introduction to physical anthropology

Introduction to Physical Anthropology

Introduction to Physical Anthropology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Robert Jurmain, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Pub Co, This mainstream, four-color physical anthropology text is the best selling text in the market. It presents a balanced and thorough introduction to the field of physical anthropology using helpful tables, charts, photo essays, multimedia, and an engaging writing style to bring the study of physical anthropology to life for today's student.

A History of Anthropological Theory, Third Edition

A History of Anthropological Theory, Third Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erickson, Paul A. / Murphy, Liam D. / Murphy, Pae Liam D., PUBLISHER: University of Toronto Press, Recognizing that anthropology--"the integrated study of humanity in its biological, social, and cultural dimensions--"has deep roots in the Western experience, this concise survey begins in antiquity, then moves forward through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to the modern era. The authors focus on the twentieth century, covering American, British, and French anthropological traditions and discussing developments in theory that point to future directions in archaeology, physical anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. This edition features a new preface and new and expanded sections on transactionalism, feminist anthropology, postmodernity, medical anthropology, and globalization.

Offerte relazionate introduction to physical anthropology: A History of Anthropological Theory, Third Edition
Introduction to the Theory of Sets

Introduction to the Theory of Sets

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Breuer, Joseph / Fehr, Howard F., PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, Set theory permeates much of contemporary mathematical thought. This text for undergraduates offers a natural introduction, developing the subject through observations of the physical world. Its progressive development leads from finite sets to cardinal numbers, infinite cardinals, and ordinals. Exercises appear throughout the text, with answers at the end. edition.

An introduction to algorithmc trading

An introduction to algorithmc trading

An introduction to algorithmc trading BASIC to advanced strategies Edward leshik and Jane Cralle Con cd originale. Come nuovo

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Introduction to English linguistics

Introduction to English linguistics

Vendo Introduction to English linguistics (linguistica inglese) molto ben scritto e semplice da comprendere.

Introduction to Data compression

Introduction to Data compression

Introduction to Data compression K. Sayood. Second ediction copertina rigida. Ottimo stato.

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Essentials of Physical Anthropology

Essentials of Physical Anthropology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lynn Kilgore Robert Jurmain Wenda Trevathan, PUBLISHER: B& amp H Publishing Group, NA

Cambridge and the Torres Strait: Centenary Essays on the

Cambridge and the Torres Strait: Centenary Essays on the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Herle, Anita / Rouse, Sandra / Anita, Herle, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Torres Strait has an established place in the history of anthropology because of its association with the Cambridge University Expedition of organised by A. C. Haddon. This early British anthropological expedition is regarded as a seminal event in the formation of academic anthropology in Britain. Its goal was to make an unprecedentedly comprehensive anthropological study embracing ethnology, physical anthropology, psychology, linguistics, sociology and ethnomusicology. The nine interdisciplinary essays in this centenary volume offer ways of looking at and situation the Expedition's work in historical and intellectual debates. Central themes covered are the relationship between the expedition members and the Torres Strait Islanders: the innovations associated with the Expedition and the Expedition's influence on the development of anthropology and psychology. One hundred years on, the results of the Expedition have a contemporary relevance for anthropology and for the Torres Strait Islanders.

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Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Vendo Introduction to calculus and Analysis I Introduction to calculus and Analysis II Courant, John - Springer Le condizioni generali sono buone, presente qualche annotazione e alcune pagine del volume II/2 si sono staccate (ma ci sono tutte) Consegna a mano a Roma



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blin-Stoyle, R. J. / Blin-Stoyle, Roger, PUBLISHER: Institute of Physics Publishing (GB), This is an accessible introduction to the subject of physics, and how it underpins our understanding of the physical world today. Starting with an initial description of what physics represents from the micro- to the macroscopic, Roger Blin-Stoyle takes the reader on a tour of Newton's Laws, the nature of matter, explaining how the physical world works and how physics may affect our nature understanding.

