developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative

Developing Inquiry for Learning: Reflecting Collaborative

Developing Inquiry for Learning: Reflecting Collaborative

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ovens, Peter / Wells, Frances / Wallis, Patricia, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Developing Inquiry for Learning shows how university tutors can help students to improve their abilities to learn and to become professional inquirers. Participation in higher education is widening and students have increasingly diverse needs and learning styles and many bring powerful expectations that learning tends to be a passive process. University tutors required to teach ever larger groups are finding increasing difficulty to meet these needs and help people to become more independently motivated and more collaborative learners. In the innovative and proven approach developed by the authors however, students are guided to perform action research into their learning practices, actions and reflections. Using a rolling programme of cyclical inquiries and whole group a conferencesa (TM) on improving learning, students write a patchesa (TM) on learning development which are then shared across the year group online. Each studenta (TM)s cumulative set of patches, together with their regular reflective writing, provide the basis for assembling a composite final assignment, a a patchwork texta (TM), for assessment. This style of curriculum and assessment organization encourages regular peer feedback and formative assessment, as part of the whole module process, to build personal confidence within students both as learners and as professionals. While providing teaching materials and examples of studentsa (TM) responses, including the use of Blogs, Wikis and Discussion Boards, the book also analyses and theorises on the deeper characteristics of the difficulties being addressed, using several theoretical perspectives. Readers are thus equipped to adopt, adapt and experiment with their own developments in their teaching and curricula with relevant frameworks of theory and values.

Collaborative Technologies and Organizational Learning

Collaborative Technologies and Organizational Learning

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Neilson, Robert E., PUBLISHER: IGI Global, Collaborative Technologies and Organizational Learning provides insight into a public sector organization's experience with implementing a specific collaborate technology, Lotus Notes. The books includes a discussion of theoretical bases for organizational learning as well as practical prescriptions for those interested in installing or using Lotus Notes.

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: Collaborative Technologies and Organizational Learning
Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale: Second

Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale: Second

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Klamma, Ralf, PUBLISHER: Springer, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL , held in Crete, Greece in September . The 28 revised full papers, 18 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 116 submissions. The conference provides a unique forum for all research related to technology-enhanced learning, as well as its interactions with knowledge management, business processes and work environments. Topics addressed are collaborative learning, personalized learning, multimedia content, semantic web, metadata and learning, workplace learning, learning repositories and infrastructures for learning, as well as experience reports, assesment, and case studies.

More Science Adventures with Children's Literature: Reading

More Science Adventures with Children's Literature: Reading

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fredericks, Anthony D., PUBLISHER: Teacher Ideas Press(NH), These dynamic literature-based activities will help teachers and school librarians energize the entire science curriculum and implement national standards. Fredericks presents hundreds of hands-on, minds-on projects that actively engage students in positive learning experiences. Each of the units offers book summaries, science topic areas, critical thinking questions, classroom resources, reproducible pages, and lots of easy-to-do activities including science experiments for every grade level. Chapters cover: Life Science, Space Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and the Human Body for students in grades K-4. The author also provides practical guidance for teaching science through inquiry, for collaborative ventures with school librarians, for integrating literature across the curriculum, and an up-to-date section of annotated bibliographies of the best in children's science literature. All titles are new to this volume and linked to national science standards. An entire chapter on the advantage of collaboration between the classroom teacher and the school librarian is included. Each individual unit includes a section on one or more collaborative classroom/library projects. An added plus is a section of related Readers Theatre scripts keyed to the science topics and standards. Grades K-4.

