Parle '89 - Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe:
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Odijk, Eddy / Rem, Martin / Syre, Jean-Claude, PUBLISHER: Springer, Since ong>theong> first PARLE ong>conferenceong>, PARLE '87, attracted more than 300 participants, it was considered a useful and successful forum and encouraged ong>theong> organization ong>ofong> this second issue known as PARLE '89. ong>Theong> initiative for ong>theong>se ong>conferenceong>s was taken by project 415 ong>ofong> ESPRIT (ong>theong> ong>Europeanong> Strategic Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology ong>ofong> ong>theong> Commission ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>Europeanong> Communities). ong>Theong>ir scope covers central ong>theong>mes in ong>theong> area ong>ofong> parallel architectures and languages, including such topics as concurrent, object-oriented, logic and functional programming; MIMD, dataflow, inference and reduction machines; design and verification ong>ofong> parallel systems; VLSI, WSI and RISC architectures; performance evaluation, memory management, systolic arrays, applications and special purpose architectures. ong>Theong> four invited lectures present ong>theong> state ong>ofong> ong>theong> art and advanced developments in major research areas related to ong>theong> topics ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>conferenceong>. ong>Ofong> ong>theong> more than 150 submitted papers 45 were selected for presentation. Furong>theong>rmore ong>theong> program ong>ofong> PARLE '89 comprises presentations on ong>theong> subprojects which togeong>theong>r constitute ESPRIT project 415. Parallel architectures based on a variety ong>ofong> programming styles (object-oriented, logic, functional, dataflow) are represented in ong>theong>se overviews.