My Student Teaching Experience
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Scott, Austin L., PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, "One student said that he..".didn't want to do it." Another student said that he "just didn't do it." And the list of excuses is extensive. Some said they didn't have dictionaries, and others said that they did not have the words they were supposed to look up.""Today was a stressful day. If there ever was a day that I just wanted to hurry up and get over, it was today. I have seven students who are on IEP's, three of which take medication; and oh when their medication does not work ""Today was a better day than yesterday. I find that I have a lot of control over the emotional atmosphere of the class. The students seem to respond to my feelings. The emotions I display, determine the emotions they display. Sometimes this can be good, other times this can be bad.""I had to keep encouraging them and motivating them to learn it. When they were ugly towards me, I told them that I loved them, and that I am willing to struggle with them through this if they are willing to patiently learnA a A] then] there came a point when they were completely silent and their on-task behavior was so intoxicating that I did not want them to leave.""When someone comes into your life that you love, it's hard to let them go, and it's hard to forget about them. I guess that's part of the reason why I have a shield up often times, because I know they will leave. I know they won't remain in my life. Even though this true, I love these kids, they have changed my life. I will never be the same after this."