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: More Science Adventures with Children's Literature: Reading
Developing Portfolios for Learning and Assessment: Processes

Developing Portfolios for Learning and Assessment: Processes

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: NA, PUBLISHER: Taylor & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Francis Group, NA

Devised and Collaborative Theatre

Devised and Collaborative Theatre

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bicat, Tina / Baldwin, Chris / Barker, Clive, PUBLISHER: Crowood Press (UK), This book is written for all companies, student and professional, who are interested in non-text-based theatre and shines a practical light on the passionate business of the devising process. It includes suggestions and advice on getting started and developing trust and communication within the devising company; how to research and use the results to stimulate ideas and discussion in the rehearsal period; encouraging, channelling, and developing ideas in the rehearsal room; discovering and incorporating the unexpected in rehearsal; backstage and design work, with sample checklists; raising money and organizing budgets; and how to stop talking, start playing, and develop the performance for an audience.

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: Devised and Collaborative Theatre


Games for. Language Learning. THIRD EDITION. Andrew Wright. David Betteridge. Michael Buckby. | CAMBRIDGE i UNIVERSITY PRESS. NUOVO MAI USATO - EURO 22 HO MOLTI ALTRI TITOLI, CONTATTATEMI

Interviewing: Speaking, Listening, and Learning for

Interviewing: Speaking, Listening, and Learning for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anderson, Rob / Killenberg, George M., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, This text presents the interview process as a collaborative dialogue between two people. With this approach comes a stronger emphasis on framing the interview, listening, ethics, and cultural diversity.

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: Interviewing: Speaking, Listening, and Learning for
Developing Primary Mathematics Teaching: Reflecting on

Developing Primary Mathematics Teaching: Reflecting on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rowland, Tim / Turner, Fay / Thwaites, Anne, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This book helps readers to become better, more confident teachers of mathematics by enabling them to focus critically on what they know and what they do in the classroom. Building on their close observation of primary mathematics classrooms, the authors provide those starting out in the teaching profession with a four-stage framework which acts as a tool of support for developing their teaching: making sense of foundation knowledge, transforming knowledge, connection, and contingency.

Introduction to Politics of the Developing World [IMPORT]

Introduction to Politics of the Developing World [IMPORT]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: William A Joseph, PUBLISHER: CENGAGE Learning, NA

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: Introduction to Politics of the Developing World [IMPORT]
Promoting Reading in Developing Countries

Promoting Reading in Developing Countries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Greaney, Vincent, PUBLISHER: International Reading Association, This revealing book explores the many obstacles and challenges involved in literacy promotion in the developing world, with specific examples in Africa, South America, and Asia. Editor Vincent Greaney and contributors offer compelling arguments for improving a country's economy through quality education. This volume illuminates the unique challenges faced by Countries with few resources for providing education and supporting publishing efforts. Suggestions also are offered for increasing the developing world's access to quality indigenous reading materials.

Fluency in Distance Learning (PB)

Fluency in Distance Learning (PB)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fenton, Celeste / Watkins, Brenda, PUBLISHER: Information Age Publishing, Fluency in Distance Learning offers a practical, hands-on, workshop style approach to creating an effective distance learning course. Full of specific ideas and strategies, the authors guide you through the process from beginning to end. Specific instructions are provided for setting up a course home page, developing interactive content, and utilizing a variety of multimedia resources. Chapters are focused on the following topics: Introduction: Insights into Distance Learning Chapter 1: KSA: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Effective Distance Learning Instructors Chapter 2: Active Learning in Online Courses Chapter 3: Multimedia in Online Teaching: Creating Dynamic Content Chapter 4: Communication is Key Chapter 5: Assessment doesn't have to be a four letter word: TEST Chapter 6: Organizing and Designing Course Pages Fluency in Distance Learning distinguishes itself from other publications on distance learning with its straightforward, practical workshop format. Specific strategies and examples of effective distance learning course materials help instructors to build a quality distance learning course quickly and effectively regardless of the learning management system being used. A companion website contains multimedia files and interactive exercises to enhance the reader's learning and understanding of distance learning pedagogy and content development for online courses. In addition, all the necessary media files for trainers to deliver a series of professional development workshops on distance learning, are also available. Potential audiences include: Instructors in need of a textbook for a course focused on distance learning pedagogy; Instructors in need of a textbook for distance learning certification courses; Instructors desiring to transform traditional instructional materials to an effective distance learning delivery format; Administrators with a need to provide professional development training to distance learning faculty; Professional development staff who provide training in distance learning pedagogy, content development, and facilitation strategies. Instructional designers with responsibility of working with faculty to develop online course(s)

