inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and

Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation and

Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lenzerini, Maurizio / Simi, Maria / Nardi, Daniele, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, This work serves as an introduction to the research on inheritance hierarchies and a collection of some technical presentations of recent developments in the field. Among the topics covered are: taxonomic reasoning, mixed inheritance, the relationship between inheritance and knowledge representation, inheritance networks, inheritance in object oriented programming languages, partial equivalence relations, inheritance mechanisms in the OBJLOG language, horn clause theories, and logic programming knowledge bases.

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on the completion of the latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations synthesizes the latest thinking in knowledge management with the design of information technology and the Internet-enabled new organization forms. The major emphasis of this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual organizations and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual organizations.

Offerte relazionate inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and: Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations
Unlocking the Vault

Unlocking the Vault

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Toney, Joyce J., PUBLISHER: Xulon Press, Have you been called out as priests or priestess for the Almighty God? Has God conferred a kingly or queenly authority on you? What rights do you have as one of Gods priest-kings or priestess-queens? Is the enemy of your soul holding your inheritance in a vault? Learn how to unlock your priestly and kingly inheritance. Unlocking The Vault To Your Priestly and Kingly Inheritance will answer all of these questions and give you keys on how to lay hold of your rightful inheritance. Obtaining our inheritance is crucial to walking in the full power and authority conferred upon us from God.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies

The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seabrook, Jeremy, PUBLISHER: Between the Lines, Upper, middle, or lower? Which class are you? Hierarchies and rankings have been with us since the earliest times and, as Seabrook argues, they show no sign of disappearing yet. Those at the top would have too much to lose. This "No-Nonsense Guide" gives the full picture of how class analysis emerged from earlier categorizations, and how it affected and still affects people's lives even today in our globalized world.

Offerte relazionate inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and: The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies
From Standard Logic to Logic Programming: Introducing a

From Standard Logic to Logic Programming: Introducing a

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thayse, Andre / Gochet, Paul / Gr?goire, Eric, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Presents a solid base for the examination of artificial intelligence (AI) with a thorough study of the role of logic, covering the whole field from the theoretical aspects of logic to the most practical logic programming applications. Discusses classical logic; knowledge representation and valid reasoning; non-standard logics and revisable reasoning; formal grammars; automata theory and augument transition network formalism and much more. Particular emphasis is placed on Prolog as the forerunning and most popular language for logic programming.

Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and

Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Arthur I., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), How can new knowledge be created from already existing knowledge? "Insights of Genius" shows how seeing is central to the greatest advances of the human intellect. Artists and scientists alike rely on visual representations of worlds both visible and invisible. "Insights of Genius, " first published by Copernicus in , explores the creative leaps that led some of the greatest scientists and artists to dramatically transform how we understand nature. The scope of figures runs from Galileo and da Vinci to Einstein and Picasso. Focusing on the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the age of modern art and modern physics, the book travels through the philosophy of mind and language, cognitive science, neurophysiology, and art history. "Insights of Genius" discusses intuition, aesthetics, realism, representation, metaphors, and visual imagery. Allied to these concepts are causality, relativity, energy conservation, entropy, the correspondence principle, scientific creativity, and Cubism. Running through the book is the idea that science extends our intuition from common sense to an understanding of a world beyond our perception.

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Resisting Representation

Resisting Representation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Scarry, Elaine, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Renowned scholar Elaine Scarry's book, The Body in Pain, has been called by Susan Sontag "extraordinary...large-spirited, heroically truthful." The Los Angeles Times called it "brilliant, ambitious, and controversial." Now Oxford has collected some of Scarry's most provocative writing. This collection of essays deals with the complicated problems of representation in diverse literary and cultural genres--from her beloved sixth-century philosopher Boethius, through the nineteenth-century novel, to twentieth-century advertising. qWe often assume that all areas of experience are equally available for representation. On the contrary, these essays present discussions of experiences and concepts that challenge, defeat, or block representation. Physical pain, physical labor, the hidden reflexes of cognition and its judgments about the coherence or incoherence of the world are all phenomena that test the resources of language. Using primarily literary sources (works by Hardy, Beckett, Boethius, Thackeray, and others), Scarry also draws on painting, medical advertising, and philosophic dialogue to probe the limitations of expression and representation. Resisting Representation celebrates language. It looks at the problematic areas of expression not at the moment when representation is resisted, but at the moment when that resistance is at last overcome, thus suggesting a domain of plenitude and inclusion.

