memory and context for language interpretation

Memory and Context for Language Interpretation

Memory and Context for Language Interpretation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alshawi, Hiyan / Boguraev, Branimir / Bird, Steven, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book presents computational mechanisms for solving common language interpretation problems including many cases of reference resolution, word sense disambiguation, and the interpretation of relationships implicit in modifiers. The proposed memory and context mechanisms provide the means for representing and applying information about the semantic relationships between entities imposed by the cultural context. The effects of different 'context factors', derived from multiple sources, are combined for disambiguation and for limiting memory search; the factors having been created and manipulated gradually during discourse processing.

Computational Approaches to Morphology and Syntax

Computational Approaches to Morphology and Syntax

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roark, Brian / Sproat, Richard, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The book will appeal to scholars and advanced students of morphology, syntax, computational linguistics and natural language processing (NLP). It provides a critical and practical guide to computational techniques for handling morphological and syntactic phenomena, showing how these techniques have been used and modified in practice. The authors discuss the nature and uses of syntactic parsers and examine the problems and opportunities of parsing algorithms for finite-state, context-free and various context-sensitive grammars. They relate approaches for describing syntax and morphology to formal mechanisms and algorithms, and present well-motivated approaches for augmenting grammars with weights or probabilities.

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: Computational Approaches to Morphology and Syntax
Language and Power, P.Simpson and A.Mayr

Language and Power, P.Simpson and A.Mayr

Vendo in zona Oristano testo Language and power - a resource book for students, di P. Simpson and A. Mayr, Routledge English Language Introductions, , praticamente nuovo (qualche sottolineatura a matita solo nelle prime 19 pagg..

Skills and Language for Study Level 2 Language for Study

Skills and Language for Study Level 2 Language for Study

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alistair Mcnair Clare Walsh Tamsin Espinosa, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, NA

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: Skills and Language for Study Level 2 Language for Study
Psycholinguistics: The Key Concepts

Psycholinguistics: The Key Concepts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Field, John, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Psycholinguistics is an authoritative, wide-ranging and up-to-date A to Z guide to this important field. Cross-referenced, with suggestions for further reading and a full index, this book is a highly accessible introduction to the main terms and concepts in psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics offers over 170 entries covering the key areas: psychological processes first language acquisition the nature of language brain and language language disorders. This comprehensive guide is an essential resource for all students of English language, linguistics and psychology. Acquista Ora

Libro Language Practise for First Grammar and voc

Libro Language Practise for First Grammar and voc

Libro Language Practise for First English Grammar and vocabulary di Michael Vince Nuovo e incelofanato. Possibilità di spedizione a 5 euro con piego di libri. Per qualsiasi informazione contattatemi

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: Libro Language Practise for First Grammar and voc
Japanese Language, Life & Culture

Japanese Language, Life & Culture

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gilhooly, Helen, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, Teach Yourself Language, Life, and Culture titles delve into the customs and ways of their featured countries, taking a respectful yet lively point of view. Topics include government, arts, language, work, leisure, education, festivals, and food. Each title explains the role of language in shaping culture and provides practical information for travelers. Find out about traditional Chinese medicine, English fish and chips, the Welsh red dragon, and even Christmas in Japan.

A Coursebook on Language Disorders in Children

A Coursebook on Language Disorders in Children

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hegde, M. N. / Hedge, M. N., PUBLISHER: Singular Publishing Group, This is a coursebook written for courses on children's language disorders, their assesement and treatment. It is written for introductory courses on language disorders in children. It is based on several books including textbooks and journal articles on language disorders in children. The emphasis in on descriptive and clinical perspective. The coursebook makes it easier for instructors to expand the basic information provided here by including complex issues and theoretical perspectives.

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: A Coursebook on Language Disorders in Children
Developmental Psychology - A Reader

Developmental Psychology - A Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David Messer, David / Messer, David / Dockrell, Julie, PUBLISHER: Hodder Arnold Publishers, This is a lively and stimulating resource for all students of child development. The book begins with an overview of the field, placing the subsequent readings in context within the discipline. It includes classic essays and important recent research, divided into six sections which reflect the major areas of study in developmental psychology: starting off in life; language and communication; cognition and representation; literacy and numeracy; others and their influence; and towards adulthood. In addition the editors have provided suggestions for using the reader and for developing related study skills. Ideal for students in developmental psychology, the book will also interest students in education, social work, and health professions.

