international social work issues strategies and programs

International Social Work: Issues, Strategies, and Programs

International Social Work: Issues, Strategies, and Programs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dr David Cox Dr Manohar Pawar, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications, NA Acquista Ora

International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions

International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lyons, Karen / Manion, Kathleen / Carlsen, Mary, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book argues the necessity for social professionals working locally to equip themselves with knowledge of global mechanisms and cross-cultural issues. Local level examples include the increase in victims of trafficking or the effects of HIV/AIDS on some immigrant groups. International examples include the risk to children moving across borders, the growth of international pedophile networks, and the proliferation of terrorism.

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Research on Social Work and Disasters

Research on Social Work and Disasters

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Streeter, Calvin / Murty, Susan A., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Over the past decade, several major natural disasters have had devastating impacts throughout the United States and the world. Since larger populations now live and work on land vulnerable to various hazards, natural disasters can be expected to affect more people each year. As a result, the social work profession soon will be stretched to its limits as it attempts to respond to growing human needs in the wake of hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, floods, earthquakes, and human-made technological disasters. Research on Social Work and Disasters provides the essential strategies social work researchers, other social scientists in the area of disaster research, and emergency management personnel need to prepare for and recover from all forms of disaster.Focusing on hazard, risk, and disaster research, this book presents conceptual approaches and empirical findings in this emerging and important area of social work. It includes research on natural and technological disasters as they impact both rural and urban environments. Research on Social Work and Disasters offers conceptual and methodological guidelines for social work researchers and provides insight into the range of opportunities and issues relevant for disaster research. Specific topics you will learn about include: research design, methodology, and measurement community awareness and activism traumatic stress and stress debriefing funding and ethical issues vulnerable populations hazard education action researchResearch on Social Work and Disasters not only addresses effective strategies for responding in the aftermath of particular disasters, but also suggests significant ways in which the social work profession can become involved in prevention, mitigation, and preparedness activities. The book features examples of recent research on disasters chosen to illustrate a variety of types of disasters, theoretical approaches, methodologies, and levels of analysis. The implications drawn from this book are consistent in suggesting the responsibility of society to care for vulnerable populations and to share the burdens caused by catastrophic events.

Theorizing Social Work Practice

Theorizing Social Work Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thompson, Neil, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This important new text from Neil Thompson explores the relationship between social work theory and social work practice in a way that promotes reflective practice and identifies the value and limitations of different theoretical positions from an applied perspective. The book is outstanding for its clarity, balance, organization and integrity.

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Guide to the Social Work Practicum: A Team Approach

Guide to the Social Work Practicum: A Team Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rogers, Gayla / Collins, Donald / Barlow, Constance A., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, A useful book that guides social work students through the field practicum, this text offers words of wisdom, practical applications, reflective exercises, and helpful suggestions for all members of the practicum team--the student, practicum instructor, and practicum liaison. It includes well-developed tools and techniques that focus the student's learning in a range of critical arenas leading to the development of competent and confident social work professionals. GUIDE TO THE SOCIAL WORK PRACTICUM can be used as a self-study guide for students in distance education programs or distant field placements; as a textbook in a practicum seminar; or by students and practicum instructors as a manual that supports maximizing the learning value from the supervisory relationship.

Social Work Practice with Men at Risk

Social Work Practice with Men at Risk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Furman, Rich, PUBLISHER: Columbia University Press, Treating men as a culturally distinct group, Rich Furman integrates key conceptions of masculinity into culturally sensitive social work practice with men. Focusing on veterans, displaced workers, substance abusers, mental health consumers, and other groups that might be unlikely to seek help, Furman deftly explores the psychosocial development of men, along with the globalization of men's lives, alternative conceptions of masculinity, and special dynamics within male relationships. Furman bolsters his conclusions with case studies and evidence-based interventions. His cutting-edge research merges four key social work theories and explores how they inform practice with mental health issues, compulsive disorders, addiction, and violence. By promoting gender equity and culturally competent practice with men, Furman bridges the gap between clinical and macro practice. "Social Work Practice with Men at Risk" is a crucial text for educators and practitioners hoping to pursue effective, far-reaching interventions.

