stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of

Stacs th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of

Stacs th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Reichel, H. / Tison, S. / Reichel, Horst, PUBLISHER: Springer, ong>Thong>is book constitutes ong>thong>e refereed proceedings of ong>thong>e 17ong>thong> ong>Annualong> ong>Symposiumong> on ong>Thong>eoretical Aspects of Computer Science, ong>STACSong> , held in Lille, France in February . ong>Thong>e 51 revised full papers presented togeong>thong>er wiong>thong> ong>thong>e ong>thong>ree invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 146 submissions on ong>thong>e basis of some 700 reviewers' reports. ong>Thong>e papers address fundamental issues from all current areas of ong>thong>eoretical computer science including algoriong>thong>ms, data structures, automata, formal languages, complexity, verification, logic, cryptography, graph ong>thong>eory, optimization, etc.

Proceedings of the Ankara symposium on arid zone,

Proceedings of the Ankara symposium on arid zone,

Proceedings of ong>thong>e Ankara ong>symposiumong> on arid zone hydrology, jointly organized by ong>thong>e Government of Turkey and Unesco, April Paris: Description 268 p. + 2 bijl. Series title Arid zone research Euro 40 (varie 552)

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: Proceedings of the Ankara symposium on arid zone,
Fundamental Aspects of Neoplasia Proceedings of a Symposium

Fundamental Aspects of Neoplasia Proceedings of a Symposium

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: A A Gottlieb D H L Bishop O J Plescia, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA Acquista Ora

International Symposium on the origin of the Humankind

International Symposium on the origin of the Humankind

Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti International ong>symposiumong> on ong>thong>e origin of ong>thong>e humankind 14 e 15 maggio Program and abstract pagg. 74, come nuovo, solo un nome scritto a penna in copertina possibile spedizione piego di libro Ho molti altri libri simili, di ecologia, natura, scienze, arte, ecc...

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: International Symposium on the origin of the Humankind
Thought Without Language

Thought Without Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Weiskrantz, L. / Weiskrantz, Lawrence, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Does ong>thong>ought depend crucially on language, as some philosophers maintain, or can abstract reasoning and oong>thong>er faculties exist in ong>thong>e absence of language? ong>Thong>is voume, based on a Fyssen Foundation ong>symposiumong> held in Versailles in April , addresses ong>thong>is crucial question in a new way, bringing togeong>thong>er experts on non-verbal ong>thong>inking in adults, in pre-linguistic infants, and in animals. ong>Thong>e nineteen chapters, discussion and editorial comment represent an impressive body of material, shedding new light on many aspects of ong>thong>e problem. Topics covered include ong>thong>e role of ong>thong>e non-verbal right cerebral hemisphere in humans; ong>thong>e investigation of non-verbal aspects of various categories of cognition (such as abstract reasoning, spatial awareness, and pattern recognition); evidence for cognition wiong>thong>out concious awareness; and neurological and developmental evidence. ong>Thong>e concluding chapter is a personal account by a gifted but dyslexic maong>thong>ematician of ong>thong>e nature of his handicap and ong>thong>e non-vebal reasoning ong>thong>at he has developed to cope wiong>thong> ong>thong>is. various

Political Science: The Science of Politics

Political Science: The Science of Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Weisberg, Herbert F., PUBLISHER: Agaong>thong>on Press, Twelve essays adapted from papers originally given at ong>thong>e Lasswell ong>Symposiumong> at ong>thong>e ong>annualong> meeting of ong>thong>e American Political Association.

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: Political Science: The Science of Politics
PACT 21: The First Iron in the Mediterranean

PACT 21: The First Iron in the Mediterranean

Proceedings of ong>thong>e Populonia/Piobino ong>Symposiumong>, looks at various aspects of ong>thong>e Iron Age in ong>thong>e Mediterranean and Europe - ong>thong>e arrival of iron, ong>thong>e history of its use, and scientific research. Papers are in English and Italian.

Donor Insemination

Donor Insemination

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Barratt, Christopher / Barratt, Christopher L. R. / Cooke, Ian Douglas, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Thong>is volume provides clear guidelines on ong>thong>e advantages, disadvantages and limitations of ong>thong>e use of donor insemination to treat infertility. ong>Thong>e team of auong>thong>ors, drawn from a wide range of disciplines, covers all aspects of implementing and organising a successful donor insemination programme. ong>Thong>e volume includes practical information on recruitment, screening and selection of suitable donors; counselling of patients and donors; clinical, scientific and laboratory aspects, including fertility assessment, ovulation timing and cryopreservation. ong>Thong>e volume concludes wiong>thong> information on organisation of sperm banks, ong>thong>e use of computerisation and eong>thong>ical and legal aspects. ong>Thong>e volume is designed to assist all ong>thong>ose involved in ong>thong>e treatment of infertility - including andrologists and clinicians in ong>thong>e fields of reproductive medicine and obstetrics and gynaecology.

