finding the words writers on inspiration desire war

Finding the Words: Writers on Inspiration, Desire, War,

Finding the Words: Writers on Inspiration, Desire, War,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bland, Jared, PUBLISHER: Emblem Editions, Celebrated ong>writersong> reveal surprising truths about ong>theong> joys, challenges, and importance of ong>findingong> ong>theong> ong>wordsong>, in this special fundraising anthology for PEN Canada. In this outstanding anthology, some of our most exciting ong>writersong> -- novelists, journalists, memoirists, playwrights, and songong>writersong> -- offer compelling and highly personal takes on ong>theong> ong>theong>me of ong>findingong> ong>theong> ong>wordsong>. ong>Theong> result is an entertaining, provocative, thoughtful, and unexpected collection of pieces that reminds us of ong>theong> power of language. Among ong>theong> pieces in ong>theong> anthology: Diana Athill and Alice Munro discuss ong>theong> consequences of writing about oong>theong>r people; Gord Downie meditates on what it means to be a songwriter by considering one of his own songwriting heroes; Guy Gavriel Kay reflects on how his relationship with his own readers continues to change; Elizabeth Hay searches for inspiration in ong>theong> fallow period between books; Rawi Hage meditates on writing rooted in ong>theong> universal experience of exile; Pasha Malla presents a funny and confounding list of "rules for ong>writersong>" solicited from non-ong>writersong>; Heaong>theong>r O'Neill recalls writing some unusual letters for her illiterate faong>theong>r when she was a young girl; Michael Winter pieces togeong>theong>r court transcripts, newspaper accounts, and oong>theong>r primary sources to take us into ong>theong> dark heart of a real-life Newfoundland crime story.

The Marsh of Gold: Pasternak's Writings on Inspiration and

The Marsh of Gold: Pasternak's Writings on Inspiration and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pasternak, Boris / Livingstone, Angela, PUBLISHER: Academic Studies Press, Major statements by ong>theong> celebrated Russian poet Boris Pasternak () about poetry, inspiration, ong>theong> creative process and ong>theong> significance of artistic/ literary creativity in his own life, as well as in human life altogeong>theong>r, are presented here in his own ong>wordsong> (in translation) and are discussed in ong>theong> extensive Commentaries and Introduction. Although universally acknowledged as one of ong>theong> great ong>writersong> of ong>theong> twentieth century, Pasternak is not yet sufficiently recognized as ong>theong> highly original and important thinker that he also was. All his life he thought and wrote about ong>theong> nature and significance of ong>theong> experience of inspiration, though avoiding ong>theong> word "inspiration" where possible as his own views were not ong>theong> conventional ones. ong>Theong> texts collected in this book range from to and are between two and ninety pages long. ong>Theong>re are Commentaries on all ong>theong> texts, as well as a final Essay on Pasternak's famous novel "Doctor Zhivago," which is looked at here in ong>theong> light of what it says on art and inspiration.

Offerte relazionate finding the words writers on inspiration desire war: The Marsh of Gold: Pasternak's Writings on Inspiration and
Witnesses to Calvary: Reflections on the Seven Last Words of

Witnesses to Calvary: Reflections on the Seven Last Words of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Antall, Richard C. / Grote, Lisa / McGovern, Robert F., PUBLISHER: Our Sunday Visitor, Faong>theong>r Antall brings his experience in ong>theong> civil war in El Salvador to ong>theong>se profound and moving meditations on ong>theong> Seven Last ong>Wordsong>. Illustrated with striking woodcuts.

Encyclopedia of World Writers: 19th and 20th Centuries

Encyclopedia of World Writers: 19th and 20th Centuries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Diamond, Marie Josephine, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Encyclopedia of World ong>Writersong>: 19th and 20th Centuries covers ong>theong> most important ong>writersong> outside of ong>theong> U.S., Britain, and Ireland in ong>theong> last two centuries. An ideal companion to Facts On File's Timetables of World Literature (see left), this comprehensive one-volume guide contains insightful, A-to-Z entries on approximately 300 ong>writersong>--primarily novelists, poets, dramatists, and short-story ong>writersong>--whose works are anthologized in textbooks or assigned in high school English courses. Entries range in length from 200 to ong>wordsong> and include a biographical sketch, synopses of major works, and a brief bibliography. Coverage includes ong>theong> major French, Russian, German, and oong>theong>r European ong>writersong> as well as those from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Offerte relazionate finding the words writers on inspiration desire war: Encyclopedia of World Writers: 19th and 20th Centuries
The Words Can Heal Handbook: How Changing Your Words Can

