living justice and peace catholic social teaching in

Living Justice and Peace (): Catholic Social Teaching in

Living Justice and Peace (): Catholic Social Teaching in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Windley-Daoust, Jerry, PUBLISHER: Saint Mary's Press, "The Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found this catechetical text, copyright , to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church." The second edition of this text has the same sound theology with updated stories, images, and statistics The Living Justice and Peace course empowers students to examine society critically based on values from the Scriptures and on the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching. The text addresses specific topics including abortion, capital punishment, racism, poverty, the environment, and peace. What's New in the Second Edition Chapter 2: Removed story about malformed frogs. Updated list of "Major Documents of Catholic Social Teaching." Added story about endangered sea turtles. Chapter 4: Updated statistics about pregnancy, abortion, and capital punishment. Chapter 5: Removed opening story about religious discrimination in Montana, replaced with opening story about "Mix It Up at Lunch Day" in an Albuquerque high school. Mention of immigration and prejudice against Muslims. Chapter 6: Included more recent material about Craig Kiehlburger's Free the Children organization. Updated statistics about child labor internationally. Chapter 7: Many updated statistics about poverty and related issues in the U.S. and internationally. Chapter 8: Removed sidebar of "Lifestyles: Comparing Poverty, Simplicity, and Excess." Updated statistics. New sidebar about the UN Millennium Development Goals. Chapter 9: Removed opening story about the young president of the Sierra club, old information about environmental threats, and inspiring story of Chico Mendes. Added new opening story about two teen girls who alert others about the health of salmon in their community. Updated content about environmental threats with information from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (). Added inspiring story of Sr. Dorothy Stang. Provide new examples of businesses, governments, and teens making positive change. Chapter 10: Some nuclear arms race content removed as well as sidebar called "A general rethinks nuclear weapons." Updated research about the causes of youth violence. Terrorism content added as well as sidebar called "Responding to Terrorism." New stories about innovative ways to curb violence.

Criminal Injustice: Racism in the Criminal Justice System

Criminal Injustice: Racism in the Criminal Justice System

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Neugebauer, Robynne, PUBLISHER: Canadian Scholars Press, This volume examines racism within the process of criminal justice. In every society criminal justice plays a key role establishing social control and maintaining the hegemony of the dominant economic classes. The contributors to this anthology argue that the differential treatment of people of colour and First Nations peoples is due to systemic racism within all levels of the criminal justice system, which serves these dominant classes. Ideological and cultural changes are preconditions for the success of anti-racist policies and practices within the criminal justice system and within other state institutions. Recommendations for transformations in justice policy and practice are provided. Robynne Neugebauer is Assistant Professor in Sociology at York University. Her research and teaching focus on criminology, policing, inequality in criminal justice, and wife assault; racism; education; and aging. Her books include Seniors and Sexuality: Experiencing Intimacy in Later Life; Aging and Inequality: Cultural Constructions of Differences; Racism and Institutional Change: Readings in Anti-Racism in Criminal Justice, Education, Health and Social Services; and Police-Community Relations (forthcoming).

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Choose Life and Not Death

Choose Life and Not Death

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maestri, William F., PUBLISHER: Alba House, Catholic teaching on abortion, euthanasia and suicide.

The Making of an Economic Vision: John Paul II's on Social

The Making of an Economic Vision: John Paul II's on Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Houck John W / Williams, Oliver F., PUBLISHER: University Press of America, How do we realize economic justice in our global society? What is economic justice? Are materialism, consumerism, and capitalism a threat or a promise to a peaceful earth? There is one voice that continues to offer a prophetic challenge both to Marxist collectivism and capitalism. Pope John Paul II has authored On Social Concern that has much to say to our times. Is the religious social teaching in this document in such contrast to the prevailing wisdom of political economy that it might properly be called countercultural? Does this teaching offer a new vision, a different way of interpreting economic events? The Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Religious Values in Business convened a symposium to address these issues, assembling business executives, labor leaders and scholars.

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Handbook of Social Intervention

Handbook of Social Intervention

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seidman, Edward, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), A definitive resource for anyone involved in the study or practice of social planning and intervention. Invited contributors review the literature on psychological, social, educational, economic, and environmental policies and programmes. Issues of design, method, assessment, and tactics of social intervention are explored. The volume then deals with intervention in criminal justice, education, health, housing, and thirteen other specific areas of policy.

Criminal Justice and the Catholic Church

Criminal Justice and the Catholic Church

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Andrew Skotnicki, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Incorporated, NA

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Frontier Justice

Frontier Justice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baldwin, Ged, PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, In Frontier Justice, Ged Baldwin brings the old Peace River he knew to life again. Baldwin, the feisty MP from Alberta, went to Peace River in as a young lawyer and was soon involved in a number of court cases, especially murder trials. He tells ten real-life tales in his own inimitable style, including the unique and colorful characters who found themselves in these northern lands during their frontier days.