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: Donor Insemination
Solvent Microextraction: Theory and Practice [With CDROM]

Solvent Microextraction: Theory and Practice [With CDROM]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Kokosa, John M. / Przyjazny, Andrzej / Jeannot, Michael, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, ong>Thong>is book offers boong>thong> a practical as well a ong>thong>eoretical approach to Solvent Microextraction (SME) and will help analytical chemists to evaluate SME for a given sample preparation. Introductory chapters overview a comparison of SME wiong>thong> oong>thong>er sample preparation meong>thong>ods, a summary of ong>thong>e technical aspects, and a detailed ong>thong>eoretical treatment of SME. ong>Thong>e book ong>thong>en describes ong>thong>e practical aspects of ong>thong>e technique, wiong>thong> detailed "how to" chapters devoted to ong>thong>e preparation and analysis of atmospheric, solid and liquid environmental, clinical and industrial samples. ong>Thong>is text will serve as boong>thong> a handy laboratory desk-reference and an indispensible instructional tool.

Second Symposium on Photo-Electronics Images Services.

Second Symposium on Photo-Electronics Images Services.

Atti del Second ong>Symposiumong> on Photo-Electronics Images Services. Academic Press. Libro in ottimo stato.

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: Second Symposium on Photo-Electronics Images Services.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology

Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Ferkolj, I. / Galle, P. R. / Gangl, A., PUBLISHER: Springer, ong>Thong>e translation of new molecular understanding of disease into clinical practice in gastroenterology is a special challenge. ong>Thong>e Falk ong>Symposiumong> No. 160, entitled a Paong>thong>ogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterologya (TM), held June in PortoroA3/4, Slovenia, provided a stimulating framework to bridge discussions from bench to bedside. ong>Thong>e proceedings of ong>thong>e ong>symposiumong> are contained in ong>thong>is book, and ong>thong>e unifying ong>thong>eme is ong>thong>e growing understanding of inflammation as a driving force in chronic disease leading to disability and malignancy. Aspects of early detection - endoscopically or via molecular markers - are covered as well as in-depong>thong> discussions of ong>thong>e validation of new findings in clinical practice. Whilst on a molecular basis gastroenterologists and hepatologists try to shed light on ong>thong>e same intracellular paong>thong>ways, clinical implications such as surveillance of cancer in IBD or chronic hepatitis wiong>thong> cirrhosis have to be tailored to specific needs. New ong>thong>erapeutic agents - approved or on ong>thong>e horizon of early clinical studies - will dramatically change ong>thong>e options of patients wiong>thong> chronic disease such as Crohna (TM)s disease, viral hepatitis or hepatocellular carcinoma.

Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual

Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Liestol, Gunnar / Morrison, Andrew / Rasmussen, Terje, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), Arguing ong>thong>at "first encounters" have already applied traditional ong>thong>eoretical and conceptual frameworks to digital media, ong>thong>e contributors to ong>thong>is book call for "second encounters," or a revisiting. Digital media are not only objects of analysis but also instruments for ong>thong>e development of innovative perspectives on boong>thong> media and culture. Drawing on insights from literary ong>thong>eory, semiotics, philosophy, aesong>thong>etics, eong>thong>ics, media studies, sociology, and education, ong>thong>e contributors construct new positions from which to observe digital media in fresh and meaningful ways. ong>Thong>roughout ong>thong>ey explore to what extent interpretation of and experimentation wiong>thong> digital media can inform ong>thong>eory. It also asks how our understanding of digital media can contribute to our understanding of social and cultural change. ong>Thong>e book is organized in four sections: Education and Interdisciplinarity, Design and Aesong>thong>etics, Rhetoric and Interpretation, and Social ong>Thong>eory and Eong>thong>ics. ong>Thong>e topics include ong>thong>e effects on reading of ong>thong>e multimodal and multisensory aspects of ong>thong>e digital environment, ong>thong>e impact of practice on ong>thong>e medium of ong>thong>eory, how digital media are dissolving ong>thong>e boundaries between leisure and work, and ong>thong>e impact of cyberspace on established eong>thong>ical principles.

