evaluating research methods in psychology case study

Evaluating Research Methods in Psychology: A Case Study

Evaluating Research Methods in Psychology: A Case Study

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dunbar, George, PUBLISHER: Bps Blackwell, Using a series of over 40 case studies, this valuable text illustrates the processes and pitfalls involved in evaluating psychological research. Invites students to consider whether the conclusion drawn at the end of each case is correct, or whether the results could have an alternative explanation. Cross-referencing between sections is made easy by page references that link the case studies and explanations. Cases reflect the range of research methods taught at undergraduate level and include qualitative research. Gives students an understanding of methodological problems. Equips students to critically evaluate published research. The author and publishers have made every effort to be fair to the authors of the research described in this book. Like all sciences, psychology is forged in the fire of criticism and refinement, and we hope that the original researchers will understand that any criticism is made with the utmost respect. If you are an author of one of the pieces of research mentioned in the book and would like to respond to the critique presented, please e-mail your comments to Andrew McAleer at .

Health Services Research Methods

Health Services Research Methods

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shi, Leiyu, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, This book is intended to become a reference on research methods and analysis for health related research. It provides health students, practitioners, and researchers with a practical guide for conducting and evaluating health related research. It details the major components involved in conducting research including conceptualization, groundwork, choice of research methods, design, sampling, measurement, data collection and processing, statistical analysis and research reporting and application.

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Talent in Context: Historical and Social Persepectives on

Talent in Context: Historical and Social Persepectives on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Friedman, Reva C. / Rogers, Karen B., PUBLISHER: APA Books, This Division 15 series, "Psychology in the Classroom", is geared toward elementary, middle, and high school teachers. This series encourages teachers to base daily classroom practices on sound principles derived from the latest educational psychology research. The series bridges the gap between theory and practice, with each book including real-life case illustrations, sample classroom activities, self-study questions, and suggested readings.

A Student's Guide to Studying Psychology

A Student's Guide to Studying Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heffernan, Thomas / Heffernan, T., PUBLISHER: Psychology Press, The book is a practical guide to studying psychology. It incorporates good chapters on: Perspectives within psychology; Guidelines on seminars, tutorials and lectures; Guidelines on essay writing and practical write-ups; A Guide to research methods and empirical report writing; and Guidelines on exam preparation and technique. Finally, what to do upon graduation is also considered - with particular emphasis placed upon postgraduate training/research as well as applied areas of psychology. It is expected that this book will be of use to those studying psychology at undergraduate and pre-degree level, and will be of interest to those who are considering studying psychology as an academic subject - providing good insights to the most critical areas covered when studying psychology. The practical nature of this book and the various components outlined above, as well as its easy to follow format, distinguishes it from other texts in the field. It is anticipated that this book will become an invaluable source of guidance to students of psychology.

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Human Differences

Human Differences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aiken, Lewis R. / Aiken, PUBLISHER: Psychology Press, This text reviews the mass of information concerning the ways in which individuals and groups differ from each other. Reviews of research findings and interpretations are provided on: physical appearance, performance and health; cognitive abilities; personality; and development across the life span. Extensive treatment of foundations (historical, measurement, research methods, biological, social, and cultural) is also provided. Both normal and abnormal behaviors are considered. The book provides an interdisciplinary focus, including material from all the behavior and natural sciences, not just psychology, sociology, or biology.

Practitioner Research in Counselling

Practitioner Research in Counselling

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McLeod, John, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This is a practical guide to carrying out research in counselling and the helping professions generally. It covers all major aspects of research and guides the reader through the essential processes involved, from setting up and conducting a study, to analyzing data and evaluating findings' - "The New Therapist " This practical, informative and encouraging guide to doing research in counselling and the helping professions generally has been written with practitioners firmly in mind. The book is a comprehensive yet accessible introduction which covers all major aspects of research and guides the reader through the essential processes involved, from setting up and conducting a study, to analyzing

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Developmental Psychology - A Reader

Developmental Psychology - A Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David Messer, David / Messer, David / Dockrell, Julie, PUBLISHER: Hodder Arnold Publishers, This is a lively and stimulating resource for all students of child development. The book begins with an overview of the field, placing the subsequent readings in context within the discipline. It includes classic essays and important recent research, divided into six sections which reflect the major areas of study in developmental psychology: starting off in life; language and communication; cognition and representation; literacy and numeracy; others and their influence; and towards adulthood. In addition the editors have provided suggestions for using the reader and for developing related study skills. Ideal for students in developmental psychology, the book will also interest students in education, social work, and health professions.

