organization development looks to the future trends and

Organization Development Looks to the Future Trends and

Organization Development Looks to the Future Trends and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: W Warner Burke, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley, NA Acquista Ora

Culture and Local Development

Culture and Local Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Local Economic and Employment Development, PUBLISHER: Organization for Economic Cooperation & Devel, This publication highlights the impact of culture on local economies and the methodological issues related to its identification. In particular, the book demonstrates that the contemporary contribution of culture to economic development is not only limited to attracting tourists, but that it increasingly acts as a catalyst for other activities to further develop through territorial clusters. It also demonstrates the power of culture as a tool for the social integration of distressed people and communities, thus contributing to sustainable development.

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New Products Management

New Products Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crawford, C. Merle / Di Benedetto, C. Anthony, PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, NEW PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT, 7/E by Crawford and Di Benedetto provides future new product managers, project managers and team leaders with a comprehensive overview of the new product development process including how to develop an effective development strategy, manage cross-functional teams across the organization, generate and evaluate concepts, manage the technical development of a product, develop the marketing plan, and manage the financial aspects of a project.

The Unified Black Movement in Brazil,

The Unified Black Movement in Brazil,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Covin, David, PUBLISHER: McFarland & Company, This intensive historical study of Brazil's Movimento Negro Unificado centers on the political effects and ramifications of the group. In order to present a complete picture of the MNU, it looks at the organization within four separate contexts: international, national, historical and human. Through this approach, the MNU is examined in relation to the African Diaspora, the European colonization of the Americas, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the development of Brazil as an independent state. From a national perspective, the MNU is viewed amid other social organizations and cultural expressions. The result is a detailed study that admits the organization's shortcomings but assesses them contextually, providing a more complete and nuanced understanding of the significance of the MNU's problems and achievements. Appendices offer the MNU Letter of Principles, the Constitution of the MNU, the preamble to the MNU Action Program and the MNU Hymn. A glossary is also included.

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Future Directions in Infant Development Research

Future Directions in Infant Development Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Suci, George / Suci, George J. / Robertson, Steven S., PUBLISHER: Springer, Future Directions in Infant Development Research bears wit- ness to the significant shifts that have occurred in infancy research in the recent past. While fundamental issues have tended to remain the same, the emphasis and ways of address- ing these issues have changed. This book is the first step toward a much richer and fuller understanding of infant development.

Facilitating Preschool Literacy

Facilitating Preschool Literacy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Campbell, Robin, PUBLISHER: International Reading Association, The contributors to this volume -- representing Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and including both university educators and preschool teachers -- present ways to provide for, support, and guide children as they gain a greater understanding of reading and writing. The book considers the notion of children constructing literacy, looks at literacy in the context of the home and family, and looks more directly at literacy learning in preschool settings. The chapters discuss the role of parents and caregivers in supporting a child's literacy development, then explain how the preschool educator can build on and continue to link with the home literacy provision.

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Will the United Nations Fail in Its Role as Protector of

Will the United Nations Fail in Its Role as Protector of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heffelfinger, Ed, PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, The League of Nations failed because member states were unable to set aside their own self- interests. Following World War II, the victorious allies were determined to build an organization that would serve as a protector of world peace. The United Nations was born in San Francisco in , and for fifty years successfully faced the threat of nuclear devastation, the Cold War, the end of colonialism and the emerging power of the developing countries. The end of the Cold War brought about renewed optimism for the future of the United Nations. However, with the dawn of the new century the future of the United Nations remained uncertain. The future of the UN appeared to rest in the organizationas ability to address the threat of terrorism, world hunger and the need to restructure the United Nations to overcome the image of an organization that can accomplish little but talk.

The Dynamic Architecture of a Developing Organism: An

The Dynamic Architecture of a Developing Organism: An

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beloussov, L. V., PUBLISHER: Springer, This book is the first comprehensive attempt to consider the development of organisms as a multi-level feedback-linked self-organizing process. Accordingly, the data related to morphogenetic cell activities and to the development of entire organisms are reconsidered and reformulated in terms of theories of symmetry and self-organization, which is described in non-specialist terms. An important role for biomechanical feedback is emphasized. Two opposing approaches to development are outlined, a genocentric' one and a morphocentric' one, and the possibility of their combination is discussed. Unlike other books recently published in biotheoretical and biomathematical fields, this book is centered around developmental problems. Audience: Students and researchers in biology, biomechanics and mathematical modelling.