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual
A European Central Bank?: Perspectives on Monetary

A European Central Bank?: Perspectives on Monetary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: De Cecco, Marcello, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Based on a conference held by ong>thong>e Italian Macroeconomic Policy Group and ong>thong>e Centre for Economic Policy Research, ong>thong>is study examines ong>thong>e issues raised by European monetary unification. An introduction describes recent developments and identifies ong>thong>e motivations for creating a European central bank. ong>Thong>eoretical papers analyze ong>thong>e interactions of capital controls, financial intermediation, and seigniorage in open economies, ong>thong>e optimal design of centralized banks of issue by sovereign countries, and some new aspects of ong>thong>e "optimal currency area" question. ong>Thong>e volume concludes wiong>thong> a panel discussion on ong>thong>e feasibility of European monetary unification, featuring leading academics and central bankers.

IUTAM Symposium on Integrated Modeling of Fully Coupled

IUTAM Symposium on Integrated Modeling of Fully Coupled

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Haym Benaroya, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: IUTAM Symposium on Integrated Modeling of Fully Coupled
Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis : Volume 8

Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis : Volume 8

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Kruuk, Hans / Volkl, Edgar / Piston, David, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Thong>is Proceedings volume contains extended abstracts of all ong>thong>e papers presented at ong>thong>e Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting held in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada on August . ong>Thong>is meeting was a joint event comprising ong>thong>e 60ong>thong> ong>Annualong> Meeting of ong>thong>e Microscopy Society of America, ong>thong>e 36ong>thong> ong>Annualong> Meeting of ong>thong>e Microbeam Analysis Society, ong>thong>e 29ong>thong> ong>Annualong> Meeting of ong>thong>e Microscopy Society of Canada/Societe de Microscopie du Canada and ong>thong>e 35ong>thong> ong>Annualong> Meeting of ong>thong>e International Metallographic Society. ong>Thong>e Proceedings consists of boong>thong> a printed volume containing ong>thong>e extended abstracts of all invited papers as well as a searchable CD-ROM containing ong>thong>e extended abstracts of all papers presented at ong>thong>e meeting.

Infallible Word A Symposium by the Members of the Faculty of

Infallible Word A Symposium by the Members of the Faculty of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: N B Stonehouse Paul Woolley Westminster Seminary Faculty ong>Symposiumong> Staff, PUBLISHER: P & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp R Publishing, NA

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: Infallible Word A Symposium by the Members of the Faculty of
Theoretical Aspects of Local Search

Theoretical Aspects of Local Search

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Michiels, Wil / Aarts, Emile / Korst, Jan, PUBLISHER: Springer, Local search has been applied successfully to a diverse collection of optimization problems. It's appreciated for its basic conceptual foundation, its general applicability, and its power to serve as a source for new search paradigms. ong>Thong>e typical characteristics of combinatorial optimization problems to which local search can be applied, its relation to complexity ong>thong>eory, and ong>thong>e combination wiong>thong> randomized search features have led to a wealong>thong> of interesting ong>thong>eoretical results. However, ong>thong>ese results are scattered ong>thong>roughout ong>thong>e literature. ong>Thong>is is ong>thong>e first book ong>thong>at presents a large collection of ong>thong>eoretical results in a consistent manner, ong>thong>us providing ong>thong>e reader wiong>thong> a coherent overview of ong>thong>e achievements obtained so far, but also serving as a source of inspiration for ong>thong>e development of novel results in ong>thong>e challenging field of local search. Acquista Ora

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Cudworong>thong>, Erika, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, ong>Thong>is book provides a comprehensive overview of feminist and environmental ong>thong>eories of society-environment relations, considers ong>thong>e range of ong>thong>eoretical and political influences on socialist and Marxist ong>thong>eory, amongst oong>thong>ers, and ong>thong>e social sciences' turn to poststructuralism and postmodernism. Cudworong>thong> also develops her own ong>thong>eoretical account for ong>thong>e interrelations between forms of social domination and contributes to important debates wiong>thong> sociology, social ong>thong>eory, feminist ong>thong>eory and environmentalism.

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference
Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases

Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Roach, Helmtrud I. / Bronner, Felix / Oreffo, Richard O. C., PUBLISHER: Springer, Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases assembles in comprehensive form what is known about ong>thong>e role of epigenetics in chronic disease development. ong>Thong>is book provides new insights into treatment, including modulation of epigenetic regulation. Each chapter gives an outline of a respective disease, explains why epigenetics may be involved in ong>thong>e disease process and ong>thong>en presents ong>thong>e evidence of how changes in epigenetic status contribute to initiation and progress of ong>thong>e disease. ong>Thong>e final chapters look towards future ong>thong>erapeutic treatment, based on manipulation of epigenetic aspects. Written by widely published experts, Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases is a valuable reference tool for clinicians and researchers who investigate and treat chronic diseases, as well as healong>thong> care personnel, post-doctoral fellows and medical or dental students.

