cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of

Cultural and Structural Dimensions of Family: A Study of

Cultural and Structural Dimensions of Family: A Study of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: M Kodanada Rao, PUBLISHER: Concept Publishing Company, NA



Joan Oates Archaeological and scholarly investigation underlies a study of the cultural, political, architectural, social, and historical development and significance of the ancient metropolis

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: Babylon
Embodied Progress: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception

Embodied Progress: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Franklin, Sarah, PUBLISHER: Routledge, New Reproductive Technologies, such as in "vitro fertilization, " have been the subject of intense public discussion and debate worldwide. In addition to difficult ethical, moral, personal and political questions, new technologies of assisted conception also raise novel socio-cultural dilemmas. How are parenthood, kinship and procreation being redefined in the context of new reproductive technologies? Has reproductive choice become part of consumer culture? "Embodied Progress" offers a unique perspective on these and other cultural dimensions of assisted conception techniques. Based on ethnographic research in Britain, this study foregrounds the experiences of women and couples who undergo "IVF, " while also asking how such experiences may be variously understood.

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Storey, John, PUBLISHER: University of Georgia Press, This new edition is a companion volume to An Introduction to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, just published in its second edition. The Reader supplements and extends the cultural terrain of the introductory volume by offering students the opportunity to experience firsthand the work of many cultural theorists and critics. Intended as a theoretical, analytical, and historical introduction to the study of popular culture within cultural studies, the current edition contains nine new readings, a new general introduction, and a fully updated bibliography. The readings cover the culture and civilization tradition, culturalism, structuralism and post-sttucturalism, Marxism, feminism, and postmodernism, as well as current debates in the study of popular culture. Used in conjunction with An Introduction to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, or on its own, this collection will be invaluable to scholars and students.

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader
African Arts & Cultures

African Arts & Cultures

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chanda, Jacqueline, PUBLISHER: Davis Publications, Celebrate the diversity and beauty of cultures in sub-Saharan Africa through a study of their art. Examine the traditional role of art in all facets of life -- the rites of passage, religious rituals, farming and daily existence. Conveying political, social, and economic themes, these works of art are visual proof of the cultural distinctiveness of the different African peoples.

The Age of Innocence

The Age of Innocence

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wharton, Edith / Dover Thrift Editions, PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, Deeply moving study of the tyrannical and rigid requirements of New York high society in the late 19th century and the effect of those strictures on the lives of three people. Vividly characterized drama of affection thwarted by a man's sense of honor, family, and societal pressures. A long-time favorite with readers and critics alike.

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A Family Affair: Cinema Calls Home

A Family Affair: Cinema Calls Home

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pomerance, Murray, PUBLISHER: Wallflower Press, The family unit has been a central theme in movies since the earliest days of the medium-- whether as a locus of domestic bliss, a dysfunctional source of drama, a collection of comic personalities or an inferno of repressed feelings. This new anthology brings the subject into sharp focus, collecting a range of multidisciplinary perspectives that attempt to directly penetrate the questions raised by the role of the family onscreen. Discussing a wide range of contemporary and classic films, from "House of Strangers" () and "Mary Poppins" () to "Superstar" (), "The Royal Tenenbaums" () and "Brokeback Mountain" (), this study addresses the nature of family values in cinema, and the 'family' nature of the Hollywood production system itself. With a wealth of historical background and contemporary analysis, this volume is a penetrating view of the oldest and most influential social institution as imagined for the screen.

Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace

Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: King, Geoff / Krzywinska, Tanya / Siegel, Geoff, PUBLISHER: Wallflower Press, This book charts the dimensions of one of the most popular genres in the cinema. From lurid comic-book blockbusters to dark dystopian visions, science fiction is seen as both a powerful cultural barometer of our times and the product of particular industrial and commercial frameworks. The authors outline the major themes of the genre, from representations of the mad scientist and computer hacker to the relationship between science fiction and postmodernism, exploring issues such as the meaning of special effects and the influence of science fiction cinema on the entertainment media of the digital age. Over one hundred films are discussed and the book concludes with an extensive case study of "Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace."

