an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards

An introduction to moderne architecture Jm Richards, ,

An introduction to moderne architecture Jm Richards, ,

An introduction to moderne architecture di Jm Richards, , Penguin Books ARCHITETTURA I ] Note: In 16° br. pp.184 in b/n tavv in t e f.testo molto buono

An introduction to algorithmc trading

An introduction to algorithmc trading

An introduction to algorithmc trading BASIC to advanced strategies Edward leshik and Jane Cralle Con cd originale. Come nuovo

Offerte relazionate an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards: An introduction to algorithmc trading
An introduction to modern astrophysics

An introduction to modern astrophysics

Vendo libro "An introduction to modern astrophysics" di Carroll Ostlie. Si tratta della seconda edizione ed è in perfette condizioni. Chiesti 125€, spedizione esclusa.

An Introduction to Functional Grammar Third Edition

An Introduction to Functional Grammar Third Edition

An Introduction to Functional Grammar Third Edition In perfette condizioni, fotocopiato, senza sottolineature Autori: Michael Halliday e Christian Matthiessen

Offerte relazionate an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards: An Introduction to Functional Grammar Third Edition
Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 3

Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 3

An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals by W. Deer, R.A. Howie and J. Zussman TERZA EDIZIONE Editor LONGMAN GROUPE LONDON LIMITED

String Theory An introduction to th bosonic string

String Theory An introduction to th bosonic string

Polchinski Joseph, String Theory. Volume I° An introduction to the bosonic string. Ed. Cambridge University Press collana Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics. In-8°, legatura, sovraccoperta, pp. XIX-402, ottime condizioni. ISBN

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Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals in

Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals in

Cerco il testo in Italiano anche usato di An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals degli autori W. Deer, R.A. Howie and J. Zussman editore Zanichelli?

Whitewater Rafting: An Introductory Guide

Whitewater Rafting: An Introductory Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kuhne, Cecil, PUBLISHER: Lyons Press, An easy-to-follow, inspiring introduction to this rapidly growing sport.

Offerte relazionate an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards: Whitewater Rafting: An Introductory Guide
An introduction to the basics of reliability

An introduction to the basics of reliability

Vendo libro universitario: Titolo: An introduction to the basics of reliability and risk analysis Autore: E. Zio Copertina rigida: 222 pagine Editore: World Scientific Pub Co Inc Collana: Series on Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics Lingua: Inglese ISBN-10:

An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals

An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals

An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals - Deer, Howie, Zussman Libro di mineralogia ottica in lingua inglese per il riconoscimento di minerali in sezioni sottili. Usato, copertina leggermente usurata, pagine all'interno in perfette condizioni. ISBN

Offerte relazionate an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards: An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals
Interrogating Pop in Architecture

Interrogating Pop in Architecture

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Konrad, Daniela / Danziger, Jason, PUBLISHER: Wasmuth, As architects devise ever more radical gestures with which to wow an increasingly architecture-literate public, the discipline itself has had to engage conceptions of "popular culture." This volume traces the discussions of a group of students, teachers and invited guests from the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and psychology, all of whom worked together at the TU (Technical University) Berlin to discuss this subject. Acquista Ora

Switzerland: A Guide to Recent Architecture

Switzerland: A Guide to Recent Architecture

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hildebrandt, Thomas / Huber, Maja / Huber, Maya, PUBLISHER: Ellipsis Arts, The selection of projects in this guide aims to provide an insight into around 100 projects with access for visitors. Many of the projects are located far from the bustle of cities, making it easy to combine a skiing or hiking holiday with an architectural excursion -- Switzerland has a finely-tuned tourist industry. Those not entirely satisfied by the architecture will have the consolation of the stunning landscapes. The past two decades have seen an extraordinary number of innovative buildings realised by a generation of young Swiss architects. Reacting against the light-hearted and colourful imagery of post-modernism, the fragmentation of deconstructivism, and the accelerating fashion in styles of building, architects are looking towards a more generic architecture, an architecture searching for articulation devoid of predetermined formal meanings -- an architecture without style.

Offerte relazionate an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards: Switzerland: A Guide to Recent Architecture
Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics NUOVO

Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics NUOVO

Vendo libro di fluidodinamica di G.K. Batchelor An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics Il libro è NUOVO, mai usato né sottolineato. Utilizzato nei corsi di ingegneria aerospaziale e aeronautica, uno dei libri di fluidodinamica più completi. In inglese. Spedisco per 5?.

Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics NUOVO

Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics NUOVO

Vendo libro di fluidodinamica di G.K. Batchelor An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics Il libro è NUOVO, mai usato né sottolineato. Utilizzato nei corsi di ingegneria aerospaziale e aeronautica, uno dei libri di fluidodinamica più completi. In inglese. Spedisco per 5€.

