Ps4 pro con accessori
Ps4 pro perfettamente funzionante con garanzia ed scontrino con n. 2 joystick ps4, con giochi esclusivi: resident evil 7, resident evil revelations 1 e 2, resident evil ,mega man legacy collection 1,2,mortal kombat xl, the evil within, pineview drive,giana sisters ps4, slain,wonder boy ps4,saint seya soldier soul, ned for speed, cast of the seven godsends, star wars battlefront, outlast, slender,the park, ultin dawn,shadow of the beast ps4, mafia 3, cursed castilla, alien isolation, unchaeted 1,2,3. The Mummy Demastered. in disco abbiamo tomb raider ps4, pro evolution , here they lie, vero affare 37 giochi tutto originale