Research Methods for the Social Sciences

Research Methods for the Social Sciences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wellington, Jerry / Szczerbinski, Marcin, PUBLISHER: Continuum, The aim of this book is to provide an introductory but not simplistic guide to research in the social and behavioural sciences. The book sets out to tackle difficult issues and concepts in a scholarly but accessible manner, providing ample guidance and signposts to further reading. We explore a wide range of questions about research and research methods, including: * What counts as good research? * Research approaches, paradigms, methods and methodology: what are they and what is the difference? * What is the so-called qualitative/ quantitative? * When and where is quantitative research indispensable? * If one suggests that research should be scientific what does that mean? * What methods and methodologies are used in social research? * What is the role of statistics in social and behavioural research? How should statistical evidence be interpreted? * What are the ways in which research can, and should, be disseminated and presented? This book is aimed as much at the reflective, researching professional as for the professional researcher.

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The Sport Scientists: Research Adventures

The Sport Scientists: Research Adventures

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brannigan, Gary / Brannigan, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, The Sport Scientists brings together eleven leading researchers in the field of sport psychology, discuss how they got started in the field, and presents some of the most interesting areas of in which they have participated. The book introduces students to the concepts of research in interesting, applied manner and encourages psychology major to continue in research fields.

Personal Bible Study Methods: 12 Ways to Study the Bible on

Personal Bible Study Methods: 12 Ways to Study the Bible on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Warren, Rick, PUBLISHER: Pastors.com, Pastor Rick Warren says, "The secret key to studying the Bible is knowing how to ask the right kind of questions. Once you know what to ask, Bible study is simple " In this 'how to' book, Rick explains 12 different ways to study the scriptures, giving step-by-step instructions. With over copies in print, Personal Bible Study Methods has become a classic tool for learning how to study the Bible for yourself. It has been translated into seven languages. Thousands of individuals, small groups, churches, and seminary classes have used the practical manual to unlock the wonderful truths of God's Word.

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Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kellogg, Ronald T., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Integrating the latest developments in cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, emotion and cognitive development, author Ronald T. Kellogg provides a clear view of what is happening at the cutting edge of the field today. Written in an accessible style, the book explores applications of cognitive psychology underscoring the practical side of the field. New to the Second Edition: - Updated with the latest research in cognitive psychology including the recent discovery of how the default network of the brain integrates findings on remembering one's personal past, envisioning the future, seeing the world from the perspective of another person - Recent advances in networks of attention, prospective memory, emotion and cognition, creativity in problem solving, moral reasoning, fluid intelligence and working memory, and frugal heuristics in decision making. - More extensive coverage of applications of cognitive psychology to everyday life such as research on the risks of driving while talking on a cell phone and recent findings on memory retrieval and how to improve study skills

An Introduction to Clinical Research

An Introduction to Clinical Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: De Angelis, Catherine D., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Here is an ideal introduction to research methods for clinicians, fellows, residents, and medical students. Written in a clear, easy-to-understand style, it outlines the steps that should be followed in order to organize and implement a typical investigation. Emphasizing the anticipation of future difficulties and the benefits of early planning, the authors discuss the types of questions that should be asked, how to design a study, and methods of data acquisition and analysis. Many examples are presented to illustrate the textual material, and extensive bibliography sections at the end of each chapter direct readers to published articles and texts that will provide further information.

