the demography of inequality in brazil

The Demography of Inequality in Brazil

The Demography of Inequality in Brazil

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wood, Charles H. / Carvalho, Jose Alberto Magno / Knight, Alan, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book examines how transformations in Brazil's social, economic and political organization affect the demographic behaviour of people who live in different parts of the country and who occupy different positions in the social system. The authors review the history of unequal development and document the concentration of income and land ownership. Using data from the and censuses, they show how the Brazilian style of economic growth unequally affected different population subgroups. Mortality estimates for white and non-white people measure the consequences of racial inequality on the life chances of children. Other chapters investigate rural out-migration, the impact of Amazon colonization schemes on rural poverty, and the implications of differential rates of population growth among rich and poor households for future patterns of inequality and underemployment. The overall perspective places the concept of inequality at the centre of the study of demographic and structural change.

Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Midlarsky, Manus I., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The relationship between inequality and democracy is a compelling one for the contemporary social scientist. This book addresses questions raised as early as the time of Aristotle, and continue through Marx to the present day. Theories of inequality in relation to democracy are explored, and the book focuses on the sources of democracy, the relationship between economic development and thresholds of democracy, and finally responses to democratization. As the gap between rich and poor widens within and between nations, the subject of this book becomes increasingly important worldwide.

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development
The Rich Get Richer: The Rise of Income Inequality in the U.

The Rich Get Richer: The Rise of Income Inequality in the U.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Braun, Dennis D. / Braun, Denny, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This edition is a penetrating and urgent study of the increasing levels of income inequality in the United States and the world. The erosion of the middle class poses a threat to worldwide economic and political stability, as consumers and their children slowly disappear into growing rates of poverty, crime, and violence. Braun examines the economic plight of all people including those in developing nations where a tiny minority controls much of the wealth, and links this inequality to relationships between Third World nations and multinational corporations. This second edition includes new information on the working poor, Mexico and NAFTA, cross-country perceptions of inequality, mass media and political manipulation, and corporations and their overpaid CEOs.

Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal

Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maxwell, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: Routledge, A study of Brazil during a critical formative period which illuminates the causes of her special historical development within Latin America. Professor Maxwell analyzes the shifting relationships between Portugal, England and Brazil during the second half of the 18th Century. Through his study, Professor Maxwell is concerned with the social, economic and political significance of the events he describes. An important part of this work is a study of the Minas Conspiracy of .

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal
Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics

Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hurrell, Andrew / Woods, Ngaire, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Inequality is becoming an urgent issue of world politics at the end of the twentieth century. This book investigates eight core areas of world politics in order to suggest that growing inequality is reducing the capacity of governments and international organizations to manage these problems effectively. The eight areas surveyed include: international order, international law, welfare and social policy, global justice, regionalism and multilateralism, environmental protection, gender equality, military power, and security.

The Unified Black Movement in Brazil,

The Unified Black Movement in Brazil,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Covin, David, PUBLISHER: McFarland & Company, This intensive historical study of Brazil's Movimento Negro Unificado centers on the political effects and ramifications of the group. In order to present a complete picture of the MNU, it looks at the organization within four separate contexts: international, national, historical and human. Through this approach, the MNU is examined in relation to the African Diaspora, the European colonization of the Americas, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the development of Brazil as an independent state. From a national perspective, the MNU is viewed amid other social organizations and cultural expressions. The result is a detailed study that admits the organization's shortcomings but assesses them contextually, providing a more complete and nuanced understanding of the significance of the MNU's problems and achievements. Appendices offer the MNU Letter of Principles, the Constitution of the MNU, the preamble to the MNU Action Program and the MNU Hymn. A glossary is also included.

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: The Unified Black Movement in Brazil,
Respect The Formation of Character in an Age of Inequality

Respect The Formation of Character in an Age of Inequality

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Richard Sennett, PUBLISHER: Penguin Books, NA

Population Data at a Glance: Shaded Contour Maps of

Population Data at a Glance: Shaded Contour Maps of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Andreev, Kirill F. / Vaupel, James W. / Yashin, Anatoli I. / Zhenglian, Wang, PUBLISHER: University Press of Southern Denmark, This is Volume 4 in the Odense Monographs on Population Aging series, the only publication series in the world that describes the special field of demography research on age. This volume in the series presents a large bouquet of shaded contour maps that provide access to large portions of data that are truly indispensible to scholars of population studies.

