermeias, in Asia Minor and at this time married Pythias, one of Hermeias's relations. After some time at Mitylene, in he was appointed by King Philip of Macedon to be tutor of his teen-aged son Alexander. After Philip's death in 336, Aristotle became head of his own school (of 'Peripatetics'), the Lyceum at Athens. Because of anti-Macedonian feeling there after Alexander's death in 323, he withdrew to Chalcis in Euboea, where he died in 322. Nearly all the works Aristotle prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials, notes, and memoranda (some are spurious). They can be categorized as follows: I "Practical": Nicomachean Ethics; Great Ethics (Magna Moralia); Eudemian Ethics; Politics; Economics (on the good of the family); On Virtues and Vices. II "Logical": Categories; Analytics (Prior and Posterior); Interpretation; Refutations used by Sophists; Topica. III "Physical": Twenty-six works (some suspect) including astronomy, generation and destruction, the senses, memory, sleep, dreams, life, facts about animals, etc. IV "Metaphysics": on being as being. V "Art": Rhetoric and Poetics. VI Other works including the Constitution of Athens; more works also of doubtful authorship. VII Fragments of various works such as dialogues on philosophy and literature; and of treatises on rhetoric, politics and metaphysics. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Aristotle is in twenty-three volumes.

The Limits of Globalization

The Limits of Globalization

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Scott, Alan, PUBLISHER: Routledge, IThe Limits of Globalization criticizes the idea that globalization is an unstoppable historical force in the face of which politics are helpless and calls for a renewal of political projects which can defend society against markets. The limitations of the globalizing forces operating in the world today can best be understood through an analysis of their concrete manifestations. Using examples from the people's art of Potsdammer Platz to the ways in which Western cultural icons are reinterpreted in Asian magazines, this collection of essays unpicks the rhetoric of globalization in political analysis, cultural theory and urban and economic sociology and exposes the myth of the global society as in many cases a dangerous exaggeration.

The Brief Wadsworth Handbook

The Brief Wadsworth Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kirszner, Laurie G. / Mandell, Stephen R., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, The most comprehensive brief handbook available, THE BRIEF WADSWORTH HANDBOOK, Sixth Edition, provides students with extensive coverage of rhetorical concerns, the writing and research process, writing and researching with computers, visual rhetoric, and other topics essential for 21st-century student writers. This versatile and proven text is a uniquely effective guide to help students develop the critical thinking, reading, and writing skills they need to become successful communicators in college and beyond. Practicing teachers and collaborative writing partners throughout their careers, Kirszner and Mandell bring an "in-the-trenches" pragmatic understanding of instructor and student needs to every page of this Sixth Edition. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate rhetoric: The Brief Wadsworth Handbook
Refinancing America: The Republican Antitax Agenda

Refinancing America: The Republican Antitax Agenda

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pollack, Sheldon D., PUBLISHER: State University of New York Press, A fascinating account of the long history of antitax sentiments within the Republican party, Refinancing America looks at how opposition to income and wealth taxation became the dominant factor influencing the party's political agenda. The countless proposals for tax cuts introduced by Republicans in Congress during the s, as well as the Bush administration's $1.6 trillion tax cut in May , were not aberrations, but rather the continuation of a long tradition of hostility to taxation. Nevertheless, the rhetoric and devotion to the antitax cause in the s was more pronounced than in the past, and this book explains how this more extreme strain of antitax politics came to dominate the GOP.

Northerners at War: Reflections on the Civil War Home Front

Northerners at War: Reflections on the Civil War Home Front

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gallman, J. Matthew, PUBLISHER: Kent State University Press, Northerners at War brings together noted historian J. Matthew Gallman's most significant essays on the economic, social, and domestic aspects of life in the North during the Civil War. Gallman tackles a range of Civil War home front topics--from urban violence and Gettysburg's wartime history to entrepreneurial endeavors and the war's economic impact. He also examines gender issues, with a fascinating review of the career of orator Anna E. Dickinson and an insightful examination of how northerners used gendered notions of masculinity in rhetoric to recruit African American soldiers. A noteworthy contribution to our understanding of the home front, Northerners at War is indispensible to those interested in the Civil War era.