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The New Film History: Sources, Methods, Approaches

The New Film History: Sources, Methods, Approaches

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chapman, James / Glancy, Mark / Harper, Sue, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, Now available in paperback, this first major overview of film history offers a wide-ranging account of the methods, sources and approaches used by modern film historians. Key areas of research are analyzed alongside detailed case studies of well-known American, Australian, British and European films.

The Structuring of Labor Markets: The Steel and Construction

The Structuring of Labor Markets: The Steel and Construction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Villa, Paola, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, With a wealth of empirical evidence, this study proposes that the social interaction of employers, workers, and unions are important factors in the structure of Italian labor markets. Incorporating research on job structure, employment conditions, recruitment methods, training programs, and workforce mobility, Dr. Villa offers a comprehensive, comparative study of the Italian steel and construction industries while shedding new light on the labor market field.

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Doing Teacher-Research

Doing Teacher-Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roth, W. -M, W.-M, PUBLISHER: Sense Publishers, There are many teachers who think about doing research in their own classes and schools but who are perplexed by what appears to be involved. This book is intended for these perplexed practitioners, to provide them with an easily understandable narrative about the concrete praxis of doing research in their classrooms or in those of their teacher peers teaching next door or in the same school. The fundamental idea underlying this book is to provide an easily accessible but nevertheless intellectually honest text that allows teachers to increase their agency with respect to better understanding their praxis and the events in their classrooms by means of research. The author draws on his experience of doing teacher-research while being a high school teacher and department head. Roth uses six concrete research studies that he has conducted alone or with peers to describe the salient parts of any teacher-researcher investigation including: what topic to study; issues of ethics and permissions from students, school, and parents; how and what sources to collect; how to structure resources; how to construct data from the materials; how to derive claims; and how to write a report/research study. Roth chose the case-based approach because cases provide the details necessary for understanding why and how he, as teacher-researcher, has made certain decisions, and what he would do differently today.Using this case-based approach, he allows readers to tie methods choices to situations that they likely are familiar with.

Reflective Faculty Evaluation: Enhancing Teaching and

Reflective Faculty Evaluation: Enhancing Teaching and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Centra, John A., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Centra underscores the importance of active methods of teaching and the need to evaluate those methods in less traditional ways. He discusses the value and proper use of self-reports and portfolios, and examines better ways to involve colleagues in evaluating and improving teaching.

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Evolutionary Psychology: A Critical Introduction

Evolutionary Psychology: A Critical Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swami, Viren, PUBLISHER: Bps Blackwell, The last decade has witnessed an exciting change in our understanding of the way in which the mind operates and the reasons behind a myriad of human behaviours. The traditional idea that nurture trumps nature in explanations of human behaviour has been supplanted by the evolutionary argument that human beings share evolved mental architectures that govern their behaviour. This volume is an introduction to evolutionary approaches to psychology, bringing together seminal work in the field and exploring the ways in which evolutionary psychological research can illuminate our understanding of human behaviours and nature. Together, the chapters in this volume present a fresh perspective on evolutionary approaches to psychology, critically evaluating the extant literature while maintaining the need for evolutionary psychologies. Written by key scholars in the field Full compliant with the BPS syllabus Critical evaluation of the literature from different evolutionary perspectives

Using Research in Organizations: A Guide to Successful

Using Research in Organizations: A Guide to Successful

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rothman, Jack, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Applied social research is a resource as yet largely untapped by the very organizations that could most benefit from it. In order to discover the ways in which research can best be brought into social programmes, the author went directly to organizations that have made effective use of research -- in this case British Social Services departments -- which are uniquely appropriate for this kind of study as they are staffed with researchers as well as administrators. The answers of key informants, synthesized with existing utilization research, provides the first comprehensive attempt to define the concerns and techniqes of an important new focus of study. 'In this short volume, Rothman has done researchers of all types a favor by cogently summarizing the literature on research utilization as well as presenting many explicit guidelines for enhancing the research utilization. Both basic researchers as well as applied researchers will find the book of interest and direct applicability.' -- Sociology, Jul/Aug

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Viral Genome Methods

Viral Genome Methods

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Adol, Kenneth W. / Adolph, Kenneth Ed. / Adolph, Kenneth W., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Molecular biology and genetics techniques now dominate viral research in attempts to cure diseases such as AIDS. Viral Genome Methods is a practical guide to the newest molecular techniques, providing step-by-step protocols to be used in the laboratory. Recognized authorities and pioneers in viral research pass on their expertise to you.