Spectrum Language Arts, Grade 6

Spectrum Language Arts, Grade 6

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spectrum, PUBLISHER: School Specialty Publishing, Our proven Spectrum Language Arts grade 6 workbook features 184 pages of fundamentals in grammar and sentence structure. Recently updated to current national standards, including tips for clearer writing, proofreading activities, and combining sentences. This workbook for children ages 11 to 12 includes exercises that reinforce mechanics and punctuation to assist in developing proficiency. Language Arts skills include: -Gerunds -Colons and semicolons -Double negative -Writer's guide Our best-selling "Spectrum Language Arts" series features age-appropriate workbooks for Kindergarten to grade 6. Developed with the latest standards-based teaching methods that provide targeted practice in language arts fundamentals to ensure successful learning

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: Spectrum Language Arts, Grade 6
The Language of Dreams

The Language of Dreams

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Telesco, Patricia J., PUBLISHER: Crossing Press, Noted author Patricia Telesco has compiled an encyclopedia of more than eight hundred symbols commonly appearing in people's dreams the world over -- animals, plants, foods, everyday items, running or falling, modern events and technologies, and archetypal images. The Language of Dreams outlines a creative, interactive approach to understanding these symbols of our inner life. Each interpretation incorporates multi-cultural elements along with psychological, religious, folk, and historical meanings so the imagery of every entry speaks to a broad and diverse range of individuals. -- The 10 Steps to effective dream interpretation -- The physiology of dreams -- Spiritual dimensions of dreaming -- Programmed and lucid dreaming -- Past lives, astral travel, and the collective unconscious -- The history of dreaming and sleep oracles, and divination -- More than 800 dream symbols

Spectrum Language Arts: Grade 2

Spectrum Language Arts: Grade 2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frank Schaffer Publications, PUBLISHER: Frank Schaffer Publications, Our proven Spectrum Language Arts grade 2 workbook features 176 pages of fundamentals in grammar and sentence structure. Recently updated to current national standards, including tips for clearer writing, proofreading activities, and combining sentences. This workbook for children ages 7 to 8 includes exercises that reinforce mechanics and punctuation to assist in developing proficiency. Language Arts skills include: -Common and proper nouns -Plurals with -s and -es -Contractions -Past tense verbs -Action and linking verbs -Punctuation Our best-selling "Spectrum Language Arts" series features age-appropriate workbooks for Kindergarten to grade 6. Developed with the latest standards-based teaching methods that provide targeted practice in language arts fundamentals to ensure successful learning

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: Spectrum Language Arts: Grade 2
Latin Language and Latin Culture: From Ancient to Modern

Latin Language and Latin Culture: From Ancient to Modern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Farrell, Joseph / Feeney, D. C. / Hinds, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Latin language is popularly imagined in a number of specific ways: as a masculine language, an imperial language, a classical language, a dead language. This book considers the sources of these metaphors and analyzes their effect on how Latin literature is read. By reading with and more commonly against these metaphors, the book offers a different view of Latin as a language and as a vehicle for cultural practice. The argument ranges over a variety of texts in Latin and texts about Latin from antiquity to the twentieth century.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crystal, David, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This Second Edition of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language presents a mass of new information and introduces the subject of language to a fresh generation of students and general readers. Probably the most successful general study of language ever published, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language covers all the major themes of language study, including popular ideas about language, language and identity, the structure of language, speaking and listening, writing, reading, and signing, language acquisition, the neurological basis of language, and languages of the world. Exposing this work to a new generation of readers, the Second Edition extends the range of coverage to include advances in areas such as machine translation, speech interaction with machines, and language teaching. There is new material on acoustics, physiological concepts of language, and World English, and a complete update of the language distribution maps, language-speaking statistics, table of the world's languages, and further reading. All geopolitical material has been revised to take account of boundary changes. The book has been redesigned and is presented for the first time in full color, with new pictures and maps added.

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language
Telecommunications Protocols

Telecommunications Protocols

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Russell, Travis, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, * A complete overview of telephony, wireless, and data communications, this is a superb introduction for the novice and a plain-language, math-free refresher for the expert * Presents the fundamentals of each technology used to deliver network services, places them in context with each other, and gives practical examples of their applications * Get the basics of the SS7 network and its impact on cellular * Understand the basics of TCP/IP and the Internet * Understand the fundamentals of the cellular network, SONET, and ATM * Stay up to the minute on voice over IP and local number portability issues

Coda 2 for 2 Macs Multi-language

Coda 2 for 2 Macs Multi-language

You code for the web. You demand a fast, clean, and powerful text editor. Pixel-perfect preview. A built-in way to open and manage your local and remote files. And maybe a dash of SSH. Say hello, Coda. 1-Time Purchase Current version only. Not eligible for updates and free upgrades!

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: Coda 2 for 2 Macs Multi-language
The Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Language

The Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Devitt, Michael / Hanley, Richard, PUBLISHER: Blackwell Publishers, The "Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Language" is a collection of twenty new essays in a cutting-edge and wide-ranging field. Surveys central issues in contemporary philosophy of language while examining foundational topics Provides pedagogical tools such as abstracts and suggestions for further readings Topics addressed include the nature of meaning, speech acts and pragmatics, figurative language, and naturalistic theories of reference Acquista Ora

Text, Context, and Hypertext: Writing with and for the

Text, Context, and Hypertext: Writing with and for the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barrett, Edward, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), In "Text, ConText, and HyperText," twenty-seven experts present the most recent developments in three important areas of technical communication: the design of effective documentation, the impact of new technology and research on technical writing, and the training and management of technical writers. This first synthesis of diverse but related research provides a unique conceptualization of the field of computers and writing and documentation.