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace
Islam, Politics, and Social Movements

Islam, Politics, and Social Movements

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burke, Edmund, III / Lapidus, Ira M. / Abrahamian, Ervand, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, Taken together the essays in this work not only provide new research essential to the study of Islamic societies and Muslim peoples, but also set a new standard for the concrete study of local situations and illuminate the forces shaping the history of modern Muslim societies. This collection is unique in its sophisticated interpretation of the social protest and political resistance movements in Muslim countries during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The contributors take two principal approaches to the study of their subject. Utilizing "new cultural history," they explore how particular movements have deployed the cultural and religious resources of Islam to mobilize and legitimize insurgent political action. Others rely on "new social history" to study the economic, political, and social contexts in which movements of anti-colonial resistance and revolution have developed. This work brings together contributions from specialists on Islamic North Africa, Egypt, the Arab fertile crescent, Iran and India.

Pathways to Cultural Awareness: Cultural Therapy with

Pathways to Cultural Awareness: Cultural Therapy with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spindler, George D. / Spindler, George / Spindler, Louise, PUBLISHER: Corwin Press, Cultural therapy is a way of helping people cope with cultural diversity and societal inequity through the mediation of the school as a central institution for cultural transmission and maintenance. This book illustrates how cultural therapy can be applied in educational settings to promote better understanding among teachers and students. Each chapter presents a situation in which the author has been intimately involved, offering a variety of approaches to, and interpretations of, cultural therapy.

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: Pathways to Cultural Awareness: Cultural Therapy with
Family Studies Review Yearbook: Volume 3

Family Studies Review Yearbook: Volume 3

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Brent C. / Olson, David C., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This third annual collection of the best recent research in the growing family studies field includes 43 articles, selected from 27 journals, in eight topical areas. These represent some of the most salient and sometimes controversial areas in the study of marriage and the family. The articles have been selected for inclusion by a distinguished board of editors, and they provide a multidisciplinary review of the field.

Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and

Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Onouye, Barry / Kane, Kevin, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Covers load paths (tracing) in an extensive, organized, and highly visual manner, and fully integrates building structures (structural design) with architectural and construction issues. Comes profusely illustrated, representing structural elements as a part of an assemblage rather than as a discrete part, and presenting a variety of two- and three-dimensional drawings to show the structural element and its context. Presents "architectural" (rather than "scientific") illustrations/diagrams with building construction examples, and places layout-figures and illustrations adjacent to the discussion. Biographies of prominent contributors to the areas of statics and strength of materials offer historical background.

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and
Work in Retirement: The Persistence of an American

Work in Retirement: The Persistence of an American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Givechian, Fatemeh, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, Investigates the notion of 'work' as a cultural category in the U.S. through the study of senior citizens, a stratum of people who have progressed beyond the work stage. Conducted primarily at a senior citizen center with about members over the age of 55, the research is both diachronic and synchronic. The former consists of library research and the study of the senior center archives in its 25-year history. The latter mainly consists of participant observation in all the activities offered by the center, and interviewing the elderly. While existing studies of senior centers portray their function as social and recreational, this study argues that the cultural significance of these centers lies in their function as a substitute for work. The more the activities resemble work, the more they are welcomed by the members. Contents: Preliminary Discussion, an Introduction; Work, the Central Element of American Culture; Ethnographic Data and the Senior Center; ' Work, ' Continuation of Work after Retirement; Beyond the Senior Center; and Symbolic Analysis, a Holistic Perspective

Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on

Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Radley, Alan / Radley Alan, PUBLISHER: Routledge, In recent years the study of illness as experienced by patients has emerged as an approach to understanding sickness. Descriptions of the everyday situations of people with particular diseases, provide a commentary upon the nature of symptoms and upon the relation of the body to society. This approach stresses the biographical and cultural contexts in which illness arises and is borne by individuals and those who care for them. It emphasises the need to understand illness in terms of the patients own interpretation, of its onset, the course of its progress and the potential of the treatment for the condition. Worlds of Illness examines people's experience of illness and their understanding of what it means to be healthy. The contributors are the first to offer this biographic and cultural approach in one volume, redefining the perspective further and drawing attention to its potential for questioning theoretical assumptions about health and illness.

