design and engineering of intelligent communication systems

Design and Engineering of Intelligent Communication Systems

Design and Engineering of Intelligent Communication Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Syed V Ahamed, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buhalis, Dimitrios / Tjoa, A. Min / Jafari, Jafar, PUBLISHER: Springer, The proceedings of the conference ENTER - International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism - provide an international forum for the discussion of the role of telecommunication and information systems in tourism, inform potential users and people concerned with the importance of such technologies and explain their functioning. The following topics are treated in this volume: Dynamic Marketing Applications Using IT. - Designing Information Systems. - Using the Internet. - Transformation of the Travel Industry. - Re-engineering Management Approaches. - Enhancing Tourism Intermediaries. - New Horizons for Destination Management Systems. - Strategic Management in Tourism. - New IT Uses in Tourism.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism
Object-Oriented Engineering: Building Engineering Systems

Object-Oriented Engineering: Building Engineering Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bourne, John R. / Bourne, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, This book provides an introduction to the understanding and use of object-oriented methodologies for engineering problem solving with a specific emphasis on analysis and design. (Object-oriented programming is a general computer language methodology. The name comes from the focus on describing problems in terms of objects, both physical and conceptual).

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, William Fortune, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, This text, an expanded and rearranged version of Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, 2/e, is appropriate for a first course in materials science and engineering for engineering students.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering
Communication Yearbook 25

Communication Yearbook 25

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gudykunst, William B., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Communication Yearbook 25" is devoted to publishing state-of-the-art literature reviews in which authors critique and synthesize a body of communication research. This volume contains critical, integrative reviews of research on democracy and new communication technologies; the Federal Communication Commission's communication policymaking process; cognitive effects of hypermedia; mediation of children's television viewing; informatization, world systems, and developing countries; communication ethics; communication in culturally diverse work groups; and attitudes toward language. In addition, it also includes senior scholars' reviews of research on imagined interactions and symbolic convergence theory. Representing media, interpersonal, intercultural, and other areas of communication, this is an important reference on current research for scholars and students in the social sciences. Each of the chapters make a unique contribution to the field.

Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dandy, G. C. / Dandy / Warner, R., PUBLISHER: Spons Architecture Price Book, This comprehensive introduction to the scope and nature of engineering offers students a commonsense approach to the solution of engineering problems. Case studies and real-world examples are used to illustrate the role of the engineer, the type of work involved and the methodology employed in engineering practice.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Planning Design Engineering Sys CL
The Design of Animal Communication

The Design of Animal Communication

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hauser, Marc D. / Konishi, Mark, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), When animals, including humans, communicate, they convey information and express their perceptions of the world. Because different organisms are able to produce and perceive different signals, the animal world contains a diversity of communication systems. Based on the approach laid out in the s by Nobel laureate Nikolaas Tinbergen, this book looks at animal communication from the four perspectives of mechanisms, ontogeny, function, and phylogeny. The book's great strength is its broad comparative perspective, which enables the reader to appreciate the diversity of solutions to particular problems of signal design and perception. For example, although the neural circuitry underlying the production of acoustic signals is different in frogs, songbirds, bats, and humans, each involves a set of dedicated pathways designed to solve particular problems of communicative efficiency. Such comparative findings form the basis of a conceptual framework for understanding the mechanisms underlying communication systems and their evolution.