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Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented

Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Purdum, Jack, PUBLISHER: Wrox Press, Learn all the basics of C# 3.0 from "Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming," a book that presents introductory information in an intuitive format. If you have no prior programming experience but want a thorough, easy-to-understand introduction to C# and Object Oriented Programming, this book is an ideal guide. Using the tutorials and hands-on coding examples, you can discover tried and true tricks of the trade, understand design concepts, employ debugging aids, and design and write C# programs that are functional and that embody safe programming practices.

An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology

An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: de Silva, Padmasiri / Hick, John, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology is a lucid, intelligible and authentic introduction to the foundations of Buddhist psychology. It provides comprehensive coverage of the basic concepts and issues in the psychology of Buddhism and thus it deals with the nature of psychological inquiry, concepts of mind, consciousness and behavior, motivation, emotions, perception, and the therapeutic structure of Buddhist psychology. For the fourth edition, a new chapter on "emotional intelligence" and its relationship with Buddhism has been added. Acquista Ora

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Field Guide To Sabino Canyon An Introduction To Familiar

Field Guide To Sabino Canyon An Introduction To Familiar

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: James Kavanagh Raymond Leung, PUBLISHER: Waterford Press Incorporated, NA

An Introduction to Intellectual Property: Essays and

An Introduction to Intellectual Property: Essays and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dabydeen, Sally Ramage, PUBLISHER: iUniverse, It is not easy to prevent others from using your ideas or information for gain unless you use the sophisticated and esoteric legal techniques of intellectual property law. Copyright, which is especially important, is a form of protection afforded to many different types of work. Copyright protection for literary work is well known, and this regime also applies to musical and artistic works, broadcasts, sound and video recordings and typographical arrangements. "An Introduction to Intellectual Property," an introduction to topics in intellectual property law by the unusual method of using moots, mock trials, questions and answers and essays, is not a textbook. It serves to interest the inquisitive without going into the deep law of IP. It will certainly encourage the reader to read an IP textbook and help students when faced with a decision to choose the subject for study.

Offerte relazionate an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards: An Introduction to Intellectual Property: Essays and
International Action Against Racial Discrimination

International Action Against Racial Discrimination

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Banton, Michael P., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, An introduction to the international law of racial discrimination, this book is the first to provide an inside account of how a United Nations human rights treaty body actually works. At the same time, it is an introduction to the international law of racial discrimination. The book focuses on the practical operation and implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, emphasizing throughout the relationship between law and politics.

Introduction to Physical Anthropology

Introduction to Physical Anthropology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Robert Jurmain, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Pub Co, This mainstream, four-color physical anthropology text is the best selling text in the market. It presents a balanced and thorough introduction to the field of physical anthropology using helpful tables, charts, photo essays, multimedia, and an engaging writing style to bring the study of physical anthropology to life for today's student.

Offerte relazionate an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards: Introduction to Physical Anthropology
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Storey, John, PUBLISHER: University of Georgia Press, This new edition is a companion volume to An Introduction to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, just published in its second edition. The Reader supplements and extends the cultural terrain of the introductory volume by offering students the opportunity to experience firsthand the work of many cultural theorists and critics. Intended as a theoretical, analytical, and historical introduction to the study of popular culture within cultural studies, the current edition contains nine new readings, a new general introduction, and a fully updated bibliography. The readings cover the culture and civilization tradition, culturalism, structuralism and post-sttucturalism, Marxism, feminism, and postmodernism, as well as current debates in the study of popular culture. Used in conjunction with An Introduction to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, or on its own, this collection will be invaluable to scholars and students.

Grid Revolution: An Introduction to Enterprise Grid

Grid Revolution: An Introduction to Enterprise Grid

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goyal, Brajesh / Lawande, Shilpa, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, Flexible, reliable, and inexpensive, enterprise grid computing is the ideal solution to today's changing business needs. Perfect for business decision-makers, Grid Revolution provides an accessible overview of this technology. The book covers current grid standards activities and outlines the strategic steps required to phase grid computing into an existing infrastructure.

Offerte relazionate an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards: Grid Revolution: An Introduction to Enterprise Grid
Elementary Probability

Elementary Probability

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stirzaker, David, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The aim of this book is to provide a straightforward introduction to the theory of probability. The topics covered illustrate the wide range and power of the subject, and include conditional probability, independence, discrete and continuous random variables, basic combinatorics, generating functions and limit theorems, and an introduction to Markov chains. The text is accessible to undergraduate students and provides numerous worked examples and exercises to help build the important skills necessary for problem solving.

Neuroethology An Introduction to the Neurophysiological

Neuroethology An Introduction to the Neurophysiological

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: J P Ewert, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

Offerte relazionate an introduction to moderne architecture jm richards: Neuroethology An Introduction to the Neurophysiological
An Introduction to Book History

An Introduction to Book History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alistair McCleery David Finkelstein, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA