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on
Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal

Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maxwell, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: Routledge, A study of Brazil during a critical formative period which illuminates the causes of her special historical development within Latin America. Professor Maxwell analyzes the shifting relationships between Portugal, England and Brazil during the second half of the 18th Century. Through his study, Professor Maxwell is concerned with the social, economic and political significance of the events he describes. An important part of this work is a study of the Minas Conspiracy of .

Structural Concrete Structural Concrete: Theory and Design

Structural Concrete Structural Concrete: Theory and Design

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hassoun, Nadim M. / Hassoun, M. Nadim, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Revised to adhere to the latest American Concrete Institute (ACI) Code requirements for the design of structural concrete. Presenting the analysis and design of both reinforced and prestressed concrete elements, Structural Concrete is exceptionally logical and easy to read. Accuracy of calculations (Section 1.11) helps readers understand the accuracy of calculations in engineering design. Additional examples elaborate on the behavior of reinforced concrete beams at failure and combine structural analysis with concrete design. Section on Coulomb theory for soil pressure provides an alternative approach to calculate the soil pressure considering the friction of soil on retaining walls. Section on partially prestressed concrete explains the range of partial prestressing between a lower limit of reinforced concrete and an upper limit of full prestressing. In-depth treatment of the ultimate strength concept of reinforced concrete explains the concept of concrete beams behavior up to failure with mathematical analysis of forces developed in concrete and steel. Discusses the design of different types of stairs and the design of curved beams.

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: Structural Concrete Structural Concrete: Theory and Design
History of Music in Russia from Antiquity to , Volume 2:

History of Music in Russia from Antiquity to , Volume 2:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Findeizen, Nikolai / Velimirovic, Milos / Jensen, Claudia R., PUBLISHER: Indiana University Press, In its scope and command of primary sources and its generosity of scholarly inquiry, Nikolai Findeizen's monumental work, published in and in Soviet Russia, places the origins and development of music in Russia within the context of Russia's cultural and social history. Volume 2 of Findeizen's landmark study surveys music in court life during the reigns of Elizabeth I and Catherine II, music in Russian domestic and public life in the second half of the 18th century, and the variety and vitality of Russian music at the end of the 18th century.

Hermeneutics Ancient and Modern

Hermeneutics Ancient and Modern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bruns, Gerald L., PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, In this wide-ranging meditation on the nature and purpose of hermeneutics, Gerald L. Bruns argues that hermeneutics is not merely a contemporary theory but an extended family of questions about understanding and interpretation that predate the beginning of writing. Bruns situates the basic questions of hermeneutics against a background of different cultural traditions and philosophical topics, discussing for example, the interpretation of oracles, the quarrel between philosophy and poetry, Rabbinical midrash, and the nature of Romantic hermeneutics.

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: Hermeneutics Ancient and Modern
Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Featherstone, Mike, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Recent years have seen a significant reappraisal of the idea of culture within the social sciences, and a growing integration of theoretical concerns between the social sciences and the humanities. Debates over concepts such as postmodernism and cultural globalization have been symptomatic of a broader interdisciplinary interest in the social context of cultural practice. In this book an international cast of eminent theorists examines a series of key questions on the borders of the cultural and the social. Ranging across a broad canvas, the contributors focus on different elements of cultural theory and cultural process: discourse, lifestyle, the emotions, the intelligentsia, social movements, postmodernism. Linking the chapters is a concern with the central role of European social theory in the current reappraisal of culture, and an assessment of its relation to other international traditions. This book, for an interdisciplinary readership, will serve as an outline of key concerns in cultural theory and an insight into the central insights of Theory, Culture and Society. The book is also published as issue 9.1 of Theory, Culture and Society.

Cima study text

Cima study text

4 volumi di libri universitari, come nuovi della casa editrice Kaplan. - CIMA C01 Study Text Fundamentals of Management Accounting; - CIMA C02 Study Text Fundamentals of Financial Accounting; - CIMA C03 Study Text Fundamentals of Business Mathematics; - CIMA C05 Study Text Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law. Il prezzo รจ riferito a volume, eventuale spedizione da valutare.

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: Cima study text
The Poetry of Ibn Khafajah: A Literary Analysis

The Poetry of Ibn Khafajah: A Literary Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Al-Nowaihi, Magda M., PUBLISHER: Brill Academic Publishers, This study is an attempt to identify and describe the distinctive features of the poetic style of the acclaimed medieval Andalusian poet Ibn Khafa?jah, who has been credited with starting a new school of poetry, in Andalus and elsewhere. It offers a close reading of his poetry, concentrating on the three basic elements of style - imagery, rhetorical devices, and structural patterns. It shows how Ibn Khaf?jah creatively uses the poetic tradition available to him to form new images and scenes, create multi-layered poems, and bestow different levels of unity and coherence on his poems. The study demonstrates some of the ways by which the various elements of style are combined and interrelated, to produce original, meaningful, and highly moving poems in the Khafajian style.

European Review of Philosophy, 5: Emotion and Action

European Review of Philosophy, 5: Emotion and Action

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pacherie, Elizabeth / CSLI Publications, PUBLISHER: Center for the Study of Language and Informat, Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in the study of emotion and cognition, and an increasing rejection of the traditional philosophical prejudice against emotions as irrational or disruptive. The essays in this collection explore various facets of the relationships among emotion, action, rationality, and self-knowledge, with particular attention to three main sets of issues: the relationships between emotions and action, the roles emotion and action play in the development of self-awareness, and the rationality of emotions and emotional action.

Offerte relazionate cultural and structural dimensions of family a study of: European Review of Philosophy, 5: Emotion and Action
Rituals of Mediation: International Politics and Social

Rituals of Mediation: International Politics and Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weber, Cynthia / Debrix, Francois, PUBLISHER: University of Minnesota Press, A timely consideration of the meaning of transnational cultural interactions today. In an era of increasing globalization, the cultural and the international have borders as permeable as most nations'--and an understanding of one requires making sense of the other. Foregrounding the role of mediation--understood here as a site of representation, transformation, and pluralization--the authors engage two specific questions: How might we make theoretical and practical sense of transnational cultural interactions? And how are we to understand the ways in which the sites of mediation represent, transform, and remediate internationals? Accordingly, the authors consider international issues like security, development, political activism, and the war against terrorism through the lens of cultural practices such as traveling through airports, exhibiting art and photography, logging on to the Internet, and spinning news stories.

In the Course of a Lifetime: Tracing Religious Belief,

In the Course of a Lifetime: Tracing Religious Belief,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dillon, Michele / Wink, Paul, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, "In the Course of a Lifetime "provides an unprecedented portrait of the dynamic role religion plays in the everyday experiences of Americans over the course of their lives. The book draws from a unique sixty-year-long study of close to two hundred mostly Protestant and Catholic men and women who were born in the s and interviewed in adolescence, and again in the s, s, s, and late s. Woven throughout with rich, intimate life stories, the book presents and analyzes a wide range of data from this study on the participants' religious and spiritual journeys. A testament to the vibrancy of religion in the United States, "In the Course of a Lifetime "provides an illuminating and sometimes surprising perspective on how individual lives have intersected with cultural change throughout the decades of the twentieth century. Acquista Ora

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Myth and Method Myth and Method

Myth and Method Myth and Method

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Patton, Laurie L. / Doniger, Wendy, PUBLISHER: University of Virginia Press, In the wake of the elegant master theories of Joseph Campbell, Mircea Eliade, Georges Dumezil, and Claude Levi-Strauss, how are mythology and the comparative study of religion to be understood? In Myth and Method, a leading team of scholars assesses the current state of the study of myth and explores the possibilities for charting a methodological middle course between the comparative and the contextual issues raised in the last ten years. In confronting these tension, they provide an outline of the most troubling questions in the field and offer a variety of responses to them.
