concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to

Concussions and Our Kids: America's Leading Expert on How to

Concussions and Our Kids: America's Leading Expert on How to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cantu, Robert / Hyman, Mark, PUBLISHER: Houghton Mifflin Harcong>ourong>t (HMH), People are talking about ong>concussionsong>. Long believed to be the silent epidemic, ong>concussionsong> are fast becoming what sportswriter Bill Simmons calls "the single most important issue in sports today." At the center of this crisis -- ong>andong> one of the key reasons for this increased awareness--is Dr. Robert Cantu. He has treated thousong>andong>s of patients who have experienced brain trauma, from high profile professional athletes to pee wees, ong>Andong> he is on the frontlines of groundbreaking research that is changing the way sports are played. "ong>Concussionsong> ong>andong> ong>Ourong> ong>Kidsong>" is the first prescriptive book of its kind to address the issue of head trauma in sports ong>andong> provide preventative solutions to protect athletes. - Three concussion tests parents can give their ong>kidsong> at home - Post concussion syndrome ong>andong> what "rest" really means - Why football teams should practice without tackling several times a week - Why helmets are no guarantee of safety - Why ong>concussionsong> are prevalent in all sports, not just football ong>andong> hockey Part manifesto, part presciption for how sports can be played safely, "ong>Concussionsong> ong>andong> ong>Ourong> ong>Kidsong>" is essential reading for parents, coaches, ong>andong> anyone interested in young athletes ong>andong> their future well-being.

Food and Love

Food and Love

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smalley, Gary, PUBLISHER: Tyndale House Publishers, What we eat affects every aspect of ong>ourong> lives, from ong>ourong> physical health to ong>ourong> emotions to ong>ourong> ability to love. Trusted relationship ong>expertong> Gary Smalley demonstrates the connection between healthy living ong>andong> healthy relationships ong>andong> the importance of safeguarding ong>ourong> health, not only for ong>ourong>selves, but also for the good of ong>ourong> marriages ong>andong> ong>ourong> other relationships.

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: Food and Love
The Savvy Screenwriter: How to Sell Your Screenplay (and

The Savvy Screenwriter: How to Sell Your Screenplay (and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kouguell, Susan, PUBLISHER: TL Hoell Books, Reveals how scripts are rated, how to write a successful query ong>andong> synopsis, how to negotiate contracts ong>andong> development deals, ong>andong> how to work with agents ong>andong> entertainment attorneys.

Energy, the Environment, and Public Opinion

Energy, the Environment, and Public Opinion

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Eric R. A. N., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This book explores the intricate relationship between public opinion ong>andong> energy issues. Energy, the Environment, ong>andong> Public Opinion sheds light on how much the public understong>andong>s about energy policy, what the public wants officials to do about ong>ourong> energy problems, ong>andong> how governments at various levels are likely to come to grips with energy shortages in the future. Visit ong>ourong> website for sample chapters

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: Energy, the Environment, and Public Opinion
Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between

Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moalem, Sharon / Prince, Jonathan, PUBLISHER: Harper Perennial, Joining the ranks of modern myth busters, Dr. Sharon Moalem turns ong>ourong> current understong>andong>ing of illness on its head ong>andong> challenges us to fundamentally change the way we think about ong>ourong> bodies, ong>ourong> health, ong>andong> ong>ourong> relationship to just about every other living thing on earth. Through a fresh ong>andong> engaging examination of ong>ourong> evolutionary history, Dr. Moalem reveals how many of the conditions that are diseases today actually gave ong>ourong> ancestors a leg up in the survival sweepstakes. But "Survival of the Sickest" doesn't stop there. It goes on to demonstrate just how little modern medicine really understong>andong>s about human health, ong>andong> offers a new way of thinking that can help all of us live longer, healthier lives.

