population and development critical introduction

Population and Development: A Critical Introduction

Population and Development: A Critical Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Furedi, Frank, PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Press, Many experts believe that population growth is the greatest threat facing humanity. This concise and provocative book discusses both sides of this debate examining the way the arguments have changed and evolved and questioning the assumptions of the main protagonists. Frank Furedi argues that the Western preoccupation with population growth reveals more about the internal concerns of Western societies than the socio-economic development of the South. Examining a broad range of key debates and controversies -- the population bomb in Asia, the culture of a distinct regime of African fertility, the role of education in stabilizing population growth in Kerala -- he contends that the marginalization of the goal of development is the outcome of a narrow concern with population policies.

The Earthscan Reader in Population and Development

The Earthscan Reader in Population and Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Demeny, Paul / McNicholl, Geoffrey / Paul Demeny, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This reader provides information on population and development issues for those seeking the middle ground between technical and non-specialist material. It contains contributions to all the various aspects of the debate from the s to the s from a wide variety of authors including Kingsley Davis, Herman Daly, Gary Becker, Ester Boserup and Amartya Sen.

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: The Earthscan Reader in Population and Development
Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction

Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Downing, John / Mohammadi, Ali / Sreberny-Mohammadi, Annabelle, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The Second Edition of this successful text has been updated and extensively revised to provide students with an engaging introduction to media studies. Practical and accessible, Questioning the Media invites readers to be active participants in the process of understanding the importance of the media today. New chapters on media and identity, global media influences, computer-mediated communication, feminist media theories, popular music and news coverage of AIDS enhance the previous collection of original works by distinguished contributors. With helpful introductions to each section and chapter, this innovative volume offers diverse critical perspectives on media studies, political economy, cultural studies, the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, feminism, audience ethnography and cultural dependency. Students can examine thoroughly topics in mass culture, technology, international communication and more. Throughout the book sophisticated terms and concepts are explained, making this the ideal critical introduction to media studies.

Methodology for Population Studies and Development

Methodology for Population Studies and Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kuttan Mahadevan Parameswara Krishnan, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications, NA Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: Methodology for Population Studies and Development
The Western Heritage: -Present

The Western Heritage: -Present

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kagan, Donald / Turner, Frank M. / Ozment, Steven E., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Present a strong, clear narrative account of the central developments in Western history.. The book calls attention to certain critical themes--the development of political freedom and constitutional government; the shifting relations among religion, society, and the state; the development of science and technology and their impact on thought and social institutions; and the major religious and intellectual currents that have shaped Western culture. Acquista Ora

'Race' and Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical Introduction

'Race' and Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vic Satzewich, Nikolaos Liodakis, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, 'Race' and Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical Introduction provides students with a comprehensive look at the major approaches and explanations to the key concepts in this field of study. Through their exploration of the central issues that affect Canadians today - immigration, multiculturalism, assimilation, racism, and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal relations - the authors argue that race is not a biologically real category, but rather, a socially constructed label used to describe and explain certain kinds of human difference. The text questions whether there are patterns of race and ethnic relations that are truly unique to Canada, and puts Canada into a wider global context. Fully updated and revised, 'Race' and Ethnicity in Canada, second edition, offers students an in-depth and well-rounded introduction to the fascinating study of race and ethnic relations in Canada.

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: 'Race' and Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical Introduction
Thoughts & Notions: Reading and Vocabulary Development 2

Thoughts & Notions: Reading and Vocabulary Development 2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ackert, Patricia / Lee, Linda, PUBLISHER: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Through wonderful readings and carefully designed activities, this best-selling series helps students develop reading skills and systematically increase their active vocabulary. Learners develop useful and relevant vocabulary while exploring and expanding critical thinking skills.

Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health

Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clark, Mary Jo Dummer, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Now more than ever-locally, nationally, globally-society is in need of community health services. This book emphasizes the application of community health nursing as it relates to specific populations, settings, and community health problems. Theoretically and scientifically sound, as well as practical and applicable, this resource is a thorough introduction to the specialty. Unit I sets the stage for practice by describing the context in which community health nursing occurs. Unit II examines community health nursing as a specialized area of practice, exploring its population focus and the attributes and features making it unique. Unit III presents common processes used in community health nursing. Unit IV examines community health nursing care provided to special population groups. Unit V presents community health nursing practice in specialized settings. Finally, Unit VI focuses on community health nursing practice related to common population health problems. For nurse generalists-who need to function in any setting, providing care to individuals, families, communities, and population groups. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health
The Growing Child: An Applied Approach (2nd Edition)

The Growing Child: An Applied Approach (2nd Edition)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Helen L. Bee, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Growing Child approaches child development chronologically, addressing development stages from birth through adolescence. Physical development and biological topics are accented in this edition, with two new chapters -- on physical development and health -- and new information on genetics and neurological development. Biological, cognitive, and social development are integrated in unique Interlude sections that synthesize developmental theories and relate issues across various ages. Helen Bee's appealing, first-person presentation delivers a wealth of applied information and examples that parents, childcare workers, teachers, and health care personnel will find invaluable.