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An introduction to modern astrophysics

An introduction to modern astrophysics

Vendo libro "An introduction to modern astrophysics" di Carroll Ostlie. Si tratta della seconda edizione ed è in perfette condizioni. Chiesti 125€, spedizione esclusa.

Introduction to Programming with Fortran

Introduction to Programming with Fortran

Vendo libro "Introduction to Programming with Fortran" di Chivers e Sleightholme completo di cd. Chiedo 15€.

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Physical Education in the Primary School An Introduction 1st

Physical Education in the Primary School An Introduction 1st

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gerald Griggs, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

An Introduction to Functional Grammar Third Edition

An Introduction to Functional Grammar Third Edition

An Introduction to Functional Grammar Third Edition In perfette condizioni, fotocopiato, senza sottolineature Autori: Michael Halliday e Christian Matthiessen

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Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 3

Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 3

An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals by W. Deer, R.A. Howie and J. Zussman TERZA EDIZIONE Editor LONGMAN GROUPE LONDON LIMITED

Physical Education and Sports A Contemporary Introduction

Physical Education and Sports A Contemporary Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: J P Sharma, PUBLISHER: Friends Publications India, NA

Offerte relazionate introduction to physical anthropology: Physical Education and Sports A Contemporary Introduction
Introduction to QuickBooks(R) Pro

Introduction to QuickBooks(R) Pro

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sleeter, Douglas, PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Introduction to QuickBooks Pro, is for instructors who teach QuickBooks at most community colleges, proprietary schools and in continuing education programs. A widely-known and well-respected QuickBooks seminar presenter, Douglas Sleeter has created a text that provides easy-to-understand step-by-step instructions to using QuickBooks.

Style in Fiction a Linguistic Introduction to English

Style in Fiction a Linguistic Introduction to English

Style in Fiction a Linguistic Introduction to English Vendo Zona Bari centro stazione spedizione paypal lib lunga ultimo ripiano

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Libro B.F. Feingold. Introduction to Clinical Allergy.

Libro B.F. Feingold. Introduction to Clinical Allergy.

Libro B.F. Feingold. Introduction to Clinical Allergy. C. Thomas , pag 380 con numerose fig b/n e colore. Nuovo. Spedizione inclusa.

Libro B.F. Feingold. Introduction to Clinical Allergy

Libro B.F. Feingold. Introduction to Clinical Allergy

Libro B.F. Feingold. Introduction to Clinical Allergy. C. Thomas , pag 380 con numerose fig b/n e colore. Nuovo.Inclusa spedizione come piego di libri.

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String Theory An introduction to th bosonic string

String Theory An introduction to th bosonic string

Polchinski Joseph, String Theory. Volume I° An introduction to the bosonic string. Ed. Cambridge University Press collana Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics. In-8°, legatura, sovraccoperta, pp. XIX-402, ottime condizioni. ISBN

Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar 4th edition

Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar 4th edition

Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar 4th Edition In perfette condizioni, fotocopiato, senza sottolineature Autori: Michael Halliday e Christian Matthiessen

Offerte relazionate introduction to physical anthropology: Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar 4th edition
Political Anthropology: An Introduction, Second Edition

Political Anthropology: An Introduction, Second Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lewellen, Ted C., PUBLISHER: J F Bergin & Garvey, Unique in its field, this book offers a comprehensive overview of political anthropology, including its history, its major research findings, and its theoretical concerns both past and present. Significantly updated and expanded with extensive changes in many chapters, three additional chapters, and a new conclusion, this second edition provides the basic text and structure for a full course.

An introduction to moderne architecture Jm Richards, ,

An introduction to moderne architecture Jm Richards, ,

An introduction to moderne architecture di Jm Richards, , Penguin Books ARCHITETTURA I ] Note: In 16° br. pp.184 in b/n tavv in t e f.testo molto buono

Offerte relazionate introduction to physical anthropology: An introduction to moderne architecture Jm Richards, ,
Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals in

Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals in

Cerco il testo in Italiano anche usato di An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals degli autori W. Deer, R.A. Howie and J. Zussman editore Zanichelli?
