Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual
ISBN: , SKU: , AUong>THong>OR: Liestol, Gunnar / Morrison, Andrew / Rasmussen, Terje, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), Arguing ong>thong>at "first encounters" have already applied traditional ong>thong>eoretical and conceptual frameworks to digital media, ong>thong>e contributors to ong>thong>is book call for "second encounters," or a revisiting. Digital media are not only objects of analysis but also instruments for ong>thong>e development of innovative perspectives on boong>thong> media and culture. Drawing on insights from literary ong>thong>eory, semiotics, philosophy, aesong>thong>etics, eong>thong>ics, media studies, sociology, and education, ong>thong>e contributors construct new positions from which to observe digital media in fresh and meaningful ways. ong>Thong>roughout ong>thong>ey explore to what extent interpretation of and experimentation wiong>thong> digital media can inform ong>thong>eory. It also asks how our understanding of digital media can contribute to our understanding of social and cultural change. ong>Thong>e book is organized in four sections: Education and Interdisciplinarity, Design and Aesong>thong>etics, Rhetoric and Interpretation, and Social ong>Thong>eory and Eong>thong>ics. ong>Thong>e topics include ong>thong>e effects on reading of ong>thong>e multimodal and multisensory aspects of ong>thong>e digital environment, ong>thong>e impact of practice on ong>thong>e medium of ong>thong>eory, how digital media are dissolving ong>thong>e boundaries between leisure and work, and ong>thong>e impact of cyberspace on established eong>thong>ical principles.