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: Population Data at a Glance: Shaded Contour Maps of
 English Chinese Dictionary of Demography

English Chinese Dictionary of Demography

DIZIONARIO ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF DEMOGRAPHY DC-005 Titolo - Title ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF DEMOGRAPHY AUTORE - Author LU, SHU-WAN HU, AI-LING VOCI - Item oltre APPENDICE - Appendix X LINGUA - Language ENGLISH CHINESE EDITORE - Publisher Taipei, TAIWAN ANNO - Publication Year PAGINE - Pages [] FORMATO - Size mm. 130 x 185 IMMAGINI - Images No COPERTINA - Binding rigida PESO - Weight 354 gr. STATUS Accettabile * CODICE - Code DC-005 *Condizioni: alcuni piccoli strappetti tra seconda e terza pagina presenta tracce di macchioline del tempo alcuni segni delle macchie all' interno e nel complesso buono stato di conservazione.(come da fotografia) Possibilità di spedizione in tutta Italia. Se interessati contattarmi all'indirizzo mail

Criminal Injustice: Racism in the Criminal Justice System

Criminal Injustice: Racism in the Criminal Justice System

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Neugebauer, Robynne, PUBLISHER: Canadian Scholars Press, This volume examines racism within the process of criminal justice. In every society criminal justice plays a key role establishing social control and maintaining the hegemony of the dominant economic classes. The contributors to this anthology argue that the differential treatment of people of colour and First Nations peoples is due to systemic racism within all levels of the criminal justice system, which serves these dominant classes. Ideological and cultural changes are preconditions for the success of anti-racist policies and practices within the criminal justice system and within other state institutions. Recommendations for transformations in justice policy and practice are provided. Robynne Neugebauer is Assistant Professor in Sociology at York University. Her research and teaching focus on criminology, policing, inequality in criminal justice, and wife assault; racism; education; and aging. Her books include Seniors and Sexuality: Experiencing Intimacy in Later Life; Aging and Inequality: Cultural Constructions of Differences; Racism and Institutional Change: Readings in Anti-Racism in Criminal Justice, Education, Health and Social Services; and Police-Community Relations (forthcoming).

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: Criminal Injustice: Racism in the Criminal Justice System
Banjo Playing

Banjo Playing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hood, Jack B., PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, Sam Stone, an Assistant U.S. Attorney from Birmingham, Alabama, visits his ex-wife, "Jonesy" Regina Jones Oliveira, in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Some old enemies and criminals try to kill him and some new friends and his ex-wife try to save him. In his travels, Sam discovers some new life lessons about telling the truth, some old and new banjo tunings, and some unusual codes. He also learns the story of a fleeing Confederate's gift of gold to a young Confederado who settled in Americana, Brazil, in the mid-'s and became a veteran of the War of the Triple Alliance.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ancona, George, PUBLISHER: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), For weeks the people of the Brazilian town of Olinda have been sewing costumes, painting masks, and creating giant puppets--preparing for "carnaval. "Like Mardi Gras in New Orleans, "carnaval" is a five-day festival of parades, dancing, and singing. But unlike Mardi Gras, Olinda's "carnaval" still celebrates the traditions and folklore of the people and the shared cultures--indigenous, European, and African--that make up Brazil. As generations have done each year, the people of Olinda and their visitors give themselves over to the music, dance, and joy of "carnaval."

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: Carnaval


The Brownie Starlet was a simple plastic point-and-shoot camera made by Kodak in . It was one of the very successful "star" series of Brownies. A similar camera, without the flash contacts, was the Brownie Bullet II, made in the US from August - November , which was also made as the Rio 400 in Brazil.

Globalization, Development and Human Society

Globalization, Development and Human Society

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McGrew, Anthony / Poku, Nana K., PUBLISHER: Polity Press, World poverty and development are more salient than ever on the global political agenda. The campaigns of the global justice movement, the growing securitization of development in the aftermath of 9-11, the intensification of global inequality, and the perceived threats of global pandemics, migrations and failed states have contributed to a sense of renewed urgency. The contributors to this volume, including Bjorn Hettne, Fantu Cheru, Jeffrey Haynes and Bonny Ibhawah, share a common intellectual aspiration to re-unite the study of development with the study of international relations or global politics as it is more broadly conceived today. Although globalization has transformed the context of development, it has yet to significantly transform for the better the prospects for real development or human security amongst the worlds most vulnerable communities. Whether globalization, development and human security are inescapably trapped within a vicious circle or a virtuous cycle is the central concern of this book.

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: Globalization, Development and Human Society
World Development Report : Equity and Development

World Development Report : Equity and Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: World Bank Group, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, The World Development Report : Equity and Opportunity presents a social development strategy organized around the themes of social inclusion, cohesion, and accountability. It examines equality of opportunities--a potentially important factor affecting both the workings of the investment environment and the empowerment of the poor--by building on and extending existing accountability frameworks presented in the Report. The Report is divided into three parts. Part I describes patterns of inequality in a range of variables both at the national and global level-incomes, educational achievements, health indicators, power, and influence. Part II highlights reasons why some levels of inequality in the variables presented in Part I may be too high-whether for intrinsic reasons or because they harm the attainment of competing values, such as the level of goods and services in the economy. Part III discusses policies that affect the relationship between equity and the development process at a national and global level. This section includes policies that could help reduce the levels of some intermediate inequalities and focuses on circumstances in which these polices form the basis for more rapid overall development and faster poverty reduction. Now in its twenty-eighth edition, the World Development Report offers practical insights for policymakers, business developers, economic advisers, researchers, and professionals in the media and in non-governmental organizations. It is also an essential supplement to economic and development courses in both academic and professional settings.