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: Fluency in Distance Learning (PB)
My Book of Opposites: Preschool [With Stickers]

My Book of Opposites: Preschool [With Stickers]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Learning Horizons, PUBLISHER: Learning Horizons, Filled with full-color pages, engaging activities and colorful learning stickers, they follow national standardized test formats such as the California Achievement Test, the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and the Stanford Achievement Test. They also include a Skills Checklist for parents to determine their child's needs. Pull-out storybooks for preschool, math and reading/language skills enhance learning.

Flashcards for the Pharmacy Technician

Flashcards for the Pharmacy Technician

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Delmar Cengage Learning, PUBLISHER: Delmar Cengage Learning, NA

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: Flashcards for the Pharmacy Technician
Developing sw for symbian OS

Developing sw for symbian OS

developing sw for symbian OS

E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility

E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seale, Jane K., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Most practitioners know that they should make e-learning accessible to students with disabilities, yet it is not always clear exactly how this should be done. E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education evaluates current practice and provision and explores the tools, methods and approaches available for improving accessible practice. Examining the social, educational and political background behind making e-learning accessible in higher and further education, this book considers the role of and provides advice for, the key stake-holders involved in e-learning provision: lecturers, learning technologists, student support services, staff developers and senior managers. Key topics covered include: the opportunites that e-learning can offer students with disabilities the impact of accessibility legislation, guidelines and standards on current e-learning practices the reliability and validity of accessibility related evaluation and repair tools practical guidelines for 'best practice' in providing accessible e-learning experiences. E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education is valuable reading for all practitioners and researchers involved in the design and delivery of accessible e-learning in higher, further and distance education.

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility
Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications with Powerweb:

Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications with Powerweb:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Magill, Richard A., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, Designed for introductory students, this text provides the reader with a solid research base and defines difficult material by identifying concepts and demonstrating applications for each of those concepts. Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications also includes references for all relevant material to encourage students to examine the research for themselves.

A Guide to Coding Compliance [With 2 CDROMs]

A Guide to Coding Compliance [With 2 CDROMs]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Becker, Joanne M., PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, A Guide to Coding Compliance provides guidelines on performing coding compliance reviews and developing a coding compliance program. Real-life case studies tie fundamental knowledge with practical solutions to many compliance situations that providers face today. For the coding and billing manager the text serves as a practical guide in answering some of the most common coding and compliance issues faced today. For students the text lays a foundation for understanding the legal requirements, payer specific instructions and the importance of quality coding. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: A Guide to Coding Compliance [With 2 CDROMs]
Amazing Buildings

Amazing Buildings

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hayden, Kate, PUBLISHER: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley), DK Readers is a multi-level learning-to-read program combining DK's highly visual style with appealing stories at four graduated levels. Stunning photographs and engaging, age-appropriate stories are guaranteed to capture a child's interest while developing reading skills and general knowledge. DK Readers allow progression from stories for beginning readers with simple sentences and word repetition through to stories with rich vocabulary and more challenging sentence structure for proficient readers.

E-Learning Theory and Practice

E-Learning Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haythornthwaite, Caroline / Andrews, Richard, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), In" "E-learning Theory and Practice the authors set out different perspectives on e-learning. The book deals with the social implications of e-learning, its transformative effects, and the social and technical interplay that supports and directs e-learning. The authors present new perspectives on the subject by exploring the way teaching and learning are changing with the presence of the Internet and participatory media; providing a theoretical grounding in new learning practices from education, communication and information science; addressing e-learning in terms of existing learning theories, emerging online learning theories, new literacies, social networks, social worlds, community and virtual communities, and online resources; and emphasizing the impact of everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy and the classroom, locally and globally.This book is for everyone involved in e-learning including teachers, educators, graduate students and researchers.