The Words Can Heal Handbook: How Changing Your Words Can

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rich, Hillary / Katsof, Irwin / Feld, Chaim, PUBLISHER: Leviathan Press, This book is built on ong>theong> idea that a person's spoken ong>wordsong> are ong>theong> single most important factor impacting happiness, success, and ong>theong> genuine depth of one's relationships.

The Congressman's Civil War

The Congressman's Civil War

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bogue, Allan G. / Fogel, Robert / ong>Theong>rnstrom, Stephan, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In ong>theong> historical literature on ong>theong> Civil War, ong>theong> President, ong>theong> generals, and ong>theong> cabinet secretaries have won ong>theong> war of ong>wordsong>. Of ong>theong> hundreds of men who served in ong>theong> House of Representatives during this great struggle, only a handful typically appear in general discussions of ong>theong> period. Yet without a deeper understanding of ong>theong> contributions of ong>theong> members of ong>theong> Congress to ong>theong> successful prosecution of ong>theong> war, we cannot fully appreciate ong>theong> desperate nature of that war and its significance in ong>theong> building of ong>theong> nation. This book explores important aspects of ong>theong> Civil War from ong>theong> perspective of Capitol Hill. It is an effort to survey some of ong>theong> possibilities for understanding ong>theong> congressmen, ong>theong>ir relations with each oong>theong>r, and ong>theong>ir interaction with President Lincoln.

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Alice Walker

Alice Walker

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, -- Brings togeong>theong>r ong>theong> best criticism on ong>theong> most widely read poets, novelists, and playwrights -- Presents complex critical portraits of ong>theong> most influential ong>writersong> in ong>theong> English-speaking world -- from ong>theong> English medievalists to contemporary ong>writersong>

Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Golding, William / Bloom, Harold, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, -- Brings togeong>theong>r ong>theong> best criticism on ong>theong> most widely read poets, novelists, and playwrights -- Presents complex critical portraits of ong>theong> most influential ong>writersong> in ong>theong> English-speaking world -- from ong>theong> English medievalists to contemporary ong>writersong>

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Islam and War: A Study in Comparative Ethics

Islam and War: A Study in Comparative Ethics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelsay, John, PUBLISHER: Westminster John Knox Press, This book explores questions regarding ong>theong> justice of war and addresses ong>theong> lack of comparative perspectives on ong>theong> ethics of war, particularly with respect to Islam. John Kelsay begins with ong>theong> war in ong>theong> Persian Gulf, focusing on ong>theong> role of Islamic symbols in ong>theong> rhetoric of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. He provides an overview of ong>theong> Islamic tradition in regards to war and peace, and ong>theong>n focuses on ong>theong> notion of religion as a just cause for war.

The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins

The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hendrickson, Robert, PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, ong>Theong> Facts On File Writer's Library includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and oong>theong>r indispensable resources for ong>writersong>, students, and serious readers. From ong>theong> origins of ong>wordsong> and phrases to ong>theong> meanings of literary terms, ong>theong> collection provides comprehensive information in a clear, accessible style that is sure to satisfy researchers and browsers alike. ong>Theong>se books will be reached for again and again. This entertaining compendium traces ong>theong> origins and development of more than ong>wordsong> and phrases, including slang, proverbs, animal and plant names, place names, nicknames, historical expressions, foreign-language expressions, and phrases from literature.

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The Facts on File Dictionary of Modern Allusions

The Facts on File Dictionary of Modern Allusions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cole, Sylvia, PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, ong>Theong> Facts On File Writer's Library includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and oong>theong>r indispensable resources for ong>writersong>, students, and serious readers. From ong>theong> origins of ong>wordsong> and phrases to ong>theong> meanings of literary terms, ong>theong> collection provides comprehensive information in a clear, accessible style that is sure to satisfy researchers and browsers alike. ong>Theong>se books will be reached for again and again. This dictionary explains ong>theong> current meanings and original contexts of more than allusions drawn from history, literature, art, and mass culture over ong>theong> past millennium. Eminently useful and fun to browse, this is an essential resource for ong>writersong>, students, and readers alike.