AI*Ia 99: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 6th Congress

AI*Ia 99: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 6th Congress

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Associazione Italiana Per Lintelligenza Artificiale / Mello, P. / Lamma, E., PUBLISHER: Springer, This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 6th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, AI*IA 99, held in Bologna, Italy, in September . The 33 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book from a total of 64 congress submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on knowledge representation; automated reasoning; temporal and qualitative reasoning; machine learning, data mining, and theory revision; natural language processing and web interfaces; multi-agent systems; perception and robotics; and planning and scheduling.

Offerte relazionate inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and: AI*Ia 99: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 6th Congress
Re-Presenting GIS

Re-Presenting GIS

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fisher, Peter F. / Fisher, Peter / Unwin, David J., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, 'Geographical information science' is not merely a technical subject but also poses theoretical questions on the nature of geographic representation and whether there exist limits on the ability of GI systems to deal with certain objects and issues. This book presents the debate surrounding technical GIS and theory of representation from an 'inside' GIS perspective. Chapters are authored by leading researchers from a range of fields including geographers, planners, ecologists and computer scientists from Europe and North America.

Signal and Linear System Analysis

Signal and Linear System Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carlson / Carlson, Gordon E., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, This book explores general signal and system concepts and characteristics for both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. It progresses from signal representation and characteristics to the analysis of the effect of systems on signals.

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Libri Brisingr e Inheritance di C. Paolini

Libri Brisingr e Inheritance di C. Paolini

Vendo libri della saga "Il ciclo dell'eredità": "Brisingr" e "Inheritance" di Christopher Paolini - Rizzoli Editore Ottime condizioni, come nuovi, comprese le sovracopertine. Prezzo: euro 8,00 caduno; euro la coppia. Prezzo di copertina: Brisingr euro ; Inheritance euro . Sono escluse eventuali spese di spedizione

Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Harvey J. / Han, Jiawei, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Advances in automated data collection are creating massive databases and a whole new field, Knowledge Discovery Databases (KDD), has emerged to develop new methods of managing and exploiting them. Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery is the interrogation of large databases using efficient computational methods. The unique challenges brought about by the storing of massive geographical databases - from high resolution satellite-based systems to data from intelligent transportation systems, for example - has led to the field of Geographical Knowledge Discovery (GKD). Geographic or spatial data mining is the exploration of these geographical information databases. Developed out of contributions to the highly-respected Varenius Project in , this collection will be the definitive volume focusing on GKD and addresses the special challenges to be found in knowledge discovery and data mining from geographic databases.

Offerte relazionate inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and: Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Literacy and the Politics of Representation

Literacy and the Politics of Representation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mary Hamilton, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

Passing On: Kinship and Inheritance in England

Passing On: Kinship and Inheritance in England

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Janet Finch, PUBLISHER: Taylor & Francis Group, NA

Offerte relazionate inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and: Passing On: Kinship and Inheritance in England
Financial Times Guide to Inheritance Tax, Probate and Estate

Financial Times Guide to Inheritance Tax, Probate and Estate

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: A Fisher, PUBLISHER: Pearson Education, NA

The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues

The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty / Harasym, Sarah, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Gayatri Spivak, one of our best known cultural and literary theorists, addresses a vast range of political questions with both pen and voice in this unique book. "The Post-Colonial Critic" brings together a selection of interviews and discussions in which she has taken part over the past five years; together they articulate some of the most compelling politico-theoretical issues of the present. In these lively texts, students of Spivak's work will identify her unmistakeable voice as she speaks on questions of representation and self-representation, the politicization of deconstruction; the situations of post-colonial critics; pedagogical responsibility; and political strategies.