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: E-Learning Theory and Practice
Transforming Thinking: Philosophical Inquiry in the Primary

Transforming Thinking: Philosophical Inquiry in the Primary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McCall Catherin / McCall, Catherine / Catherine C., McCall, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Essential reading for anyone who seeks to prepare active citizens for the 21st Century, this long-awaited book considers Philosophical Inquiry, an empowering teaching method that can lead to significant improvements in confidence and articulacy, and produce positive effects in other school activities and in interactions in the wider world. Readers are guided through the creation of a Community of Philosophical Inquiry (CoPI) in the kindergarten, the classrooms of primary and secondary schools, the community centre and beyond, with practical ideas to make CoPI work. With examples ranging from 5 year old children to underachieving teenagers, and even senior citizens, the book shows how participation in a CoPI develops: the skills of reasoning, critical and creative thinking concept formation and judgment the virtues of intellectual honesty and bravery. Including chapters on the theory and development of Philosophical Inquiry, the creation of a community, and using CoPI with groups of different ages, this book forms essential reading for teachers, professionals and community workers.

Statistical Learning Theory

Statistical Learning Theory

Come nuovo. Volume universitario sulla teoria statistica dell'autoapprendimento di Vapkin. Vendo causa errato acquisto. A comprehensive look at learning and generalization theory. The statistical theory of learning and generalization concerns the problem of choosing desired functions on the basis of empirical data. Highly applicable to a variety of computer science and robotics fields, this book offers lucid coverage of the theory as a whole. Presenting a method for determining the necessary and sufficient conditions for consistency of learning process, the author covers function estimates from small data pools, applying these estimations to real-life problems, and much more.

Offerte relazionate developing inquiry for learning reflecting collaborative: Statistical Learning Theory
Algorithmic Learning Theory - Alt '92: Third Workshop, Alt

Algorithmic Learning Theory - Alt '92: Third Workshop, Alt

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Doshita, Shuji / Furukawa, Koichi / Jantke, Klaus P., PUBLISHER: Springer, This volume contains the papers that were presented at the Third Workshop onAlgorithmic Learning Theory, held in Tokyo in October . In addition to 3invited papers, the volume contains 19 papers accepted for presentation, selected from 29 submitted extended abstracts. The ALT workshops have been held annually since and are organized and sponsored by the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. The main objective of these workshops is to provide an open forum for discussions and exchanges of ideasbetween researchers from various backgrounds in this emerging, interdisciplinary field of learning theory. The volume is organized into parts on learning via query, neural networks, inductive inference, analogical reasoning, and approximate learning.

Side by Side: A Multicultural Reader

Side by Side: A Multicultural Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wiener, Harvey S. / Bazerman, Charles, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Side by Side is a multicultural reader that emphasizes reading and writing through 51 readings which represent a broad range of both voices and subject matter. Writing instruction guides students through the development of short, responsive essays, while fostering critical thinking and collaborative learning skills. The "Handbook for Writers" addresses students' questions about grammar, mechanics, and style.

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Learning Democratically: Using Study Circles

Learning Democratically: Using Study Circles

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Niace, Study circles are groups which manage their own learning, embody democratic practice, and employ procedures that develop participants capacity to become confident as both learners and citizens, better able to act and take charge of their own destinies. This book shows how study circles offer an alternative to a narrow skills-based approach to learning and argues that their potential should be recognised by both practitioners and policy-makers. It contains a wide-ranging set of case studies of how study circles are already developing in adult education, voluntary organisations, self-help groups, faith communities and community development, with examples for comparison from Norway and Slovenia. This practical guide to creating and managing study circles, exploring their contemporary resonance and drawing on both Nordic and English experience, will appeal to those involved in adult learning as advisers, organisers, tutors, study circle leaders and voluntary activists, and also to learners themselves.
