lespirit or essays on the mind and its several faculties

de L'Espirit or Essays on the Mind and Its Several Faculties

de L'Espirit or Essays on the Mind and Its Several Faculties

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Helvetius, Claude Adrien / Helvetius, C. A., PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing, . Translated from the French. To which is now prefixed a life of the authong>orong>. Swiss-French tax collectong>orong>, philanthropist and Enlightenment philosopher, Claude-Adrien Helvetius is widely regarded as the father of utilitarianism. Helvetius's principle wong>orong>k, De l'esprit, was condemned by the Song>orong>bonne, the Pope and the Parliament of Paris and burnt by the public executioner, ensuring that it was read mong>orong>e than any other book of the time.

Collected Papers: Critical Essys and Collected Essays

Collected Papers: Critical Essys and Collected Essays

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Ryle, Gilbert, PUBLISHER: Thoemmes Press, Volume one consists of articles on figures as diverse as Plato and Heidegger, Wittgenstein and Jane Austen. Volume two contains articles on several issues in philosophical logic and the philosophy of mind. Of particular interest are a number of papers on occurrent thoughts, a topic inadequately treated -- as Ryle was the first to admit -- in his book The Concept of Mind.

Offerte relazionate lespirit or essays on the mind and its several faculties: Collected Papers: Critical Essys and Collected Essays
Earth's Mind: Essays in Native Literature

Earth's Mind: Essays in Native Literature

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Dunsmong>orong>e, Roger / Edrington / Curtus, PUBLISHER: University of New Mexico Press, These thirteen ong>essaysong> reflect Dunsmong>orong>e's broad experience as a poet, student of native literature, and teacher. They take their inspiration from Chief Joseph's statement that "the Earth and myself are of one mind," and go on to consider Black Elk; the wong>orong>k of D'Arcy McNickle, Simon ong>Orong>tiz, and Laurens van der Post; Salish stong>orong>ies; and Pueblo sacred clowns. The idea that mind is something larger and mong>orong>e pervasive in nature than the Western tradition has usually considered suggests respect as central to survival and conveys the essential wildness of mind. "Earth's Mind" will be useful to those who study ong>orong> teach native literature ong>orong> who simply want to understand better native wong>orong>ld views. "The most ong>orong>iginal and evocative study of Native American literary accomplishments, and their sources, it has been my pleasure to read in several years."--Karl Kroeber, Mellon Professong>orong> in the Humanities, Columbia University

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Gall, PUBLISHER: General Books, Title: On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts: With Observations on the Possibility of Determining the Instincts, Propensities, and Talents, ong>orong> the Mong>orong>al and Intellectual Dispositions of Men and Animals, by the Configuration of the Brain and Head Volume: 5-6 Publisher: Boston, Marsh, Capen

Offerte relazionate lespirit or essays on the mind and its several faculties: On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts
The Compact Reader: Short Essays by Method and Theme

The Compact Reader: Short Essays by Method and Theme

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Aaron, Jane E. / Repetto, Ellen Kuhl, PUBLISHER: Bedfong>orong>d Books, From its well-chosen ong>essaysong> to its thong>orong>ough editong>orong>ial apparatus to its distinctive ong>orong>ganization, "The" "Compact Reader" provides the fundamental suppong>orong>t students need to become confident writers. The innovative dual ong>orong>ganization -- rhetong>orong>ical and thematic -- introduces essential strategies of writing while engaging students with brief readings on captivating topics. Fong>orong> instructong>orong>s who want a concise, affong>orong>dable, effective resource fong>orong> teaching the connection between fong>orong>m and content, "The Compact" "Reader" is the perfect choice. Acquista ong>Orong>a

Critical Survey of Poetry V06

Critical Survey of Poetry V06

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Jason, Philip K., PUBLISHER: Salem Press, This series contains in-depth analytical reference guides to majong>orong> writers of wong>orong>ld literature. The series has an accessible style and fong>orong>mat that allow readers to zero in on precise characteristics of a poet's wong>orong>k. The Critical Survey of Poetry presents 698 poets in 697 ong>essaysong>. Each essay includes full birth and death data and is broken down into principal poetry, other literary fong>orong>ms, achievements, biography, and analysis. ong>Essaysong> also include several sections on discrete poems ong>orong> poetry collections, other majong>orong> wong>orong>ks, and bibliography.

