how to do everything with your digital camera

How to Do Everything with Your Digital Camera

How to Do Everything with Your Digital Camera

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnson, Dave, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, Learn to set up and take high-quality photographs with your digital camera. This easy-to-follow guide explains how to enhance and improve existing images as well as print your photos and publish them on the Web for others to see. You'll also get coverage of related equipment including editing software, hardware add-ons, and online image management tools.

How to Do Everything with Your Dell Axim Handheld N

How to Do Everything with Your Dell Axim Handheld N

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hall, Rich / Ball, Derek / Shilmover, Barry, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, Get the most out of your Dell Axim with this step-by-step guide. "How to Do Everything with Your Dell Axim Handheld, Second Edition" has been fully revised to cover Microsoft's new operating system for Pocket PCs--Windows Mobile 5.0. Find out how to manage personal information, send and receive e-mail, synchronize with desktop computers, and go wireless. Get details on optimizing memory, conserving battery power, and using the security features to protect your valuable information. Enjoy videos, music, and eBooks, and use your Axim as a digital camera. This handy resource contains all of the expert advice you need to be more productive and have more fun with your Dell Axim.

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How to Do Everything with MP3 and Digital Music

How to Do Everything with MP3 and Digital Music

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnson, Dave / Broida, Rick, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, A hot new release in the extremely popular "How to Do Everything series, this friendly, solutions-oriented book is filled with step-by-step details on how to create, download, upload, play--and even remaster--MP3 and digital music files. You'll also get a completely up-to-date survey of peer-to-peer file sharing services like Napster, Aimster, Gnutella, and others, and details on all the latest and best MP3 players, both desktop and portable.

How to Do Everything with Digital Video

How to Do Everything with Digital Video

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Frederic H. / Piccard, Bertrand / Wilson, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, Another winner in the extremely popular "How to Do Everything series, this friendly, solutions-oriented book is filled with step-by-step examples on shooting, editing, and producing professional-quality home or business videos complete with sound, animation, and other finishing touches. The book covers all the hardware and software involved as well as techniques for creating streaming video for Internet use.

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Dell Guide to Digital Photography: Shooting, Editing, And

Dell Guide to Digital Photography: Shooting, Editing, And

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bucki, Lisa A., PUBLISHER: Premier Press; Thomson Course Technology, "Digital Photography: Your Guide to Taking, Editing, and Printing Pictures," supported by one of the most trusted retailers of electronics, is an all-in-one guide to getting started on a digital camera. With generous use of full-color illustrations and examples, this book covers the basics of digital photography, including tips for selecting a digital camera, how to use typical digital camera features, how to take better photos, how to transfer and store images on a computer, how to improve images with photo editing software, and how to publish and enjoy finished images. With digital camera sales exploding worldwide, there are 53 million units in projects sales for . Digital cameras have rapidly improved in terms of imaging quality and ease of use, as well as falling in price, making them a practical alternative to film cameras for an increasing number of consumers. This book helps readers experience maximum enjoyment and minimum frustration with their new digital camera. This is the ultimate survival guide to digital photography that all digital camera owners can benefit from having on their shelves.

Recession-Proof Your Life

Recession-Proof Your Life

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnson, Lynelle, PUBLISHER: Wrightbooks, If you had the chance to recession-proof your life -- everything from your finances and career to your relationships -- wouldn't you take it? "Recession-Proof Your Life" will help you plan for those inevitable downturns, and give you the knowledge that you need to get through them. Packed with tips and real-life examples, this comprehensive 'how-to' guide offers practical measures you can take to prepare your career, finances, investments, relationships and business for a recession -- and to capitalise on the recovery. Inside you'll discover how to: bulletproof your job manage your career deal with stress at work and in your relationships prosper financially keep your business afloat. This inspiring book is essential reading for anyone seeking to survive -- and thrive in -- tough times. Acquista Ora

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How to Do Everything with Photoshop Elements 4.0

How to Do Everything with Photoshop Elements 4.0

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Plotkin, David, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, Edit, organize, and show off your photos using Photoshop Elements 4.0 and the expert tips in this full-color guide. You'll learn to customize the program to suit your preferences, and then get started retouching, repairing, and enhancing digital images in no time. Step-by-step examples show you how to crop images, fix color, focus, and exposure problems, eliminate defects, manipulate images, add special effects, and much more. You'll also get tips for getting high-quality prints and creating a Web gallery.

The Savvy Screenwriter: How to Sell Your Screenplay (and

The Savvy Screenwriter: How to Sell Your Screenplay (and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kouguell, Susan, PUBLISHER: TL Hoell Books, Reveals how scripts are rated, how to write a successful query and synopsis, how to negotiate contracts and development deals, and how to work with agents and entertainment attorneys.

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Successful Delegation: How to Grow Your People, Build Your

Successful Delegation: How to Grow Your People, Build Your

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Huppe, Frank F., PUBLISHER: Career Press, Everything you need to make successful delegation the cornerstone of your business success.