From Molecules to Minds: Challenges for the 21st Century:

From Molecules to Minds: Challenges for the 21st Century:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Institute Of Medicine, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, Neuroscience has made phenomenal advances over the past 50 years ong>andong> the pace of discovery continues to accelerate. On June , the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Forum on Neuroscience ong>andong> Nervous System Disorders hosted more than 70 of the ong>leadingong> neuroscientists in the world, for a workshop titled "From Molecules to Minds: Challenges for the 21st Century." The objective of the workshop was to explore a set of common goals or "Grong>andong> Challenges" posed by participants that could inspire ong>andong> rally both the scientific community ong>andong> the public to consider the possibilities for neuroscience in the 21st century. The progress of the past in combination with new tools ong>andong> techniques, such as neuroimaging ong>andong> molecular biology, has positioned neuroscience on the cusp of even greater transformational progress in ong>ourong> understong>andong>ing of the brain ong>andong> how its inner workings result in mental activity. This workshop summary highlights the important issues ong>andong> challenges facing the field of neuroscience as presented to those in attendance at the workshop, as well as the subsequent discussion that resulted. As a result, three overarching Grong>andong> Challenges emerged: How does the brain work ong>andong> produce mental activity? How does physical activity in the brain give rise to thought, emotion, ong>andong> behavior? How does the interplay of biology ong>andong> experience shape ong>ourong> brains ong>andong> make us who we are today? How do we keep ong>ourong> brains healthy? How do we protect, restore, or enhance the functioning of ong>ourong> brains as we age?

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: From Molecules to Minds: Challenges for the 21st Century:
Expert Witness Handbook (2e, CL

Expert Witness Handbook (2e, CL

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Poynter, Dan, PUBLISHER: Para Publishing, Now in a revised ong>andong> updated edition, this useful guide explains how to succeed as an ong>expertong> witness -- In the 18 million lawsuits filed each year, at least two ong>expertong> witnesses are needed to explain what happened or what should have happened Veteran ong>expertong> witness Dan Poynter describes the exact qualifications for the job, what an ong>expertong> witness does, how to prepare effective testimony, how to answer hard questions, ong>andong> what to charge clients. Peer-reviewed by more than 30 ong>expertong>s, attorneys, judges, ong>andong> law professors, the new edition also includes a glossary of legal terms ong>andong> a resong>ourong>ce list of books, periodicals, ong>andong> organizations.

Tile: Making, Designing and Using

Tile: Making, Designing and Using

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clark, Kenneth / Clarke, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: Crowood Press (UK), Tiles are a beautiful form of ceramic that lend themselves to an extraordinary diversity of uses ong>andong> treatments. In this outstong>andong>ing overview, Kenneth Clark, a distinguished tile designer ong>andong> maker, introduces readers to their creation, ornamentation, ong>andong> use. Tile making using earthenware, stoneware, porcelain, ong>andong> paper clay is fully described as are the decorative techniques, like painting, screen printing, ong>andong> sgraffito. The work of ong>leadingong> tile designers is also examined, along with their approaches ong>andong> applications. To complete the book, Clark offers practical information on the uses of tile, including floors, walls, roofs, fireplaces, murals, ong>andong> swimming pools; details on how to repair tiles; ong>andong> advice on how to protect ong>andong> care for them. Written by an ong>expertong>, ong>andong> with 280 color photos, "The Tile" is sure to captivate anyone interested in learning or appreciating the skills of this age-old craft.

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: Tile: Making, Designing and Using
Permaculture in a Nutshell

Permaculture in a Nutshell

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Whitefield, Patrick / Greenwell, Terry / Kindred, Glennie, PUBLISHER: Permanent Publications, Permaculture is a creative approach to abundant ong>andong> fulfilling lifestyles. It is for everyone wishing to live sustainable ong>andong> tread more lightly on the Earth. Permaculture is an ecologically sound approach to providing for ong>ourong> needs, including ong>ourong> food, shelter ong>andong> financial ong>andong> social structures. It is based on co-operating with nature ong>andong> caring for the Earth ong>andong> its people. "Permaculture in a Nutshell" is a concise ong>andong> accessible introduction to the principles ong>andong> practice of permaculture in temperate climates. It covers how permaculture works in the city, the country ong>andong> on the farm ong>andong> explores ways in which people can work together to recreate real communities. This inspiring book clearly describes how we can live fruitfully ong>andong> sustainably ong>andong> is essential reading for anyone wishing to reduce their environmental impact.

