community health nursing promoting health of aggregates

Community Health Nursing: Promoting Health of Aggregates,

Community Health Nursing: Promoting Health of Aggregates,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stanhope, Marcia / Lancaster, Jeanette, PUBLISHER: C.V. Mosby, Since its initial publication more than 10 years ago, "Community Health Nursing" has achieved wide acceptance and popularity because of its breadth and depth of coverage. The revision of this market-leading text incorporates a new, accessible, two-color design, extensively rewritten content, and additional chapters on contemporary community health issues.

Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health

Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clark, Mary Jo Dummer, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Now more than ever-locally, nationally, globally-society is in need of community health services. This book emphasizes the application of community health nursing as it relates to specific populations, settings, and community health problems. Theoretically and scientifically sound, as well as practical and applicable, this resource is a thorough introduction to the specialty. Unit I sets the stage for practice by describing the context in which community health nursing occurs. Unit II examines community health nursing as a specialized area of practice, exploring its population focus and the attributes and features making it unique. Unit III presents common processes used in community health nursing. Unit IV examines community health nursing care provided to special population groups. Unit V presents community health nursing practice in specialized settings. Finally, Unit VI focuses on community health nursing practice related to common population health problems. For nurse generalists-who need to function in any setting, providing care to individuals, families, communities, and population groups. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health
Nursing for Public Health: Population Based Care

Nursing for Public Health: Population Based Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lindsay / Craig, Pauline M. / Lindsay, Grace, PUBLISHER: Churchill Livingstone, As the largest group of health care professionals, nurses have a growing influence on the health of the population. This is a key book in making the transition from individualised care to population-based care. It provides a greater understanding of health care policy and gives a comprehensive overview of health policy, economics, and epidemiology using an evidence-based approach. Determinants of health, measures of health, and health promotion are examined. The issues of communicable diseases, screening, minority groups and purchasing, and commissioning of health services are also addressed. This book is the first comprehensive text on public health nursing at this level and will be ofinterest to health visitors, district nurses, school nurses and practice nurses, as well as senior student nurses and nurse managers in secondary and tertiary care.

Pkg Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 7th & Nursing

Pkg Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 7th & Nursing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Townsend, Leroy Ed. / Davis, F. a., PUBLISHER: F. A. Davis Company, Package Consists of: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 7th Ed.By: Mary C. TownsendNursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Ed.By: Mary C. Townsend

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: Pkg Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 7th & Nursing
Researching the People's Health

Researching the People's Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Williams, G. / Popay, Jennie / Williams, Gareth, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Researching the People's Health" examines two related issues: the role of social research in the rapidly changing world of health services, and the relationship between lay and expert knowledge in public health and health care. The book examines these issues against the background of long-term transformations in patterns of health and illness and rapid changes in the strategic management and commissioning of health services. In doing so the book makes a contribution to the continuing and urgent debates on the assessment of health needs, the organization and delivery of health care, and the politics of health service organization and funding.

Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for

Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bastable, Susan B., PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice prepares nurse educators, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse practitioners for their ever-increasing roles in patient teaching, health education, health promotion, and nursing education. Designed to teach nurses about the the development, motivational, and sociocultural differences that affect teaching and learning, this text combines theoretical and pragmatic content in a balanced, complete style. Nurse as Educator is used extensively in nursing educations courses and programs, as well as in both institutional and community-based settings.

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for
Addressing the Social Determinants of Health The Urban

Addressing the Social Determinants of Health The Urban

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Health World, PUBLISHER: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, NA

North American Health Care Policy in the s

North American Health Care Policy in the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: King, Arthur / Thornton, Robert K., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Considers conceptual and empirical issues in the design of national health policy ranging from a discussion of broad principles through specific aspects of health to evaluations of proposals for reforming the U.S. health care system. Contains comparative studies concerned with some details of Canadian and American health care. Reviews the current U.S. situation and suggests guidelines for policymakers who will shape the future of the health care delivery system.

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: North American Health Care Policy in the s
Health Network Innovations: How 20 Communities Are Improving

Health Network Innovations: How 20 Communities Are Improving

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bogue, Richard J. / Hall, Claude H., Jr., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, For leaders and change makers in health and human services delivery, "Health Network Innovations" offers a behind-the-scenes look at the strategies and methods that 20 pioneers have used to establish strong networks of community care.

A Sociology of Health

A Sociology of Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wainwright, David, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), A Sociology of Health offers an authoritative and up-to-date introduction to the key issues, perspectives, and debates within the field of medical sociology. The book aids readers' understanding of how sociological approaches are crucial to understanding the impact that health and illness have on the behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and practices, of an increasingly health-aware population.

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: A Sociology of Health
Health, Civilization and the State: A History of Public

Health, Civilization and the State: A History of Public

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Porter, Dorothy, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Health, Civilization and the State" examines the social, economic and political issues of public health provision in historical perspective. Focusing on Britain, Continental Europe and the United States, Dorothy Porter provides a comprehensive outline of the development of public health care from the ancient world to the modern state. Covering a broad range of historical issues, the book includes discussion of: pestilence, public order and morality in pre-modern times; the Enlightenment and its effects; health care centralization in Victorian Britain; localization of health care in the United States; population issues and family welfare; the rise of the classic welfare state; and current attitudes towards public health as we approach the twenty-first century.

Essentials of Health Care Marketing

Essentials of Health Care Marketing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berkowitz, Eric N. / Berkowitz, PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, In this text your students will receive a complete curriculum of marketing management tools and techniques. Filled with examples from a wide array of health care providers, health systems, HMOs, physician-hospital organizations, and more, Essentials of Health Care Marketing covers market research, strategy, and the strategic marketing process. Each chapter is complete with objectives, study questions, and charts.

