inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for

Inhalation Aerosols: Physical and Biological Basis for

Inhalation Aerosols: Physical and Biological Basis for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hickey, Anthony J. / Hickey, Hickey J., PUBLISHER: Informa Healthcare, This unique reference integrates the theory and practical use of aerosols in inhalation therapy into a single resource-presenting the physical chemistry of formulation, the physics of aerosol generation, aerodynamic behavior, and therapeutic implications. Offers up-to-date techniques for droplet and particle generation, including air-blast and ultrasonic nebulizers, propellant-driven metered-dose inhalers, dry-powder inhalers, and elecctrospray systems

The Growing Child: An Applied Approach (2nd Edition)

The Growing Child: An Applied Approach (2nd Edition)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Helen L. Bee, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Growing Child approaches child development chronologically, addressing development stages from birth through adolescence. Physical development and biological topics are accented in this edition, with two new chapters -- on physical development and health -- and new information on genetics and neurological development. Biological, cognitive, and social development are integrated in unique Interlude sections that synthesize developmental theories and relate issues across various ages. Helen Bee's appealing, first-person presentation delivers a wealth of applied information and examples that parents, childcare workers, teachers, and health care personnel will find invaluable.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: The Growing Child: An Applied Approach (2nd Edition)
Introduction to Physical Anthropology

Introduction to Physical Anthropology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Robert Jurmain, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Pub Co, This mainstream, four-color physical anthropology text is the best selling text in the market. It presents a balanced and thorough introduction to the field of physical anthropology using helpful tables, charts, photo essays, multimedia, and an engaging writing style to bring the study of physical anthropology to life for today's student.

AAAI-92: Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on

AAAI-92: Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: American Association on Artificial Intel / AAAI Press, PUBLISHER: AAAI Press, The focus of the AAAI-92 conference is on the re integration of AI as a diverse but coherent whole. Accordingly the traditional list of community-based content areas has been replaced by a more neutral set of taxonomies that span the field. For example, a paper proposing a new epistemology for representing the physical world based on an analysis of human brain structure would be described as "representation, physical world, biological." The papers collected here represent significant research contributions to such areas as the principles underlying cognition, perception, and action in man and machine; the design, application, and evaluation of AI algorithms and systems; and the analysis of domains in which AI systems perform.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: AAAI-92: Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on
Fundamental Orthopedic Management for the Physical Therapist

Fundamental Orthopedic Management for the Physical Therapist

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shankman, Gary A., PUBLISHER: Mosby, This is the first book on orthopedic management specifically for physical therapist assistants. It focuses on fundamental scientific principles, as well a clinical applications. The consistent chapter format that includes descriptions of fractures and pathologies, and signs and symptoms for modification of exercise. Excellent chapters on injury repair, tissue healing, healing restraints relative to therapeutic intervention, and the foundations of therapeutic exercise. Pedagogical features include chapter outlines, chapter objectives firmly grounded in clinical practice, and key terms.

Cell Electrophoresis

Cell Electrophoresis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bauer, Johann / Bauer, Johann, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, This book presents a summary of the application and instrumentation of cell electrophoresis. The method of making cell purification and characterization possible according to the cellular negative surface charge density is discussed, and ideas for future developments are explained. The negative electrostatic forces at cell surfaces provide information about cell-cell interaction, blood vessel sealing, cytokine actions, cell transformation, ion transport phenomena, and other biological phenomena. Recalculations of the physical principles of cell electrophoresis reveal possibilities for removing disruptive factors caused by electrical current, heat, and sedimentation. The introduction of computer technology, the performance of simultaneous two-parameter measurements, and the application of cell-friendly but current-inert buffer systems render the method more reliable and efficient.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: Cell Electrophoresis
AIDS: The Biological Basis

AIDS: The Biological Basis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weeks, Benjamin S. / Alcamo, I. Edward, PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Completely updated with the latest findings and data, the Fifth Edition of this award-winning text builds upon the foundation established by the late Edward Alcamo. Dr. Alcamo's accessible writing style is maintained with completely updated content and extended commentary on current developments. The text provides the necessary background information for students to understand the biology of HIV and AIDS while also providing information on critical epidemiological patterns and research developments.

The Biological Basis of Personality

The Biological Basis of Personality

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hans Eysenck, PUBLISHER: Transaction Publishers, NA

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: The Biological Basis of Personality
Acromegaly: Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment

Acromegaly: Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Van Der Lely, Aart Jan / Beckers, Albert / Daly, Adrian F., PUBLISHER: Marcel Dekker, This book reviews the pathophysiology and physical manifestations of acromegaly and discusses the multiple treatment options now available for the management of the patient with acromegaly. The book contains an ample number of illustrations that help to emphasize points of particular interest, including radiological, histopathological, and physical diagnosis images. Sections are devoted to detailing important topics including determinants of pathological effects of disease activity in acromegaly, individual therapeutic choices and criteria for diagnosis, and disease control.

