mindful inquiry in social research 1st edition

Mindful Inquiry in Social Research 1st Edition

Mindful Inquiry in Social Research 1st Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Valerie Malhotra Bentz, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications, NA

Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crouch, Colin / Heath, Anthony, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In light of recent skepticism about the effectiveness of social research, this work provides an opportune reassessment of its influence. It also proposes new ways to consider the relationship of research to reform. The range of topics covered includes secondary educational reform, changing concepts of social work, women's studies, as well as the role of evaluation research in social policy in the United States and Sweden.

Offerte relazionate mindful inquiry in social research 1st edition: Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.
Research Methods in Crime and Justice 1st Edition

Research Methods in Crime and Justice 1st Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brian Withrow, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

Paradigms of Clinical Social Work 1st Edition

Paradigms of Clinical Social Work 1st Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rachelle A Dorfman, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

Offerte relazionate mindful inquiry in social research 1st edition: Paradigms of Clinical Social Work 1st Edition
Research in Consumer Behavior, Vol. 10 1st Edition

Research in Consumer Behavior, Vol. 10 1st Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Russell Belk, PUBLISHER: JAI Press Incorporated, NA

Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach

Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Friedl, Alfred E. / Koontz, Tricia / Koontz, Trish, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, This is a comprehensive, easy-to-use text containing more than 300 science teaching activities, 30 of which are new to this edition. The book's focus on the inquiry approach places value on the student's thinking and doing science, and ties the text to the inquiry-oriented National Science Education Standards for science teaching issued by the National Research Council. Each of the inquiry activities contains combined discussions of methods and content. The text helps students overcome science anxiety and shows them how easy it is to teach science using a simple, consistent three-step approach to each of the science activities (set induction, investigation, and resolution). All activities use simple, easy-to-find materials. Over 250 pieces of line art clearly illustrate the teaching activities.

Offerte relazionate mindful inquiry in social research 1st edition: Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach
Social Research Methods 4th Edition

Social Research Methods 4th Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alan Bryman, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, NA

Doing Critical Ethnography

Doing Critical Ethnography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thomas, Jim / Thomas, Jim, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), "The book offers communication researchers some of the best recent work on qualitative inquiry in the human disciplines.... Published by Sage, the leading publisher of qualitative research in the social sciences today.... Jim Thomas's method, well displayed in illustrations drawn from his emancipatory work in prisons, has important connections to the participatory action (Friere) and critical theory traditions.... This work brings the communication scholar up-to-date on where qualitative methods are in current sociological and educational discourse." --Norman K. Denzin in Journal of Communication If a researcher's responsibility entails the righting of social wrongs and producing valid research results, how is it possible to juxtapose these two goals? Representing the marriage of two traditions in social science, critical theory and qualitative research, Doing Critical Ethnography applies a critical worldview to the conventional logic of cultural inquiry. This innovative volume does not oppose conventional ethnography; rather, it offers a style of thinking about the direct relationship between knowledge, society, and political action. The author defines the rules and guidelines for a praxis-oriented ethnographic tradition, one both ideologically engaged and scientifically valid. He also outlines the various types of critical ethnography and explains the tenets of each and how research can be carried out under these frameworks. This challenging volume will be useful to students and professionals in qualitative research in social theory, and critical studies.

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Research Methods for the Social Sciences

Research Methods for the Social Sciences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wellington, Jerry / Szczerbinski, Marcin, PUBLISHER: Continuum, The aim of this book is to provide an introductory but not simplistic guide to research in the social and behavioural sciences. The book sets out to tackle difficult issues and concepts in a scholarly but accessible manner, providing ample guidance and signposts to further reading. We explore a wide range of questions about research and research methods, including: * What counts as good research? * Research approaches, paradigms, methods and methodology: what are they and what is the difference? * What is the so-called qualitative/ quantitative? * When and where is quantitative research indispensable? * If one suggests that research should be scientific what does that mean? * What methods and methodologies are used in social research? * What is the role of statistics in social and behavioural research? How should statistical evidence be interpreted? * What are the ways in which research can, and should, be disseminated and presented? This book is aimed as much at the reflective, researching professional as for the professional researcher.

Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative

Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Neuman, W. Lawrence / Neuman, PUBLISHER: Allyn & Bacon, This highly regarded text presents a comprehensive and balanced introduction to both qualitative and quantitative approaches to social research, emphasizing the benefits of combining various approaches.