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: Essentials of Health Care Marketing
Nursing History Review Volume 6: Official Journal of the

Nursing History Review Volume 6: Official Journal of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lynaugh, Joan E. / Brodie, Barbara / D'Antonio, Patricia O'Brien, PUBLISHER: Springer Publishing Company, "Nursing History Review," an annual peer-reviewed publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing, is a showcase for the most significant current research on nursing history. Regular sections include scholarly articles, over a dozen book reviews of the best publications on nursing and health care history that have appeared in the past year, and a section abstracting new doctoral dissertations on nursing history. Historians, researchers, and individuals fascinated with the rich field of nursing will find this an important resource.

U.S. Health Law and Policy : A Guide to the Current

U.S. Health Law and Policy : A Guide to the Current

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Caldwell, Donald H., Jr., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, This annotated bibliographic guide to the literature of health care law offers the health care administrator, corporate benefits manager, physician, or attorney a key to the door of health care policy and law. This edition focuses on evaluating the materials--many not widely disseminated--about evolving corporate structures such as managed care organizations and their numerous progeny. Also addressed are topics such as health care liability, patient access to health care, environmental issues, legal issues arising in the context of AIDS, and privacy of patient records.

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: U.S. Health Law and Policy : A Guide to the Current
Public Health at the Crossroads: Achievements and Prospects

Public Health at the Crossroads: Achievements and Prospects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beaglehole, Robert / Bonita, Ruth, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book, both an introduction to public health as a discipline and a critique of its development over recent times, reviews epidemiological and demographic trends internationally. It provides an overview of major health trends; a summary of the current state of the world's health; a review of recent estimates of the global burden of disease; and an examination of the pattern of modern epidemics, the impact of disability, and the causes of premature death in rich and poor countries alike. With examples drawn from diverse geographical and medical areas, this text challenges clinicians and public health practitioners at all levels. The authors argue for an inclusive vision of public health based on the application in public policy of improved epidemiological understanding of the causes of disease.

Migration and the Globalisation of Health Care The Health

Migration and the Globalisation of Health Care The Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: John Connell, PUBLISHER: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, NA

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: Migration and the Globalisation of Health Care The Health
Green Foods: "Phyto-Foods" for Super Health

Green Foods: "Phyto-Foods" for Super Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hawken, C. M., PUBLISHER: Woodland Publishing, Mix the latest scientific data on herbal products and physical ailments with the need for natural approaches to health, and what do you have? The Woodland Health Series. Each of these booklets gives concise, pertinent information for those looking to nature for optimal health.

Ethnography in Nursing Research

Ethnography in Nursing Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roper, Janice M. / Shapira, Jill, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This book describes the principles and methods of ethnography used by researchers (particularly nursing researchers) who examine issues related to health and illness. The authors describe both the processes related to gaining access to the "field" as well as how to: - Conduct ethnographic research in health settings - Analyze and interpret the data you collect from your field work - Make ethical decisions related to the role of being an ethnographer in a health setting, and - Put your ideas into writing so that you can create an ethnographic research proposal Written at a level appropriate for those who have taken an undergraduate research methods course, this book will enable you to learn from people about their health and/or illness.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: CENTERS FOR DISEASE, PUBLISHER: LIGHTNING SOURCE UK LTD, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a United States federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services headquartered in the Greater Atlanta area in Georgia. It works to protect public health and safety by providing information to enhance health decisions and it promotes health through partnerships with state health departments and other organizations. The CDC focuses national attention on developing and applying disease prevention and control (especially infectious diseases), environmental health, occupational safety and health, health promotion, injury prevention and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States. The CDC writes and distributes hundreds of publications reviewing projects, explaining recent research, detailing new diseases, educating the public, and more. These publications work to spread the message and further instill the mission for which the CDC works. Among these publications include titles like: Disability and Health in the United States, Nutrition Monitoring in the United States, and The 25th Anniversary of the National Health Survey.

TAOIST qigong for health

TAOIST qigong for health

TAOIST qigong for health and vitality taoist qigong for health and vitality a complete program of movement meditatio by sat chuen hon il libro non è stato letto e intonso

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: TAOIST qigong for health
Discover Health Student Edition

Discover Health Student Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ags Secondary, PUBLISHER: Ags Classic Short Stories, Engage your students with this lively and thorough health text Discover Health is a comprehensive health program for your students who read below grade level. Written to meet National Health Education Standards, this full-color, easy-to-read textbook addresses the important health issues that confront today's pre-teens and teens. Reading Level: 3-4 Interest Level: 6-12

Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality

Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality

Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality.... Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality A Complete Program of Movement, Meditatio by Sat Chuen Hon IL LIBRO NON è STATO LETTO, è INTONSO

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality
Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality

Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality

Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality.... Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality A Complete Program of Movement, Meditatio by Sat Chuen Hon IL LIBRO NON è STATO LETTO, E INTONSO

Improving Care in the Nursing Home: Comprehensive Reviews of

Improving Care in the Nursing Home: Comprehensive Reviews of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rubenstein, Laurence Z. / Wieland, Darryl, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This volume provides systematic reviews of the state of clinical and health services research, in particular patient-care problem areas pertinent to nursing homes. Each chapter defines progress on a specific nursing home clinical problem and provides a critical synthesis and review of research information. Topics covered include: medication use; infection control; pressure ulcers; falls; urinary incontinence; and behavioural problems.

Offerte relazionate community health nursing promoting health of aggregates: Improving Care in the Nursing Home: Comprehensive Reviews of
Philips Health Grill, Nero, Acciaio inos

Philips Health Grill, Nero, Acciaio inos

Vendo Philips HD Health Grill. Colore del prodotto: Nero, Acciaio inossidabile, Health Grill, Piastra scanalata, W Usata 1 sola volta.Prezzo d'acquisto 90 euro
