modern orthodox judaism studies and perspectives

Modern Orthodox Judaism Studies and Perspectives

Modern Orthodox Judaism Studies and Perspectives

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Menachem Martin Gordon, PUBLISHER: Urim Publications, NA

Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Readings and Cases

Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Readings and Cases

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jentleson, Bruce W., PUBLISHER: W. W. Norton & Company, The readings delve deeper into theoretical, historical and policy debates discussed in American Foreign Policy: Dynamics of Choice, and icons in the textbook margins link the broader points to related articles and case studies in Perspectives.

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Faculty Workload Studies: Perspectives, Needs, and Future

Faculty Workload Studies: Perspectives, Needs, and Future

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fife, Jonathan D. / Meyer, Katrina A., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Summarizes state studies of faculty workload and research on faculty productivity. Discusses problems with existing study designs and their results. Offers solutions with greater potential for improving productivity, with a focus on student learning, curricula, and mission.

Deceptive Images: Toward a Redefinition of American Judaism

Deceptive Images: Toward a Redefinition of American Judaism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liebman, Charles S., PUBLISHER: Transaction Publishers, Deceptive Images is a profoundly thoughtful effort by a social scientist who is a participant observer in American Jewish life to come to terms with his concerns about how American Jews and Judaism have been studied and his sensitivity to the policy implications of such studies. Liebman writes about what he cares deeply about; as a social scientist he is able to use concepts and theories in which he has been trained, although not without a sense of their limitations. In the passionately argued book which results, Liebman contends that those concerned with American Jews, both social scientists and communal leaders, have placed too much emphasis on what Jews do and too little emphasis on Judaism itself. Because they have depended too much on quantitative studies to help them understand contemporary American Jews, they have given too little encouragement to efforts to probe the meaning of Judaism in the lives of American Jews. This stimulating volume takes exception to the notion that American Jewish life is flourishing. It calls for reassessment both of the study of American Judaism and the priorities of American Jewish organizations.

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Rome and Constantinople: Essays in the Dialogue of Love

Rome and Constantinople: Essays in the Dialogue of Love

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barringer, Robert, PUBLISHER: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, A collection of essays from the exchange between Orthodox and Roman Catholic theologians in Canada.

Women in German Yearbook, Volume 18

Women in German Yearbook, Volume 18

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Women in German Yearbook / Joeres, Ruth-Ellen B. / Herminghouse, Patricia A., PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, "Women in German Yearbook" is a refereed publication that presents a wide range of feminist approaches to all aspects of German literary, cultural, and language studies, including pedagogy. Each issue contains critical studies on the work, history, life, literature, and arts of women in the German-speaking world, reflecting the interdisciplinary perspectives that inform feminist German studies.

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Transformations in Ancient Judaism: Textual Evidence for

Transformations in Ancient Judaism: Textual Evidence for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Neusner, Jacob, PUBLISHER: Hendrickson Publishers, The Judaism that is defined by its canonical writings (the Hebrew Bible, Mishnah, Talmuds, and Midrash) tells the story of how hope overcomes despair. Neusner explores the way rabbinic Judaism has responded to social, cultural, and political crises by rethinking historical, received paradigms of piety and practice--and finding in them relevant, useful truth for the current situation. When faced with acute and catastrophic events, the Rabbinic sages explored anew the received paradigms and truth of their faith and discovered in them truth that is both continuous with the past and responsive to the contemporary unanticipated crisis. Neusner offers a broad thesis, theological at its core: when defeat turns to despair, Judaism comes to a turning point. And with the response to despair, in an act of stubborn affirmation, Judaism is transformed.

Hospital Handbook on Multiculturalism and Religion

Hospital Handbook on Multiculturalism and Religion

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kirkwood, Neville A., PUBLISHER: Morehouse Publishing, In our religiously pluralistic society, clergy, medical and nursing staffs in modern hospitals are confronted with caring for people with varied beliefs and customs. Since the overall care of a patient, and not just the surgeries performed or medicines given, affect an individual's recovery, it is vitally important to be familiar with cultural and religious understandings and expectations around hygiene, pastoral care, autopsies, transfusions, and even the practices associated with death itself. A Hospital Handbook on Multiculturalism and Religion is a succinct guide to the care of patients from a variety of faith perspectives: Christian, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhist, B'hai, and others. Each chapter examines not only the customs themselves, but the significance of certain rites and attitudes, supplying health care workers and chaplains with the information they need to provide the best care possible.