Intelligent Systems and Interfaces

Intelligent Systems and Interfaces

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mlynek, Daniel / Kandeland, Abraham / Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai L., PUBLISHER: Springer, The field of intelligent interfaces and systems' has witnessed a rapid growth during the last decade. An impressive number of papers, conference tutorials, and volumes have been devoted to the topic. Ten years ago, intelligent systems constituted a rather exotic topic and many were skeptical as to whether such systems would amount to more than a nice name. Nowadays, intelligent systems represent a powerful tool in many applications, in all industrial fields. Their development evolved on both the horizontal dimension, with a constantly increasing number of applications, and on the vertical dimension, by including more capabilities ranging from sensoric to neurofuzzy systems, intelligent agents, speech and image understanding, and decision making in complex environments. Intelligent Systems and Interfaces represents a comprehensive coverage of the field, including fundamental aspects, software-, sensors-, and hardware-related issues. Moreover, the contributors to this volume offer, beyond a systematic overview of intelligent interfaces and systems, deep, practical knowledge in building and using intelligent systems in various applications. Special emphasis is placed on specific aspects and requirements in applications. Intelligent Systems and Interfaces is intended to be an essential tool for the scientific community in all areas of applied intelligent technologies. The chapters are written by a selected pool of experts in the field of intelligent systems. The contributors thoroughly review the state of the art, explain the problems to be addressed and show how these problems can be solved. Extensive references are included, offering the reader a perspective on the currently available literature and trends. Intelligent Systems and Interfaces is an important reference on intelligent systems, intended for a large audience. Graduate and postgraduate students in computer science, electronics, micro-technology, robotics, and control theory will benefit from this comprehensive, in-depth study of the topic. Engineers from high-tech industries and researchers involved in the design, manufacturing, and use of intelligent interfaces and systems and of related technologies will find many solutions to research and design problems.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Intelligent Systems and Interfaces
Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, MacKenzie L. / Masten, Susan J., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science by Mackenzie Davis and Susan Masten is intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore- or junior-level students. The emphasis of this new text is on engineering principles rather than on engineering design. The concept of mass balance is carried throughout the text as a tool for problem solving, and the text boasts extensive coverage of chemistry, biology, and hydrology than other books have. The chemistry review in Chapter 2 and coverage of ethics will aid students in better understanding the engineering topics presented in the book.

Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach

Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coelho, Sergio Teixeira / Coelho, S. T. U., PUBLISHER: Research Studies Press, Rigorous application of the method to different performance fields of water networks, illustrated by various case studies. Detailed analysis of key areas of water networks' behaviour, including advances in the analysis and modelling procedures that are currently available, e.g. in water quality modelling and reliability analysis. Applicable to a range of engineering problems in water distribution. Performance analysis is becoming a key issue in the engineering approach to the control of water supply and distribution systems, both as a natural process of evolution of the modelling and design methods available, and as a consequence of an ever increasing awareness of the quality of the service provided within the water industry today. This book presents a systematic approach to the analysis of technical performance of water networks by creating a framework in which a variety of concepts and criteria can be included. The system presented provides a shift in the way engineering problems are formulated in water supply, allowing greater control of analysis objectives and improved sensitivity.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach
Estimation Problems in Hybrid Systems

Estimation Problems in Hybrid Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sworder, David D. / Boyd, John E., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Recent developments in sensor and processor sophistication have created a need for effective estimation and control algorithms for hybrid, nonlinear systems. This volume presents a highly effective, flexible family of estimation algorithms that can be used in estimating or controlling a wide variety of nonlinear plants. Several applications are studied, including tracking a maneuvering aircraft, automatic target recognition, and the decoding of signals transmitted across a wireless communications link. The authors begin by setting out the necessary theoretical background. They then develop a practical, finite-dimensional approximation to an optimal estimator. Throughout the chapters they illustrate theoretical results by simulation of control and estimation in real-world hybrid systems, drawn from a variety of engineering fields. The book will be of great interest to graduate students and researchers in electrical and computer engineering. It will also be a useful reference for practicing engineers involved in the design of estimation, tracking or wireless communications systems.

