contributions to science

Contributions to Science

Contributions to Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnson Charles, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

Science Explorer C Book a Student Edition Bacteria to

Science Explorer C Book a Student Edition Bacteria to

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Prentice Hall Science Explorer, the nation's leading middle school science program, is the perfect fit for today's classroom. Lead author Michael Padilla weaves together content with hands-on science inquiry that's sure to reach every student.

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: Science Explorer C Book a Student Edition Bacteria to
The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia

The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Headlam, Catherine, PUBLISHER: Larousse Kingfisher Chambers, From astronomy to zoology, this is the complete, illustrated guide to science for children.

Contributions to the Systematics of Oriental Termites

Contributions to the Systematics of Oriental Termites

Contributions to the Systematics of Oriental Termites Roonwal, M.L.; Sen-Sarma, P.K. Published by ICAR, New Delhi () Used Hardcover: ICAR, New Delhi, . xiv, b/w plates, 46 text figs.. Euro 20 (Zoologia)

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: Contributions to the Systematics of Oriental Termites
Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach

Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Friedl, Alfred E. / Koontz, Tricia / Koontz, Trish, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, This is a comprehensive, easy-to-use text containing more than 300 science teaching activities, 30 of which are new to this edition. The book's focus on the inquiry approach places value on the student's thinking and doing science, and ties the text to the inquiry-oriented National Science Education Standards for science teaching issued by the National Research Council. Each of the inquiry activities contains combined discussions of methods and content. The text helps students overcome science anxiety and shows them how easy it is to teach science using a simple, consistent three-step approach to each of the science activities (set induction, investigation, and resolution). All activities use simple, easy-to-find materials. Over 250 pieces of line art clearly illustrate the teaching activities.

Physics: An Illustrated Guide to Science (Science Visual

Physics: An Illustrated Guide to Science (Science Visual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Diagram Group, PUBLISHER: Facts On File Inc, NA

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: Physics: An Illustrated Guide to Science (Science Visual
Integrated Science

Integrated Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tillery, Bill W. / Enger, Eldon / Ross, Frederick C., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill, Integrated Science is a straight forward, easy-to-read, but substantial introduction to the fundamental behavior of matter and energy in living and nonliving systems. It is intended to serve the needs of non-science majors who are required to complete one or more science courses as part of a general or basic studies requirement. It introduces basic concepts and key ideas while providing opportunities for students to learn reasoning skills and a new way of thinking about their environment. No prior work in science is assumed. The language, as well as the mathematics, is as simple as can be practical for a college-level science course. Acquista Ora

Newton's Tyranny

Newton's Tyranny

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clark, David H. / Clark, Stephen H. P. / Clark, Stephen P. H., PUBLISHER: W.H. Freeman & Company, One of the great figures in history, Sir Isaac Newton personifies the triumph of scientific reason over ignorance. Yet for all his contributions to the Enlightenment, Newton was a deeply complex man who sometimes aggressively tried to obscure the intellectual achievements of others of others. Newton's Tyranny is the story of two men who felt the full wrath of the great man's hostility-the Reverend John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, and Stephen Gray, a humble dyer and amateur scientist. United not only by a love of science, but by a bitter and protracted conflict with Newton, the two men made significant contributions to science despite the observational astronomy and navigation. Drawing upon letters and historical documents, Newton's Tyranny vividly recreates the British scientific community of the early 18th century. It was an era of great achievement, but the crucible of science was often heated by Machiavellian intrigue, uncontrollable ambition, and larger-than-life personalities. Against this dramatic setting, the saga of Newton, Flamsteed and Gray unfolds, a story of loyalty and commitment against great odds. A fascinating look at a forgotten piece of science history, Newton's Tyranny exposes the dark side of flawed genius while celebrating the ultimate triumph of two unsung heroes.

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: Newton's Tyranny


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eric Danielson, James Levin, Elliot Abrams, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, "Meteorology, 2/e is an introduction to atmospheric science for science and non-science majors, covering all topics expected of an introductory text and organized and presented in a way that offers the instructor considerable flexibility regarding topic sequence. The text follows a unique investigative approach intended to teach the scientific method as well as meteorology. The authors have written the text to encourage this approach to learning: they pose numerous questions to the student, develop ideas bottom-up rather than explain phenomena from general principles, and attempt to assist each student in constructing his or her own map of meteorology.

Talking Bones: The Science of Forensic Anthropology

Talking Bones: The Science of Forensic Anthropology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thomas, Peggy, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, This exciting young adult set brings the latest scientific advances right from the laboratory to the library. It makes information about science and technology readily available to young people in basic terms they can understand. Highlights include: -- The history of the particular science or technology, including its key inventors, researchers, and pioneers -- A description of a particular science or technology, introducing its basic concepts and terms -- Applications to everyday life -- A discussion of the future of the science or technology, including both the advantages and the potential negative effect on human life and the environment.