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Raise More Money for Your Nonprofit Organization: A Guide to

Raise More Money for Your Nonprofit Organization: A Guide to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: New, Anne L., PUBLISHER: Foundation Center, Anne L. New sets guidelines for a fundraising to benefit the program new as well as the established nonprofit organization. The author delineates the necessary steps a nonprofit must take before launching a development campaign, encourages organizational self-analysis, and points the way to an effective program involving many sources of funding. A bibliography of other useful research and funding directories is included.

Educating for Real: The Training of Professionals for

Educating for Real: The Training of Professionals for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hamdi, Nabeel / El-Sherif, Amr, PUBLISHER: Intermediate Technology Publications, Emerging trends in development practice place new demands on planning, engineering and building design. Changes in global political and economic systems, rapid demographic changes, protracted ethnic conflict, political and economic reforms all compound already strained national development agendas. Added to these complex issues are the current commitments to the environment, gender, appropriate technology and human well-being.How should education respond? Are today's approaches to research andteaching appropriate to the realities in the field? How best can students be equipped, technically, methodologically, and intellectually? Why study in the "developed" countries at all? This interdisciplinary selection of 12 essays explores topics central to the education of development professionals; in particular planners, urban designers, engineers, and architects.

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Leading Issues in Economic Development

Leading Issues in Economic Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Meier, Gerald M. / Rauch, James E., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Now in its seventh edition, Leading Issues in Economic Development introduces a new co-author, James E. Rauch. Maintaining the unique structure that the book has established over the last 35 years, Rauch has revised and updated this seventh edition to strengthen the analytical and quantitative dimensions and to clarify contemporary and future problems of development policy. The co-authors integrate the most insightful materials in this wide-ranging field, offering students the opportunity to experience a variety of perspectives while helping them to keep sight of overarching themes. This edition adds two new chapters: "Income Distribution" and "Development and the Environment." It also now consolidates several chapters and increases the number of selections from leading professional journals. In this edition, both the selections and the authors' own overviews, notes, comments, and exhibits make greater use of empirical analysis as well as modern economic theory. In all, Leading Issues in Economic Development provides fresh and serious attention to the interplay between development experience, changing views of economists, and policy.

Economic Change Governance and Natural Resource Wealth: The

Economic Change Governance and Natural Resource Wealth: The

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reed, David / David Reed / Kaimowitz, David, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This book confronts the stark realities of how the economic and political reforms imposed in southern Africa have affected sectors based on agriculture, mining, tourism and forestry and what they have meant for the poor and the environment. It asks why the reforms evolved as they did, who has gained and who has lost. It shows that, with very few exceptions, the changes have benefited foreign companies and domestic elites, fostering corruption and monopolies and undermining civil society and political life. From this it explains what will have to be done by the international development and business communities to reverse these trends and stimulate the development of effective institutions for long-term, sustainable prosperity and social vitality.

Offerte relazionate organization development looks to the future trends and: Economic Change Governance and Natural Resource Wealth: The
Nation Building and Develoment Assistance in Africa:

Nation Building and Develoment Assistance in Africa:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ishikawa, Kaoru, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, Sub-Saharan Africa seems to be forgotten in the post-cold war era. But Kaoru Ishikawa's analysis of Africa's history and its political and economic development suggests that a brighter future is in prospect for the nations of Africa. The African nations hosted dynamic societies prior to the slave trade era, and many of the obstacles to their future prosperity and dynamism have been removed. The focus of the book is on how African countries and the international community beyond Africa can work together to realize this potential and build on recent improvements, notably in health and the position of women in society. The ability of South Africa--no longer an international pariah--to be a locomotive for growth is assessed.

Paying for Agricultural Productivity

Paying for Agricultural Productivity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alston, Julian M. / Smith, Vincent H. / Pardey, Philip G., PUBLISHER: International Food Policy Research Insitute, Agricultural research and development has stimulated enormous increases in agricultural productivity in the twentieth century. Now, in response to common pressures, countries the world over are changing how they manage and pay for agricultural R & D. Paying for Agricultural Productivity reviews agricultural R & D policy in Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States and assesses whether the new approaches are raising or lowering the efficiency and effectiveness of R & D. To complement the case studies, the book analyzes trends in R & D investment in twenty-two developed countries. Paying for Agricultural Productivity will be an invaluable resource for economic and development specialists concerned with agricultural research and development, as well as for farmers, food processors, agricultural wholesalers and retailers, environmentalists, and research scientists.