Finding Dory Trading Figures 5 - 10 cm Display (24)

Finding Dory Trading Figures 5 - 10 cm Display (24)

ong>Theong> Display includes 24 detailed and handpainted figurines from ong>theong> ong>Findingong> Dory movie. ong>Theong> figures are approx. 5 - 10 cm tall (depending on ong>theong> character) and made of high-quality ong>theong>rmoplastic (PVC free).

Offerte relazionate finding the words writers on inspiration desire war: Finding Dory Trading Figures 5 - 10 cm Display (24)
Wonderful Words of Life: Inspiration from the Beloved Hymn

Wonderful Words of Life: Inspiration from the Beloved Hymn

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barbour Publishing Inc / Barbour Publishing, Inc, PUBLISHER: Barbour Publishing, Philip Bliss's lyrics from ong>theong> beloved hymn "Wonderful ong>Wordsong> of Life" inspire this encouraging title. Overflowing with thoughtful devotions, prayers, memorable quotations, and Bible promises, you'll find ong>theong> blessings, joy, and comfort your heart truly desires.

Basic Texts in International Relations: Evolution of Ideas

Basic Texts in International Relations: Evolution of Ideas

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Luard, Evan, PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan, In this volume, Evan Luard has collected passages from major ong>writersong> on international relations over ong>theong> ages, including philosophers, historians, strategic ong>writersong>, and leading statesmen, as well as academic ong>writersong>.

Offerte relazionate finding the words writers on inspiration desire war: Basic Texts in International Relations: Evolution of Ideas
The First Easter

The First Easter

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Skarmeas, Nancy / Benson, Leslie, PUBLISHER: Candy Cane Press, Through simple ong>wordsong> and straightforward sentences, this beautifully illustrated story of Jesus' final days, his crucifixion, and his resurrection provides an introduction to ong>theong> wonderful message of Easter. ong>Theong> story, taken from ong>theong> Gospels, incorporates Jesus' ong>wordsong> directly from ong>theong> King James Version of ong>theong> Bible. Magnificent paintings, rendered in oil on canvas, lend a visual richness to this serious subject, whereas ong>theong> exquisite design and artistic elements on ong>theong> page evoke just ong>theong> right feel for children.

Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe

Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Park, William / Rees, G. Wyn, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, This is a survey of ong>theong> principle items on ong>theong> European security agenda following ong>theong> end of ong>theong> Cold War. ong>Theong> book focuses on regions where ong>theong> reconsideration of security issues has been particularly profound and analyzes ong>theong> main security institutions which have survived ong>theong> Cold War including NATO, ong>theong> European Union/Western European Union and ong>theong> Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Also strides ong>theong> Central European countries, Russia and states of ong>theong> former USSR.

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Get Your War on 2

Get Your War on 2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rees, David, PUBLISHER: Riverhead Books, "Get Your War On" is ong>theong> comic that became a popular sensation for waking America up and being brave enough to make people think--and laugh--in ong>theong> months following 9/11. Now, David Rees returns to do it once again--just in time for ong>theong> most anticipated election in years. He's taking on ong>theong> Bush Doctrine, Operation Iraqi Freedom, ong>theong> war in Afghanistan, tax cuts, ong>theong> campaign--and much, much more Acquista Ora

Elizabethan Writers

Elizabethan Writers

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nichell, Charles / Nicholl, Charles, PUBLISHER: National Portrait Gallery, Featuring some of ong>theong> key ong>writersong> and patrons of ong>theong> period, Charles Nicholl probes ong>theong> uncertain world of Elizabethan England to provide fascinating insights into ong>theong> lives of some of history's greatest ong>writersong>.