Offerte relazionate lespirit or essays on the mind and its several faculties: Critical Survey of Poetry V06
Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Harrison, Lawrence E. / Kagan, Jerome / Harrison, Harrison E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Developing Cultures: ong>Essaysong> on Cultural Change "is a collection of 21 expert ong>essaysong> on the institutions that transmit cultural values from generation to generation. The ong>essaysong> are an outgrowth of a research project begun by Samuel Huntington and Larry Harrison in their widely discussed book Culture Matters the goal of which is guidelines fong>orong> cultural change that can accelerate development in the Third Wong>orong>ld. The ong>essaysong> in this volume cover child rearing, several aspects of education, the wong>orong>ld's majong>orong> religions, the media, political leadership, and development projects. The book is companion volume to "Developing Cultures: Case Studies."().

The Rottweiler Today

The Rottweiler Today

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Elsden, Judy / Elsden, Larry, PUBLISHER: Howell Books, This contempong>orong>ary view focuses on the temperament of the Rottweiler and the impong>orong>tance of understanding how its mind wong>orong>ks. Drawing on thirty years of experience in the breed, the authong>orong>s provide a complete guide to character and behaviong>orong> traits and illustrate the cong>orong>rect way to rear, train, and show the dog.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Gale, Peggy, PUBLISHER: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, When the video camera first appeared on the market, artists hailed the newly available equipment as the new pencil, the better canvas, the best eye of all. The medium was exciting and revolutionary: low-cost and low-tech; "everybody" was curious as galleries and museums hastened to program new video wong>orong>ks in festivals and exhibitions. However, little aesthetic ong>orong> critical material was available on either artists ong>orong> issues: it was generally assumed that artists' video was just some kind of wannabe television -- its concerns and achievements, and its relationship to the visual arts generally were too often undervalued. But video artists continued to explong>orong>e and advance in the medium and wong>orong>ks produced in the seventies are strikingly different from those of today. "Videotexts" is an invaluable collection of ong>essaysong> -- a comprehensive guide to Canadian video artists and their wong>orong>ks. The ong>essaysong> focus on impong>orong>tant individual tapes and artists and on the development of narrative fong>orong>ms: to construct meaning and confirm memong>orong>y. Revised and updated, they offer a "present-tense" assessment of key wong>orong>ks from the last twenty-five years, and of artists' ideas and processes as they were unfolding. Everyone interested in video and contempong>orong>ary art and culture will want to read them.

Essays on Medieval German Literature and Iconography

Essays on Medieval German Literature and Iconography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Pickering, F. P., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In making this selection of twelve ong>essaysong> spanning the period , Professong>orong> Pickering has bong>orong>ne in mind that many of his recent readers are not students of German, but of comparative literature, art, histong>orong>y ong>orong> theology, and he has translated three of the twelve fong>orong> the occasion. He has grouped them accong>orong>ding to their 'approach' and introduced each with reference to his other writings.

Offerte relazionate lespirit or essays on the mind and its several faculties: Essays on Medieval German Literature and Iconography
Talking Bones: The Science of Forensic Anthropology

Talking Bones: The Science of Forensic Anthropology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Thomas, Peggy, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, This exciting young adult set brings the latest scientific advances right from the labong>orong>atong>orong>y to the library. It makes infong>orong>mation about science and technology readily available to young people in basic terms they can understand. Highlights include: -- The histong>orong>y of the particular science ong>orong> technology, including its key inventong>orong>s, researchers, and pioneers -- A description of a particular science ong>orong> technology, introducing its basic concepts and terms -- Applications to everyday life -- A discussion of the future of the science ong>orong> technology, including both the advantages and the potential negative effect on human life and the environment.

Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of

Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Donald, Merlin, PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, This bold and brilliant book asks the ultimate question of the life sciences: How did the human mind acquire its incomparable power? In seeking the answer, Merlin Donald traces the evolution of human culture and cognition from primitive apes to artificial intelligence, presenting an enterprising and ong>orong>iginal theong>orong>y of how the human mind evolved from its presymbolic fong>orong>m.

Offerte relazionate lespirit or essays on the mind and its several faculties: Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of
The Cambridge Companion to Brecht

The Cambridge Companion to Brecht

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Thomson, Peter / Sacks, Glendyr, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This Companion offers students crucial guidance on Brecht's theatrical career from beginning to end, bringing together the contrasting views of majong>orong> critics and active practitioners to offer a provocative overview. The nineteen newly-commissioned ong>essaysong> place Brecht's creative wong>orong>k in its histong>orong>ical and biographical context, with separate ong>essaysong> on seven majong>orong> plays, on the poetry, the theatrical theong>orong>ies, the use of music, the innovations in stage design, the ways of wong>orong>king with actong>orong>s and his hugely influential career with the Berliner Ensemble.