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Development Microeconomics

Development Microeconomics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bardhan, Pranab K. / Udry, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Development Microeconomics is the first in a series of books which looks at the entire spectrum of development economics issues and combines the strengths of conventional developmental thought with the insights of contemporary mainstream economics. The main new conceptual tool used is the application of the theory of imperfect information and the effects this has on the behavior of economic agents. This book is designed specifically for graduate students.

Women Organising

Women Organising

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Helen, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Women Organising" is the first study to bring organization theory and the real-life experiences of women organizing together. Helen Brown uses the example of the Greystone Women's Centre in Britain to illustrate the struggles of women seeking to manage without becoming bureaucratized, to find a sense of direction without relying on leaders, to participate fully as leaders, and above all, to create a truly collective form of organization.

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Marxism, China, and Development: Reflections on Theory and

Marxism, China, and Development: Reflections on Theory and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gregor, A. James, PUBLISHER: Transaction Publishers, "A. James Gregor's "Marxism, China, and Development" presents a comprehensive and succinct discussion of the impact of Marxist and Leninist doctrines for the development of China. With keen observations and forceful arguments, this study shows that the effects of Marxism on China have long been misinterpreted in the West."--Jrgen Domes, The Saar University"Professor Gregor's profound grasp of Marxism and other political ideas and trends of this century makes this a major contribution to the understanding of social change and the part played by ideas in political transformations."--Paul Hollnader, University of Massachusetts"A knowledgeable, informative, and analytically incisive "tour d'horizon" of Marxist and neo-Marxist thought. A fascinating work by a prominent comparativist."--J.S. Prybyla, The Pennsylvania State University

Building to Last: The Challenge for Business Leaders

Building to Last: The Challenge for Business Leaders

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hutchinson, Colin, PUBLISHER: Earthscan Publications, The major challenge for companies is to create a business that will last. This means they will have to take seriously the issue of sustainable development, rather than simply having an environmental policy, conducting social or environmental audits or consulting the stakeholder. It requires more radical change; a thorough review of core values and purposes, with attention to the 'triple bottom line' of money, people and nature.Building to Last shows the way. Part One lays out the factors, including market trends and changing mindsets, which businesses will in future have to take into account. Part Two looks at some of the most enlightened steps so far taken by companies to preserve or enhance profitability while positioning themselves for the next century. The final part examines the different ways in which businesses can adopt principles of sustainability: independently, through industry associations, with those in their local community and through initiatives such as industrial ecology. It shows how businesses can manage the new challenges, monitor their performance and measure progress - towards solutions that will last.This is a useful guide for environmental managers, senior and middle managers and managers of SMEs; and an essential text for academics and students of business schools or courses.

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Facing the Future: American Strategy in the s

Facing the Future: American Strategy in the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aspen Strategy Group, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, Throughout and the world was treated to a succession of dramatic and far-reaching political events. The revolution in Eastern Europe, the first rays of hope for change in the Soviet Union, the elections in Nicaragua, the unbanning of anti-apartheid groups in South Africa, and the invasion of one Arab state by another have taught us that the status quo is anything but static. The enormous and unforeseen shifts in global politics present the United States with enormous and unforeseen challenges with which it will have to grapple in the s. This volume examines the current trends in global politics, and the ways in which they will inevitably bear on the diplomatic, military and economic future of the United States. Co-published with the Aspen Strategy Group.

Improving Hrd Practice

Improving Hrd Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gilley, Jerry W., PUBLISHER: Krieger Publishing Company, This series, edited by Michael W. Galbraith, explores issues and concerns of practitioners who work in the broad range of settings in adult and continuing education and human resource development. These books provide information and strategies on how to make practice more effective for professionals and those they serve. They are written from a practical viewpoint and provide a forum for instructors, administrators, policy makers, counselors, trainers, managers, program and organizational developers, instructional designers, and other related professionals. Far too many HRD (human resource development) professionals view learning as an end unto itself. As a result, all their efforts are focused toward the number of training programs delivered and the number of employees who participate in training. Little regard is given to the impacts and results of training activity. Over time, this approach does not improve the organization -- which seriously hurts the image and credibility of HRD. This book is designed to provide HRD professionals with a strategically integrated approach; one that helps them overcome the failures of the past while striking a new course for the future. The text provides a comprehensive look at the seven failures of today's HRD practice and provides realistic approaches to improving HRD within an organization. It would be an excellent text for a university course at the masters and doctorate level.