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A Galaxy of Creative Prose

A Galaxy of Creative Prose

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kincade, Libby, PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, I have always had a penchant for writing and ong>theong>re was always a fascination about beautiful ong>wordsong> that intrigued me. Also, because of my love for nature and ong>theong> world that surrounds us with its endless beauty, despite ong>theong> destructive tendencies of mankind to destroy it, I still am in awe of its wonderment, which motivates my desire to write. Most of my poetry are composites of blank verse, seldom rhyming, as I rarely conform to a definite iambic meter. I just merely let ong>theong> ong>wordsong> flow as God instructs me, whenever my creative expressions tend to exude. I am affiliated with several writing groups, ong>Theong> Alcott ong>Writersong> Group, Garyas ong>Writersong> Workshop and ong>Theong> National Society of Poetry. Among my published works was a dual effort contributed by my late moong>theong>r, Mrs. Inez M. Thurman, and I entitled, aMeditations of a Moong>theong>r and Daughter, a published by Carlton Press of New York city. Also, an entry, ong>theong> poem aSummeras Adieu, a in a volume entitled An Evolving Secret published by ong>theong> American Society of Poetry.

On Air Defense

On Air Defense

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crabtree, James D., PUBLISHER: Praeger, This book is a study of all aspects of air defense from its beginnings during ong>theong> French Revolution when artillery gunners tried to hit primitive balloons with ong>theong>ir cannons to ong>theong> use of Patriot missiles in ong>theong> Gulf War to shoot down tactical ballistic missiles. Crabtree's history focuses on ong>theong> development of tactics and technology from ong>theong> Franco-Prussian War to ong>theong> present. ong>Theong> strategic air defense of World War I and World War II are featured, as are ong>theong> development of surface-to-air missiles by Germany in World War II and by ong>theong> United States and ong>theong> USSR in Vietnam and ong>theong> Middle East.

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The War On Drugs - Biglietti Concerto The War On Drugs -

The War On Drugs - Biglietti Concerto The War On Drugs -

Cerchi i biglietti per il Concerto di: ong>Theong> War On Drugs - Tour ? Confronta il prezzo dei biglietti disponibili con il motore di ricerca di TicketPremiere. Clicca su RISPONDI ADESSO per vedere tutti gli eventi del tour di ong>Theong> War On Drugs su TicketPremiere e seleziona il tasto "Biglietti" corrispondente all'evento da te scelto per vedere la lista dei biglietti disponibili sul mercato. TicketPremiere: Il tuo motore di ricerca per tutti gli eventi di intrattenimento.

The Elite Consensus: When Corporations Wield the

The Elite Consensus: When Corporations Wield the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Draffan, George, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Financial and business corporations throw millions of dollars at think tanks, lobbyists and universities, exploiting ong>writersong> and artists galore. ong>Theong>ir assignment? To twist ong>wordsong>, gnarl symbols, sell lies, whip people into line. ong>Theong> Elite Consensus fingers ong>theong> American Enterprise Institute, ong>theong> Council on Foreign Relations, ong>theong> Chamber of Commerce, ong>theong> Heritage Foundation, and many oong>theong>r "educational" corporations, which men of property have unleashed on this planet. ong>Theong> author shows how ong>theong>se corporate con artists teach us our history, elect our representatives, write our laws, define ideas and frame public policy debates. Originally published in by Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project as ong>Theong> Corporate Consensus.

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American Jewry and the Civil War

American Jewry and the Civil War

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Korn, Bertram Wallace, PUBLISHER: Jewish Publication Society of America, War has long been considered a classic text on ong>theong> Jewish role in early American history -- on ong>theong> Jewish community as a whole during ong>theong> tumultuous years of ong>theong> war, and on its effort to raise ong>theong> concept of human rights and equality above restrictions based on race or religion. This extensive volume features a new foreword and new afterword, as well as an author's preface to ong>theong> original edition, an author's preface to ong>theong> first paperback edition (), an epilogue, four appendixes, notes, a bibliography, and an index.

Words to Rhyme with

Words to Rhyme with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Espy, Willard R., PUBLISHER: Facts on File, What rhymes with hasenpfeffer? This source details rhyming ong>wordsong> and includes a glossary that defines of ong>theong> more eccentric ones.

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Women of Words

Women of Words

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bukovinsky Teacher, Janet / Powell, Jenny, PUBLISHER: Running Press Book Publishers, "Women of ong>Wordsong>" celebrates ong>theong> best of women's writing from ong>theong> last two centuries. Featuring 35 extraordinary ong>writersong>, including Mary Wollstonecraft, Toni Morrison, Willa Caong>theong>r, and Edith Wharton, this elegant treasury presents carefully selected excerpts from each woman's writings. A concise biography and original, full-color portrait accompany each profile.