Reflective Faculty Evaluation: Enhancing Teaching and

Reflective Faculty Evaluation: Enhancing Teaching and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Centra, John A., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Centra underscores the importance of active methods of teaching and the need to evaluate those methods in less traditional ways. He discusses the value and proper use of self-reports and portfolios, and examines better ways to involve colleagues in evaluating and improving teaching.

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John XXIII: Pope of the Century

John XXIII: Pope of the Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hebblethwaite, Peter, PUBLISHER: Continuum, This is a new edition of Peter Hebblethwaite's acclaimed biography of Pope John XXIII. Angelo Roncalli was elected pope in and in four and a half years transformed the Roman Catholic Church. He summoned the Second Vatican Council and put in hand a major revision of the Code of Canon Law. By his personality, teaching, and initiatives with world leaders he gave the papacy a new image and set before the Catholic Church a new version of its mission to the world.

Anointed in the Spirit Candidate Handbook: A Middle School

Anointed in the Spirit Candidate Handbook: A Middle School

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burns Senseman, Rita, PUBLISHER: Saint Mary's Press, The Candidate Handbook is an engaging approach that leads to thorough preparation for receiving and living a life anointed in the Spirit. The chapters of this book introduce the candidate to central aspects of the Confirmation liturgy and help them to explore the meaning of the sacrament. The material will help them to deepen your understanding of God's call to you to live a life of faith and to explore the significance of being confirmed Catholic. The candidate handbook also includes Catholic prayers and lists of Catholic beliefs and practices as well as a list of saints.

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Living in Ordinary Time: The Letters of Agatha Rosetti

Living in Ordinary Time: The Letters of Agatha Rosetti

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Brein, Maryellen, PUBLISHER: ACTA Publications, Most spiritual memoirs are written by religious professionals. The American Catholic Experience series is an innovative new collection of books exploring the stories of individual Catholics in the United States as they reflect on what it has meant as Catholic laity to live out their faith amidst the joys and challenges of their daily lives?on their jobs, with their families and friends, and in their communities and churches. In Living in Ordinary Time, a historically significant reflection on the letters of Agatha Rosetti Hessley, an ordinary Catholic laywoman who wrote about her experiences with the post-Vatican II church faithfully each week, MaryEllen O?Brien uncovers the lived experience of laypeople in the U.S. from to and its relevance to our lives today.

For Social Peace in Brazil: Industrialists and the Remaking

For Social Peace in Brazil: Industrialists and the Remaking

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weinstein, Barbara, PUBLISHER: University of North Carolina Press, This book is the first major study of industrialists and social policy in Latin America. Barbara Weinstein examines the vast array of programs sponsored by a new generation of Brazilian industrialists who sought to impose on the nation their vision of a rational, hierarchical, and efficient society. She explores in detail two national agencies founded in the s (SENAI and SESI) that placed vocational training and social welfare programs directly in the hands of industrialist associations. Assessing the industrialists' motives, Weinstein also discusses how both men and women in Brazil's working class received the agencies' activities. Inspired by the concepts of scientific management, rational organization, and applied psychology, Sao Paulo's industrialists initiated wide-ranging programs to raise the standard of living, increase productivity, and at the same time secure lasting social peace. According to Weinstein, workers initially embraced many of their efforts but were nonetheless suspicious of employers' motives and questioned their commitment to progressivism. By the s, industrial leaders' notion of the working class as morally defective and their insistence on stemming civil unrest at all costs increasingly diverged from populist politics and led to the industrialists' active support of the military coup. Acquista Ora

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The Human Presence: Ecological Spirituality and the Age of

The Human Presence: Ecological Spirituality and the Age of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gregorios, Paulos Mar, PUBLISHER: Continuum, The Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of New Delhi gathers together the wisdom of science and ancient and Contemporary spirituality to plea for social, environmental, and personal justice.

E-Learning Theory and Practice

E-Learning Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haythornthwaite, Caroline / Andrews, Richard, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), In" "E-learning Theory and Practice the authors set out different perspectives on e-learning. The book deals with the social implications of e-learning, its transformative effects, and the social and technical interplay that supports and directs e-learning. The authors present new perspectives on the subject by exploring the way teaching and learning are changing with the presence of the Internet and participatory media; providing a theoretical grounding in new learning practices from education, communication and information science; addressing e-learning in terms of existing learning theories, emerging online learning theories, new literacies, social networks, social worlds, community and virtual communities, and online resources; and emphasizing the impact of everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy and the classroom, locally and globally.This book is for everyone involved in e-learning including teachers, educators, graduate students and researchers.