Primal Scenes of Communication: Communication, Consumerism,

Primal Scenes of Communication: Communication, Consumerism,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Angus, Ian, PUBLISHER: State University of New York Press, Primal Scenes of Communication argues that the materiality of communication media constitute social relations and that social relations should be understood as "technology-identity complexes". This theory is employed to characterize consumer society, and the social movements that criticize consumer society, as a unique epoch of communication.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Primal Scenes of Communication: Communication, Consumerism,
Design Essentials of Engineering Systems

Design Essentials of Engineering Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: L S Srinath, PUBLISHER: MacMillan, NA Acquista Ora

Communication for Complexity: Communication Methods for the

Communication for Complexity: Communication Methods for the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erwin, K., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons Inc, "Communicating The New" describes and demonstrates methods for communication in the design thinking/innovation process throughout all stages of the process, not just the end. It introduces core concepts and methods that help manage complexity, accelerate synthesis, bring clarity and diffuse important knowledge to the people who need to act on it. It offers everyone who is involved in design thinking - from the account planner in advertising to the program manager of an architecture firm to the information architect in a web design firm - a practical toolkit for how to use communication at every step of the innovation process to tame and frame the inherent complexity of creating "the new."

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Communication for Complexity: Communication Methods for the
Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications: Third

Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications: Third

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pan, Y. / Pan, Yi / Chen, Daoxu, PUBLISHER: Springer, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, ISPA , held in Nanjing, China in November . The 90 revised full papers and 19 revised short papers presented together with 3 keynote speeches and 2 tutorials were carefully reviewed and selected from 645 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on cluster systems and applications, performance evaluation and measurements, distributed algorithms and systems, fault tolerance and reliability, high-performance computing and architecture, parallel algorithms and systems, network routing and communication algorithms, security algorithms and systems, grid applications and systems, database applications and data mining, distributed processing and architecture, sensor networks and protocols, peer-to-peer algorithms and systems, internet computing and Web technologies, network protocols and switching, and ad hoc and wireless networks.

Communication, Media, and American Society: A Critical

Communication, Media, and American Society: A Critical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rossides, Daniel W., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, What is the role of communication technology and media in making American society more adaptive, equitable, and democratic? Analyzing the field of communication against an in-depth picture of American society, this provocative, wide-ranging text explores

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Communication, Media, and American Society: A Critical
Careers in Science and Engineering: A Student Planning Guide

Careers in Science and Engineering: A Student Planning Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: National Academy Of Sciences / National Academy Of Scien, Institute / Institute Of Medicine, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, Careers in Science and Engineering offers guidance to students on planning careers -- particularly careers in nonacademic settings -- and discusses how to obtain the education and skills necessary to attain their career goals. Profiles of science and engineering professionals illustrate a variety of career paths.

Introduction to Organic and Neurogenic Disorders of

Introduction to Organic and Neurogenic Disorders of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ferrand, Carole T. / Bloom, Ronald L., PUBLISHER: Allyn & Bacon, This book provides a life-span perspective on organic and neurogenic disorders of communication. The book presents current theories in the context of clinical practice and combines a medical approach to communication disorders with emphasis on educational, social and cultural factors. The book includes traditional areas of practice (e.g. aphasia, voice disorders, etc.) as well as new or expanded areas (e.g. dysphagia, psychiatric disorders, dementias). Each chapter is based on current research and theory, which provides a solid and comprehensive framework for understanding these communication problems. In addition, essential information in the areas of instrumentation, analytic techniques, and medio-surgical advances is highlighted. The book provides intelligent and in-depth coverage of medically-related communication disorders and their consequences, without sacrificing readability. For professionals working in the field of speech-language pathology.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Introduction to Organic and Neurogenic Disorders of
Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering:

Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Partridge, Derek, PUBLISHER: AMACOM/American Management Association, The computer is a surprisingly seductive device: it tempts us with the promise of its great power, but also entices the unwary to overstep the bounds of manageable complexity. Managers, business owners, computer literate individuals, and software developers alike are all seeking an understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and wondering what its uses might be. In this literate and easy-to-read discussion, Derek Partridge helps us understand what AI can and cannot do. Topics discussed include: -- strengths and weaknesses of software development and engineering -- the promises and problems of machine learning -- expert systems and success stories -- practical software through artificial intelligence, and more.