Plant ecology. Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium

Plant ecology. Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium

Plant ecology. Proceedings of ong>thong>e Montpellier ong>Symposiumong>. Ecologie vegetale. Actes du Colloque de Montpellier Editore: Unesco Soft cover Anno edizione: Pagine: 124 p., ill. Prodotto usato Condizioni: Usato - In buone condizioni Euro 20 (varie 553)

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: Plant ecology. Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium
Principles of Business Taxation

Principles of Business Taxation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Pointon, John / Spratley, Derek, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Beginning wiong>thong> a discussion of ong>thong>e ong>thong>eoretical choice of alternative tax bases, ong>thong>is book provides a rigorous analysis of ong>thong>e impact UK systems of taxation have on business financial policy and decision making.

From Standard Logic to Logic Programming: Introducing a

From Standard Logic to Logic Programming: Introducing a

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: ong>Thong>ayse, Andre / Gochet, Paul / Gr?goire, Eric, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Presents a solid base for ong>thong>e examination of artificial intelligence (AI) wiong>thong> a ong>thong>orough study of ong>thong>e role of logic, covering ong>thong>e whole field from ong>thong>e ong>thong>eoretical aspects of logic to ong>thong>e most practical logic programming applications. Discusses classical logic; knowledge representation and valid reasoning; non-standard logics and revisable reasoning; formal grammars; automata ong>thong>eory and augument transition network formalism and much more. Particular emphasis is placed on Prolog as ong>thong>e forerunning and most popular language for logic programming.

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: From Standard Logic to Logic Programming: Introducing a
Annual Editions: Environment

Annual Editions: Environment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Eaong>thong>orne, Richard, PUBLISHER: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, ong>Thong>e ong>Annualong> Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of ong>thong>e most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. ong>Annualong> Editions are updated on a regular basis ong>thong>rough a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. ong>Thong>e articles selected are auong>thong>ored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. ong>Annualong> Editions volumes have a number of organizational features designed to make ong>thong>em especially valuable for classroom use: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of supporting World Wide Web sites; Learning Outcomes and a brief overview at ong>thong>e beginning of each unit; and a Critical ong>Thong>inking section at ong>thong>e end of each article. Each volume also offers an online Instructor's Resource Guide wiong>thong> testing materials. "Using ong>Annualong> Editions in ong>thong>e Classroom" is a general guide ong>thong>at provides a number of interesting and functional ideas for using ong>Annualong> Editions readers in ong>thong>e classroom. Visit>annualong>editions for more details. Acquista Ora

Neurobiology of Addictions: Implications for Clinical

Neurobiology of Addictions: Implications for Clinical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Topper, Charles Lala Ashenberg / Spence, Richard T. / Dinitto, Diana M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Bridge ong>thong>e gap between ong>thong>e physical foundations of substance abuse and ong>thong>e psychosocial approaches ong>thong>at can treat it ong>Thong>is groundbreaking book offers helping professionals a ong>thong>orough introduction to ong>thong>e neurobiological aspects of substance abuse. It presents ong>thong>e basic information on ong>thong>e subject, including ong>thong>e various neurobiological ong>thong>eories of addiction, and places ong>thong>em in a psychosocial context. Its clear and straightforward style connects ong>thong>e ong>thong>eoretical information wiong>thong> practical applications. ong>Thong>is is an essential resource for substance abuse counselors, researchers, ong>thong>erapists, and social workers. Neurobiology of Addictions offers sound, tested information on substance abuse issues, including: neurobiological ong>thong>eories of addiction integrating drug treatments and ong>thong>erapeutic interventions using neurobiology to discover substance abuse in clients of various ages perspectives from social work, pharmacology, biology, and neuroscience

Offerte relazionate stacs th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of: Neurobiology of Addictions: Implications for Clinical
A Textbook of Jurisprudence

A Textbook of Jurisprudence

ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Paton, George W. / Paton, G. W. / Dorham, David P., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, ong>Thong>is new edition of a standard reference of jurisprudence has been fully revised. Many recent developments which touch on ong>thong>e relationship of laws to morals--homosexuality, obscenity, suicide, and abortion--are discussed, togeong>thong>er wiong>thong> controversial economic aspects of modern legislation on such as topics as restrictive trade practices and trade unions.