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The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An Extension and

The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An Extension and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Finn, Daniel K., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Caritas in veritate (Charity in Truth) is the ''social'' encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, one of many papal encyclicals over the last 120 years that address economic life. This volume, based on discussions at a symposium co-sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, analyzes the situation of the Church and the theological basis for Benedict's thinking about the person, community, and the globalized economy. The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life engages Benedict's analysis of ''relation, '' the characteristics of contemporary social and economic relationships and the implications of a relational, Trinitarian God for daily human life. Crucial here is the Pope's notion of ''reciprocity, '' an economic relationship characterized by help freely given, but which forms an expectation that the recipient will ''reciprocate, '' either to the donor or, often, to someone else. This ''logic of gift, '' Benedict argues, should influence daily economic life, especially within what he calls ''hybrid'' firms, which make a profit and invest a share of that profit in service to needs outside the firm. Similarly, development - whether of an individual or of a nation - must be integral, neither simply economic nor personal nor psychological nor spiritual, but a comprehensive development that engages all dimensions of a flourishing human life. The essays, written by social scientists, theologians, policy analysts and others, engage, extend, and critique Benedict's views on these issues, as well as his call for deeper dialogue and a morally based transformation of social and economic structures.

Imperfection and Impartiality: A Liberal Theory of Social

Imperfection and Impartiality: A Liberal Theory of Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wissenburg, M. L. J. / Wissenburg, Marcel L. J. / Marcel, Wissenburg, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This text argues, from a liberal perspective, for a radical re- interpretation of existing ideas concerning social justice. Since the s there has been debate between liberals and their critics, Concerning The Use Of Impartiality As A Notion On Which To Base Social theories of justice. In introducing an impartial standard of the right, the implications are often sexist, anthropocentric, capitalistic and oppressive. Wissenberg argues that this does not mean we should abandon the ideal of impartiality and defends the thesis that impartiality and the liberal project can be saved.; The book explores a liberal theory of Justice That Takes The Core Notion Of Impartiality Seriously; That Takes account of moral pluralism without trying to downgrade it or reduce it to the rank of a secondary problem; that argues for principles of justice Respecting Individual Notions Of The Good Life Rather Than Reformulating them in terms of one universal measure of the good or the right; that cherishes plurality, diversity and tolerance instead of uniformity and moral indifference.

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Ethics in Criminal Justice: A Justice Professional Reader

Ethics in Criminal Justice: A Justice Professional Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schmalleger, Frank M., PUBLISHER: Wyndham Hall Press, "While many people", says Schmalleger, "the public and criminal justice professionals included, believe they lead ethical lives, they may find themselves, when pressed, hard put to define exactly what ethics is. Most definitions equate ethics with morality, and avow that the study of ethics is to be primarily concerned with behavior and the standards of right and wrong which govern behavior. Beyond the definitional level, however, agreement is difficult to achieve. The plurality of norms and values applicable to behavior among diverse social groups in our multi-cultural society complicate any ethical discussion. Attempts at specifying ethical codes or enumerating the values upon which such codes should be based are bound to meet with vigorous debate. This overview of ethical instruction in criminal justice today is intended to offer a description of teaching strategies and curricular goals. Many of the articles in this volume will maintain a theme of how ethics can best be taught to students of criminal justice and how society at large can best learn the same lessons. Other selections herein offer in-depth analysis of particular ethical dilemmas or aspects of professional life.

The Old Catholic Missal & Ritual

The Old Catholic Missal & Ritual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mathew, A. H., PUBLISHER: Apocryphile Press, The Old Catholic churches have branches-both official and unofficial-all over the world. They constitute one of the most interesting and diverse movements in Christian history, a movement worthy of greater visibility and academic attention. Here is the classic translation of the Roman Catholic Mass adapted for Old Catholic use in English parishes by the first Old Catholic bishop consecrated for missionary work in the British Isles, Arnold Harris Mathew. Long out of print, this is an exact copy of the original edition, available once more from Apocryphile Press.

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The Other Women's Movement Workplace Justice and Social

The Other Women's Movement Workplace Justice and Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dorothy Sue Cobble, PUBLISHER: Princeton University Press, NA

Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for

Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bastable, Susan B., PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice prepares nurse educators, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse practitioners for their ever-increasing roles in patient teaching, health education, health promotion, and nursing education. Designed to teach nurses about the the development, motivational, and sociocultural differences that affect teaching and learning, this text combines theoretical and pragmatic content in a balanced, complete style. Nurse as Educator is used extensively in nursing educations courses and programs, as well as in both institutional and community-based settings.