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Women and the Food Cycle: Case Studies and Technology

Women and the Food Cycle: Case Studies and Technology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Unifem / Carr, Marilyn, PUBLISHER: Practical Action, This collection of articles includes case studies of attempts to improve small-scale food processing, remembering that 'small is beautiful, but difficult'. Case studies cover grain and fruit processing, baking, beekeeping, and small-scale oil production.

Performance and Appropriation: Profane Rituals in Gardens

Performance and Appropriation: Profane Rituals in Gardens

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Conan, Michel, PUBLISHER: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection, Breaking with the idea that gardens are places of indulgence and escapism, these studies of ritualized practices reveal that gardens in Europe, Asia, the United States, and the Caribbean have in fact made significant contributions to cultural change. This book demonstrates methods and the striking results of garden reception studies. The first section explores how cultural changes occur, and devotes chapters to public landscapes in the Netherlands, seventeenth-century Parisian gardens, Freemason gardens in Tuscany, nineteenth-century Scottish kitchen gardens, and the public parks of Edo and modern Tokyo. The second part provides striking examples of construction of self in vernacular gardens in Guadeloupe and American Japanese-style gardens in California. Finally, the third section analyzes struggles for political change in gardens of Yuan China and modern Britain.

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Libro di letteratura inglese

Libro di letteratura inglese

"Visions and perspectives. Fronte the Victorian Age to modern times." Con CD rom - volume 2 - Cinzia Medaglia, Beverley Anne Young - Læscher editore

Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction

Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Downing, John / Mohammadi, Ali / Sreberny-Mohammadi, Annabelle, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The Second Edition of this successful text has been updated and extensively revised to provide students with an engaging introduction to media studies. Practical and accessible, Questioning the Media invites readers to be active participants in the process of understanding the importance of the media today. New chapters on media and identity, global media influences, computer-mediated communication, feminist media theories, popular music and news coverage of AIDS enhance the previous collection of original works by distinguished contributors. With helpful introductions to each section and chapter, this innovative volume offers diverse critical perspectives on media studies, political economy, cultural studies, the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, feminism, audience ethnography and cultural dependency. Students can examine thoroughly topics in mass culture, technology, international communication and more. Throughout the book sophisticated terms and concepts are explained, making this the ideal critical introduction to media studies.

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The Early Modern Atlantic Economy

The Early Modern Atlantic Economy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McCusker, John J. / Morgan, Kenneth O. / Morgan, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book throws new light on the interlocking commercial relationships of the Atlantic trading world during the centuries ending with the American and French Revolutions. Grouped under four themes--the role of merchants and their connections; the development of trades; imperial economies; and colonial working societies--and written by an international team of economic historians, these essays increase our knowledge and understanding of the transatlantic economy. Contributions include studies of individual businessmen, labor patterns, port cities, branches of trade, and comparative studies of trading nations.

Visions and perspectives 2

Visions and perspectives 2

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Modern Painting and Sculpture:  to the Present at the

Modern Painting and Sculpture: to the Present at the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elderfield, John, PUBLISHER: Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Modern Art houses the most important collection of 20th century art in the world, and the Painting & Sculpture department forms the core of its holdings. The masterworks from this department have fundamentally shaped the way we think about modern art. Over the years, these paintings and sculptures in the Museum's galleries have served as a walk-through textbook for countless art history classes and for other visitors. Now, on the occasion of its 75th anniversary and the opening of its newly expanded building, the Museum is publishing this 500 page catalogue devoted solely to the masterworks of its core department. The volume opens with an introduction by John Elderfield, Chief Curator of the Department of Painting and Sculpture, which traces the history of the Museum, focusing on its acquisitions. In 8 subsequent sections, anthologies of texts drawn from the Museum's archives and publications offer varying perspectives on specific artworks and on modern art in general. "Modern Painting and Sculpture" offers the reader a new perspective for anyone interested in modern art.

The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture

The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bigsby, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture offers a comprehensive, authoritative and accessible overview of the cultural themes and intellectual issues that drive the dominant culture of the twentieth century. This companion explores the social, political and economic forces that have made America what it is today. It shows how these contexts impact upon twentieth-century American literature, cinema and art. An international team of contributors examines the special contribution of African Americans and of immigrant communities to the variety and vibrancy of modern America. The essays range from art to politics, popular culture to sport, immigration and race to religion and war. Varied, extensive and challenging, this Companion is essential reading for students and teachers of American studies around the world. It is the most accessible and useful introduction available to an exciting range of topics in modern American culture.