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Social Work Research and Evaluation: Quantitative and

Social Work Research and Evaluation: Quantitative and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Grinnell, Richard M., JR. / Unrau, Yvonne A., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book is the longest standing and most widely adopted text in the field of social work research and evaluation. Since the first edition in , it has been designed to provide beginning social work students the basic methodological foundation they need in order to successfully complete more advanced research courses that focus on single-system designs or program evaluations. Its content is explained in extraordinarily clear everyday language which is then illustrated with social work examples that social work students not only can understand, but appreciate as well. Many of the examples concern women and minorities, and special emphasis is given to the application of research methods to the study of these groups. Without a doubt, the major strength of this book is that it is written by social workers for social work students. The editors have once again secured an excellent and diverse group of social work research educators. The 31 contributors know firsthand, from their own extensive teaching and practice experiences, what social work students need to know in relation to research. They have subjected themselves to a discipline totally uncommon in compendia-that is, writing in terms of what is most needed for an integrated basic research methods book, rather than writing in line with their own predilections.

Libro nuovo, genitori mindful

Libro nuovo, genitori mindful

Libro genitori mindful 5€

Offerte relazionate mindful inquiry in social research 1st edition: Libro nuovo, genitori mindful
How Children Develop Social Understanding

How Children Develop Social Understanding

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carpendale, Jeremy / Lewis, Charlie, PUBLISHER: Blackwell Publishing Professional, This book provides a critical review of research into how children come to understand the social world, an area often known as children's "theories of mind." Takes an integrated approach to the development of children's social understanding Brings out the connections between mental state understanding and children's understanding of language, social skills, morality and emotions. Sets research within a historical and theoretical context Contributes unique insights and perspectives, particularly in its discussions of Piaget and Vygotsky, and in its Wittgensteinian focus on the role of language.

Introduction to Operations Research

Introduction to Operations Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hillier, Frederick S., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, The 8th edition of" Introduction to Operations Research" remains the classic operations research text while incorporating a wealth of state-of-the-art, user-friendly software and more coverage of modern OR topics. The hallmark features of this edition include solid coverage of fundamentals and state-of-the-practice operations research software used in conjunction with examples from the text. This edition will also feature the latest developments in OR, such as metaheuristics, simulation, and spreadsheet modeling.

Offerte relazionate mindful inquiry in social research 1st edition: Introduction to Operations Research
Libro dieta mindful

Libro dieta mindful


Mining the Motherlode: Methods in Womanist Ethics

Mining the Motherlode: Methods in Womanist Ethics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Floyd-Thomas, Stacey M. / Cannon, Katie Geneva, PUBLISHER: Pilgrim Press, ital]Mining the Motherlode ital] clearly defines the tenets, resources, and methods of womanist Christian social ethics by providing a womanist orientation on how racial and gender ideologies as well as social position inform research methods for this field. Floyd-Thomas accomplishes this by: bullet] a) articulating the methodological contributions that womanist ethicists have made in this field of Christian ethics bullet] b) distinguishing between ital]traditional Christian ethics ital] and ital]liberation ethics ital] bullet] c) upholding Black women's moral struggles with race, class, and gender as an essential context to inform ethical inquiry and new possibilities for social justice. Will appeal to a board scholarly audience.

Offerte relazionate mindful inquiry in social research 1st edition: Mining the Motherlode: Methods in Womanist Ethics
Using Research in Organizations: A Guide to Successful

Using Research in Organizations: A Guide to Successful

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rothman, Jack, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Applied social research is a resource as yet largely untapped by the very organizations that could most benefit from it. In order to discover the ways in which research can best be brought into social programmes, the author went directly to organizations that have made effective use of research -- in this case British Social Services departments -- which are uniquely appropriate for this kind of study as they are staffed with researchers as well as administrators. The answers of key informants, synthesized with existing utilization research, provides the first comprehensive attempt to define the concerns and techniqes of an important new focus of study. 'In this short volume, Rothman has done researchers of all types a favor by cogently summarizing the literature on research utilization as well as presenting many explicit guidelines for enhancing the research utilization. Both basic researchers as well as applied researchers will find the book of interest and direct applicability.' -- Sociology, Jul/Aug



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gordon, Sharon, PUBLISHER: Children's Press(CT), This series meets National Curriculum Standards for: Science: Science as Inquiry, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

Offerte relazionate mindful inquiry in social research 1st edition: Chickenpox
Evolution of Telugu Films A Historical Perspective 1st

Evolution of Telugu Films A Historical Perspective 1st

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Desiraju Lakshmi Narasimha Rao, PUBLISHER: Research India Press, NA

