capital investment analysis for engineering and management

Capital Investment Analysis for Engineering and Management

Capital Investment Analysis for Engineering and Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Canada, John R. / Sullivan, William G. / White, John A., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, This guide enables engineers and engineering managers to communicate effectively with financial professionals, while offering a balanced presentation of the basics of engineering economic analysis. Focuses on real management situations. Provides accounting/cost accounting fundamentals to measure results. Introduces the concept of "options analysis" applied to capital investment decisions. Aids in conducting economic analyses with liberal use of spreadsheets. Introduces tax considerations and their consequences. For those interested in learning more about capital investment decision methodologies, particularly engineers and engineering managers. Acquista Ora

Investment Manager Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to

Investment Manager Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Travers, Frank J., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Praise for "Investment Manager Analysis" "This is a book that should have been written years ago. It provides a practical, thorough, and completely objective method to analyze and select an investment manager. It takes the mystery (and the consultants) out of the equation. Without question, this book belongs on every Plan Sponsor's desk." --Dave Davenport, Assistant Treasurer, Lord Corporation, author of "The Equity Manager Search" "An insightful compendium of the issues that challenge those responsible for hiring and firing investment managers. Frank Travers does a good job of taking complicated analytical tools and methodologies and explaining them in a simple, yet practical manner. Anyone responsible for conducting investment manager due diligence should have a copy on their bookshelf." --Leon G. Cooperman, Chairman and CEO, Omega Advisors, Inc. ""Investment Manager Analysis" provides a good overview of the important areas that purchasers of institutional investment management services need to consider. It is a good instructional guide, from which search policies and procedures can be developed, as well as a handy reference guide." --David Spaulding, President, The Spaulding Group, Inc. "This book is the definitive work on the investment manager selection process. It is comprehensive in scope and well organized for both the layman and the professional. It should be required reading for any organization or individual seeking talent to manage their assets." --Scott Johnston, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Sterling Johnston Capital Management, LP ""Investment Manager Analysis" is a much-needed, comprehensive review of the manager selection process. While the industry is riddled with information about selecting individual stocks, comparatively little has been written on the important subject of manager selection for fund sponsors. This is a particularly useful guide for the less experienced practitioner and offers considerable value to the veteran decisionmaker as well." --Dennis J. Trittin, CFA, Portfolio Manager, Russell Investment Group

Offerte relazionate capital investment analysis for engineering and management: Investment Manager Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to
Capital for Our Time: The Economic, Legal, and Management

Capital for Our Time: The Economic, Legal, and Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barton, John H. / Keen, Peter G. W. / Costello, Joseph, PUBLISHER: Hoover Institution Press, Capital for Our Time compellingly describes the opportunities and risks associated with intellectual capital, from broad economic questions to specific business strategies. It includes essays by cutting-edge managers and CEOs, as well as representatives of the venture capital, government, and trade communities.

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, William Fortune, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, This text, an expanded and rearranged version of Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, 2/e, is appropriate for a first course in materials science and engineering for engineering students.

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Lehmann] Analysis for Marketing Planning]

Lehmann] Analysis for Marketing Planning]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lehmann, Donald R. / Winer, Russell S., PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Analysis for Marketing Planning focuses on the analysis needed for sound Marketing decisions and is structured around the core marketing document--the Marketing Plan. Whether studying Marketing strategy or Product/Brand Management decisions, students need to be able to make decisions based from sound analysis. This book does not attempt to cover all aspects of the marketing plan; rather it focuses on the analysis pertaining to a product's environment, customers and competitors.

Object-Oriented Engineering: Building Engineering Systems

Object-Oriented Engineering: Building Engineering Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bourne, John R. / Bourne, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, This book provides an introduction to the understanding and use of object-oriented methodologies for engineering problem solving with a specific emphasis on analysis and design. (Object-oriented programming is a general computer language methodology. The name comes from the focus on describing problems in terms of objects, both physical and conceptual).

Offerte relazionate capital investment analysis for engineering and management: Object-Oriented Engineering: Building Engineering Systems
Methods and Tools for Software Configuration Management

Methods and Tools for Software Configuration Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Whitgift, David, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A comprehensive guide to the principles and practice of configuration management--the management of software system components during updating or replacement of elements. Features of commercially available tools are described enabling critical evaluation of their effectiveness. Designed primarily as a reference for professional system designers and project managers, it will also be useful to software engineering students. Covers the entire project lifecycle and goes on to discuss topics such as version management, configuration identification, change control, the software library, automated system building and more.