An Easy Guide to Ayurveda: The Natural Way to Wholeness

An Easy Guide to Ayurveda: The Natural Way to Wholeness

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, Roy Eugene, PUBLISHER: CSA Press (GA), Ayurveda is an Indian approach to health based on a knowledge (veda) of the song>ourong>ce of all life (ayur), which are the spiritual energies that nurture ong>ourong> physical, emotional, ong>andong> mental bodies. ong>Ourong> awareness flows more easily ong>andong> we can express ong>ourong> true potential more freely when ong>ourong> mental, emotional, ong>andong> physical vehicles are at their most favorable levels of functional efficiency. This helpful book explains how to experience inner balance ong>andong> authentic spiritual growth, based on ancient practices ong>andong> principles of ayurdeva. The book includes insights into using colors, gems, metals, ong>andong> mantras to enhance wellness.

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: An Easy Guide to Ayurveda: The Natural Way to Wholeness
The Administrator's Guide to School-Community Relations

The Administrator's Guide to School-Community Relations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pawlas, George E., PUBLISHER: Eye on Education, This large collection of hong>andong>y ideas features easy-to-use tools, comprehensive checklists, ong>andong> sets of Do's ong>andong> Don'ts advisories. It provides guidelines on how to conduct effective parent conferences, suggestions on how to recruit ong>andong> work with volunteers, ong>andong> other useful tips to help bring yong>ourong> school ong>andong> yong>ourong> community closer together.

Lanyard Book and Kit: Four Neon-Colored Plastic Laces,

Lanyard Book and Kit: Four Neon-Colored Plastic Laces,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hamilton, Arlene Stewart / Stewart, Arlene Hamilton, PUBLISHER: ong>Andong>rews McMeel Publishing, ong>Kidsong> at camp do it -- ong>kidsong> in scouts do it -- ong>andong> ong>kidsong> teach each other to do it. It's making lanyards -- the easy ong>andong> practical skill of using plastic laces to make key chains, friendship bracelets, whistle holders, ong>andong> anything laced. The Lanyard Book ong>andong> Kit teaches ong>kidsong> great stitches ong>andong> how to create projects from beginner to super advanced.

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: Lanyard Book and Kit: Four Neon-Colored Plastic Laces,
Safe Kids, Smart Parents: What Parents Need to Know to Keep

Safe Kids, Smart Parents: What Parents Need to Know to Keep

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bailey, Rebecca, PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster, The go-to ong>expertong> on child safety ong>andong> therapist to Jaycee Dugard tells parents how to keep their ong>kidsong>, toddlers to teens, safe, with a Foreword by Terry Probyn, Jaycee's mother. Every parent asks themselves: "Is my child safe? How can I make her safer? What do I need to know?" Whether their children are six or sixteen, whether they live in a rural town, suburb, or a bustling city, all parents worry about threats--from cyber-bullying to exploitation ong>andong> abduction. What should they tell their children ong>andong> when? What practical steps can they take to reduce the risks ong>andong> keep their ong>kidsong> safe? Dr. Rebecca Bailey, with the assistance of her sister, Elizabeth, gives easily understood, easily followed answers in "Safe ong>Kidsong>, Smart Parents." This accessible, authoritative guide to child safety empowers all parents in a practical ong>andong> personable way. It offers: - an easy to follow Safety List, - games like "be a Lert" to play with younger children, - the Safety Algorithm to help ong>kidsong> of all ages learn to critically assess situations ong>andong> take steps that will keep children safer - ong>andong> many more resong>ourong>ces "Safe ong>Kidsong>, Smart Parents" builds on Dr. Bailey's years of experience as a family psychologist helping real families deal with real situations. From abduction to abuse, Bailey explains how parents can speak to their ong>kidsong> about troubling topics while building their self-esteem ong>andong> teaching them how to protect themselves. A smart, comprehensive, ong>andong> accessible resong>ourong>ce, " Safe ong>Kidsong>, Smart Parents" is the most important book a parent can own.

The Tao of Negotiation: How You Can Prevent, Resolve, and

The Tao of Negotiation: How You Can Prevent, Resolve, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Edelman, Joel / Crain, Mary Beth, PUBLISHER: Harper Paperbacks, This groundbreaking book views conflict as a mirror of ong>ourong> own lives ong>andong> attitudes. Bringing East ong>andong> West together in a "spiritually practical" approach to negotiation ong>andong> conflict prevention, "The Tao of Negotiation "teaches us how to regain ong>andong> maintain ong>ourong> sense of personal power in all forms of negotiation ong>andong> how to use that power wisely ong>andong> compassionately--with the aim of maximizing harmony ong>andong> understong>andong>ing in ong>ourong> business ong>andong> personal lives. Readers can immediately use the techniques in "The Tao Negotiation "to improve communication skills, defuse potential conflicts, ong>andong> pave the way for peaceful ong>andong> rewarding interactions in their business ong>andong> personal lives.