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Psychology and Social Issues: A Tutorial Text

Psychology and Social Issues: A Tutorial Text

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cochrane, Raymond / Cochrane, R. / Carroll, Douglas, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Addresses topical social issues from a psychological perspective, for example unemployment, child abuse, and AIDS. Each contribution is self- contained, does not presume previous knowledge of the topic, and is suitable for students to use as the basis for a tutorial discussion.

Handbook of Social Intervention

Handbook of Social Intervention

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seidman, Edward, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), A definitive resource for anyone involved in the study or practice of social planning and intervention. Invited contributors review the literature on psychological, social, educational, economic, and environmental policies and programmes. Issues of design, method, assessment, and tactics of social intervention are explored. The volume then deals with intervention in criminal justice, education, health, housing, and thirteen other specific areas of policy.

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Technology, Spirituality, and Social Trends: Probing the

Technology, Spirituality, and Social Trends: Probing the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anderson, Kerby, PUBLISHER: Kregel Publications, As we enter the 21st century, Christians face complex challenges and vexing issues. Many of these are issues related to technology such as cloning, the Internet, and cyberporn. Other challenges have been created by social pressures leading to loneliness, busyness, and anxiety. Christians face unique problems in each of these realms and need biblical answers and direction in this confusing world. In a clear, straightforward style drawn from the wealth of insights developed for the popular radio programs of Probe Ministries, the authors of this collection provide answers and a framework for discussion as Christians explore uncharted territory in this new world of technology and societal change. Topics include: Benefits and dangers of the Internet Online relationships Animal and human cloning Baby "Boomerangs" Generation X

The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in

The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harre, Rom / Moghaddam, Fathali M. / Harr?, Rom, PUBLISHER: Praeger, This volume focuses on relations between the self and other individuals, the self and groups, and the self and context. Leading scholars in the field of positioning theory present the newest developments from this field on human social relations. The discussion is international, multidisciplinary, and multi-method, aiming to achieve a more dynamic and powerful account of human social relations, and to break disciplinary boundaries. Four features in this work are prominent. The book is culturally oriented and international. There is a push to move across disciplines, particularly across psychology and linguistics, and psychology and microsociology. There is a focus on language and social construction of the world through discourse. Finally, the book represents a multi-method approach that reflects discursive methods.

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Social Group and Social Case Work Working with Individuals,

Social Group and Social Case Work Working with Individuals,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mahesh Madhok, PUBLISHER: Centrum Press, NA

Specialista Social Media

Specialista Social Media

Specialista Social Media The ideal candidate will have a strong ability to create effective and measurable social media campaigns. They should be able to steadily build a brand and social media presence and constantly adapt their efforts to address new trends. This candidate should also be comfortable creating engaging content that will reach a targeted audience and maximize outcomes. Responsibilities Create and launch effective and novel social media campaigns to meet objectives Develop client brand and manage social media presence through targeted content Analyze, evaluate and adapt campaigns and strategies to reach desired outcomes Monitor industry trends in order to stay relevant with social media approach. Maggiori dettagli nella sezione riservata agli utenti Premium. Inserzionista: Mediamatch

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International Relations: Perspectives and Themes

International Relations: Perspectives and Themes

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Steans, Jill / Stearns, Jill / Pettiford, Lloyd, PUBLISHER: Longman Publishing Group, "This jargon-free, comprehensive and challenging account of International Relations theory provides readers with the information they need to understand International Relations from a variety of distinct theoretical viewpoints. Offers a balanced and objective viewpoint. Clearly explains key terms and ideas, including a glossary of less familiar terms, recognizes and solves the problems readers have with International Relations specific 'language', and covers all the major theories, concepts and issues. For those interested international relations. scount Code -- F

Modern Science and Human Values

Modern Science and Human Values

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lowrance, William W., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Engaging in spirited debate and making reference to a broad range of issues in the physical and biological sciences, the social sciences, engineering, and medicine, this perceptive study analyzes how technical progress influences social thought and public policy, and how technical people play their complex roles as professional practitioners, advisors, and leaders. A major contribution to the debate over public policy and technology, this work will generate much discussion among engineers, physicians, academic and institutional researchers, and concerned politicians. For anyone concerned about the effects of technology on culture, it offers a lively, readable portrait of the modern scientific community and an insightful discussion of the influence of technology on social philosophy and individual belief.