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schwab, Glenn Orville / Edminster, Talcott W. / Barnes, Kenneth K., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A comprehensive engineering guide to theory and design practices for the control, utilization, and management of water in agriculture, with emphasis on scientific principles. Integrates into a single volume engineering practices for solving problems relating to erosion control, flood control, drainage, and irrigation. Presents information on precipitation, infiltration, evapotranspiration, and runoff, in addition to providing the entire design data for the U.S., plus a wide range of its applications. Contains conversion tables from English units to SI, and SI to English units, as well as numerous example problems, illustrations, and appendix.

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Shutdown Coordinator for Singapore and Middle East

Shutdown Coordinator for Singapore and Middle East

Is the company performing all activities related to site technical services: Construction: Installation supervision Management of turn over from construction to commissioning Site technical office Commissioning, start up and operation: Commissioning supervision and execution Commissioning engineering for manuals and procedures: Commissioning Operation and maintenance Operation execution and organization Training to operation and maintenance team Shutdown Coordinator • Mechanical / piping background  • Minimum 15 years’ experience in shutdown jobs • Preferably offshore experience • Good management & leadership skills • Experience in complex shutdown with high piping & tie in points • Independent and autonomous in taking decisions • Good English Knowledge • Based in Singapore (for the engineering & preparation phases, approx. 70% of the year) •  rotation when at sea in Middle East • Contract 3 years extendible

Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, MacKenzie L. / Masten, Susan J., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science by Mackenzie Davis and Susan Masten is intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore- or junior-level students. The emphasis of this new text is on engineering principles rather than on engineering design. The concept of mass balance is carried throughout the text as a tool for problem solving, and the text boasts extensive coverage of chemistry, biology, and hydrology than other books have. The chemistry review in Chapter 2 and coverage of ethics will aid students in better understanding the engineering topics presented in the book.

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Active Technologies for Network and Service Management: 10th

Active Technologies for Network and Service Management: 10th

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stadler, R. / Stiller, B. / Stadler, Rolf, PUBLISHER: Springer, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM'99, held in Zurich, Switzerland in October with the topical focus on Active Technologies for Network and Service Management. The 20 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 50 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on decentralized monitoring and anomaly detection, management components and multi-domain management, the future of SNMP-based management, programmable SNMP-based management, management of programmable and active networks, IT and enterprise management, and management tools.

Nonlinear Optimization with Engineering Applications

Nonlinear Optimization with Engineering Applications

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bartholomew-Biggs, Michael, PUBLISHER: Springer, This textbook examines a broad range of problems in science and engineering, describing key numerical methods applied to real life. The case studies presented are in such areas as data fitting, vehicle route planning and optimal control, scheduling and resource allocation, sensitivity calculations and worst-case analysis. Chapters are self-contained with exercises provided at the end of most sections. Nonlinear Optimization with Engineering Applications is ideal for self-study and classroom use in engineering courses at the senior undergraduate or graduate level. The book will also appeal to postdocs and advanced researchers interested in the development and use of optimization algorithms.

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Yes, You Can Time the Market!

Yes, You Can Time the Market!

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stein, Ben / Stein, Benjamin / DeMuth, Phil, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Economist, actor, author, and former quiz show host Ben Stein teamed up with investment psychologist Phil DeMuth to examine a century of stock market data and discovered a profound and original investment truth: Yes, you can time the market In their instant investment classic "Yes, You Can Time the Market, " Stein and DeMuth show investors simple, readily available measurements that tell them when it's time to invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, or cash. Written for the investor who wants to preserve capital and build wealth steadily, this book offers prudent, bedrock advice for anyone who can no longer afford to play games with their money.

The Craft of Investing: Growth and Value Stocks, Emerging

The Craft of Investing: Growth and Value Stocks, Emerging

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Train, John / Train, PUBLISHER: HarperBusiness, John Train's status as an investment wizard is the result of decades of stock market investing and investment counseling. "The Craft of Investing" is the ultimate treatise on how to invest well, outlining Train's key strategies and the principles that have brought him success. Train addresses everything from the psychology of the market to practical portfolio management tips. He explains growth investing, value investing, when to buy and when to sell, estate planning and shows how to build wealth and value systematically. Authoritative and practical, Train's analysis of winning techniques will help every investor.