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Restorative Justice, Self-Interest and Responsible

Restorative Justice, Self-Interest and Responsible

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walgrave, L. / Walgrave, Lode, PUBLISHER: Willan Publishing (UK), Lode Walgrave has made a highly significant contribution to the worldwide development of the restorative justice movement over the last two decades. This book represents the culmination of his vision for restorative justice. Coming to the subject from a juvenile justice background he initially saw restorative justice as a means of escaping the rehabilitation-punishment dilemma, and as the basis for a more constructive judicial response to youth crime that had been the case hitherto. Over time his conception of restorative justice moved in the direction of focusing on repairing harm and suffering rather than ensuring that the youthful offender met with a 'just' response, and encompassing the notion that restorative justice was not so much about a justice system promoting restoration, more a matter of doing justice through restoration. This book develops Lode Walgrave's conception of restorative justice further, incorporating a number of key elements. a a clearly outcome-based definition of restorative justice a acceptance of the need to use judicial coercion to impose sanctions as part of the reparative process a presenting restorative justice as a fully fledged alternative to the punitive apriorism a development of a more sophisticated concept of the relationship between restorative justice and the law, and acceptance of the need for legal regulation a a consideration of the expansion of a restorative justice philosophy into other areas of social life and the threats and opportunities this provides a a consideration of the implications of the expansion of restorative justice for the discipline of criminology and democracy

A Short History of Distributive Justice

A Short History of Distributive Justice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fleischacker, Samuel, PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, Distributive justice in its modern sense calls on the state to guarantee that everyone is supplied with a certain level of material means. Samuel Fleischacker argues that guaranteeing aid to the poor is a modern idea, developed only in the last two centuries. Earlier notions of justice, including Aristotle's, were concerned with the distribution of political office, not of property. It was only in the eighteenth century, in the work of philosophers such as Adam Smith and Immanuel Kant, that justice began to be applied to the problem of poverty. To attribute a longer pedigree to distributive justice is to fail to distinguish between justice and charity. Fleischacker explains how confusing these principles has created misconceptions about the historical development of the welfare state. Socialists, for instance, often claim that modern economics obliterated ancient ideals of equality and social justice. Free-market promoters agree but applaud the apparent triumph of skepticism and social-scientific rigor. Both interpretations overlook the gradual changes in thinking that yielded our current assumption that justice calls for everyone, if possible, to be lifted out of poverty. By examining major writings in ancient, medieval, and modern political philosophy, Fleischacker shows how we arrived at the contemporary meaning of distributive justice.

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Grundkurs Strafrecht - Allgemeine Strafrechtslehre

Grundkurs Strafrecht - Allgemeine Strafrechtslehre

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Otto, Harro, PUBLISHER: Walter de Gruyter, The textbook introduces all the principles and systematic connections of General Criminal Law Teaching. By presenting and debating current solutions to problems in jurisprudence and legal teaching, it also offers the reader the opportunity to comprehend the evolution of assumed premises in General Criminal Law Teaching.

New Catholic Answer Bible-NABRE

New Catholic Answer Bible-NABRE

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thigpen, Paul, PUBLISHER: Our Sunday Visitor (IN), No book in the history of the world has wielded as much influence on humankind as the Holy Bible. What makes The New Catholic Answer Bible so unique is the answers to questions about Catholic beliefs and practices and their foundation in Scripture. From Where Did the Bible Come From? and Are the Seven Sacraments in the Bible? to Are Catholics "Born Again"? and Why Do Catholic Bibles Have Seventy-three Books?, these eighty-eight diverse topics answer tough questions Catholics are asked. The New Catholic Answer Bible is perfect for those who want to: Learn more about the Catholic Faith Increase their knowledge of Scripture and deepen their appreciation for it Better respond when others ask them about the Catholic Church and its teachings The New Catholic Answer Bible is a wonderful gift for a family member or friend who is in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) or has recently joined the Church.

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The Divine Family: The Trinity and Our Life in God

The Divine Family: The Trinity and Our Life in God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McDonough, William K. / Hahn, Scott, PUBLISHER: Servant Publications, In this fourth title in the series of contemporary Catholic classics, William K. McDonough offers a popular explanation of the meaning of the Trinity, ?the fundamental doctrine of the Catholic faith, ? and its relation to the body of Christian revelation. He presents a synthesis of the Catholic faith: the triune life of God; the Person of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; creation; the Incarnation; mariology; divine adoption; divine indwelling; prayer, sacraments and sacramentals; love; life with God here and hereafter. McDonough relies on the theology of Saints John and Paul, the teachings of the Fathers of the church, and the spiritual writings of Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity, a contemporary of Saint Th?r?se of Lisieux. He sees the mystery of the Trinity as a secret?the Secret of Secrets?beyond all our guessing?that, once revealed to us, becomes the pattern for true Christian living.