Offerte relazionate inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and: The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues
Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge

Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McArthur, Tom, PUBLISHER: University of Exeter Press, In this unique and entertaining collection of articles, a noted scholar and compiler of key works of reference reflects on the nature of language, the art of lexicography, and the breathtaking developments in communication, the media, and information technology in the late twentieth century. Living Words ranges over three main subjects: language at large, and in particular English, the most widely used language in the history of the world; the art and study of dictionaries and reference science, embracing all past, present, and potential reference materials from the Oxford English Dictionary to the Yellow Pages; and the processes through which communication, information, and knowledge have evolved -- from cave art to the personal computer.

Methodology, Theory, and Knowledge in the Managerial and

Methodology, Theory, and Knowledge in the Managerial and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Geisler, Eliezer / Rogers, Everett M., PUBLISHER: Quorum Books, Geisler argues that the over-reliance on co-variation techniques and statistical methods, instead of process approach and in-depth analysis, produces meaningless knowledge in the managerial and organizational sciences, and indeed throughout all the social sciences. He offers instead a new and different approach, based on the notion of what he calls "dynamic morphologies"--an "architecture of slicing complex phenomena." This way it is possible to explain many inconsistencies in research findings, and to find a cohesive, systematic outlook on research, research design, and knowledge creation. Intellectually challenging and following in the footsteps of Kuhn, Argyris, and Popper, Geisler's approach is frankly revolutionary in research design and contains its own notions, terms, and nomenclature. A provocative discussion for academics and others well trained in the organizational, managerial, and social sciences. Geisler's dynamic morphologies provide a means to research complex phenomena and gain knowledge about them. They are composed of a chain of events, combined logically and temporally, and a method by which this process is studied. Geisler also contends that knowledge in the organizational and managerial sciences is only viable when it describes and explains the complex, higher-order phenomena. Therefore, theory building and research in these fields must be linked to higher-order constructs and the phenomena that they attempt to explain. This is the central notion of "amplitude" that Geisler introduces and describes. His book also criticizes the evolutionary epistemology view of knowledge creation and contends that knowledge in all of these fields of study in general is notevolutionary, but instead, cumulative and expansive.

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Imperialism within the Margins Queer Representation and the

Imperialism within the Margins Queer Representation and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: William J Spurlin, PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan, NA

Integration-Ready Architecture and Design: Software

Integration-Ready Architecture and Design: Software

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zhuk, Jeff, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Written by a software architect and experienced trainer, the book brilliantly integrates theory and practice, going from foundations and concepts to architecture, design, and code examples. Through deep insights into almost all areas of modern CIS and IT, Zhuk provides an entry into the new world of integrated knowledge and software engineering. Readers will learn the "what's, why's, and how's" on: J2EE, J2ME,.NET, JSAPI, JMS, JMF, SALT, VoiceXML, WAP, , CDNA, GPRS, CycL, XML, and multiple XML-based technologies including RDF, DAML, SOAP, UDDI, and WDSL. The book turns these abbreviations into understandable concepts and examples. Students, architects, designers, and management benefit from innovative ideas and detailed examples for building multi-dimensional worlds of enterprise applications and creating distributed knowledge marketplace.