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: Talking Bones: The Science of Forensic Anthropology
Careers in Science and Engineering: A Student Planning Guide

Careers in Science and Engineering: A Student Planning Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: National Academy Of Sciences / National Academy Of Scien, Institute / Institute Of Medicine, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, Careers in Science and Engineering offers guidance to students on planning careers -- particularly careers in nonacademic settings -- and discusses how to obtain the education and skills necessary to attain their career goals. Profiles of science and engineering professionals illustrate a variety of career paths.

Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of

Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cobern, William W. / Cobern, W. W., PUBLISHER: Springer, The primary goal of Everday Thoughts about Nature is to understand how typical ninth-grade students and their science teachers think about Nature or the natural world, and how their thoughts are related to science. In pursuing this goal, the book raises a basic question about the purpose of science education for the public. Should science education seek to educate scientific thinkers' in the pattern of science teachers? Or, should science education seek to foster sound science learning within the matrices of various cultural perspectives? By carefully examining the ideas about Nature held by a group of students and their science teachers, Cobern argues that the purpose of science education for the public is to foster sound science learning within the matrices of various cultural perspectives'. Cobern's two books, World View Theory and Science Education Research and now Everyday Thoughts about Nature, provide complementary accounts of theoretical and empirical foundations for worldview theory in science education. While many graduate students and researchers have benefited from his earlier work, many more will continue to benefit from this book.

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of
Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and

Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Numbers, Ronald L., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, If we want nonscientists and opinion-makers in the press, the lab, and the pulpit to take a fresh look at the relationship between science and religion, Ronald Numbers suggests that we must first dispense with the hoary myths that have masqueraded too long as historical truths. Until about the s, the dominant narrative in the history of science had long been that of science triumphant, and science at war with religion. But a new generation of historians both of science and of the church began to examine episodes in the history of science and religion through the values and knowledge of the actors themselves. Now Ronald Numbers has recruited the leading scholars in this new history of science to -puncture the myths, from Galileo's incarceration to Darwin's deathbed conversion to Einstein's belief in a personal God who "didn't play dice with the universe." The picture of science and religion at each other's throats persists in mainstream media and scholarly journals, but each chapter in "Galileo Goes to Jail" shows how much we have to gain by seeing beyond the myths.

Science and Health: With Key to the Scriptures

Science and Health: With Key to the Scriptures

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eddy, Mary Baker, PUBLISHER: Eddy,Mary Baker,Writings of,Boston,U.S., The book has no illustrations or index. Purchasers are entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Subjects: Christian Science; Christian science; Health; Foreign Language Study / German; Body, Mind

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: Science and Health: With Key to the Scriptures
Close Encounters?

Close Encounters?

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lamdourne, R. J. A. / Lambourne, Robert / Lambourne, R. J., PUBLISHER: Taylor & Francis Group, Currently, science fiction in all its forms is enjoying enormous popular interest. There can be no doubt that science fiction books and films have great influence on the public view of science and scientists. Close Encounters? examines the historical development of science fiction as a genre in books and films, tracing its roots, examining its most common ideas, exploring its relationship to real science, and attempting to assess its cultural impact. Discussion focuses on major themes such as time travel, politics, religion, ecology, and disasters. The authors consider the science in science fiction, the images of scientists that science fiction conveys, and some of the political, religious, and social motifs prominent in science fiction. They also discuss pseudo-science and its growing influence on the public perception of science. This fascinating, thought-provoking study should be read by all those interested in how the nature of science and its role in our society is portrayed in science fiction.

The Search for Meaning: A Short History

The Search for Meaning: A Short History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ford, Dennis, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, In "The Search for Meaning: A Short History, "Dennis Ford explores eight approaches human beings have pursued over time to invest life with meaning and to infuse order into a seemingly chaotic universe. These include myth, philosophy, science, postmodernism, pragmatism, archetypal psychology, metaphysics, and naturalism. In engaging, companionable prose, Ford boils down these systems to their bare essentials, showing the difference between viewing the world from a religious point of view and that of a naturalist, and comparing a scientific worldview to a philosophical one. Ford investigates the contributions of the Greeks, Kant, and William James, and brings the discussion up to date with contemporary thinkers. He proffers the refreshing idea that in today's world, the answers provided by traditional religions to increasingly difficult questions have lost their currency for many and that the reductive or rationalist answers provided by science and postmodernism are themselves rife with unexamined assumptions.

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: The Search for Meaning: A Short History
Seed to Peanut

Seed to Peanut

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Owen, Oliver, PUBLISHER: ABDO & Daughters, This series examines the development of plants, animals, and insects. Each book guides young readers through the life cycle, from youth to adulthood, focusing on feeding, habitat, and reproduction. -- Supports science and natural history curriculum -- Simple, easy-to-read text and full-color photos make science understandable -- Excellent resource for papers with table of contents, glossary, index, and bibliography

Digging Armadillos

Digging Armadillos

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jango-Cohen, Judith, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, Responding to the call of educators for easy-to-read nonfiction for younger students, Lerner created the Pull Ahead Books series. With higher-level thinking questions built into each text, this innovative series engages new readers in their own learning. A map activity, animal-body diagram, short glossary, and Hunt-and-Find (pre-index skills) section are included. Supports the national science education standards Unifying Concepts and Processes: Systems, Order, and Organization; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Form and Function; Science as Inquiry; and Life Science as outlined by the National Academics of Science and endorsed by the National Science Teachers Association.

