Baikal Miner 150Mh/s Dash X11 X13 X14 X15 Quark Q
Come da titolo vendo Baikal Mini Miner 150Mh/s / ASIC / Dash /X11/X13/X14/X15/Quark/Qubit + PSU incluso perfettamente funzionante. Per sapere la profittabilità del miner utilizzate il sito "whattomine" Here's some specs on the mining algorithms and ong>powerong> draw: Algorithm Hash Rate ong>Powerong> (at the wall, with 25â,,? ambient temp) ong>Powerong> Efficiency XMH/s ±W ±J/MH XMH/s ±W ±J/MH XMH/s ±W ±J/MH XMH/s ±W ±J/MH Quark 150MH/s ±W ±J/MH Qubit 150MH/s ±W ±J/MH More details: - ong>Powerong> supply: DC 12V 5A ong>Powerong> ong>Adapterong> with Ã~2.5 DC Plug - Interface: Ethernet - Operation Temp: 0 ~ 40 â,,? - Dimension: 140mm (L) x 100mm (W) x 95mm (H) - Weight: 475g