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: Text, Context, and Hypertext: Writing with and for the
Spectrum Language Arts: Grade 5

Spectrum Language Arts: Grade 5

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frank Schaffer Publications, PUBLISHER: Frank Schaffer Publications, Our proven Spectrum Language Arts grade 5 workbook features 176 pages of fundamentals in grammar and sentence structure. Recently updated to current national standards, including tips for clearer writing, proofreading activities, and combining sentences. This workbook for children ages 10 to 11 includes exercises that reinforce mechanics and punctuation to assist in developing proficiency. Language Arts skills include: -Verb types -Direct quotations -Homophones -Writer's guide Our best-selling "Spectrum Language Arts" series features age-appropriate workbooks for Kindergarten to grade 6. Developed with the latest standards-based teaching methods that provide targeted practice in language arts fundamentals to ensure successful learning

Interpreting Interviews

Interpreting Interviews

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kerrigan, Michael / Alvesson, Mats, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This text offers a critique of traditional interviewing practices and provides a framework for thinking about issues such as trustworthiness, identity, and language in a conceptual rather than technical context, allowing you to develop your own reflexive practice. The research interview is in with the brick and mortar of qualitative research, and is one of the routine methods of obtaining knowledge of individuals, groups, and organizations. Through the use of eight original metaphors drawing on trends in language, subject, and discourse, this cutting-edge text will encourage you to question the interpretive nature and theoretical underpinnings not only of your interview method, but of the knowledge which is conveyed through it.

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Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holland, Kathleen / Bloome, David / Solsken, Judith, PUBLISHER: Praeger, One of the realities of educational practice in the late 20th century is the increasing role of assessment, especially of children's oral and written language. While there are many issues and problems surrounding this assessment, one problem that needs to be addressed is the lack of alternative ways of assessing children's language and literacy for K-12 practitioners. There are many ways to approach the assessment of language and literacy. How one approaches the assessment of oral and written language depends, in large part, on how language is defined and on what purposes language is viewed as serving. In this book, alternative ways of assessing language are based on three different perspectives defining language and its uses: anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary. Although applying these perspectives to language is not new, only recently have educators and others taken seriously the need for assessment of language to be consistent with the perspectives of language underlying classroom instruction. Simply put, as language education (including reading, writing, and oral language) becomes increasingly based upon anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary principles, the assessment of language and literacy must also be based upon such principles. This book discusses and illustrates how to reconceptualize assessment in terms of the alternative perspectives outlined here.

Computer Dictionary for Beginners

Computer Dictionary for Beginners

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Claybourne, Anna, PUBLISHER: San Val, -- Written using clear and simple language -- ideal even for first-time computer users -- Improve your confidence and produce professional results.

Offerte relazionate memory and context for language interpretation: Computer Dictionary for Beginners
Text and Context: Document Storage and Processing

Text and Context: Document Storage and Processing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Susan, PUBLISHER: Springer, Text and Context: Document Storage and Processing describes information processing techniques, including those which do not appear in conventional textbooks on database systems. It focuses on the input, storage, retrieval and presentation of primarily textual information, together with auxiliary material about graphic and video data. There are chapters on text analysis as a basis for lexicography, full-text databases and information retrieval, the use of optical storage for both ASCII text and scanned document images, hypertext and multi-media systems, abstract document definition, and document formatting and imaging. The material is treated in an informal way with an emphasis on real applications and software. There are, among others, case studies from Reuters, British Airways, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Sony, and HMSO. Relevant industry standards are discussed including ISO for CD-ROM file storage, CCITT Group4 data compression, the Standard Generalised Markup Language and Office Document Architecture, and the Postscript language. Readers will benefit from the way Susan Jones has brought together this information, in a logical sequence, to highlight the connections between related topics. This book will be of interest to second and third year undergraduates and MSc students in computer science, to B/TEC HTD final year computing and information science students either specialising in IT or taking an IT option, and to students taking courses in IT and in business computing systems.

Intro to Scholarship in Modern

Intro to Scholarship in Modern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nicholls, David G., PUBLISHER: Modern Language Association of America, In this collection of essays, distinguished scholars of language and literature acquaint upper-level students with the forms and practice of research and criticism in language and literature.

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Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses

Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gee, James Paul, PUBLISHER: Taylor & Francis Group, This fully-updated new edition engages with topics such as orality and literacy, the history of literacy, the uses and abuses of literacy in that history, the analysis of language as cultural communication, and social theories of mind and meaning, among many other topics. It represents the most current statement of a widely discussed and used theory about how language functions in society, a theory initially developed in the first edition of the book, and developed in this new edition in tandem with analytic techniques for the study of language and literacy in context, with special reference to cross-cultural issues in communities and schools. Built around a large number of specific examples, this new edition reflects current debates across the world about education and educational reform, the nature of language and communication, and the role of sociocultural diversity in schools and society. One of the core goals of this book, from its first edition on, has been to develop a new and more widely applicable vision of applied linguistics. It will be of interest to researchers, lecturers and students in education, linguistics, or any field that deals with language, especially in social or cultural terms.