Critical Thinking Applied to Nursing

Critical Thinking Applied to Nursing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Mary A. / Babcock, Dorothy E., PUBLISHER: C.V. Mosby, CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED TO NURSING examines the concept of critical thinking and shows how it can be applied to the everyday situations confronting practicing nurses as they interact with clients, families, colleagues, and administrators. The text covers major concepts in critical thinking such as assumptions, frame of reference, language context, reflection, evidence, reasoning, argument, persuasion, and creativity, and applies them to the nurse's role as caregiver, manager, and professional.

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: Critical Thinking Applied to Nursing
A Sociology of Health

A Sociology of Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wainwright, David, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), A Sociology of Health offers an authoritative and up-to-date introduction to the key issues, perspectives, and debates within the field of medical sociology. The book aids readers' understanding of how sociological approaches are crucial to understanding the impact that health and illness have on the behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and practices, of an increasingly health-aware population.

Land Degradation: Development and Breakdown of Terrestrial

Land Degradation: Development and Breakdown of Terrestrial

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barrow, Christopher J. / Barrow, C. J., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Land degradation is fast becoming recognized as a key issue for world conservation as we approach the end of the twentieth century. The complex relationship between human development and the environment is explored, with particular emphasis on the causes of land degradation processes. Written as an introduction to the topic, this book provides a clear and timely synthesis of our current understanding of the phenomenon of land degradation.

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: Land Degradation: Development and Breakdown of Terrestrial
Paul de Man

Paul de Man

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McQuillan, Martin / McQuillan, M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Paul de Man is to many a driving force behind the critical movement of deconstruction. To others, he is a scandalous figure, due to the recent exposure of his involvement with the collaborationist press in Second World War Belgium. Whatever the truth about de Man, his work is essential reading. This guide offers a way in to the full range of his work, from the critical essays to the wartime journalism. Martin McQuillan explores and contextualises such crucial ideas as: literary language and critical misreading deconstruction and the impossible autobiography and disfiguration aesthetic ideology. For those seeking a wide-ranging, non-partisan introduction to Paul de Man, this is the book to choose.

Human Growth and Development: An Introduction for Social

Human Growth and Development: An Introduction for Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: John Sudbery, PUBLISHER: Taylor & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Francis Group, NA

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: Human Growth and Development: An Introduction for Social
Practical Handbook of Digital Mapping Terms and Concepts

Practical Handbook of Digital Mapping Terms and Concepts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Arlinghaus, Sandra L., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, The Practical Handbook of Digital Mapping Terms and Concepts offers easy-to-read, alphabetically cross-referenced terms, illustrated with maps (including 8 pages in full color) produced through digital mapping technology. Thorough explanations provide novices and experts alike with the most comprehensive study of its kind, drawing together terms and concepts from the business, academic, and development communities. One of the book's unique features is a practical introduction to digital mapping, explaining its original application in the international development community and the third world issue of guinea worm. This study is balanced by theoretical perspectives on digital mapping as well as possible directions for future exploration. Internally cross-referenced appendices cover topics often ignored in the conventional academic curriculum, but which are critical to success in other digital mapping arenas. These appendices discuss railroad terminology, desktop digital mapping (with French translation), maps on CD-ROM (with French translation), tools used in the global positioning system (with French translation), and Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems.

Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Vendo Introduction to calculus and Analysis I Introduction to calculus and Analysis II Courant, John - Springer Le condizioni generali sono buone, presente qualche annotazione e alcune pagine del volume II/2 si sono staccate (ma ci sono tutte) Consegna a mano a Roma

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II
Mountain Environments and Communities

Mountain Environments and Communities

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Funnell, Don / Funnell, D. C. / Funnell Don, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Mountain Environments and Communities explains the background physical environment and then explores the environmental and social dimensions of mountain regions. This critical review of the concepts currently employed in mountain research, draws upon a wide range of examples from developed and developing countries. The dynamics of mountain life are described through both historical accounts of village-based systems and examples of the contemporary impact of global capital and sustainable development strategies.

The Demography of Inequality in Brazil

The Demography of Inequality in Brazil

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wood, Charles H. / Carvalho, Jose Alberto Magno / Knight, Alan, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book examines how transformations in Brazil's social, economic and political organization affect the demographic behaviour of people who live in different parts of the country and who occupy different positions in the social system. The authors review the history of unequal development and document the concentration of income and land ownership. Using data from the and censuses, they show how the Brazilian style of economic growth unequally affected different population subgroups. Mortality estimates for white and non-white people measure the consequences of racial inequality on the life chances of children. Other chapters investigate rural out-migration, the impact of Amazon colonization schemes on rural poverty, and the implications of differential rates of population growth among rich and poor households for future patterns of inequality and underemployment. The overall perspective places the concept of inequality at the centre of the study of demographic and structural change.

