fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium

Fundamental Aspects of Neoplasia Proceedings of a Symposium

Fundamental Aspects of Neoplasia Proceedings of a Symposium

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: A A Gottlieb D H L Bishop O J Plescia, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA Acquista Ora

Stacs th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of

Stacs th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reichel, H. / Tison, S. / Reichel, Horst, PUBLISHER: Springer, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS , held in Lille, France in February . The 51 revised full papers presented together with the three invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 146 submissions on the basis of some 700 reviewers' reports. The papers address fundamental issues from all current areas of theoretical computer science including algorithms, data structures, automata, formal languages, complexity, verification, logic, cryptography, graph theory, optimization, etc.

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Stacs th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of
Proceedings of the Ankara symposium on arid zone,

Proceedings of the Ankara symposium on arid zone,

Proceedings of the Ankara symposium on arid zone hydrology, jointly organized by the Government of Turkey and Unesco, April Paris: Description 268 p. + 2 bijl. Series title Arid zone research Euro 40 (varie 552)

Plant ecology. Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium

Plant ecology. Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium

Plant ecology. Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium. Ecologie vegetale. Actes du Colloque de Montpellier Editore: Unesco Soft cover Anno edizione: Pagine: 124 p., ill. Prodotto usato Condizioni: Usato - In buone condizioni Euro 20 (varie 553)

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Plant ecology. Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium
PACT 21: The First Iron in the Mediterranean

PACT 21: The First Iron in the Mediterranean

Proceedings of the Populonia/Piobino Symposium, looks at various aspects of the Iron Age in the Mediterranean and Europe - the arrival of iron, the history of its use, and scientific research. Papers are in English and Italian.

Methodology of Plant Eco-Physiology

Methodology of Plant Eco-Physiology

Methodology of Plant Eco-Physiology Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium Eckardt, F. E., Ed Published by Unesco, Paris () Arid Zone Research Used Soft cover pp 529 Euro 35 (varie 569)

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Methodology of Plant Eco-Physiology
The problems of the arid zone,

The problems of the arid zone,

THE PROBLEMS OF THE ARID ZONE Proceedings of the Paris Symposium, Arid Zone Research Published by Paris, Fr.: Unesco, , Used softcover, pp. 481 Euro 35 (varie 558)

Dynamic Econometric Modeling: Proceedings of the Third

Dynamic Econometric Modeling: Proceedings of the Third

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barnett, William A. / Berndt, Ernst R. / White, Halbert, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book brings together presentations of some of the fundamental new research that has begun to appear in the areas of dynamic structural modeling, nonlinear structural modeling, time series modeling, nonparametric inference, and chaotic attractor inference. The contents of this volume comprise the proceedings of the third of a conference series entitled International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. This conference was held at the IC;s2 (Innovation, Creativity and Capital) Institute at the University of Texas at Austin on May , l986.

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Dynamic Econometric Modeling: Proceedings of the Third
Ecoop'89: Proceedings of the  European Conference on

Ecoop'89: Proceedings of the European Conference on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cook, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming are presented in this volume, comprised of twenty-one refereed and two invited papers. Each of the papers presents original work describing research in many aspects of object-oriented programming languages, systems and applications. Topics covered include reusability, inheritance, operating systems, concurrency, persistence, design, metalevel programming, applications and experience, semantics and user interface. The main purpose of the conference and of the proceedings is to present a selection of the latest research in the object-oriented paradigm, and to provide a focus for the further development of that research. This book will be useful for academic and industrial researchers in the whole field of computer science.

Proceedings XVth International.Congress ClassicalArchaeology

Proceedings XVth International.Congress ClassicalArchaeology

Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Amsterdam,July Text Allard Pierson Museum

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Proceedings XVth International.Congress ClassicalArchaeology
Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology

Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ferkolj, I. / Galle, P. R. / Gangl, A., PUBLISHER: Springer, The translation of new molecular understanding of disease into clinical practice in gastroenterology is a special challenge. The Falk Symposium No. 160, entitled a Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterologya (TM), held June in PortoroA3/4, Slovenia, provided a stimulating framework to bridge discussions from bench to bedside. The proceedings of the symposium are contained in this book, and the unifying theme is the growing understanding of inflammation as a driving force in chronic disease leading to disability and malignancy. Aspects of early detection - endoscopically or via molecular markers - are covered as well as in-depth discussions of the validation of new findings in clinical practice. Whilst on a molecular basis gastroenterologists and hepatologists try to shed light on the same intracellular pathways, clinical implications such as surveillance of cancer in IBD or chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis have to be tailored to specific needs. New therapeutic agents - approved or on the horizon of early clinical studies - will dramatically change the options of patients with chronic disease such as Crohna (TM)s disease, viral hepatitis or hepatocellular carcinoma.

Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: Proceedings of an Advanced

Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: Proceedings of an Advanced

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carasso, Claude / Charrier, Pierre / Hanouzet, Bernard, PUBLISHER: Springer, The papers included in this proceedings volume are mostly original research papers, dealing with life-span of waves, nonlinear interaction of waves, and various applications to fluid mechanics.