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Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crouch, Colin / Heath, Anthony, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In light of recent skepticism about the effectiveness of social research, this work provides an opportune reassessment of its influence. It also proposes new ways to consider the relationship of research to reform. The range of topics covered includes secondary educational reform, changing concepts of social work, women's studies, as well as the role of evaluation research in social policy in the United States and Sweden.

The Call to Social Work: Life Stories

The Call to Social Work: Life Stories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: LeCroy, Craig Winston, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The Call to Social Work is a great supplement to courses such as introduction to social work and social welfare, and social work practice. It can also be used in practicum/field courses to give students a better understanding of what various types of social workers do in daily practice.a The text provides stories of real social workers with many different backgrounds, and is designed toahelp students to better understand the profession. Changes to the second edition include:Introductions to each chapter written by the authorEnd of chapter features that will help students apply what they have learned from each storyThe addition of some newer, contemporary storiesPhotos of the contributorsMore descriptive chapter titlesReorganization of stories to fall under major fields of practicea Acquista Ora

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Managed Care Answer Book, Fourth Edition

Managed Care Answer Book, Fourth Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dacso, Sheryl Tatar / Dacso, Clifford C., PUBLISHER: Aspen Publishers, This is an indispensable reference for all professionals involved in the design, implementation, financing, or operation of a managed care program, written in the classic Answer Book format. You'll find extensive coverage of managed care, cost containment strategies, and advice on organization and implementation of programs with important issues covered from both the purchaser's and the producer's perspectives. The topic is covered from the ground up, with crucial questions and authoritative, up-to-date answers on every facet of managed care, including such valuable features as: Contract negotiation strategies and dispute resolution techniques -- Maximizing utilization review and outcomes assessment -- Techniques for managed care implementation and administration -- payer and provider contracting -- Advice on legal and regulatory considerations -- and information technology and telemedicine.

Staying Sane in a Changing World: A Handbook for Work,

Staying Sane in a Changing World: A Handbook for Work,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cairnes, Margot, PUBLISHER: Balboa Press, There's no doubt that the world is experiencing rapid change: technological advances and globalisation are completely transforming the way we live, including the way we work, communicate and play. We can no longer expect life to be how it was in the past. Consequently, we need to upgrade our thinking so that we can make the most of the opportunities in this constantly evolving world. Staying Sane in a Changing World is a handbook to help navigate our new world. Margot Cairnes, international futurist, author and keynote speaker, has compiled a series of inspirational essays, reflections and thought-starters from her work for national and international professional journals and magazines. These essays present new ways of looking at a range of issues - from work, to leadership, to spirituality and family life - and how they interconnect.

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Diminishing Welfare: A Cross-National Study of Social

Diminishing Welfare: A Cross-National Study of Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goldberg, Gertrude Schaffner / Rosenthal, Marguerite G. / Goldberg, Gertrude S., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Particularly in the s, social welfare programs have been cut back in a number of countries. Indeed, the phrases "ending welfare as we know it" or "dismantling the welfare state" have been used to describe this trend. In this analysis by well-recognized social welfare scholars, the nature and extent of changes in social welfare programs in key industrial or post-industrial countries is scrutinized. Determining if and how social welfare and employment rospects have been cut back in the United States, Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, and Japan helps to identify the population groups hardest hit by cutback. In the United States, for example, poor, single-mother families have suffered major reductions in income support, while more powerful groups have avoided major losses. This cross-national study not only sheds light on general trends in social welfare but also provides clues to what constitutes successful reform and what has failed. This major comparative analysis will be of interest to scholars, students, policy makers, and professionals as well as the general public concerned with social welfare issues, full employment, poverty, and economic inequality.