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: Digging Armadillos


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gordon, Sharon, PUBLISHER: Children's Press(CT), This series meets National Curriculum Standards for: Science: Science as Inquiry, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

More Science Adventures with Children's Literature: Reading

More Science Adventures with Children's Literature: Reading

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fredericks, Anthony D., PUBLISHER: Teacher Ideas Press(NH), These dynamic literature-based activities will help teachers and school librarians energize the entire science curriculum and implement national standards. Fredericks presents hundreds of hands-on, minds-on projects that actively engage students in positive learning experiences. Each of the units offers book summaries, science topic areas, critical thinking questions, classroom resources, reproducible pages, and lots of easy-to-do activities including science experiments for every grade level. Chapters cover: Life Science, Space Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and the Human Body for students in grades K-4. The author also provides practical guidance for teaching science through inquiry, for collaborative ventures with school librarians, for integrating literature across the curriculum, and an up-to-date section of annotated bibliographies of the best in children's science literature. All titles are new to this volume and linked to national science standards. An entire chapter on the advantage of collaboration between the classroom teacher and the school librarian is included. Each individual unit includes a section on one or more collaborative classroom/library projects. An added plus is a section of related Readers Theatre scripts keyed to the science topics and standards. Grades K-4.

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: More Science Adventures with Children's Literature: Reading
Albert Einstein's Vision: Remarkable Discoveries That Shaped

Albert Einstein's Vision: Remarkable Discoveries That Shaped

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Parker, Barry, PUBLISHER: Prometheus Books, Acclaimed science writer Barry Parker completes his trilogy on Einstein with this new work showing the incredibly wide-ranging influence of Einstein's many discoveries. In the first volume, "Einstein's Brainchild, Parker focused on relativity, the most famous and important of the great genius's ideas. In the second volume, "Einstein: The Passions of a Scientist, his human side and diverse interests beyond science were Parker's main topic. Now the author turns once again to Einstein as creative scientist, concentrating on his prolific output of far-reaching contributions that complement and broaden his discovery of relativity. Moreover, Parker provides an indelible portrait of the man behind the theories. In clear and eloquent language, Parker helps us appreciate the breadth and richness of Einstein's vision: from Einstein's theories supporting time travel, to his research on curved space, the cosmological constant, black holes, worm holes, gravity waves, cosmic lenses, to quantum theory, and beyond. Parker also discusses Einstein's reluctant connection with atomic weapons, his pacifist philosophy, his quest for the elusive unified field theory, and the relationship of his work to the recent "hot" area of superstrings. Even readers already familiar with Einstein's work will discover a wealth of new material in this singular contribution to the Einstein corpus. Parker's gift for turning complex physics into lucid prose has produced the most complete and accessible volume to elucidate for everyone the magnificent contributions of this most brilliant of scientists.

Mountain Goats

Mountain Goats

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Staub, Frank, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, With full-color, breathtaking photos and easy-to-read texts, each book in this series describes the life cycle of a plant or animal. Including a special note for adults to help reading be an interactive experience, these titles are especially useful for preschools, reading hours, Chapter One programs, primary classrooms, and upper-elementary reluctant readers. Supports the national science education standards Unifying Concepts and Processes: Systems, Order, and Organization; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Constancy, Change, and Measurement; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Form and Function; Science as Inquiry; and Life Science as outlined by the National Academics of Science and endorsed by the National Science Teachers Association.

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: Mountain Goats
General Science-Nucleus

General Science-Nucleus

General Science-Nucleus English for Science and Technology- New edition with reading texts

No More Dodos: How Zoos Help Endangered Wildlife

No More Dodos: How Zoos Help Endangered Wildlife

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nirgiotis, Nicholas / Nirgiotis, Theodore, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, Uncover the intriguing, and often mysterious, world of science in Lerner's Discovery series. From late-breaking hot topics to conundrums whose answers have been concealed for centuries, books in this series provide in-depth coverage of science topics that young readers everywhere will find fascinating Supports the national science education standards Unifying Concepts and Processes: Systems, Order, and Organization; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Constancy, Change, and Measurement; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Evolution and Equilibrium; Life Science; and Science in Personal and Social Perspectives as outlined by the National Academics of Science and endorsed by the National Science Teachers Association.

Offerte relazionate contributions to science: No More Dodos: How Zoos Help Endangered Wildlife
Learner Contributions to Language Learning (Applied

Learner Contributions to Language Learning (Applied

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Michael Breen, PUBLISHER: Longman Group, NA