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: Proceedings of an Advanced
Infallible Word A Symposium by the Members of the Faculty of

Infallible Word A Symposium by the Members of the Faculty of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: N B Stonehouse Paul Woolley Westminster Seminary Faculty Symposium Staff, PUBLISHER: P & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp R Publishing, NA

History of the Proceedings and Debates of the House of

History of the Proceedings and Debates of the House of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Great Britain Parliament, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: History of the Proceedings and Debates of the House of
Proceedings XX International Congress of Entomology,

Proceedings XX International Congress of Entomology,

Proceedings XX International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, (Florence) Italy Used Softcover Euro 30

Climatology And Microclimatology Unesco

Climatology And Microclimatology Unesco

Climatology And Microclimatology Published by Unesco Proceedings of the Canberra Symposium. Book is half English, half French. Used, softcover pp.355 Euro 100 (varie 578)

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Climatology And Microclimatology Unesco
Macroeconomic Interact North S

Macroeconomic Interact North S

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Currie, David / Vines, David, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This volume contains the proceedings of a September conference organized by the Centre for Economic Policy Research and the International Economics Study Group. the volume focuses on the strategic aspects of North-South interactions; the authors include some of the leading contributors to the growing literature on strategic interactions among interdependent economies.

Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis : Volume 8

Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis : Volume 8

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kruuk, Hans / Volkl, Edgar / Piston, David, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This Proceedings volume contains extended abstracts of all the papers presented at the Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting held in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada on August . This meeting was a joint event comprising the 60th Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of America, the 36th Annual Meeting of the Microbeam Analysis Society, the 29th Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of Canada/Societe de Microscopie du Canada and the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Metallographic Society. The Proceedings consists of both a printed volume containing the extended abstracts of all invited papers as well as a searchable CD-ROM containing the extended abstracts of all papers presented at the meeting.

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis : Volume 8
⤴⤴⤴Wind and solar energy, Unesco

⤴⤴⤴Wind and solar energy, Unesco

⤴Wind and solar energy: proceedings of the New Dehli symposium⤴ ⤴Paris: UNESCO, .. With text in English, French and Spanish.⤴ Softcover,pp.238 Euro 20 (varie 567)

Buildings, Finite Geometries and Groups: Proceedings of a

Buildings, Finite Geometries and Groups: Proceedings of a

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sastry, Narasimha / Sastry, N. S. Narasimha, PUBLISHER: Springer, This is the Proceedings of the ICM Satellite Conference on Buildings, Finite Geometries and Groups organized at the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, during August . This is a collection of articles by some of the currently very active research workers in several areas related to finite simple groups, Chevalley groups and their generalizations: theory of buildings, finite incidence geometries, modular representations, Lie theory, etc. These articles reflect the current major trends in research in the geometric and combinatorial aspects of the study of these groups. The unique perspective the authors bring in their articles on the current developments and the major problems in their area is expected to be very useful to research mathematicians, graduate students and potential new entrants to these areas.

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Buildings, Finite Geometries and Groups: Proceedings of a
Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Vol.

Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Vol.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Institution of Electrical Engineers, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

Structure and Dynamics of Elementary Matter Proceedings of

Structure and Dynamics of Elementary Matter Proceedings of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: M G Itkis W Greiner, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Structure and Dynamics of Elementary Matter Proceedings of
Modern Methods of Optimization Proceedings of the Summer

Modern Methods of Optimization Proceedings of the Summer

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: J Zowe W Krabs, PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag, NA Acquista Ora

Donor Insemination

Donor Insemination

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barratt, Christopher / Barratt, Christopher L. R. / Cooke, Ian Douglas, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This volume provides clear guidelines on the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of the use of donor insemination to treat infertility. The team of authors, drawn from a wide range of disciplines, covers all aspects of implementing and organising a successful donor insemination programme. The volume includes practical information on recruitment, screening and selection of suitable donors; counselling of patients and donors; clinical, scientific and laboratory aspects, including fertility assessment, ovulation timing and cryopreservation. The volume concludes with information on organisation of sperm banks, the use of computerisation and ethical and legal aspects. The volume is designed to assist all those involved in the treatment of infertility - including andrologists and clinicians in the fields of reproductive medicine and obstetrics and gynaecology.

Offerte relazionate fundamental aspects of neoplasia proceedings of symposium: Donor Insemination
Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases

Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roach, Helmtrud I. / Bronner, Felix / Oreffo, Richard O. C., PUBLISHER: Springer, Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases assembles in comprehensive form what is known about the role of epigenetics in chronic disease development. This book provides new insights into treatment, including modulation of epigenetic regulation. Each chapter gives an outline of a respective disease, explains why epigenetics may be involved in the disease process and then presents the evidence of how changes in epigenetic status contribute to initiation and progress of the disease. The final chapters look towards future therapeutic treatment, based on manipulation of epigenetic aspects. Written by widely published experts, Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases is a valuable reference tool for clinicians and researchers who investigate and treat chronic diseases, as well as health care personnel, post-doctoral fellows and medical or dental students.