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: The Tao of Negotiation: How You Can Prevent, Resolve, and
Working with Your Sixth Sense: Practical Ways to Develop

Working with Your Sixth Sense: Practical Ways to Develop

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cheung, Christina / Cheung, Theresa, PUBLISHER: Godsfield Press (UK), Call it intuition or gut feeling, we all have a sixth sense, but are we really making the most of ong>ourong> extra-sensory abilities? Working with yong>ourong> Sixth Sense shows you how to build on ong>andong> develop yong>ourong> intuition or "inner knowing." Theresa Cheung explores the different levels of consciousness ong>andong> explains how meditation, trance ong>andong> self-hypnosis can all help to develop new degrees of awareness. You will discover how to communicate psychically with others, how to develop divination skills through scrying ong>andong> dreamwork ong>andong> how to see beyond physical barriers to other dimensions.

The Liar in Your Life: The Way to Truthful Relationships

The Liar in Your Life: The Way to Truthful Relationships

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Feldman, Robert, PUBLISHER: Twelve, In "The Liar in Yong>ourong> Life, " psychology professor Robert Feldman, one of the world's ong>leadingong> authorities on deception, draws on his immense body of knowledge to give fresh insights into how ong>andong> why we lie, how ong>ourong> culture has become increasingly tolerant of deception, the cost it exacts on us, ong>andong> what to do about it. His work is at once surprising ong>andong> sobering, full of corrections for common myths ong>andong> explanations of pervasive oversimplifications. Feldman examines marital infidelity, little white lies, career-driven resum lies, ong>andong> how we teach children to lie. Along the way, he reveals-despite ong>ourong> beliefs to the contrary- how it is nearly impossible to spot a liar (studies have shown no relationship between nervousness, lack of eye contact, or a trembling voice, ong>andong> acts of deception). He also provides startling evidence of just how integral lying is to ong>ourong> culture; indeed, his research shows that two people, meeting for the first time, will lie to each other an average of three times in the first ten minutes of a conversation. Feldman uses this discussion of deception to explore ways we can cope with infidelity, betrayal, ong>andong> mistrust, in ong>ourong> friends ong>andong> family. He also describes the lies we tell ong>ourong>selves: Sometimes, the liar in yong>ourong> life is the person you see in the mirror. With incisive clarity ong>andong> wry wit, Feldman has written a truthful book for anyone who whose life has been touched by deception.

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: The Liar in Your Life: The Way to Truthful Relationships
A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course

A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Williamson, Marianne, PUBLISHER: Harper Perennial, Back by popular demong>andong> -- ong>andong> newly updated by the author -- the mega-bestselling spiritual guide in which Marianne Williamson shares her reflections on "A Cong>ourong>se in Miracles" ong>andong> her insights on the application of love in the search for inner peace. Williamson reveals how we each can become a miracle worker by accepting God ong>andong> by the expression of love in ong>ourong> daily lives. Whether psychic pain is in the area of relationships, career, or health, she shows us how love is a potent force, the key to inner peace, ong>andong> how by practicing love we can make ong>ourong> own lives more fulfilling while creating a more peaceful ong>andong> loving world for ong>ourong> children.

The Butterfly Dreams

The Butterfly Dreams

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kline, Peter / Syril / Kline, Syril, PUBLISHER: Great River Books, A mystery, a love story ong>andong> a searching inquiry into ong>ourong> deepest questions: the origin of consciousness, the fiction of matter, the truth of deraming, the eternal paradox at the cneter of being --- ong>andong> ultimately: how to live on ong>ourong> benevolent, but fragile planet, in ong>ourong> vast ong>andong> thinking universe. It's ong>andong> illuminating glimpse of Divinity to which Science so eloquently points the way.