Essays Politic and Moral, and Essays Moral and Theological

Essays Politic and Moral, and Essays Moral and Theological

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Tuvill, Daniel, PUBLISHER: University of Virginia Press, These two sets of ong>essaysong> by the seventeenth-century clegyman Tuvil illustrate literary tastes and fashions of the time and offer examples of such popular genres as the sermon, the resolve, and the meditation.

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Cambridge and the Torres Strait: Centenary Essays on the

Cambridge and the Torres Strait: Centenary Essays on the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Herle, Anita / Rouse, Sandra / Anita, Herle, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Tong>orong>res Strait has an established place in the histong>orong>y of anthropology because of its association with the Cambridge University Expedition of ong>orong>ganised by A. C. Haddon. This early British anthropological expedition is regarded as a seminal event in the fong>orong>mation of academic anthropology in Britain. Its goal was to make an unprecedentedly comprehensive anthropological study embracing ethnology, physical anthropology, psychology, linguistics, sociology and ethnomusicology. The nine interdisciplinary ong>essaysong> in this centenary volume offer ways of looking at and situation the Expedition's wong>orong>k in histong>orong>ical and intellectual debates. Central themes covered are the relationship between the expedition members and the Tong>orong>res Strait Islanders: the innovations associated with the Expedition and the Expedition's influence on the development of anthropology and psychology. One hundred years on, the results of the Expedition have a contempong>orong>ary relevance fong>orong> anthropology and fong>orong> the Tong>orong>res Strait Islanders.

The Political Economy of American Monetary Policy

The Political Economy of American Monetary Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Mayer, Thomas, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This collection of ong>essaysong> examines the institutional framewong>orong>k in which monetary policy is made. The ong>essaysong> consider two questions: How free is the Fed to set monetary policy and to what extent do ong>orong>ganizational problems affect the choice of that monetary policy? Topics covered include the Fed's response to movements on its goals, Congressional and presidential pressures on the Fed, the existence of political business cycles operating through monetary policy, and the extent to which monetary policy may be explained by the Fed's own interests. A final section examines the claim that the Federal Reserve follows countercyclical policy and evaluates its perfong>orong>mance as a lender to banks both in nong>orong>mal times and as a lender of last resong>orong>t.

Offerte relazionate lespirit or essays on the mind and its several faculties: The Political Economy of American Monetary Policy
Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Datta Gupta, Sobhanlal, PUBLISHER: Anthem Press, This volume is a collection of ong>essaysong> on an alternative understanding of Marxism, anchong>orong>ed in the ideas of humanism, democracy and pluralism. The ong>essaysong> question the stereotyped, positivist notion of Marxism as practised by the exponents of official Marxism. They highlight the legacy of the suppressed voices in the Marxist tradition, and provide new insights in the reading of Marxism in the twenty-first century. The ong>essaysong> provide a new reading of Antonio Gramsci, Rosa Luxemburg, Nikolai Bukharin, David Ryazanov and the Frankfurt School; review the phenomenon of Perestroika; explong>orong>e the new histong>orong>iography on Comintern; and examine the relation between Marxism and postmodernism. Acquista ong>Orong>a

New Essays on My Antonia

New Essays on My Antonia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: O'Brien, Sharon / Elliot, Emong>orong>y, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, My Antonia is the Cather novel that is most often taught in high school and college courses, and the one that most readers try first when they approach Cather. It is at once her most autobiographical novel and her most aesthetically complex; it can be enjoyed both fong>orong> its simple, pure prose and fong>orong> its literary depth. The ong>essaysong> in this volume place the novel in the context of American literary histong>orong>y, African-American music, and Southern writing, and offer illuminating ways of reading Cather's best-known wong>orong>k.

Offerte relazionate lespirit or essays on the mind and its several faculties: New Essays on My Antonia
Oxford Readings in Homer's Iliad

Oxford Readings in Homer's Iliad

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Cairns, Douglas L., PUBLISHER: Oxfong>orong>d University Press, USA, This anthology makes accessible to the reader sixteen of the most impong>orong>tant studies of Homer and the Iliad to appear in the last fong>orong>ty years. The ong>essaysong>, by leading Homeric scholars from Great Britain, the United States, and Europe, deal not only with the aesthetics and artistry of the Iliad as a poetic artefact, but with its histong>orong>ical context, its cultural background, and its ethical and political framewong>orong>k.

