coercion capital and european states ad

Coercion, Capital and European States: AD

Coercion, Capital and European States: AD

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Charles Tilly, PUBLISHER: Blackwell Publishing, NA

Coercion, Capital and European States: Ad

Coercion, Capital and European States: Ad

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tilly, Charles, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, In this pathbreaking work, now available in paperback, Charles Tilly challenges all previous formulations of state development in Europe. Specifically, Tilly charges that most available explanations fail because they do not account for the great variety of kinds of states which were viable at different stages of European history, and because they assume a unilinear path of state development resolving in today's national state.

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Euroscepticism in Southern Europe: A Diachronic Perspective

Euroscepticism in Southern Europe: A Diachronic Perspective

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Susannah, Verney / Verney, Susannah, PUBLISHER: Routledge, The referenda in France and the Netherlands underlined the growing legitimacy problems of the European Union, by signaling serious public dissatisfaction with the current direction of European integration. In the aftermath of the constitutional debacle, an examination of the origins, evolution and prospects of opposition to the European integration project appears particularly timely. As a laboratory for the study of attitudes towards European integration, Southern Europe offers a particularly rich range of case studies, including a founder member (Italy), three 'second generation' states (Greece, Spain and Portugal), two recent entrants (Cyprus and Malta) and a negotiating candidate (Turkey). In addition, all seven states have been closely linked to the integration project since the era of the European Community, with four members of this group being the first states to sign Association Agreements with the European Community in the s and s. Southern Europe also covers the spectrum in terms of size, including large, medium and small states. The volume traces the evolution of euroscepticism in each South European country, assessing its significance and highlighting both continuity and change. Covering both eliteparty and popular euroscepticism, the volume illuminates the factors which have shaped opposition to integration and the form and content which it has assumed in each country. This book was published as a special issue of South European Society & Politics.

Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood

Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Emerson, Michael, PUBLISHER: Centre for European Policy Studies, Until recently there was pervasive pessimism over whether the countries of the former Soviet Union or the Arab/Muslim states in the Mediterranean and Middle East would engage in genuine democratic reform. This landscape has begun to change, however, as some of the European CIS states resolved to clean up their phony democracies, and the Arab/Muslim world witnessed either advances in the formal institutions of democracy or signs of popular uprisings against authoritarian regimes. The contributors to this volume approach democratization of the European neighborhood from two sides, first exploring developments in the states themselves and then examining what the European Union has been doing to promote the process. While democracy always receives top billing in formal EU speeches, in practice it has had to find a more modest place in a complex set of often competing and sometimes contradictory interests.

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Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe

Rethinking Security in Post Cold War Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Park, William / Rees, G. Wyn, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, This is a survey of the principle items on the European security agenda following the end of the Cold War. The book focuses on regions where the reconsideration of security issues has been particularly profound and analyzes the main security institutions which have survived the Cold War including NATO, the European Union/Western European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Also strides the Central European countries, Russia and states of the former USSR.

A European Central Bank?: Perspectives on Monetary

A European Central Bank?: Perspectives on Monetary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: De Cecco, Marcello, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Based on a conference held by the Italian Macroeconomic Policy Group and the Centre for Economic Policy Research, this study examines the issues raised by European monetary unification. An introduction describes recent developments and identifies the motivations for creating a European central bank. Theoretical papers analyze the interactions of capital controls, financial intermediation, and seigniorage in open economies, the optimal design of centralized banks of issue by sovereign countries, and some new aspects of the "optimal currency area" question. The volume concludes with a panel discussion on the feasibility of European monetary unification, featuring leading academics and central bankers.

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The Contradictions of American Capital Punishment