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Modern Investment Management and the Prudent Man Rule

Modern Investment Management and the Prudent Man Rule

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Longstreth, Bevis / Harding, John Mason / Steiner, Daniel, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, In recent years the field of finance has exploded with innovation. New products, services and techniques abound. The risks of inflation, the volatility of interest rates, the deregulation of financial intermediaries and the unbundling of financial services have combined to present investment managers with challenges and opportunities far greater than in the past. For trustees and managers of pension, trust, endowment, and similar funds, the task of meeting the challenges and exploiting the opportunities is much more difficult. These fiduciaries must measure their investment decisions against constrained interpretations of a legal standard--the prudent man rule--that have caused it to lag far behind changes in investment theory and the marketplace. Drawing on financial history, a major opinion survey of institutional investors, and comprehensive reviews of the law and of the lessons of modern portfolio theory for prudence, this book presents a powerful case that the prudent man rule as elaborated in legal treatises and much of the case law would virtually compel a fiduciary to act imprudently in terms of financial theory and marketplace reality. In proposing a modern paradigm of investment prudence, the book uses illustrations drawn from such traditionally suspect categories of investment fiduciaries as securities lending, real estate, venture capital, options and futures and repurchaser agreements. An unusual examination of the interaction of the worlds of law and finance, this work will be of interest to fiduciaries who are subject to some from of prudent man rule and all others, including judges, lawyers and investment managers, who are called upon to interpret and apply that legalstandard.

Basics of reliability and risk analysis

Basics of reliability and risk analysis

Vendo libro universitario: Titolo: Basics of reliability and risk analysis Autori: E. Zio, P. Baraldi, F. Cadini Serie: Series on Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics (Volume 15) Pagine: 220 pages Editore: World Scientific Publishing Company; 1 edition Lingua: English ISBN-10: Copertina rigida

Offerte relazionate capital investment analysis for engineering and management: Basics of reliability and risk analysis
Applications of Discrete and Continuous Fourier Analysis

Applications of Discrete and Continuous Fourier Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weaver, H. Joseph, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, An applications oriented, introductory text covering the concepts and properties of Fourier Analysis. Emphasizes applications to real scientific and engineering problems. Defines the Fourier series, Fourier transform, and discrete Fourier transform. Includes over 200 illustrations.

The Art of Investing and Portfolio Management: A Proven

The Art of Investing and Portfolio Management: A Proven

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cordes, Ronald / O'Toole, Brian / Steiny, Richard, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill, back cover] The six-step program used by top institutional investors-tailored to drive any size portfolio "The Art of Investing and Portfolio Management" concentrates the collected skill sets and strategies of today's top financial minds into an actionable, six-step process that can improve the performance of any portfolio. Three founders of a major investment management and consulting firm clearly outline how to capitalize in today's markets by using a time-tested approach to investing that has helped the rich get richer for decades. Dedicating a full chapter to each step, this thorough guide explains how to: Conduct a personal financial analysis Assemble a top-performing portfolio Hire the proper investment strategist Seamlessly implement your plan Balance your portfolio Efficiently monitor your progress This new Second Edition offers an updated look at how the same techniques used to build today's multibillion-dollar portfolios for institutional investment plans can be applied to your portfolio in order to achieve your long-term financial goals. This revised edition also includes a cutting-edge chapter dedicated to helping Baby Boomers create a prosperous retirement portfolio that will provide them with a source of income throughout their golden years.

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Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on the completion of the latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations synthesizes the latest thinking in knowledge management with the design of information technology and the Internet-enabled new organization forms. The major emphasis of this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual organizations and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual organizations.

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buhalis, Dimitrios / Tjoa, A. Min / Jafari, Jafar, PUBLISHER: Springer, The proceedings of the conference ENTER - International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism - provide an international forum for the discussion of the role of telecommunication and information systems in tourism, inform potential users and people concerned with the importance of such technologies and explain their functioning. The following topics are treated in this volume: Dynamic Marketing Applications Using IT. - Designing Information Systems. - Using the Internet. - Transformation of the Travel Industry. - Re-engineering Management Approaches. - Enhancing Tourism Intermediaries. - New Horizons for Destination Management Systems. - Strategic Management in Tourism. - New IT Uses in Tourism.