Fundamentals of Medical Imaging

Fundamentals of Medical Imaging

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Suetens, Paul, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Fundamentals of Medical Imaging, second edition, is an invaluable technical introduction to each imaging modality, explaining the mathematical and physical principles and giving a clear understanding of how images are obtained and interpreted. Individual chapters cover each imaging modality - radiography, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine and ultrasound - reviewing the physics of the signal and its interaction with tissue, the image formation or reconstruction process, a discussion of image quality and equipment, clinical applications and biological effects and safety issues. Subsequent chapters review image analysis and visualization for diagnosis, treatment and surgery. New to this edition: - Appendix of questions and answers - New chapter on 3D image visualization - Advanced mathematical formulae in separate text boxes - Ancillary website containing 3D animations: - Full colour illustrations throughout Engineers, clinicians, mathematicians and physicists will find this an invaluable aid in understanding the physical principles of imaging and their clinical applications. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: Fundamentals of Medical Imaging
Psychology and Social Issues: A Tutorial Text

Psychology and Social Issues: A Tutorial Text

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cochrane, Raymond / Cochrane, R. / Carroll, Douglas, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Addresses topical social issues from a psychological perspective, for example unemployment, child abuse, and AIDS. Each contribution is self- contained, does not presume previous knowledge of the topic, and is suitable for students to use as the basis for a tutorial discussion.

Molecular Toxicology

Molecular Toxicology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Josephy, David / Josephy, P. David, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Molecular Toxicology reflects the revolution that toxicology has undergone in the last decade, as the molecular and genetic basis of the science--including drug metabolism, carcinogenesis, programmed cell death, and DNA repair--has been elucidated. It is the first text to explain the principles of toxicology in depth and from the perspective of modern biochemistry and molecular biology, while also providing a sense of the historical development of the science. Emphasizing the latest molecular biological approaches, the book covers xenobiotic biotransformation; reactive intermediates and their interactions with macromolecules; cloning, expression, and analysis of the enzymes of biotransformation; and molecular toxicology of aromatic amines, nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and chlorinated compounds. The toxicology of oxygen and oxidative stress is also covered in depth. Extensively referenced, up-to-date, and rigorous, Molecular Toxicology is an ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in molecular and biochemical toxicology, and also serves as a valuable resource for instructors and practicing scientists.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: Molecular Toxicology
Physical Education Activities Handbook

Physical Education Activities Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Edgley, Betty M. / Oberle, George H., PUBLISHER: Hunter Textbooks, From square dance to softball, this textbook offers instruction, test and lesson plans for teaching students various sports. -- Charts and diagrams illustrate playing courts, positions, strategies and safety tips -- Suggestions for games accompany each sport topic

Ghost World

Ghost World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clowes, Daniel / Ware, Chris, PUBLISHER: Fantagraphics Books, Back for an amazing ninth printing, this is our bestselling book ever, a Catcher in the Rye for its generation and the basis for the Academy Award-nominated film. It tells the story of Enid and Rebecca, two above-it-all best friends confronted with the prospect of adulthood and the uncertain future of their friendship.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: Ghost World
Quick Reference to Physical Therapy

Quick Reference to Physical Therapy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reed, Kathlyn L. / Pauls, Julie, PUBLISHER: Aspen Publishers, The Quick Reference to Physical Therapy organizes and synthesizes what has been published about the practice of physical therapy in an easy-to-use, accessible format. The book is divided into major categories and subtopics based on the classification of diseases, disorders, and dysfunction found in the Merck Manual. Each subtopic summarizes the condition, etiology, assessment, problems, treatment/management, prognosis, and outcome. Supplemental material on tests, measurements, functional outcomes, guidelines for the use of modalities, references, and suggested reading is also included.

Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity Is Money in the Bank

Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity Is Money in the Bank

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beattie, Andrew J. / Ehrlich, Paul R. / Turnbull, Christine, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, We live on an unexplored planet, ignorant of more than eighty percent of the species that share our world. In this fascinating and abundantly illustrated book, two eminent ecologists discuss the biological diversity of the Earth, showing how the natural systems that surround us play an essential role in protecting our basic life-support systems. Andrew Beattie and Paul Ehrlich tell us about the millions of species providing ecosystem services that maintain the quality of our air and water and the fertility of the soil, dispose of domestic, industrial, and agricultural waste, and protect crops from pests. The authors also describe how biological diversity opens the way for new medicines, pharmaceuticals, construction materials and designs, and manufactured goods. They point to innovative industries that harness species for the biological repair of damaged landscapes, biological mining, biological pest control, and biomonitoring of the environment. The organisms upon which these activities are founded -- although often microscopic, obscure, or bizarre -- provide natural capital that is worth infinitely more than anyone has previously guessed. The authors urge us to protect the biological wealth of our Earth and keep it from being destroyed by human activity.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity Is Money in the Bank
Modern Science and Human Values

Modern Science and Human Values

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lowrance, William W., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Engaging in spirited debate and making reference to a broad range of issues in the physical and biological sciences, the social sciences, engineering, and medicine, this perceptive study analyzes how technical progress influences social thought and public policy, and how technical people play their complex roles as professional practitioners, advisors, and leaders. A major contribution to the debate over public policy and technology, this work will generate much discussion among engineers, physicians, academic and institutional researchers, and concerned politicians. For anyone concerned about the effects of technology on culture, it offers a lively, readable portrait of the modern scientific community and an insightful discussion of the influence of technology on social philosophy and individual belief.