The Contradictions of American Capital Punishment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zimring, Franklin E., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Why does the United States continue to employ the death penalty when fifty other developed democracies have abolished it? Why does capital punishment become more problematic each year? How can the death penalty conflict be resolved? In The Contradictions of American Capital Punishment, Frank Zimring reveals that the seemingly insoluble turmoil surrounding the death penalty reflects a deep and long-standing division in American values, a division that he predicts will soon bring about the end of capital punishment in our country. On the one hand, execution would seem to violate our nation's highest legal principles of fairness and due process. It sets us increasingly apart from our allies and indeed is regarded by European nations as a barbaric and particularly egregious form of American exceptionalism. On the other hand, the death penalty represents a deeply held American belief in violent social justice that sees the hangman as an agent of local control and safeguard of community values. Zimring uncovers the most troubling symptom of this attraction to vigilante justice in the lynch mob. He shows that the great majority of executions in recent decades have occurred in precisely those Southern states where lynchings were most common a hundred years ago. It is this legacy, Zimring suggests, that constitutes both the distinctive appeal of the death penalty in the United States and one of the most compelling reasons for abolishing it. Impeccably researched and engagingly written, Contradictions in American Capital Punishment casts a clear new light on America's long and troubled embrace of the death penalty.

Capital for Our Time: The Economic, Legal, and Management

Capital for Our Time: The Economic, Legal, and Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barton, John H. / Keen, Peter G. W. / Costello, Joseph, PUBLISHER: Hoover Institution Press, Capital for Our Time compellingly describes the opportunities and risks associated with intellectual capital, from broad economic questions to specific business strategies. It includes essays by cutting-edge managers and CEOs, as well as representatives of the venture capital, government, and trade communities.

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The European Union and Africa: The Restructuring of

The European Union and Africa: The Restructuring of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Willi, PUBLISHER: I. B. Tauris & Company, This book is an in-depth study of one of the most important agreements in the recent history of EU-developing world relations: the Lome convention--the principles upon which all relations between the states of the European Union and ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific) countries are based. Over the course of its 25-year life, the Convention has been altered to suit the changing relationship of those states involved. This historical study not only charts the course of that vital relationship between haves and have-nots but also, in its changing focus and shifting concerns, reflects recent broader changes at the global level in the international relations.

Capital Markets: Institutions and Instruments

Capital Markets: Institutions and Instruments

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fabozzi, Frank J. / Modigliani, Franco, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Fabozzi and Modigliani describe all phases of the capital market, including the instruments, institutions and valuation of instruments. The text offers the most comprehensive capital market coverage available in a perfect blend of principle and practice. "The Second Edition" expands upon the topics covered in the first and updates all material to reflect the latest financial trends and developments.

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Ceausescu and the Securitate Coercion and Dissent in

Ceausescu and the Securitate Coercion and Dissent in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dennis Deletant, PUBLISHER: M E Sharpe Incorporated, NA

The Origins of Australia's Capital Cities

The Origins of Australia's Capital Cities

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Statham, Pamela, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This comprehensive survey aims to answer two questions. First, why Australia's eight capital cities are situated where they are, and second, how they were established. Pairs of chapters on each of the state capitals--Sydney, Hobart, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Brisbane--are accompanied by studies of Canberra as federal capital and Darwin as territorial capital.

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American and European Decorative and Art Glass Price Guide

American and European Decorative and Art Glass Price Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Husfloen, Kyle / Rau, Bob, PUBLISHER: Antique Trader Books, Exquisite and rare decorative glassware from the United States and around the world are highlighted in this abundantly illustrated price guide. Features Amberina, Satin, Burmese, Webb, and Venini with detailed descriptions, accurate prices, and sketches of company marks. Features a special feature on art glass by Bob Rau.

Data Privacy in the Information Age

Data Privacy in the Information Age

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Klosek, Jacqueline, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Passage of the European Data Protection Directive and other national laws have increased the need for companies and other entities to improve their data protection and privacy controls. Clients, stakeholders, and the public are clamoring for it. Klosek introduces the various legal means to protect personal data in the United States and the European Union, targeting her book at American and international businesses that may have difficulty complying with the European Directive. She explains its main elements and practical effects, presents primary components of national privacy laws abroad and in the United States, and gives advice on some steps companies can take to improve the level of protection they afford to the data they possess. Klosek offers a comprehensive review of the American and European systems for providing protection to personal information in the Internet age. She explains the European Data Protection Directive, the national data protection laws of the fifteen countries of the European Union, and the laws and other initiatives for protecting individual personal data. She endeavors to discuss the protection of personal data in general but focuses on, and emphasizes, the protection of personal data within the context of the Internet. In doing so, she provides much useful, fascinating information on the obvious and non-obvious means of collecting and processing personal data through the Internet. Among its unusual features, the book helps United States corporate decision makers assess the effect data protection laws will have in Europe and the U.S., and how companies that are operating web sites that cross international boundaries can ensure they stay in compliance withdata protection laws in countries in which their web sites may be accessible. The book is essential reading for corporate compliance executives, corporate communications and other top-level organizational administrators, particularly in Internet industries.

