Mama's Heart
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boomhoong>weong>r, Mary J., PUBLISHER: Xlibris Corporation, I‛ll Carry ong>Youong> My Child ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I just remember praying so silently, "Dear Jesus, will ong>youong> please take my trembling hand?" Lord can‛t ong>youong> see, I‛m losing all of my courage, I‛m ong>weong>ak, my legs are shaking, and I can barely stand. I know that ong>youong> see this door in front of me, my precious daughter is resting in peace on the other side. I am just so afraid of seeing what I most want to see, "Lord, Do ong>youong> think, this time, ong>youong> could carry me inside?" Then Jesus said, "My child ong>youong> must have forgotten, for this surely isn‛t the very first time. ong>Youong>‛ve had other troubling times in ong>youong>r life, as I did then, I‛ll carry ong>youong> now, and ong>youong> will be just fine." I can‛t tell ong>youong> this won‛t be painful, for it will, there will be things that ong>youong> won‛t want to see. But someday even painful memories become cherished, and they‛ll remain "deep, in the heart of ong>youong> and me." Don‛t ong>youong> remember the day that ong>youong> folloong>weong>d me child, as ong>weong> walked lazily along in the sand? There was only "one set of footprints" then, don‛t ong>youong> know, "my child, I‛ll carry ong>youong> again?" 18 MARY J. BOOMHOong>WEong>R Did ong>Youong> See The Angels? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Danni, "Did ong>youong> see the angels hovering near, and did ong>youong> ask them to please go away?" "Did ong>youong> tell them ong>youong> would go another time, but that ong>youong> just couldn‛t go that day?" Danni, "Did ong>youong> tell them ong>youong> ong>weong>re on ong>youong>r way home, and that I was counting the minutes to see ong>youong>?" "Did ong>youong> tell them ong>youong>r new life had barely begun, and that ong>youong> still had so many things to do?" Danni, "Did ong>youong> tell them, that ong>youong> really loved "The Lord," and ong>youong> would gladly go to Heaven someday?" "Did ong>youong> tell them that ong>weong> hadn‛t said our good-byes, and that ong>youong> just couldn‛t leave me that way?" Danni, "Did ong>youong> tell them that ong>youong>r mama wasn‛t that strong," and that I just couldn‛t bear losing my child?" "Did ong>youong> tell them how ong>weong> had to hug every day, and how much I would miss ong>youong>r smile " MAMA'S HEART 19 Our Last Cuddle ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ All signs of life ong>weong>re gone from ong>youong>, when I first saw ong>youong> that day. The pain that ong>youong> had suffered, was still on ong>youong>r face, and I wanted so badly to take it away. I needed to wrap my arms around ong>youong>, and to give ong>youong> lots of baby kisses. Just the way ong>weong> did when ong>youong> ong>weong>re small, and when ong>youong> had all of those "near misses " I gently blew kisses over ong>youong>r body, while I prayed that ong>youong> safely made it "home." Then I really thought I heard ong>youong> say, "Mama, please cuddle me once more, while ong>weong>‛r