Discourse in Educational and Social Research

Discourse in Educational and Social Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maclure, Margaret / Maclure, Maggie / Maclure Maggie, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, WINNER: AESA Critics' Choice Award ""With wonderful clarity Maggie MacLure shows how deconstructionism opens new avenues of critical inquiry and understanding for educational researchers. In exposing the hidden, ideological side of terms like clarity, certainty, mastery, and relevance she allows us to see schooling and educational policy in new ways. In so doing she allows us to imagine classrooms as liberating, pedagogical places, as places where new forms of desire, knowledge, and learning take place" Norman K. Denzin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign" This book is both practical and provocative. It demonstrates the insights and the challenges of a discourse-based orientation to educational and social research. Drawing on a variety of educational and social science 'texts' - including press articles, life history interviews, parent-teacher consultations, policy debates and ethnographies - the author shows how knowledge, power, identities and realities are constructed and problematised in discourse. The book also deals with research itself as discursive practice, examining the texts that qualitative researchers produce and consume: reports, monographs, journal articles. Practical examples are included for researchers and graduate students wishing to 'interrogate' their own data from a discourse perspective. The author develops a critical awareness of the researcher's role as writer/reader of texts. The book makes the case for 'discursive literacy' in research. While its primary allegiances are to poststructuralism and deconstruction, it draws from a wide range of disciplines, including interaction sociology, feminist ethnography, literary theory, critical discourse analysis and art history. What holds the book together is the persistent question: how to do educational research and social research within a 'crisis of representation' that has unsettled the relationship between words and worlds?

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Foundations of Multimethod Research: Synthesizing Styles

Foundations of Multimethod Research: Synthesizing Styles

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brewer, John / Hunter, Albert, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Drawing from authors John Brewer and Albert Hunter's original work published in , when single method research was the standard, this new text offers an explanation of how a planned synthesis of various research techniques such as fieldwork, surveys, experiments, and nonreactive studies can be purposely used to improve social science knowledge. Foundations of Multimethod Research: Synthesizing Styles explores the many aspects of the multimethod research approach, including the formulation of research problems, data collection, sampling and generalization, measurement, reliability and validity, hyposthesis testing and causal analysis, and writing and publicizing results.

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Fashion Royalty social call gift set

NRFB Social Call gift set del . Ultra limited edition. Spedizione tracciabile con paccocelere3 ?10.

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Reading c Student Edition Grade 1.1

Reading c Student Edition Grade 1.1

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pearson Education, PUBLISHER: Pearson Scott Foresman, Scientifically research-based program supports state standards in literacy, science, mathematics, social studies, art and music to prepare children for Kindergarten. Teacher's Guides help build and assess children's cognitive skills, alphabet knowledge, and social-emotional development. Interactive charts with songs and activities inspire class discussion and build oral vocabulary. Big Books, Trade Books, and Little Books provide shared reading experiences and develop children's concepts of print.

Research on Social Work and Disasters

Research on Social Work and Disasters

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Streeter, Calvin / Murty, Susan A., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Over the past decade, several major natural disasters have had devastating impacts throughout the United States and the world. Since larger populations now live and work on land vulnerable to various hazards, natural disasters can be expected to affect more people each year. As a result, the social work profession soon will be stretched to its limits as it attempts to respond to growing human needs in the wake of hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, floods, earthquakes, and human-made technological disasters. Research on Social Work and Disasters provides the essential strategies social work researchers, other social scientists in the area of disaster research, and emergency management personnel need to prepare for and recover from all forms of disaster.Focusing on hazard, risk, and disaster research, this book presents conceptual approaches and empirical findings in this emerging and important area of social work. It includes research on natural and technological disasters as they impact both rural and urban environments. Research on Social Work and Disasters offers conceptual and methodological guidelines for social work researchers and provides insight into the range of opportunities and issues relevant for disaster research. Specific topics you will learn about include: research design, methodology, and measurement community awareness and activism traumatic stress and stress debriefing funding and ethical issues vulnerable populations hazard education action researchResearch on Social Work and Disasters not only addresses effective strategies for responding in the aftermath of particular disasters, but also suggests significant ways in which the social work profession can become involved in prevention, mitigation, and preparedness activities. The book features examples of recent research on disasters chosen to illustrate a variety of types of disasters, theoretical approaches, methodologies, and levels of analysis. The implications drawn from this book are consistent in suggesting the responsibility of society to care for vulnerable populations and to share the burdens caused by catastrophic events.

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Essential Research Methods for Social Work

Essential Research Methods for Social Work

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Allen Rubin Earl R Babbie, PUBLISHER: Brooks Cole, NA