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The West European Allies, the Third World, and U.S. Foreign

The West European Allies, the Third World, and U.S. Foreign

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Payne, Richard J., PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, The recent and ongoing crises in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, Central America, and southern Africa have been and continue to be approached in very different ways by the United States and its West European allies. Richard J. Payne shows how the many future challenges to the strategic alliance of the U.S. and the NATO countries will have to be adapted to a new and less confrontational world, emphasizing the international economic situation over political or ideological factors. Payne maintains that despite years of divergent views on how to handle Third World trouble spots, strains within the Western Alliance can be alleviated in the future by diplomatic and cooperative means. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the underlying tensions, and cooperation, between the United States and Western Europe in their approaches to the Soviet Union, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Iran-Iraq War and Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, and the struggle for ideological and political control of southwestern Africa. American and European strategies and interests in the Third World greatly affected the broader issues of detente, Eastern-Western European relations, America's leadership abilities, and ultimately NATO itself. The lessening of ideological confrontations between Moscow and Washington, Payne affirms, was followed by the revolutionary changes in Eastern Europe. This volume will be used in courses on international relations, American foreign policy, world politics, Third World politics, global issues, and West European politics. It will also be of great value to political scientists and policymakers.

In Search of a New World Order: The Future of U.S.- European

In Search of a New World Order: The Future of U.S.- European

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brandon, Henry, PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, In the aftermath of the Cold War era, a new world order is being created at an extraordinary pace. Europe is becoming a more unified power, Germany is assuming a central role within that power, NATO is looking for a new mission, the former Soviet Union has ceased to be a superpower threat, and the United States is going through its own superpower adjustments. As these dramatic shifts occur, a crucial question for world stability is the future relationship between the United States and Europe. This volume brings together some of the best-informed and most-experienced international personalities to interpret the repercussions of these twists of the European kaleidoscope. They assess the impact the changes will have on future political, economic, trade, financial, industrial, and security developments, and above all, on U.S.-European realtionships. David Owen considers the future of the transatlantic partnership from his perspective as a former British foreign secretary and a member of Parliament; Michel Rocard, a former French prime minister, forsees a more balanced partnership, both in security matters and in economic relations; and Jean Franois-Poncet, a senator and leading columnist for Le Figaro and a former French foreign minister, points toward an ever greater need for U.S.-European cooperation in tomorrow's unstable world. Michael Strmer, the head of the think tank Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, addresses the need for Germany and the United States to work together to strengthen the U.S.-European alliance. Leonhard Gleske, recently retired director of the Deutsche Bundesbank, considers the implications of European monetary integration and its effect on the United States. KurtBiedenkopf, Minister President of Saxony and former member of the Bundestag, focuses on the lessons from German reunification for the unification of Europe. Giovanni Agnelli, the head of Fiat, deals with the industrial role of the European Community as a " United States of Europe". James Schlesinger, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Energy, and Assistant Director of the Office of management and Budget, assesses the importance of the transatlantic partnership from an American perspective.

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The European Central Bank: Credibility, Transparency, and

The European Central Bank: Credibility, Transparency, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: de Haan, Jakob, Haan Jakob / Haan, Jakob De / Eijffinger, Sylvester C. W., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), The adoption of the euro in by 11 member states of the European Union created a single currency area second in economic size only to the United States. The euro zone's monetary policy is now set by the European Central Bank (ECB) and its Governing Council rather than by individual national central banks. This CESifo volume examines issues that have arisen in the first years of ECB monetary policy and analyzes the effect that current ECB policy strategy and structures may have in the future. After a detailed description and assessment of ECB monetary policy making that focuses on such issues as price stability and the predictability of policy decisions, the book turns to two important issues faced by European central bankers: the transparency and credibility of decision making and the ECB's decentralized structure. After showing that transparency in decision making enhances credibility, the book discusses the ECB's efforts at openness, its political independence as guaranteed by law, and its ultimate accountability. The book then considers the effects of the decentralized ECB structure, focusing on business cycle synchronization, inflation differentials, and differences in monetary policy transmission in light of the enlargement of the monetary union. The book also discusses options for ECB institutional reforms, including centralization, vote weighting, and cross-border regional banks.