Work with Anyone Anywhere: A Guide to Global Business

Work with Anyone Anywhere: A Guide to Global Business

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goodman, Michael B., PUBLISHER: Professional Publications (CA), Business is now conducted on a global scale. Learning how to communicate and interact across national and cultural boundaries is a key to success. This book discusses the issues affecting international business and how business functions are adapted for specific regions and cultures to facilitate effective working relationships ""Work With Anyone Anywhere is a very practical tool and one I'll keep handy. I still never remember all the rules of Japanese gift giving, for example. Now I'll know where to quickly find the answer."" --Keith Reinhard, Chairman Emeritus, DDB Worldwide Inc Learn to advance your business in a global environment Understand international business principles Recognize and adapt to important cultural differences Negotiate, market, and manage effectively in a global environment Work successfully within specific regions and cultures

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School Mathematics in the s

School Mathematics in the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howson / Wilson, Leslie / Wilson, Robb, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Countries throughout the world are faced with the problem of adjusting school mathematics curricula in an attempt to match rapid changes in society, technology and educational systems. The ICMI Study is intended to help those who wish to form a vision of what school mathematics might be in the 's and to work towards the fulfilment of goals. In doing this it will be guided by the experiences of the past thirty years, which have taught us that what is desirable might not be attainable, and that goals must be set which acknowledge the existence of constraints. The Study seeks to identify key issues and basic questions within mathematics education, to propose and comment upon alternative strategies, and to provide a stimulus for more detailed, less general discussions, within more limited geographical and social contexts. The text is based upon an international symposium held in Kuwait in February, and attended by selected mathematics educators drawn from all parts of the world.

Perspectives in Professional Child and Youth Care

Perspectives in Professional Child and Youth Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beker, Jerome / Anglin, James P. / Denholm, Carey J., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Here are the information, ideas, and inspiration that will help child care workers in their daily struggle to provide better care for children, youth, and families. Perspectives in Professional Child and Youth Care is a much-needed sourcebook of readings on the current state of the art of professional child and youth care in North America. Some of the leading practitioners, academicians, researchers, and administrators provide a "child care perspective," writing about what they--on the front lines--perceive as the most pressing issues and significant topics in the field today, including the nature of child and youth care, current issues in education and training, therapeutic program issues, key support functions in child and youth programs, the changing work environment and new roles, and developing professionalism in the field of child and youth care. This enormously insightful book will be valuable for use in academic courses and training workshops, as well as for individual child and youth care professionals and practitioners from related disciplines.

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Long-Term Counselling

Long-Term Counselling

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shipton, Geraldine / Smith, Eileen, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Counselling can be a long-term process, whether by initial design or because of the emergence of new concerns within work originally planned as short-term or focused. Occasionally, counselling is long-term by default, when the counsellor or client cannot face ending or when the counsellor cannot envisage other ways of working with a client. This book examines the complex and varied issues which can arise, with an emphasis throughout on skilled, professional and ethical practice. Encouraging trainees and practitioners to think about the day-to-day realities and issues of long-term work, the book considers working parameters and issues of definition, setting and orientation. It also focuses on assessing and managing the work

Administrative Decentralization: Strategies for Developing

Administrative Decentralization: Strategies for Developing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cohen, John M. / Peterson, Stephen B., PUBLISHER: Kumarian Press, * Examines administrative decentralization strategies in developing countries* Case studies include Ethiopia, Kenya, and Mexico* Written in cooperation with the United NationsCohen and Peterson have created a practical and theoretically rich look at administrative decentralization from the past four decades, with a focus on the problems confronting developing countries since the s. This groundbreaking work debates the role of administrative systems--including institutional monopolies and pluralistic states--in implementing decentralization strategies and reforms.

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August Wilson

August Wilson

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Snodgrass, Mary Ellen, PUBLISHER: McFarland & Company, This reference work provides the reader with a source of basic data and analysis of characters, dates, events, allusions, staging strategies, and themes from the work on one of America's finest playwrights.