Surviving Alaska: This Book May Save Your Life

Surviving Alaska: This Book May Save Your Life

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ames, Mary / Parsons, Bob / Mowry, Tim, PUBLISHER: Epicenter Press, One can only hope never to face the many life-threatening dangers and just plain annoyances that journalist, pilot, and outdoorswoman Mary Ames warns about in this how-to-stay-alive reference that is both useful and entertaining. You'll learn...what to do if you find yourself in the path of an oncoming avalanche... what to do if your bush pilot keels over at the controls with a heart attack... how to forge a river without a boat... how to get your frozen car started with its 50 below name a few Alaska-style hazards. Acquista Ora

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The Practical Pendulum Book: With Instructions for Use and

The Practical Pendulum Book: With Instructions for Use and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jurriaanse, D., PUBLISHER: Weiser Books, Easy instructions for using a pendulum to determine how your inner self is feeling. Use it to learn your best colors, how to motivate your career, for personal relationships. Also included are charts for working with homeopathic remedies, herbal teas, to increase health and vitality and number of other alternatives.

Making the Most of Your Resources: How Do I Manage My Time,

Making the Most of Your Resources: How Do I Manage My Time,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Feinberg, Margaret / Swindoll, Luci, PUBLISHER: Thomas Nelson Publishers, Grow in intimacy with God through in-depth Bible study. Women of Faith, renowned for their unique combination of personality and truth, offer fresh new messages in four new topical study guides in the popular Women of Faith Study Guide Series. Each study guide, teeming with insights and quotes from the conference speakers provides twelve weeks of Bible study and a leader's guide for small groups. "Making the Most of Your Resources: How Do I Manage My Time, Energy, and Money?" uses Scripture to address issues such as: How to weigh your resources How to leverage the finite hours in the day to your advantage Finding energy and rest in the Lord Learning to trust God to provide (financially) Knowing that we can't do it all ourselves, we need to lean on the Lord

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The Administrator's Guide to School-Community Relations

The Administrator's Guide to School-Community Relations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pawlas, George E., PUBLISHER: Eye on Education, This large collection of handy ideas features easy-to-use tools, comprehensive checklists, and sets of Do's and Don'ts advisories. It provides guidelines on how to conduct effective parent conferences, suggestions on how to recruit and work with volunteers, and other useful tips to help bring your school and your community closer together.

Working with Your Sixth Sense: Practical Ways to Develop

Working with Your Sixth Sense: Practical Ways to Develop

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cheung, Christina / Cheung, Theresa, PUBLISHER: Godsfield Press (UK), Call it intuition or gut feeling, we all have a sixth sense, but are we really making the most of our extra-sensory abilities? Working with your Sixth Sense shows you how to build on and develop your intuition or "inner knowing." Theresa Cheung explores the different levels of consciousness and explains how meditation, trance and self-hypnosis can all help to develop new degrees of awareness. You will discover how to communicate psychically with others, how to develop divination skills through scrying and dreamwork and how to see beyond physical barriers to other dimensions.

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Surviving Your Adolescents: How to Manage and Let Go of Your

Surviving Your Adolescents: How to Manage and Let Go of Your

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Phelan, Thomas W., PUBLISHER: Parentmagic, A step-by-step approach to handling teenagers, this guide helps parents end hassles and improve their relationship with their adolescent. Parents learn how to communicate with teenagers, how to manage teenage risk-taking, how to let go in certain situations, and when to seek professional attention. Concise and encouraging, this resource walks parents through the ups and downs of parenting teenagers as their kids push towards independence.

Looking and Seeing: Learning to Observe

Looking and Seeing: Learning to Observe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rosen Chihara, Carol J., PUBLISHER: Bookstand Publishing, How well do you see what you are looking at? Practice and improve your observation habits with this little book, and learn how to enrich your life by seeing how interesting the world around you can be Look at photographs from nature and find out how much you can see when you observe life like an expert does For readers and nature lovers 9 to 12 years.

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How to Escape the No-Win Trap

How to Escape the No-Win Trap

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berg, Barbara, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, A practical approach to resolving life's catch-22 situations No matter what stresses life may throw at you, there is a way to make things that may at first seem to be no-win situations into win-win victories. Stressful circumstances may have less to do with difficult people and scenarios--and more to do with how we respond to them. In "How to Escape the No-Win Trap," psychotherapist Barbara Berg helps readers gain the insight to detect impending double binds--and stay one step ahead them. This invaluable book reveals: How to assess where you are now in your life--and how you got there How to detach from predicaments that don't work for you The three types of double binds: situational, interpersonal, and circuit overload When to keep trying, and when to alter your course, or let go altogether Acquista Ora

So, You Want to Write!: How to Get Your Book Out of Your

So, You Want to Write!: How to Get Your Book Out of Your

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McIndoo, Ann, PUBLISHER: Elevate, "So, You Want to Write' teaches you how to write your book using examples and exercises. Totally interactive, the reader participates in learning how to prepare to write, creates a writer's Identity and their own powerful Writer's Power Tools?. The book offers solutions for procrastination and strategies for dealing with "writer's block." The reader learns how to "Schedule Your Success" and get the book out of their head on to the paper.