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Visions and perspectives volumi 1 e 2

Visions and perspectives volumi 1 e 2

Vendo libri di letteratura inglese: Visions and Perspectives vol. 1 e 2

Webern Studies

Webern Studies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bailey, Kathryn / Kathryn, Bailey, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book looks at the music of Webern from several new perspectives. The most recent Webern scholarship has emphasized Webern's lyricism, and this is a theme running through Webern Studies. Other techniques not generally associated with Webern are also explored: two chapters illustrate and examine his apparent early interest in octatonic and pitch-specific motivic collections. In addition to previously unpublished entries from Webern's diaries, the volume includes all the row tables for his twelve-note music. There is also a new and comprehensive Webern bibliography. Acquista Ora

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The New Black Gods: Arthur Huff Fauset and the Study of

The New Black Gods: Arthur Huff Fauset and the Study of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Curtis, Edward E., IV / Sigler, Danielle Brune, PUBLISHER: Indiana University Press, Taking the influential work of Arthur Huff Fauset as a starting point to break down the false dichotomy that exists between mainstream and marginal, a new generation of scholars offers fresh ideas for understanding the religious expressions of African Americans in the United States. Fauset's classic, Black Gods of the Metropolis, launched original methods and theories for thinking about African American religions as modern, cosmopolitan, and democratic. The essays in this collection show the diversity of African American religion in the wake of the Great Migration and consider the full field of African American religion from Pentecostalism to Black Judaism, Black Islam, and Father Divine's Peace Mission Movement. As a whole, they create a dynamic, humanistic, and thoroughly interdisciplinary understanding of African American religious history and life. This book is essential reading for anyone who studies the African American experience. Acquista Ora

The Many Faces of Islam: Perspectives on a Resurgent

The Many Faces of Islam: Perspectives on a Resurgent

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rejwan, Nissim, PUBLISHER: University Press of Florida, Written in a style easily accessible to both students and general readers, The Many Faces of Islam offers a wide range of perspectives on modern Islamic culture and religious practice. Seeking to dispel the perception that Islamic fundamentalism and extremism represent Islam in its entirety, Nissim Rejwan surveys the issues and provides numerous excerpts from modern writers and scholars, Muslim and non-Muslim, summarizing the many problems and dilemmas facing contemporary Muslims. Rejwan argues that to view Islam as uniform and all of a piece invites confusion and miscomprehension. The rich sampling of readings amplifies the summary discussion and demonstrates the surprising variety of Islamic concepts and practices. Issues include the uniqueness of Islam, the decline of the Islamic establishment, the impact of modernity, misunderstandings of Islam, Islam and the Dhimmis, the fundamentalist revival, and more. With a novel, topical approach to his subject, Rejwan widens the view of Islam from radicalism to the culture as a whole. His combination of topical summary and illuminating, balanced texts will provide a useful resource for students of Islamic culture and, for general readers, an insightful, balanced, and engaging introduction to a poorly understood but increasingly important civilization.

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The Inuit of Canada

The Inuit of Canada

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Corriveau, Danielle, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, Taking an in-depth look at distinct aboriginal cultures, these comprehensive volumes balance information about both traditional and modern lifeways. From their history and cultural practices to their religions and the landscapes they call home, discover the intricacies of each featured native culture. Supports the national curriculum standards Culture; Time, Continuity, and Change; People, Places, and Environments; Individuals, Groups, and Institutions; Power, Authority, and Governance; Production, Distribution, and Consumption; Science Technology and Society; and Global Connections as outlined by the National Council for the Social Studies.

Anglican-Orthodox Pilgrimage

Anglican-Orthodox Pilgrimage

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Billerbeck, Franklin, PUBLISHER: Conciliar Press, Explains why so many Episcopalians/Anglicans are taking a harder look at the Orthodox Faith.

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Melvilles Moby Dick

Melvilles Moby Dick

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bickman, Martin, PUBLISHER: Modern Language Association of America, Now at seventy-three volumes, this popular MLA series (ISSN ) addresses a broad range of literary texts. Each volume surveys teaching aids and critical material and brings together essays that apply a variety of perspectives to teaching the text. Upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, student teachers, education specialists, and teachers in all humanities disciplines will find these volumes particularly helpful.

Making Choices:

Making Choices:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Various / Storr, Robert / Umland, Anne, PUBLISHER: Museum of Modern Art, Making Choices celebrates the diversity of modern art by focusing on four landmark years--, and . A variety of works representing all of New York MOMA's curatorial departments--architecture and design, drawings, film and video, painting and sculpture, photography, and prints and illustrated books.

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The Human Presence: Ecological Spirituality and the Age of

The Human Presence: Ecological Spirituality and the Age of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gregorios, Paulos Mar, PUBLISHER: Continuum, The Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of New Delhi gathers together the wisdom of science and ancient and Contemporary spirituality to plea for social, environmental, and personal justice.
