object oriented engineering building engineering systems

Object-Oriented Engineering: Building Engineering Systems

Object-Oriented Engineering: Building Engineering Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bourne, John R. / Bourne, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, This book provides an introduction to the understanding and use of object-oriented methodologies for engineering problem solving with a specific emphasis on analysis and design. (Object-oriented programming is a general computer language methodology. The name comes from the focus on describing problems in terms of objects, both physical and conceptual).

Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Vendo libro "Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering", 4a edizione, di Stephen R. Scharch. Il libro รจ come nuovo e vendo per totale inutilizzo. E' in lingua inglese ed รจ la versione internazionale, ossia quella venduta anche in Italia.

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Autori: Steve Halladay, Michael Wiebel Anno: Lingua: INGLESE Argomento: Informatica, Programmazione, C++ Sottolineature a matita.

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, William Fortune, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, This text, an expanded and rearranged version of Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, 2/e, is appropriate for a first course in materials science and engineering for engineering students.

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering
Sample Edition: Object-Oriented Application Development

Sample Edition: Object-Oriented Application Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Doke, E. Reed / Satzinger, John W. / Rebstock Williams, Susan, PUBLISHER: Course Technology, Take the object-oriented approach Utilize Microsoft's powerful new development language, Visual Basic.NET, to explore object-oriented programming with object-oriented system development. Perfect for the CIS/MIS student.

Vibrations in Rotating Machinery

Vibrations in Rotating Machinery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Professional Engineering Publishers, PUBLISHER: Professional Engineering Publishing, NA

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Vibrations in Rotating Machinery
Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dandy, G. C. / Dandy / Warner, R., PUBLISHER: Spons Architecture Price Book, This comprehensive introduction to the scope and nature of engineering offers students a commonsense approach to the solution of engineering problems. Case studies and real-world examples are used to illustrate the role of the engineer, the type of work involved and the methodology employed in engineering practice.



Mesa engineering, prezzo leggermente trattabile.

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Mesa ENGINEERING
Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, MacKenzie L. / Masten, Susan J., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science by Mackenzie Davis and Susan Masten is intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore- or junior-level students. The emphasis of this new text is on engineering principles rather than on engineering design. The concept of mass balance is carried throughout the text as a tool for problem solving, and the text boasts extensive coverage of chemistry, biology, and hydrology than other books have. The chemistry review in Chapter 2 and coverage of ethics will aid students in better understanding the engineering topics presented in the book.

Design Essentials of Engineering Systems

Design Essentials of Engineering Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: L S Srinath, PUBLISHER: MacMillan, NA Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Design Essentials of Engineering Systems
Design and Engineering of Intelligent Communication Systems

Design and Engineering of Intelligent Communication Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Syed V Ahamed, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

Ecoop'89: Proceedings of the  European Conference on

Ecoop'89: Proceedings of the European Conference on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cook, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming are presented in this volume, comprised of twenty-one refereed and two invited papers. Each of the papers presents original work describing research in many aspects of object-oriented programming languages, systems and applications. Topics covered include reusability, inheritance, operating systems, concurrency, persistence, design, metalevel programming, applications and experience, semantics and user interface. The main purpose of the conference and of the proceedings is to present a selection of the latest research in the object-oriented paradigm, and to provide a focus for the further development of that research. This book will be useful for academic and industrial researchers in the whole field of computer science.

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Ecoop'89: Proceedings of the European Conference on
Genetic Engineering - Dream or Nightmare: Turning the Tide

Genetic Engineering - Dream or Nightmare: Turning the Tide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ho, Mae-Wan, PUBLISHER: Continuum, A noted scientist in biotechnology and biosafety reveals the terrifying consequences of genetic engineering.

Sella selle italia FERRARI engineering

Sella selle italia FERRARI engineering

Sella selle italia FERRARI engineering ottimo stato di conservazione tutto come da foto prezzo leggermente trattabile

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Sella selle italia FERRARI engineering
Fundamentals of software engineering Carlo Gherzi

Fundamentals of software engineering Carlo Gherzi

Fundamentals of software engineering Gherzi Jazayeri Mandrioli. Copertina rigida. Ottimo stato

Tribology series, 41

Tribology series, 41

Tribological research and design for engineering systems. Condizioni del libro: ottime. Book condition: very very good.

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Tribology series, 41
Bioreactor Systems for Tissue Engineering II Strategies for

Bioreactor Systems for Tissue Engineering II Strategies for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cornelia Kasper Martijn van Griensven Ralf Portner, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

NOKTA Engineering RS Pinpointer

NOKTA Engineering RS Pinpointer

NOKTA Engineering RS Pinpointer Questo pinpointer serve ad individuare e a recuperare gli obiettivi in maniera semplice e rapida Lo si puo' utilizzare sia come ausilio al lavoro fatto con il metal detector

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: NOKTA Engineering RS Pinpointer
Sella selle italia FERRARI engineering

Sella selle italia FERRARI engineering

sella selle italia FERRARI engineering ottimo stato di conservazione

Thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms

Thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms

Thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms by Engineers Joint Council (Author) Hardcover 696 pages Publisher: The Council () Dorso Scollato. Euro 50 (varie 526)

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms
X-Engineering. Ripensare l'azienda nell'era digita

X-Engineering. Ripensare l'azienda nell'era digita

vendo libro "X-Engineering. Ripensare l'azienda nell'era digitale" di James Champy

Careers in Science and Engineering: A Student Planning Guide

Careers in Science and Engineering: A Student Planning Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: National Academy Of Sciences / National Academy Of Scien, Institute / Institute Of Medicine, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, Careers in Science and Engineering offers guidance to students on planning careers -- particularly careers in nonacademic settings -- and discusses how to obtain the education and skills necessary to attain their career goals. Profiles of science and engineering professionals illustrate a variety of career paths.

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Careers in Science and Engineering: A Student Planning Guide
Robot Shaping: An Experiment in Behavior Engineering

Robot Shaping: An Experiment in Behavior Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dorigo, Marco / Colombetti, Marco, PUBLISHER: Bradford Book, foreword by Lashon Booker To program an autonomous robot to act reliably in a dynamic environment is a complex task. The dynamics of the environment are unpredictable, and the robots' sensors provide noisy input. A learning autonomous robot, one that can acquire knowledge through interaction with its environment and then adapt its behavior, greatly simplifies the designer's work. A learning robot need not be given all of the details of its environment, and its sensors and actuators need not be finely tuned. "Robot Shaping" is about designing and building learning autonomous robots. The term "shaping" comes from experimental psychology, where it describes the incremental training of animals. The authors propose a new engineering discipline, "behavior engineering," to provide the methodologies and tools for creating autonomous robots. Their techniques are based on classifier systems, a reinforcement learning architecture originated by John Holland, to which they have added several new ideas, such as "mutespec," classifier system "energy," and dynamic population size. In the book they present Behavior Analysis and Training (BAT) as an example of a behavior engineering methodology.

Dynamic and Static Sounding of Soils In Engineering Geology

Dynamic and Static Sounding of Soils In Engineering Geology

Dynamic and Static Sounding of Soils In Engineering Geology Bondarik, G.K. Published by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem () Used Softcover. Black & white illustrations. Euro 22

Offerte relazionate object oriented engineering building engineering systems: Dynamic and Static Sounding of Soils In Engineering Geology
Dynamic and Static Sounding of Soils In Engineering Geology

Dynamic and Static Sounding of Soils In Engineering Geology

Dynamic and Static Sounding of Soils In Engineering Geology Bondarik, G.K. Published by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem () Used Softcover. Black & white illustrations. Euro 22 (suolo 12)