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The Digital Filmmaking Handbook [With CDROM]

The Digital Filmmaking Handbook [With CDROM]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Long, Ben / Schenk, Sonja, PUBLISHER: Charles River Media, Since the advent of digital video and desktop editing software, scores of independent producers have become equipped to make their own movies. But because filmmaking involves much more than just buying a camera and a computer, there's The Digital Filmmaking Handbook. This one-stop digital filmmaking resource will guide you from your initial idea to getting your finished project "in the can." It will show you how to create shots and effects that are rarely associated with low-budget productions. And it covers everything from writing and pre-production planning to shooting and post-production editing and effects. Now in its third edition, this best-selling book has been completely updated and revised to include detailed information on a number of important new digital video technologies, including both high-end HD video and the new HDV format, and affordable new digital video standard that lets even low-budget producers work in high-definition video. All of the chapters have been revised to cover the latest hardware, software, and production workflows,, and new exercises offer help with everything from writing to special effects. Whether your goal is an industrial project, a short subject for your Web site, or a feature-length movie for a film festival, this book will help you understand the questions you need to ask, so that you will be prepared to solve the myriad problems that will arise.

How to Help Your Child Overcome Your Divorce: A Support

How to Help Your Child Overcome Your Divorce: A Support

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Benedek, Elissa P. / Brown, Catherine F., PUBLISHER: William Morrow & Company, This book offers parents the latest information and advice, with numerous case examples, on support groups and answers to some of the most common questions on which divorced parents seek guidance. This book counsels: -- how to help children adjust to separation and divorce -- how to tell them the news, and reassure them of their parents' love and care for them -- and how to do just that, -- ways to keep the relationship between ex-spouses as free of conflict as possible, -- how to help childr feel good about themselves and grow as individuals, -- and, much more.

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Cnet Do-It-Yourself Digital Home Office Projects: 24 Cool

Cnet Do-It-Yourself Digital Home Office Projects: 24 Cool

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Slack, S. E., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, Run a world-class business from home Today's home office is much more than a desk and a computer. In this easy-to-follow guide, you'll find out how to set up a connected, collaborative, portable, and secure digital workspace in your home. Produced in conjunction with, the place you go for the latest in tech and consumer electronics, this book explains how to get the most out of the latest wireless and Web-based technologies. Inside, you'll find 24 self-contained projects, step-by-step instructions, a list of tools needed at the beginning of each project, and hundreds of clear photos and screenshots. With CNET Do-It-Yourself Digital Home Office Projects, you'll be able to manage a competitive business from the comfort of your home. Set up a serverConfigure a wireless networkEnable videoconferencingMake free phone calls from your PC Create a commerce websiteEarn advertising income from your blog or websiteProduce podcastsAnd much more

The 15 Minute Money Manager

The 15 Minute Money Manager

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barnes, Bob / Barnes, Emilie / Barnes, Robert Greeley, PUBLISHER: Harvest House Publishers, Learn how to manage your money without a business degree. Bob and Emilie show you how to save money on everything from groceries to clothing, utilities to taxes.

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The Little Pink Book of Etiquette

The Little Pink Book of Etiquette

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cullen, Ruth / Barbas, Kerren, PUBLISHER: Peter Pauper Press, This perfect little primer teaches you how to get it right the first time, and does so with incisive humor and flair. Avoid "Oops Moments" (faux pas) in all areas of your life--from everyday conversation (Hint: It's not about you) to proper behavior at ceremonies and special occasions (Don't burn that wedding toast)--with everything, everything in between. Just say "No thank you" to bad manners

The Beer Journal

The Beer Journal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wright, Chris / Oliver, Garrett, PUBLISHER: Skyhorse Publishing, The first ever tool to chart your journey through the landscape of handcrafted beers. Fully illustrated with over a hundred pages to record your tastings, The Beer Journal is perfect for traveling, to give as a gift to your favorite tasting partner, or to keep track of every unusual, delicious, and memorable beer that you find in pubs, at beer festivals, and on brewery tours. It also includes information on how to create your own beer cellar and how to develop and document your own beer pairings.

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PHP for Teens [With CDROM]

PHP for Teens [With CDROM]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sethi, Maneesh Singh, PUBLISHER: Course Technology, Don't limit the functionality of your web site If you're ready to create interactive, dynamic pages for your site, then PHP for Teens is ready to show you how. You don't need any experience with PHP to begin. You'll learn everything you need to know along the way. The topics covered by PHP for Teens will get you up and running whether you're using a PC, a MacA(R), or LinuxA(R). You'll cover everything from basic design and introductory PHP concepts to variables, expressions, and operators. You'll also get a quick overview of HTML and PHP form design. Take control of your web site using the power of PHP