For Social Peace in Brazil: Industrialists and the Remaking

For Social Peace in Brazil: Industrialists and the Remaking

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weinstein, Barbara, PUBLISHER: University of North Carolina Press, This book is the first major study of industrialists and social policy in Latin America. Barbara Weinstein examines the vast array of programs sponsored by a new generation of Brazilian industrialists who sought to impose on the nation their vision of a rational, hierarchical, and efficient society. She explores in detail two national agencies founded in the s (SENAI and SESI) that placed vocational training and social welfare programs directly in the hands of industrialist associations. Assessing the industrialists' motives, Weinstein also discusses how both men and women in Brazil's working class received the agencies' activities. Inspired by the concepts of scientific management, rational organization, and applied psychology, Sao Paulo's industrialists initiated wide-ranging programs to raise the standard of living, increase productivity, and at the same time secure lasting social peace. According to Weinstein, workers initially embraced many of their efforts but were nonetheless suspicious of employers' motives and questioned their commitment to progressivism. By the s, industrial leaders' notion of the working class as morally defective and their insistence on stemming civil unrest at all costs increasingly diverged from populist politics and led to the industrialists' active support of the military coup. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: For Social Peace in Brazil: Industrialists and the Remaking
Pioneer settlement in South Brazil, the case of Toledo,

Pioneer settlement in South Brazil, the case of Toledo,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Keith Derald Muller, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA Acquista Ora

Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of

Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frymer-Kensky, Tikva, PUBLISHER: Schocken Books Inc, "Reading the Women of the Bible "takes up two of the most significant intellectual and religious issues of our day: the experiences of women in a patriarchal society and the relevance of the Bible to modern life.

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of
The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn

The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Behn, Aphra, PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, Contents--The Royal Slave; The Fair Jilt; The Nun; Agnes de Castro; The Lover's Watch; The Case for the Watch; The Lady's Looking-Glass to Dress Herself By; The Lucky Mistake; The Court of the King of Bantam; The Adventure of the Black Lady.

A Refuge in Thunder: Candomble and Alternative Spaces of

A Refuge in Thunder: Candomble and Alternative Spaces of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harding, Rachel E. / Hine, Darlene Clark / McCluskey, John, PUBLISHER: Indiana University Press, The Afro-Brazilian religion Candomble has long been recognized as an extraordinary resource of African tradition, values, and identity among its adherents in Bahia, Brazil. Outlawed and persecuted in the late colonial and imperial period, Candomble nevertheless developed as one of the major religious expressions of the Afro-Atlantic diaspora. Drawing principally on primary sources, such as police archives, Rachel E. Harding describes the development of the religion as an "alternative" space in which subjugated and enslaved blacks could gain a sense of individual and collective identity in opposition to the subaltern status imposed upon them by the dominant society.

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: A Refuge in Thunder: Candomble and Alternative Spaces of
The Secret of the Old Stone Chapel

The Secret of the Old Stone Chapel

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seaman, Cora A., PUBLISHER: Cordon Publications, The mystery of what happened in the Chapel becomes a long held secret by the 'simple minded' brother of the pastor at the Chapel. Only after many years and a number of other events are the secrets of the Chapel revealed.

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gall, PUBLISHER: General Books, Title: On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts: With Observations on the Possibility of Determining the Instincts, Propensities, and Talents, or the Moral and Intellectual Dispositions of Men and Animals, by the Configuration of the Brain and Head Volume: 5-6 Publisher: Boston, Marsh, Capen

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts
With the 3rd Wisconsin Badgers: The Living Experience of the

With the 3rd Wisconsin Badgers: The Living Experience of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Raab, Steven S. / Willard, Van R., PUBLISHER: Stackpole Books, Presents an edited version of the diary of infantryman Van R. Willard as he lived through such events of the Civil War as the Battle of Antietam, a lengthy stay at a hospital in Frederick, and the Battle of Gettysburg. Throughout the editor offers comments explaining some of the events framing the narrative of the diary.

Secret Ritual of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order

Secret Ritual of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weatherby, C. J., PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing, Reprint of the rare edition. Don't confuse this ritual with the so-called code-books of the "Modern Order of Essenes" (Freemasonry) because this is something different These rituals of this non-masonic order inculcate patriotism, opposition (by lawful means) to tyranny and the discovery of the laws of God. Includes the opening and closing ceremonies and the ritual of the three degrees.

Offerte relazionate the demography of inequality in brazil: Secret Ritual of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order
The Duke of Naxos: Of the House of Nasi

The Duke of Naxos: Of the House of Nasi

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roth, Cecil, PUBLISHER: Jewish Publication Society of America, Read the story of Joseph Nasi, Duke of Naxos, Lord of Tiberias, a heroic leader who profoundly affected the history of sixteenth-century Jews of Eastern Europe. A biography based on meticulous research, a study of human character and the effect of a hero upon his age.