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Bridges to Better Writing

Bridges to Better Writing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nazario, Luis / Borchers, Deborah / Lewis, William, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, BRIDGES TO BETTER WRITING makes the writing process less daunting to students by guiding them through each step, giving them only what they need to know for a specific writing task. Throughout the text, the authors incorporate the writing process and grammar into their discussion of the methods of development so that students can connect the skills all at once. With writing samples from each method that illustrate how writing is relevant to students' academic, personal, and future professional lives, BRIDGES TO BETTER WRITING motivates students to take control of their future by developing better writing skills.

Issues in Career Development (PB)

Issues in Career Development (PB)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Partrick, John / Elianson, Grafton / Patrick, John, PUBLISHER: Information Age Publishing, The primary purpose of Issues in Career Development is to provide a broad look at the field of career development including career counseling, career guidance, career education, and general career development programming, and to examine some of the field's major themes, approaches, and assumptions. We will examine both knowledge from the past as well as what the future might bring. We will bring together a variety of experts/authors from the area of interest and try to provide readers with a framework for action based on the best available research information. The concept of career development is in a period of dramatic transition resulting from equally dramatic changes in the labor market and the socio-cultural environment. Work has a different meaning today than it had one hundred, fifty, or even ten years ago. Career is now much more tightly interwoven with life, and lifestyle. In that context, career development can only be understood when viewed as a part of the broader concept of human development. Past research clearly indicates that interventions can and do have a significant impact on a variety of career development areas (e.g. job satisfaction, worker productivity), however, there are significant questions that are yet to be answered, and given the changing career/work landscape, significant questions that are not yet known. Particular areas of interest for the future relate to the changing nature of the labor market, gender and minority group issues, socio-economic trends, etc. Historically, much of the research on career development has assumed that psychological factors play the major role in a person's career choices. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that the environment plays a much bigger role than previously assumed. This monograph series will examine these and other relevant issues in the years to come.

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Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Midlarsky, Manus I., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The relationship between inequality and democracy is a compelling one for the contemporary social scientist. This book addresses questions raised as early as the time of Aristotle, and continue through Marx to the present day. Theories of inequality in relation to democracy are explored, and the book focuses on the sources of democracy, the relationship between economic development and thresholds of democracy, and finally responses to democratization. As the gap between rich and poor widens within and between nations, the subject of this book becomes increasingly important worldwide.

Latin American Economic Outlook : Transforming the State

Latin American Economic Outlook : Transforming the State

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: OECD Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development / Oecd Publishing, PUBLISHER: Organization for Economic Cooperation & Devel, Latin American and Caribbean economies performed relatively robustly in the financial crisis. The authors of this overview urge these states to now focus their attentionon long-term development goals. Latin America must design and implement good public policies to achieve the region's objective of economic growth and structural change that is rapid, sustainable, and inclusive. In particular, governments must reduce income inequalities and public service delivery, as well as promote the diversification of economies, often concentrated on a few primary-product exports. But the real change, according to this volume, will come if Latin American and Caribbean countries carry out meaningful fiscal reforms. The book demonstrates how the increased effectiveness and efficiencies fromimproved fiscal policies could provide the resources needed to address the key challenges of economic development. It also recommends three priority areas --education, infrastructure, and innovation --for investing additional resources with thepotential to raise competitiveness and social inclusion.

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Synthetic Fuel Technology Development in the United States:

Synthetic Fuel Technology Development in the United States:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crow, Michael / Bozeman, Barry / Meyer, Walter, PUBLISHER: Praeger Publishers, Direct coal liquefaction, a synthetic liquid fuel process, is one of the major developmental alternatives for meeting the anticipated fuel demands for the twenty-first century. This work provides a retrospective assessment of past attempts in this century to develop synthetic liquid fuel and applies the findings to produce reliable and pertinent data for the future. Retrospective technology assessment, a recent methodological invention, is used by the authors to analyze the past synthetic liquid fuel programs and the reasons for their failures. Bringing to bear four different perspectives--economic, technological, policy, and historical--the authors draw broad conclusions that will help guide the next development effort in the United States.