Tribology series, 41

Tribology series, 41

Tribological research and design for engineering systems. Condizioni del libro: ottime. Book condition: very very good.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Tribology series, 41
Fuzzy Sets in Engineering Design and Configuration

Fuzzy Sets in Engineering Design and Configuration

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sebastian, Hans-Jur / Sebastian, Hans-Jurgen / Antonsson, Erik K., PUBLISHER: Springer, This work presents some of the most recent research results that apply fuzzy sets to engineering design and configuration problems. These chapters cover the representation and manipulation of imprecise information during the synthesis of new designs and selection of configurations. The authors utilize the mathematics of fuzzy sets to represent information that has not yet been reduced to precise descriptions. In most cases, the mathematics of probability is also used to represent more traditional stochastic uncertainties such as uncontrolled manufacturing variations, etc. Presentations on fuzzy optimization and AHP methods are also included. These (fuzzy) set-based methods have particular application to concurrent engineering techniques.

The Handbook of Electrical Engineering

The Handbook of Electrical Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Research & Education Association / Rea / Staff of Research Education Association, PUBLISHER: Research & Education Association, This handbook is a review of the important facts and concepts in electrical engineering. Comprehensive and concise, it is a handy reference source at all times for the professional and the student. It condenses the vast amount of detail characteristic of the subject mater and summarizes the essentials of the field. The book provides quick access to the important facts, principles, theorems, and equations in electrical engineering.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: The Handbook of Electrical Engineering
Handbook of Design, Manufacturing and Automation

Handbook of Design, Manufacturing and Automation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dorf, Richard C. / Kusiak, Andrew, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, Comprehensive, detailed, and organized for speedy reference--everything you need to know about modern manufacturing technology. From concurrent engineering to fixture design for machining systems, from robotics and artificial intelligence to facility layout planning and automated CAD-based inspection, this handbook provides all the information you need to design, plan, and implement a modern, efficient manufacturing system tailored to your company's special needs and requirements. Handbook of Design, Manufacturing and Automation does more than simply present the characteristics and specifications of each technology--much more. Each technology is discussed both in terms of its own capabilities and in terms of its compatibility with other technologies, and the trade-offs involved in choosing one option over another are explored at length. An entire section is devoted to the business aspects of converting to the new technologies, including acquisition of automation, managing advanced manufacturing technology, and issues of cost and financing. The focus is on incorporating these technologies into a cohesive whole--an efficient, cost-effective manufacturing system. Other important topics include: * Design for automated manufacturing * Nontraditional manufacturing processes * Machine tool programming techniques and trends * Precision engineering and micromanufacturing * Computer-integrated product planning and control * Image processing for manufacturing * And much more

Manufacturing processes for engineering materials

Manufacturing processes for engineering materials

Serope kalpakjian Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials (3rd Edition) ISBN 10: ISBN 13: Nuovo ed introvabile. Acquistato nel , con scontrino. Copertina flessibile. Prezzo include spese di spedizione in Italia. Ritiro gratuito possibile in CAP This comprehensive, up-to-date text has balanced coverage of the fundamentals of materials and processes, its analytical approaches, and its applications in manufacturing engineering. Students using this text will be able to properly assess the capabilities, limitations, and potential of manufacturing processes and their competitive aspects. Well-organized and interesting, this book will encourage, motivate, and challenge students to present economically viable solutions to a wide variety of questions and problems, including the increasingly important element of product design.

Offerte relazionate design and engineering of intelligent communication systems: Manufacturing processes for engineering materials
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schwab, Glenn Orville / Edminster, Talcott W. / Barnes, Kenneth K., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A comprehensive engineering guide to theory and design practices for the control, utilization, and management of water in agriculture, with emphasis on scientific principles. Integrates into a single volume engineering practices for solving problems relating to erosion control, flood control, drainage, and irrigation. Presents information on precipitation, infiltration, evapotranspiration, and runoff, in addition to providing the entire design data for the U.S., plus a wide range of its applications. Contains conversion tables from English units to SI, and SI to English units, as well as numerous example problems, illustrations, and appendix.