Green Foods: "Phyto-Foods" for Super Health

Green Foods: "Phyto-Foods" for Super Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hawken, C. M., PUBLISHER: Woodland Publishing, Mix the latest scientific data on herbal products and physical ailments with the need for natural approaches to health, and what do you have? The Woodland Health Series. Each of these booklets gives concise, pertinent information for those looking to nature for optimal health.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: Green Foods: "Phyto-Foods" for Super Health


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carlson, Bob / Seiden, O. J. / Seiden, Othniel J., PUBLISHER: Fulcrum Group, A championship racewalker and charter member of the Colorado Governor's Council for Health Promotion and Physical Fitness, Bob Carlson has done extensive writing and teaching on the benefits of walking as the best exercize for most people.

The Tennessee Walking Horse

The Tennessee Walking Horse

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Green, Sara / Leuthner, Emily, PUBLISHER: Bellwether Media, The Tennessee Walking Horse is most popular in trail riding. With its smooth gait and relaxed temperament, it is an easy and enjoyable horse for people to ride. Hit the trails and read all about this breed's history, physical characteristics, and what it is used for today.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: The Tennessee Walking Horse
Finding Families, Finding Ourselves: A History of Adoption

Finding Families, Finding Ourselves: A History of Adoption

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Strong-Boag, Veronica, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This is a broad survey of the history of adoption in Canada. Strong-Boag uses the analytic lenses of race, class, religion, and gender to examine the historical meaning of adoption, for adoptive and biological parents and for children. Acquista Ora

Introduction to Bio-Ontologies

Introduction to Bio-Ontologies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Robinson, Peter N. / Bauer, Sebastian, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Ontologies have become the tool of choice for organizing and describing the meaning of biological and medical data. This book introduces the most important aspects of bio-ontologies, including statistical overrepresentation analysis, semantic similarity, and inference. Each chapter reviews the main goals of the methods discussed, explains the mathematical and computation methods used to achieve those goals, offers practical examples, and includes theoretical and practical exercises. A supporting website provides ontologies and files for the practical exercises and open-source software.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: Introduction to Bio-Ontologies
Understanding Cancer Therapies

Understanding Cancer Therapies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chan, Helen S. L., PUBLISHER: University Press of Mississippi, Cancer is one of the world's most dreaded diseases. Yet the past two decades have seen major revolutions in cancer therapy and steadily growing hopes for a cure. This book, written in easily understood language, provides an extensive look at the way medical professionals are treating the disease today. Chapters provide: Rationale and principles integral to disease management Biological basis for different therapies Explanations of the protocols behind radiation, chemotherapy, drug treatments, and surgery Logic behind therapies chosen for such different kinds of cancer as leukemia, lymphoma, retinoblastoma, hepatoblastoma, germ-cell tumors, soft-tissue and bone sarcomas, among others Information on the most current procedures Further reading and resources for patients and families Chapters on clinical practice discuss the differing approaches to cancer in adults and in children. The book closes with a survey of some of the most experimental therapies and the status of the search for a cure. Helen S. L. Chan, M.D., of Toronto, Canada, is a staff hematologist/oncologist and professor at the University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children. Her work has been published in "New England Journal of Medicine," "Journal of Clinical Oncology," "Cancer Research," and other periodicals.

Fun with the Food Pyramid for Kids: #1 Children's Guide to

Fun with the Food Pyramid for Kids: #1 Children's Guide to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roby, George / Khavarian, Nacim / Hofmann, Drew, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, Fun With the Food Pyramid For Kids is the new version of the USDA food pyramid, formatted and designed for young readers between the ages of 4 and 13. This book is a colorful and entertaining guide for children to learn what foods make up the food pyramid, what portion sizes to eat in each age group, how they are grown and made, fun and healthy recipes, daily physical activities, fun food riddles, and much more.

Offerte relazionate inhalation aerosols physical and biological basis for: Fun with the Food Pyramid for Kids: #1 Children's Guide to
Human Differences

Human Differences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aiken, Lewis R. / Aiken, PUBLISHER: Psychology Press, This text reviews the mass of information concerning the ways in which individuals and groups differ from each other. Reviews of research findings and interpretations are provided on: physical appearance, performance and health; cognitive abilities; personality; and development across the life span. Extensive treatment of foundations (historical, measurement, research methods, biological, social, and cultural) is also provided. Both normal and abnormal behaviors are considered. The book provides an interdisciplinary focus, including material from all the behavior and natural sciences, not just psychology, sociology, or biology.