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: The Demography of Inequality in Brazil
Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking

Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: NA, PUBLISHER: Taylor & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Francis Group, NA

Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization

Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sharma, Shalendra D., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Challenging assumptions about the benefits of specific development practices, this book provides readers with overview of how competing frameworks have developed and the ways that specific development practices reflect specific understandings of the main debates, as well as offering a comprehensive historical overview of attempts to achieve economic development. It: offers a historical overview of the main debates and how they have evolved over time undertakes an examination (or rather re-examination) of the relationship between agriculture and poverty alleviation presents an exploration of recent international development negotiations from the perspective of OECD countries. Drawing on the lessons of some six decades of development experiences and illuminating theoretical insights and accumulated empirical knowledge, this book is a key resource for all students of development studies and development economics.

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization
Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe: Daniel Defoe

Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe: Daniel Defoe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lund, Roger D. / Bartels Emily, C., PUBLISHER: Twayne Publishers, The full range of literary traditions comes to life in the Twayne Critical Essays Series. Volume editors have carefully selected critical essays that represent the full spectrum of controversies, trends and methodologies relating to each author's work. Essays include writings from the author's native country and abroad, with interpretations from the time they were writing, through the present day. Each volume includes: -- An introduction providing the reader with a lucid overview of criticism from its beginnings -- illuminating controversies, evaluating approaches and sorting out the schools of thought -- The most influential reviews and the best reprinted scholarly essays -- A section devoted exclusively to reviews and reactions by the subject's contemporaries -- Original essays, new translations and revisions commissioned especially for the series -- Previously unpublished materials such as interviews, lost letters and manuscript fragments -- A bibliography of the subject's writings and interviews -- A name and subject index

Gender, Land, and Livelihoods in East Africa

Gender, Land, and Livelihoods in East Africa

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Verma, Ritu, PUBLISHER: IDRC (International Development Research Cent, This book illustrates in rich detail the complexity and diversity of women's lives in Maragoli, western Kenya, as they work to sustain their soils and negotiate a plethora of competing demands and constraints in an increasingly stressful economic environment. With extensive use of personal narratives and photographs from the farmers of Maragoli, this book demonstrates that soil degradation is not simply a function of population pressure and ignorance; rather, it is embedded in gender relations and complex struggles at the local level.

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: Gender, Land, and Livelihoods in East Africa
Coming Full Circle: An Economic History of the Pacific Rim

Coming Full Circle: An Economic History of the Pacific Rim

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, E. L. / Jones, Eric / Frost, Lionel, PUBLISHER: Westview Press, Analyzing the long-term, historical development of the major economies around the Pacific Rim in language aimed at the general reader, "Coming Full Circle" throws light on the most important relationships in the region today as well as on the prospects for future economic development and political cooperation.The authors begin with a critique of the popular notion of a "Pacific region," paying particular attention to the influence of geography and environment on population distribution and patterns of regional economic activity. They address the diverse indigenous development of pre-European times, later periods of direct European influence, and the evolution of modern-day urban societies in the region. Finally, they track the rise of the United States and Japan as the dominant regional economic powers and forecast changes we can expect to see in the years ahead, noting in particular the increasing importance of China.

Manual of Critical Care: Applying Nursing Diagnoses to Adult

Manual of Critical Care: Applying Nursing Diagnoses to Adult

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swearingen, Pamela L., PUBLISHER: C.V. Mosby, Manual of Critical Care Nursing is a mid-range clinical reference for practicing and student critical care nurses. Using the 13th Conference () NANDA ursing diagnoses, it provides quick information for over 75 clinical phenomena seen in critical care and is used in the clinical setting to plan nursing care. Each disorder includes a brief description of pathophysiology, assessment, diagnostic testing, collaborative management, nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions specific to those diagnoses, and patient teaching and rehabilitation.

Offerte relazionate population and development critical introduction: Manual of Critical Care: Applying Nursing Diagnoses to Adult
An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy

An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lai, Karyn L., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This comprehensive introductory textbook to early Chinese philosophy covers a range of philosophical traditions which arose during the Spring and Autumn ( BCE) and Warring States ( BCE) periods in China, including Confucianism, Mohism, Daoism, and Legalism. It considers concepts, themes and argumentative methods of early Chinese philosophy and follows the development of some ideas in subsequent periods, including the introduction of Buddhism into China. The book examines key issues and debates in early Chinese philosophy, cross-influences between its traditions and interpretations by scholars up to the present day. The discussion draws upon both primary texts and secondary sources, and there are suggestions for further reading. This will be an invaluable guide for all who are interested in the foundations of Chinese philosophy and its richness and continuing relevance. Acquista Ora