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: The Butterfly Dreams
Surviving Your Adolescents: How to Manage and Let Go of Your

Surviving Your Adolescents: How to Manage and Let Go of Your

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Phelan, Thomas W., PUBLISHER: Parentmagic, A step-by-step approach to hong>andong>ling teenagers, this guide helps parents end hassles ong>andong> improve their relationship with their adolescent. Parents learn how to communicate with teenagers, how to manage teenage risk-taking, how to let go in certain situations, ong>andong> when to seek professional attention. Concise ong>andong> encong>ourong>aging, this resong>ourong>ce walks parents through the ups ong>andong> downs of parenting teenagers as their ong>kidsong> push towards independence.

How to Help Your Child Overcome Your Divorce: A Support

How to Help Your Child Overcome Your Divorce: A Support

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Benedek, Elissa P. / Brown, Catherine F., PUBLISHER: William Morrow & Company, This book offers parents the latest information ong>andong> advice, with numerous case examples, on support groups ong>andong> answers to some of the most common questions on which divorced parents seek guidance. This book counsels: -- how to help children adjust to separation ong>andong> divorce -- how to tell them the news, ong>andong> reassure them of their parents' love ong>andong> care for them -- ong>andong> how to do just that, -- ways to keep the relationship between ex-spouses as free of conflict as possible, -- how to help childr feel good about themselves ong>andong> grow as individuals, -- ong>andong>, much more.

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: How to Help Your Child Overcome Your Divorce: A Support
Expressive Movement: Posture and Action in Daily Life,

Expressive Movement: Posture and Action in Daily Life,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pierce, Alexong>andong>ra, PH.D. / Pierce, Roger, PUBLISHER: Da Capo Press, An instructive work that shows how posture has a great effect on ong>ourong> psychological ong>andong> physical well-being, with a complete program on how to put the body back in natural alignment, increase energy, reduce muscle strain, ong>andong> prevent repetitive strain injuries.

Canada's Maple Leaf: The Story of Our Flag

Canada's Maple Leaf: The Story of Our Flag

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Owens, Ann-Maureen / Yeallong>andong>, Jane / Owens, Annmaureen, PUBLISHER: ong>Kidsong> Can Press, The only children's book of its kind, "Canada's Maple Leaf" is a colorful history of Canada's unique flag. ong>Kidsong> will learn about the first flags that flew over Canada, the country's loyalty to the British flag ong>andong> the great flag debate that led to ong>ourong> current flag. They'll see colorful images of provincial ong>andong> territorial flags (including Nunavut's) ong>andong> read fascinating stories about flags from around the world. This illustrated history includes flag etiquette, flag-raising procedures ong>andong> how to send messages with international flag codes. ong>Kidsong> can also make ong>andong> fly their own Canadian flag by tracing the maple leaf in the book

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: Canada's Maple Leaf: The Story of Our Flag


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blin-Stoyle, R. J. / Blin-Stoyle, Roger, PUBLISHER: Institute of Physics Publishing (GB), This is an accessible introduction to the subject of physics, ong>andong> how it underpins ong>ourong> understong>andong>ing of the physical world today. Starting with an initial description of what physics represents from the micro- to the macroscopic, Roger Blin-Stoyle takes the reader on a tong>ourong> of Newton's Laws, the nature of matter, explaining how the physical world works ong>andong> how physics may affect ong>ourong> nature understong>andong>ing.

How to Draw Cartoon Characters - Pbk

How to Draw Cartoon Characters - Pbk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Troll Books / Barto, Renzo / Barto, PUBLISHER: Troll Communications, Valuable tips on drawing styles ong>andong> techniques make these best-sellers favorites with both aspiring artists ong>andong> ong>kidsong> who just want to have fun.

Offerte relazionate concussions and our kids americas leading expert on how to: How to Draw Cartoon Characters - Pbk
Mystery of the Hidden Key

Mystery of the Hidden Key

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stahl, Hilda, PUBLISHER: Tyndale ong>Kidsong>, Elizabeth Gail has been popular with girls for more than two decades, ong>andong> this updated series is sure to be a favorite of this generation as well. Elizabeth Gail Dobbs is a foster child ong>andong> a member of the Johnson family. Her new Christian family leads her to a relationship with the Lord ong>andong> teaches her how to call upon God for help. Throughout the series, "Libby" learns about the power of prayer, how to love her enemies, ong>andong> how to rely on God.
