working with grammar gold

Working with grammar gold

Working with grammar gold

Working with grammar gold Emma Camesasca, Angela GAllagher, Ippolita Martellotta Longman in perfette condizioni

Working with grammar gold multimedia edition

Working with grammar gold multimedia edition

Vendo libro di grammatica inglese, WORKING WITH GRAMMAR GOLD MULTIMEDIA EDITION comprensivo di CD. Ottimo libro per prepararsi al PET e FCE, con annessi esercizi. Il libro è in buone condizioni, sono stati svolti gli esercizi dei primi 4 capitoli, il resto del libro è nuovo.

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Working with grammar gold multimedia edition
Libro inglese working with grammar

Libro inglese working with grammar

Vendo libro di inglese working with grammar ancora imballato

Libro "Working with grammar"

Libro "Working with grammar"

Ho usato veramente poco questo libro, ci sono alcuni esercizi svolti ma per il resto é quasi nuovo e in buonissime condizioni.

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Libro "Working with grammar"
Grammar Sense 3A [With CDROM]

Grammar Sense 3A [With CDROM]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bland, Susan Kesner, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, - Offers creative yet practical techniques for presenting the grammar, along with troubleshooting tips, cultural notes and suggestions for additional activities- Contains an Answer Key for the "Student Book and the complete Tapescripts for the Audio Program

Grammar spectrum gold (LIBRO SCUOLA ALBERGHIERA)

Grammar spectrum gold (LIBRO SCUOLA ALBERGHIERA)


Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Grammar spectrum gold (LIBRO SCUOLA ALBERGHIERA)
Libri scolastici Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico

Libri scolastici Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico

- cod. -La comunicazione filosofica - Massaro - Paravia - cod. - New Horizons 2 -Radley-Simonetti - Oxford - cod. - Disegno - Sergio Sammarone - Zanichelli - cod. - Working with grammar gold - Callegher - Martellotta Pearson Longman - cod. Lineamenti di storia dell'arte - Atlas - cod. - Moduli di tecnologia industriale - Zanichelli - cod. - Uomini e profeti Marietti Scuola - cod. - - La mente innamorata - Divina Commedia - Ed. scolastiche Bruno Mondadori - cod. - Lineamenti di storia dell'arte 2 - Atlas - cod. Testi e storia della letteratura vol. B - Paravia - cod. Immagini della biologia - Zanichelli - cod. - Storiamondo 1 - Il Capitello

GRAMMAR FILES libro di grammatica inglese

GRAMMAR FILES libro di grammatica inglese

Vendo libro scolastico "GRAMMAR FILE" Blue Edition with Vocabulary, libro di grammatica inglese in buono stato a metà pezzo della copertina.

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: GRAMMAR FILES libro di grammatica inglese
Working Papers, Volume 1, Chapters 1-14 for Use with

Working Papers, Volume 1, Chapters 1-14 for Use with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Williams, Jan / Haka, Sue / Bettner, Mark S., PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, This soft-cover booklet is filled with columnar paper for each Problem in the textbook. Students encounter Checkpoints throughout the working papers to ensure they are on the right track

Working Week - Working Nights"

Working Week - Working Nights"

Vendo LP in vinile Working Week "Working Nights", Usato ma in buono stato. Solo ritiro a domicilio dopo aver visionato l'oggetto

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Working Week - Working Nights"
Working with grammar

Working with grammar

Testo scolastico di lingua inglese per esercitazione al perfezionamento della lingua e l'apprendimento della grammatica. Il testo è in ottime condizioni d'uso ed è perfettamente integro in tutte le parti di cui si compone. Per eventuali contatti, preferibile tramite whatsapp o telefonicamente dopo le ore

Gold First with key- Burgess/Newbrook

Gold First with key- Burgess/Newbrook

Vendo libro usato inglese Gold First exam maximiser with key degli autori Burgess e Newbrook con Cd. ISBN

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Gold First with key- Burgess/Newbrook
Libri scolastici livello superiori

Libri scolastici livello superiori

Vendo libri scolastici delle superiori a vario prezzo. I libri sono poco rovinati all'esterno e all'interno presentano evidenziature e sottolineature. Eccol l'elenco: -Biologia, microbiologia e biotecnologie: Biotecnologie di controllo sanitario - 10 euro -Conosciamo il corpo umano - 15 euro -Working with Grammar GOLD - 20 euro -Igiene e patologia - 10 euro -Biologia, microbiologia e biotecnologie: Laboratorio di microbiologia - 8 euro -Biologia, microbiologia e biotecnologie: Microrganismi, ambiente e salute - 15 euro -Matematica Verde 4S - 5 euro -Elementi di Analisi Chimica Strumentale - 25 euro -Chimica organica, biochimica e laboratorio - 20 euro -LetterAutori - 10 euro

Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a Grammar: With Sociolinguistic

Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a Grammar: With Sociolinguistic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alexander, Ronelle, PUBLISHER: University of Wisconsin Press, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a Grammar analyzes and clarifies the complex, dynamic language situation in the former Yugoslavia. Addressing squarely the issues connected with the splintering of Serbo-Croatian into component languages, this volume provides teachers and learners with practical solutions and highlights the differences among the languages as well as the communicative core that they all share. The first book to cover all three components of the post-Yugoslav linguistic environment, this reference manual features: - Thorough presentation of the grammar common to Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian, with explication of all the major differences - Examples from a broad range of spoken language and literature - New approaches to accent and clitic ordering, two of the most difficult points in BCS grammar - Order of grammar presentation in chapters 1-16 keyed to corresponding lessons in Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a Textbook - "Sociolinguistic commentary" explicating the cultural and political context within which Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian function and have been defined - Separate indexes of the grammar and sociolinguistic commentary, and of all words discussed in both Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a Grammar: With Sociolinguistic
The new Burlington english grammar. Grammar and practice

The new Burlington english grammar. Grammar and practice

The new Burlington english grammar. Grammar and practice Autori: Conti Paola Sharman Elizabeth Zizzo Rita Editore: Burlington Books Materia: Inglese. Grammatica Tutte le scuole superiori Codice ISBN: Anno:

Market Leader Business Grammar and Usage Pearson

Market Leader Business Grammar and Usage Pearson

Vendo libro "Market Leader. Business Grammar and Usage" di Peter Strutt Pearson Longman editore. Libro tenuto come nuovo, presenta solo alcuni esercizi fatti nelle prime 10 pagine a matita. Per qualsiasi info contattatemi. Accetto pagamento Paypal, spedisco in tutta Italia con posta raccomandata (3,70) Descrizione: "Market Leader: Business English with the FT Business Grammar & Usage Book: Grammar and Usage Practice Book. Business Grammar and Usageis one of a number of specialist books within the Market Leader series that compliments the course. Each book consists of 18 units, 2 tests, and a multilingual glossary"

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Market Leader Business Grammar and Usage Pearson
Grammar files Blue Edition

Grammar files Blue Edition

Grammar files Blue Edition, English Grammar and Vocabulary, Jordan-Fiocchi, Trinity Whitebridge - condizioni ottime -prezzo originale: 22€

Oxford Practice Grammar with answers

Oxford Practice Grammar with answers

"Oxford Practice Grammar with answers "con CD allegato - John Eastwood - Oxford University Press - ISBN Libro di grammatica inglese con esercizi, ottimamente tenuto, come nuovo, indicato per chi conosce la lingua inglese ad un livello medio, utilissimo soprattutto per i test di certificazione al fine di imparare e subito consolidare le conoscenze acquisite. Euro - Se interessati potete contattarmi anche telefonicamente . Possibilità di spedizione con pieghi di libri

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Oxford Practice Grammar with answers
Harry Potter - Time-Turner Sterling Silver gold plated

Harry Potter - Time-Turner Sterling Silver gold plated

Hermines Zeitumkehrer aus Sterling Silber, teilweise vergoldet.Beschreibung des Herstellers:An authentic recreation of Hermiones Time Turner as seen in the movie Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. The Time Turner is centered with a working miniature hourglass and its inner rings rotate. All measure 1 3/8 inches in diameter and come with display.

Grammar Spectrum Gold

Grammar Spectrum Gold

libro usato, in buone condizioni scritto solo a matita ISBN:

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Grammar Spectrum Gold
Grammar Spectrum Gold

Grammar Spectrum Gold

Libro di inglese per le scuole superiori. Nuovo mai utilizzato

Complete IELTS Bands

Complete IELTS Bands

Complete IELTS Bands Student's book with answers. CD-ROM with extra practice of grammar, listening, reading, speaking, vocabulary and writing. Usato pochissimo, come nuovo.

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Complete IELTS Bands
Artist's Workshop, Oils-Landscape

Artist's Workshop, Oils-Landscape

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bagnall, Brian / Hille, Astrid / Bagnall, Ursula, PUBLISHER: Walter Foster Publishing, All the basic techniques for painting landscapes in oil are here -- color mixing, perspective, working with light and shadow, composition -- in over 200 full color illustrations. Valuable advice from working artists will give a novice or an advanced painter the confidence to experiment with this classic medium. Includes Glossary and Index.

Libro scolastico d'Inglese - Grammar Spectrum Gold

Libro scolastico d'Inglese - Grammar Spectrum Gold

Libro usato con CD nuovo

Offerte relazionate working with grammar gold: Libro scolastico d'Inglese - Grammar Spectrum Gold
En Bonne Forme

En Bonne Forme

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dietiker, Simone Renaud / Van Hooff, Dominique / Renaud, Simone, PUBLISHER: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, This complete, intermediate text is written entirely in French and emphasizes grammar as the key to learning the language. Clear, comprehensive explanations of grammar topics--with comparisons between French and English--are the core of every section, with readings chosen to illustrate the specific topic of each chapter. Readings illustrate the use of structures presented through a variety of genres.