The Psychology of Gratitude

The Psychology of Gratitude

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Emmons, Robert A. / McCullough, Michael E., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Gratitude, like other positive emotions, has inspired many theological and philosophical writings, but it has inspired very little vigorous, empirical research. In an effort to remedy this oversight, this volume brings together prominent scientists from various disciplines to examine what has become known as the most-neglected emotion. The volume begins with the historical, philosophical, and theoretical foundations of gratitude, then presents the current research perspectives from social, personality, and developmental psychology, as well as from primatology, anthropology, and biology. The volume also includes a comprehensive, annotated bibliography of research on gratitude. This work contributes a great deal to the growing positive psychology initiative and to the scientific investigation of positive human emotions. It will be an invaluable resource for researchers and students in social, personality, and developmental, clinical, and health psychology, as well as to sociologists and cultural anthropologists.

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Configurational Comparative Methods: Qualitative Comparative

Configurational Comparative Methods: Qualitative Comparative

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rihoux, Benoit / Ragin, Charles C., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Configurational Comparative Methods paves the way for an innovative approach to empirical scientific work through a strategy that integrates key strengths of both qualitative (case-oriented) and quantitative (variable-oriented) approaches. This first-of-its-kind text is ideally suited for "small-N" or "intermediate-N" research situations, which both mainstream qualitative and quantitative methods find difficult to address. Benoit Rihoux and Charles C. Ragin, along with their contributing authors, offer both a basic, comparative research design overview and a technical and hands-on review of Crisp-Set QCA (csQCA), Multi-Value QCA (mvQCA), and Fuzzy-Set QCA (fsQCA). Key Features Discusses existing applications in many different fields and disciplines along with state-of-the-art coverage of the strengths and limitations of these techniquesDemonstrates further inventive ways of using QCA techniquesProvides advice on how to develop a comparative research design (case and variable selection) as well as a specific technique called MSDO/MDSO (most similar, different outcome/most different, same outcome).Shows how to perform the technical operations linked to three specific QCA techniques: csQCA, mvQCA, and fsQCAIncludes a glossary, an extensive bibliography, and a detailed list of good practices at every stage of the research process Intended Audience A must for any student or researcher who wants to engage in systematic cross-case comparison in the social and behavioral sciences, the book is ideal for use in upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level social science research methods courses.

A Research Guide for Health and Clinical Psychology

A Research Guide for Health and Clinical Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Martin Dempster, PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan, NA Acquista Ora

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Social Research Methods 4th Edition

Social Research Methods 4th Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alan Bryman, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, NA

Research Methods in Crime and Justice 1st Edition

Research Methods in Crime and Justice 1st Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brian Withrow, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

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Social Work Research and Evaluation: Quantitative and

Social Work Research and Evaluation: Quantitative and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Grinnell, Richard M., JR. / Unrau, Yvonne A., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book is the longest standing and most widely adopted text in the field of social work research and evaluation. Since the first edition in , it has been designed to provide beginning social work students the basic methodological foundation they need in order to successfully complete more advanced research courses that focus on single-system designs or program evaluations. Its content is explained in extraordinarily clear everyday language which is then illustrated with social work examples that social work students not only can understand, but appreciate as well. Many of the examples concern women and minorities, and special emphasis is given to the application of research methods to the study of these groups. Without a doubt, the major strength of this book is that it is written by social workers for social work students. The editors have once again secured an excellent and diverse group of social work research educators. The 31 contributors know firsthand, from their own extensive teaching and practice experiences, what social work students need to know in relation to research. They have subjected themselves to a discipline totally uncommon in compendia-that is, writing in terms of what is most needed for an integrated basic research methods book, rather than writing in line with their own predilections.