Offerte relazionate capital investment analysis for engineering and management: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism
Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach

Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coelho, Sergio Teixeira / Coelho, S. T. U., PUBLISHER: Research Studies Press, Rigorous application of the method to different performance fields of water networks, illustrated by various case studies. Detailed analysis of key areas of water networks' behaviour, including advances in the analysis and modelling procedures that are currently available, e.g. in water quality modelling and reliability analysis. Applicable to a range of engineering problems in water distribution. Performance analysis is becoming a key issue in the engineering approach to the control of water supply and distribution systems, both as a natural process of evolution of the modelling and design methods available, and as a consequence of an ever increasing awareness of the quality of the service provided within the water industry today. This book presents a systematic approach to the analysis of technical performance of water networks by creating a framework in which a variety of concepts and criteria can be included. The system presented provides a shift in the way engineering problems are formulated in water supply, allowing greater control of analysis objectives and improved sensitivity.

Practical Coal Mine Management

Practical Coal Mine Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Britton, Scott G., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A practical, detailed guide to all aspects of the structure, organization, and management of today's coal mining operations, with special emphasis on middle and front-line management. Delineates guidelines for becoming an effective mine manager. Discusses a wide range of techniques for improving mine productivity, labor-management relations, costs, training, and safety.

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Sales Management: Analysis and Decision Making

Sales Management: Analysis and Decision Making

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schwepker, Charles H. / LaForge, Raymond W. / Ingram, Thomas N., PUBLISHER: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), This leading text continues to set the standard in sales management texts with its up-to-the-minute coverage of the trends and issues in the dynamic sales field, equipping students with a strong sales foundation and the innovative skills needed for 21st century selling.

Trading with the Odds

Trading with the Odds

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kase, Cynthia A., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill, Every trader will appreciate this reliable, realistic, and systematic approach to trading financial and commodity markets. In a step-by-step manner, the author applies a rigorous mathematical discipline to finanical speculation and explain how to analyze markets, forecast price movements, develop trading strategies, and manage trading capital. Kase also unveils several highly sophisticated indicators that are far more precise than conventional technical indicators. Unlike most books on trading, "Trading with the Odds" contains complete coverage of money management, including the author's own "Kase Dev-Stop," a highly calibrated money management tool. "Trading with the Odds" also includes: Uses and abuses of conventional technical analysis; New technical indicators for analyzing markets and entering trades.

Offerte relazionate capital investment analysis for engineering and management: Trading with the Odds
An Introduction to International Capital Markets,: Products,

An Introduction to International Capital Markets,: Products,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chisholm, Andrew A., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, An Introduction to international capital markets, Second edition Products, Strategies, Participants Andrew Chisholm ""Clear, comprehensive and with many practical examples and case studies. An invaluable guide to the modern international capital markets and to the key products and techniques used in the industry."" --Sir George Mathewson CBE, DUniv, LLD, FRSE, FCIBS. Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in Scotland and Former Chairman of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc. Fully revised and updated from the hugely popular first edition, this book is an accessible and convenient one-volume introduction to international capital markets, ideal for those entering or planning to enter investment banking or asset management. As well as serving as an invaluable reference tool for professionals already working in the industry looking to extend their knowledge base it will also benefit all those working in trading, sales and support roles. Describing how the key products and markets work, who the principle participants are and their overall goals and objectives, Andrew Chisholm provides a thorough overview of the global capital markets. The book covers a wide range of equity, debt, foreign exchange and credit instruments as well as the principal derivative products. In a step-by-step fashion, making extensive use of real world cases and examples, it explains money markets, foreign exchange, bond markets, cash equity markets, equity valuation techniques, swaps, forwards, futures, credit derivatives, options, option risk management and convertible bonds. An extensive glossary also explains concisely many of the 'jargon' expressions used in the financial markets. Boasting an international focus, examples are drawn from major international markets around the world. It makes extensive use of numerical examples and case studies to help explain a wide range of cash and derivative products used in the capital markets business. It covers both debt and equity products and includes new material on credit products such as collateralized debt obligations and credit derivative structures; equity fundamental analysis, portfolio theory and convertible bonds. Market data has been fully updated from the first edition and recent events such as the 'credit crisis' are discussed. ISBN