Quantitative PCR Protocols

Quantitative PCR Protocols

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Kochanowski, Bernd / Reischl, Udo, PUBLISHER: Humana Press, This is a significant collection of established and novel methods fong>orong> the successful quantitation of nucleic acids. Each method has been refined and tested by its developer and proven to wong>orong>k in such problems as the analysis of eukaryotic gene expression, the quantitation of viral loads in clinical specimens, repong>orong>ter gene expression, and quantitative oncogene analysis. Particular emphasis is placed on the underlying principles of the design of competitive ong>orong> noncompetitive standards, as well as on the optimization of the amplification process. In impong>orong>tant cases several methods are given fong>orong> the same problem so that readers may set up test systems tailong>orong>ed to their specific practical needs. With its step-by-step instructions, Quantitative PCR Protocols allows researchers to address biological and diagnostic questions that are difficult ong>orong> impossible to answer using any other experimental approach.

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New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Sundquist, Eric J. / Elliott, Emong>orong>y, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Increased interest in the role of women and minong>orong>ities in establishing the canon of American literature has led to renewed interest in Uncle Tom's Cabin. The ong>essaysong> in this volume set out to provide contempong>orong>ary readers with a critical and histong>orong>ical interpretation of the novel that reflects the best of recent scholarship. In his introduction Eric J. Sundquist attempts to show that Uncle Tom's Cabin boldly takes issue with both proslavery arguments and prevailing prejudices among abolitionists, employing the fong>orong>ms of popular melodrama and heated rhetong>orong>ic to carry its complex argument. The individual ong>essaysong> examine the influence of Stowe's novel on the characterization of women in the American novel and on later women writers, the role of women in the antislavery movement, the literary exchanges between Stowe and her contempong>orong>aries; Uncle Tom's Cabin and the tradition of the Gothic novel, and the characterizations of blacks in this novel and in later wong>orong>ks.

Energy: Its Use and the Environment

Energy: Its Use and the Environment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Hinrichs, Roger A. / Kleinbach, Merlin H., PUBLISHER: Thomson Brooks/Cole, What is the impact of such energy issues as global warming, radioactive waste, and municipal solid waste on the individual and society? ENERGY: ITS USE AND THE ENVIRONMENT answers these questions, emphasizing the physical principles behind energy and its effects on our environment, and explaining the basic physical principles behind the use of energy, including the study of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and atomic and nuclear physics. By placing energy issues within the context of everyday examples and asking you to define and suppong>orong>t critical arguments, ENERGY: ITS USE AND THE ENVIRONMENT offers a provocative approach to this crucial issue.

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Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe: Daniel Defoe

Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe: Daniel Defoe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Lund, Roger D. / Bartels Emily, C., PUBLISHER: Twayne Publishers, The full range of literary traditions comes to life in the Twayne Critical ong>Essaysong> Series. Volume editong>orong>s have carefully selected critical ong>essaysong> that represent the full spectrum of controversies, trends and methodologies relating to each authong>orong>'s wong>orong>k. ong>Essaysong> include writings from the authong>orong>'s native country and abroad, with interpretations from the time they were writing, through the present day. Each volume includes: -- An introduction providing the reader with a lucid overview of criticism from its beginnings -- illuminating controversies, evaluating approaches and song>orong>ting out the schools of thought -- The most influential reviews and the best reprinted scholarly ong>essaysong> -- A section devoted exclusively to reviews and reactions by the subject's contempong>orong>aries -- ong>Orong>iginal ong>essaysong>, new translations and revisions commissioned especially fong>orong> the series -- Previously unpublished materials such as interviews, lost letters and manuscript fragments -- A bibliography of the subject's writings and interviews -- A name and subject index

English Drama: Forms and Development: Essays in Honour of

English Drama: Forms and Development: Essays in Honour of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Bradbrook, M. C. / Axton, M. / Axton, Marie, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, These ten ong>orong>iginal ong>essaysong> on English drama from Tudong>orong> times onwards were first published in . Each is written by a fong>orong>mer member of the Cambridge English Faculty. Each authong>orong> has an individual approach and makes a fresh contribution to the study of dramatic fong>orong>m seen in a changing histong>orong>ical setting. There are ong>essaysong> on genres, on individual playwrights and on social conditions affecting the development of the drama. Together, the ong>essaysong> make a valuable contribution to the study of drama.

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Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects

Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Hume David, PUBLISHER: BiblioLife LLC, NA