Language in the Confessions of Augustine

Language in the Confessions of Augustine

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burton, Philip, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Philip Burton explores Augustine's treatment of language in his Confessions - a major work of Western philosophy and literature, with continuing intellectual importance. One of Augustine's key concerns is the story of his own encounters with language: from his acquisition of language as a child, through his career as schoolboy orator then star student at Carthage, to professor of rhetoric at Carthage and Rome. Having worked his way up to the eminence of Court Orator to the Roman Emperor at Milan, Augustine rediscovered the catholic Christianity of his childhood - and decided that this was incompatible with his rhetorical profession. Over the next ten years, he gradually reinvents himself as a different sort of language professional: a Christian intellectual, commentating on Scripture and preaching to his flock.

Walking Across America: A Hitchhiker's Guide to a Nation in

Walking Across America: A Hitchhiker's Guide to a Nation in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Keefer, Rick, PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, After traveling and encountering so many individuals for which the anational identitya just doesnat fit, I decided to ask questions and to see what the people are really about. The manufactured ideals and the false sense of unity are failing as the corporate lies create global instabilities. Socially and economically, the lies, manipulations, and rhetoric of 100 years are coming to a possibly dangerous conclusion. Do we as a nation want to continue the atrocities within our borders and around the globe, or do we want to change the way in which we live to do what is best for the global community? I have walked the highways around this beautiful country, helping friends along the way. I look to a new beginning and a new way of thinking about our nation and the policies that have led to the global crisis of today.

New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sundquist, Eric J. / Elliott, Emory, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Increased interest in the role of women and minorities in establishing the canon of American literature has led to renewed interest in Uncle Tom's Cabin. The essays in this volume set out to provide contemporary readers with a critical and historical interpretation of the novel that reflects the best of recent scholarship. In his introduction Eric J. Sundquist attempts to show that Uncle Tom's Cabin boldly takes issue with both proslavery arguments and prevailing prejudices among abolitionists, employing the forms of popular melodrama and heated rhetoric to carry its complex argument. The individual essays examine the influence of Stowe's novel on the characterization of women in the American novel and on later women writers, the role of women in the antislavery movement, the literary exchanges between Stowe and her contemporaries; Uncle Tom's Cabin and the tradition of the Gothic novel, and the characterizations of blacks in this novel and in later works.

On Frost: The Best from American Literature

On Frost: The Best from American Literature

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cady, Edwin H. / Cady / Edwin H. Cady, PUBLISHER: Duke University Press, Contents Robert Frost and the Sound of Sense (), Robert S. Newdick The Humanistic Idealism of Robert Frost (), Hyatt Howe Waggoner Robert Frost's Asides on His Poetry (), Reginald L. Cook Frost on Frost: The Making of Poems (), Reginald L. Cook The Unity of Frost's Masques (), W. R. Irwin Religion in Robert Frost's Poetry: The Play for Self-Possession (), Anna K. Juhnke Frost's Poetry of Fear (), Eben Bass Robert Frost's Dramatic Principle of "Oversound" (), Tom Vander Ven Robert Frost and Wallace Stevens: "What to Make of a Diminished Thing" (), Todd M. Lieber Robert Frost: "The fact is the sweetest dream that labor knows" (), Priscilla M. Paton Frost's Synecdochism (), George F. Bagby, Jr. Comparing Conceptions: Frost and Eddington, Heisenberg, and Bohr (), Guy Rotella "The Place is the Asylum": Women and Nature in Robert Frost's poetry (), Katherine Kearns Frost and Modernism (), Robert Kern "The Lurking Frost": Poetic and Rhetoric in "Two Tramps in Mud Time" (), Walter Jost The Resentments of Robert Frost (), Frank Lentricchia

Offerte relazionate rhetoric: On Frost: The Best from American Literature
Violence and Culture in the Antebellum South

Violence and Culture in the Antebellum South

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bruce, Jr. Dickson D. / Bruce, Dickson D., PUBLISHER: University of Texas Press, This provocative book draws from a variety of sources--literature, politics, folklore, social history--to attempt to set Southern beliefs about violence in a cultural context. According to Dickson D. Bruce, the control of violence was a central concern of antebellum Southerners. Using contemporary sources, Bruce describes Southerners' attitudes as illustrated in their duels, hunting, and the rhetoric of their politicians. He views antebellum Southerners as pessimistic and deeply distrustful of social relationships and demonstrates how this world view impelled their reliance on formal controls to regularize human interaction. The attitudes toward violence of masters, slaves, and "plain-folk"--the three major social groups of the period--are differentiated, and letters and family papers are used to illustrate how Southern child-rearing practices contributed to attitudes toward violence in the region. The final chapter treats Edgar Allan Poe as a writer who epitomized the attitudes of many Southerners before the Civil War.