The Changing Capital Markets of East Asia

The Changing Capital Markets of East Asia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cao, Ky / KY Cao, PUBLISHER: Routledge, In recent years, much attention has been given to the unparalleled economic development of East Asia. "The Changing Capital Markets of East Asia" gathers a number of contributors who explore the growing sophistication of capital markets in this area and discuss the possible economic and political consequences. Ky Cao brings together papers that analyze the recent changes in the emerging capital markets of East Asia and the implications that these changes may have for the international and regional capital markets in general. The volume explores global trends and their impact on the region; the changing patterns of capital market activity including the emergence of equity markets; the development of new frameworks of taxation and accounting; and provides case studies of South Korea and Taiwan. In challenging conventional thinking regarding the investigation of East Asian issues, which is usually local in nature, "The Changing Capital Markets of East Asia" provides a rounded view of East Asia's markets via the forces of domestic politics and history as well as of external structural changes.

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Committee Reports, Hearings, and Acts of Congress

Committee Reports, Hearings, and Acts of Congress

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: United States Congress House Committee on insular affairs and United States 58th Congress 2d s, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

Educational Provision for Our Youngest Children: European

Educational Provision for Our Youngest Children: European

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David, Tricia, PUBLISHER: Paul Chapman Publishing, Its clear style and comprehensive coverage make this book an important resource for those researching child care and education practices in the European Union' - "NNEB News " This book would be a useful 'quick reference' addition to the library of anyone interested in international issues in education' - "The International Journal of Early Years Education " This study provides rigorous and incisive analysis of the data in relation to the conditions existing in each of the member states included in the work' - "Studies in Education " The book is accessible and informative, with a wealth of data which are clearly presented. It will be useful to further and

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United States mint "50 States quarters " proof set

United States mint "50 States quarters " proof set

Set 5 monete USA United States Mint 50 States Quarters Series proof set Stati: Montana, Wyoming, Washington, Utah and Idaho Originali, nuove e sigillate con certificato di garanzia internazionale zecca USA spedizione: 10 euro spedizioni combinate per qualsiasi quantità

United States mint "50 States quarters " proof set

United States mint "50 States quarters " proof set

Set 5 monete USA United States Mint 50 States Quarters Series proof set Stati: Montana, Wyoming, Washington, Utah and Idaho Originali, nuove e sigillate con certificato di garanzia internazionale zecca USA spedizione corriere espresso a 10 euro combinate per qualsiasi quantità

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Government and Business: American Political Economy in

Government and Business: American Political Economy in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lehne, Richard, PUBLISHER: Chatham House Publishers, Richard Lehne offers a comprehensive overview of government-business relations, comparing institutions and practices in the United States with those in the European Union and other major industrial nations. He argues that present-day policies defining arrangements between government and business are not inevitable but result from the societal judgments of various eras. Recognizing diverse traditions and previous policy decisions helps guide the process of reform and renewal that nations throughout the world are now experiencing.

Coosa: The Rise and Fall of a Southeastern Mississippian

Coosa: The Rise and Fall of a Southeastern Mississippian

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Marvin T., PUBLISHER: University Press of Florida, Writing about a powerful Native American society at the dawn of European contact, Marvin Smith traces the rise and collapse of the chiefdom of Coosa, located in the Ridge and Valley province of northwestern Georgia and adjacent states. From humble beginnings, Coosa became one of the most important chiefdoms in the Southeast, dominating a territory from present eastern Tennessee to central Alabama.

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International Studies in Honor of Tomas Rivera

International Studies in Honor of Tomas Rivera

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Olivares, Julian, PUBLISHER: Arte Publico Press, Tomas Rivera, author of the award-winning novel,...y no se lo trago la tierra, who passed away in , is commemorated in the recollections by Rolando Hinojosa and Americo Paredes, and by studies of his prose and poetry by leading critics of Chicano literature. These essays are complemented by others on Chicano and Hispanic literature of the United States, with important contributions by European critics.