Offerte relazionate inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and: Integration-Ready Architecture and Design: Software
Bush Craft: Outdoor Skills and Wilderness Survival

Bush Craft: Outdoor Skills and Wilderness Survival

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kochanski, Mors L., PUBLISHER: Lone Pine Publishing, With clear instructions, extensive use of diagrams and a color photo supplement, this comprehensive reference includes all the practical skills and knowledge essential to survive and enjoy the wilderness.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Paolini, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, Not so very long ago, Eragon--Shadeslayer, Dragon Rider--was nothing more than a poor farm boy, and his dragon, Saphira, only a blue stone in the forest. Now the fate of an entire civilization rests on their shoulders. Long months of training and battle have brought victories and hope, but they have also brought heartbreaking loss. And still, the real battle lies ahead: they must confront Galbatorix. When they do, they will have to be strong enough to defeat him. And if they cannot, no one can. There will be no second chances. The Rider and his dragon have come further than anyone dared to hope. But can they topple the evil king and restore justice to Alagaesia? And if so, at what cost? This is the much-anticipated, astonishing conclusion to the worldwide bestselling Inheritance cycle.

Offerte relazionate inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and: Inheritance
Mathematical Investigations: Book One

Mathematical Investigations: Book One

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Souviney, R. / Gargiulo, S. / Britt, M., PUBLISHER: Dale Seymour Publications, Meaningful mathematical experiences with interconnected situational lessons and real-world activities: Book One: geometry, patterns, operations research, photography, and genetic inheritance. Book Two: networks, sports math, finite-difference patterns, rates, and maps. Book Three: fundamentals of money, scaling, finance, loans, probability, and linear programming. Each investigation includes individual and whole-class activities, plus a "Check-up" that tests students' understanding.

Educational Research Undone

Educational Research Undone

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stronach, Ian / Stronach, Aan / Maclure, Margaret, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, "This is a provocative, important book. It moves the discourses of postmodernism and deconstructionism to new levels of insight and analysis. Authors Stronach and MacLure perform a major service to the field, showing how these complex discourses can be fitted to the concrete practices of educational research and pedagogy. In so doing they set new goals and priorities for the next generation of educational research and theory" - Norman K Denzin, College of Communications Scholar, Distinguished Professor of Communication, Research Professor of Sociology, Criticism and Interpretive Theory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "As intelligent a hearing as postmodernism is likely to receive." - Professor Ernie House, School of Education, University of Colorado at Boulder. This book is the first educational research text in the UK to come to terms with postmodernism and deconstruction, connecting these emerging problematics of 'representation' to issues in philosophy, research methodology, and policy critique, and both providing and criticising its own examples. The authors draw on literary theory, anthropology, and sociology in order to construct alternative ways of reading and writing educational research, claiming that it is with a 'reformed inheritance' that such research can best address the condition of postmodernity as well as the positive and negative aspects of postmodernism. The book will appeal to educational and social researchers, as well as to research students.

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The Transfer of Cognitive Skill

The Transfer of Cognitive Skill

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Singley, Mark K. / Anderson, John R., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, Does a knowledge of Latin facilitate he learning of computer programming? Does skill in geometry make it easier to learn music? The issue of the transfer of learning from one domain to another is a classic problem in psychology as well as an educational question of great importance, which this ingenious new book sets out to solve through a theory of transfer based on a comprehensive theory of skill acquisition. The question was first studies systematically at the turn of the century by the noted psychologist Edward L. Thorndike, who proposed a theory of transfer based on common elements in two different tasks. Since then, psychologists of different theoretical orientations--verbal learning, gestalt, and information processing--have addressed the transfer question with differing and inconclusive results. Singley and Anderson resurrect Thorndike's theory of identical elements, but in a broader context and from the perspective of cognitive psychology. Making use o a powerful knowledge-representation language, they recast his elements into units of procedural and declarative knowledge in the ACT* theory of skill acquisition. One skill will transfer to another, they argue, to the extent that it involves the same productions or the same declarative precursors. They show that with production rules, ransfer can be localized to specific components--in keeping with Thorndike's theory--and yet still be abstract and mentalistic. The findings of this book have important implications for psychology and the improvement of teaching. They will interest cognitive scientists and educational psychologists, as well as computer scientists interested in artificial intelligence and cognitive modeling.
