until the cows come home and other expressions about animals

Until the Cows Come Home And Other Expressions About Animals

Until the Cows Come Home And Other Expressions About Animals

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sandy Donovan, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, NA

Chupacabras and Other Mysteries

Chupacabras and Other Mysteries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Corrales, Scott / Davenport, Marc, PUBLISHER: Greenleaf Publications (TN), A veteran bilingual researcher answers the public outcry for information about the "goat sucker" that has mutilated animals and terrorized the residents of Puerto Rico and other countries around the Gulf of Mexico. The author also shares his research findings about UFO encounters, government cover-ups, shape shifters, Bigfoot, and other mysteries of the region. Contains photo section, notes, bibliography, index.

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120 Questions and Answers About Animals

120 Questions and Answers About Animals

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Modern Publishing, PUBLISHER: Modern Publishing, Youngsters will enjoy finding out what they have always wanted to know about nature and animals in this full-color question and answer series. This series features educational and humorous information about nature, and fun facts about the most mysterious animals from all over the globe Photo-illustrated and equipped with answers, these books are a quizzical kid's find.

The Year at Maple Hill Farm

The Year at Maple Hill Farm

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Provensen, Alice / Provensen, Martin, PUBLISHER: Aladdin Paperbacks, "This is a book about farm animals, and what happens during one year on a farm." In January, the cows stay in the barnyard, and the chickens don't lay many eggs. By March, you can tell spring is coming: the barn is filled with baby animals. Month by month, the animals at Maple Hill Farm sense the changing seasons and respond to the changes. Through gently humorous text and charming illustrations, Alice and Martin Provensen capture one year at their beloved Maple Hill Farm in a way sure to delight city slickers and country folk alike.

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need new home Pomeranian puppies

need new home Pomeranian puppies

12weeks pomeranian puppies need new home AKC update come along with some food and play toys and they are very playful with kids and other animals



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dollar, Sam, PUBLISHER: Steck-Vaughn, "Animals of the Rain Forest presents all the mesmerizing beauty of the animals who live in this unique biome with dramatic full-page photography and accurate up-to-date text. Each book includes a range map and ""A Quick Look at" that gives students a brief overview of basic facts about the animal. The book describes the animal and its environment, its habits and lifestyle, and the specific threats it faces every day.

Offerte relazionate until the cows come home and other expressions about animals: Piranhas
Plants Without Seeds

Plants Without Seeds

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pascoe, Elaine, PUBLISHER: PowerKids Press, The world of mosses, ferns, and other plants that do not produce seeds is clearly explained in beautiful simplicity. With explanations about the differences between plants and animals and the many types of seedless plants, Plants Without Seeds offers a friendly introduction to the different groups of plants that use spores to reproduce.

Tales of Averon - The Dark Army

Tales of Averon - The Dark Army

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Keen, A. M., PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, An army of fox hounds hunt a red fox named STREAK across the Great British countryside. It is the Dark Army, and its leader BAAL is gaining on his prey until his human masters halt his progress, allowing the fox to escape into a vast forest known as Averon. The exhausted fox is later roused by two other foxes, DORAN and TALI, who take him to their den known as Shadow Oak, and their leader KEDEM, who suggests that Streak stay with them until he is fit again to venture out on his own. Baal and the Dark Army prepare to launch an attack on the forest and all animals willing to harbor the fox who escaped their clutches, whilst the foxes must find a way of defending themselves and the great forest in which they live. Aided only by a mysterious barn owl named CYRIUS, an adventure begins in which the animals of the forest must attempt to unite with each other before Baal and his great army is released.

Offerte relazionate until the cows come home and other expressions about animals: Tales of Averon - The Dark Army
Taking the Lead

Taking the Lead

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jenson, Ron / Jensen, Ron, PUBLISHER: Multnomah Publishers, Leadership is a key issue for men today: leadership at home, on the job, and within the body of Christ. But what does the Bible have to say about leadership? And how can men become the type of leader described in God's Word? In this highly practical, intensely biblical volume, Ron Jenson tackles these and other crucial questions, offering men a template for employing strong leadership in personal life, home, church, community, and workplace. Married men and singles alike will be challenged and inspired as they learn about the ten core elements of leadership and how they can effectively integrate them into their lives.

The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins

The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hendrickson, Robert, PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, The Facts On File Writer's Library includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other indispensable resources for writers, students, and serious readers. From the origins of words and phrases to the meanings of literary terms, the collection provides comprehensive information in a clear, accessible style that is sure to satisfy researchers and browsers alike. These books will be reached for again and again. This entertaining compendium traces the origins and development of more than words and phrases, including slang, proverbs, animal and plant names, place names, nicknames, historical expressions, foreign-language expressions, and phrases from literature.

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The Vegan Sourcebook

The Vegan Sourcebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stepaniak, Joanne, PUBLISHER: Lowell House, More than just diet and nutrition, vegan living strives to exclude all forms of exploitation, harm, and cruelty to animals. Veganism challenges ingrained notions about the use of animals in all aspects of modern society and advocates a progressive consciousness about health and consumer choices. The Vegan Sourcebook encompasses all aspects of vegan ethics, diet, nutrition, and lifestyle, including the philosophical, environmental, political, sociological, and nutritional perspectives of this growing worldwide movement. It includes approximately 50 meat-, egg-, and dairy-free recipes; vegan substitutions; menus; planning for adequate nutrition; and a guide to cruelty-free personal care products, household products, clothing, and footwear.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ganeri, Anita, PUBLISHER: Gareth Stevens Publishing, Environments matter in our daily lives With lucid text, many colorful photos and illustrations, and educational end matter, this fascinating series introduces a wide variety of environments, the people and animals that live in them, and the challenges they face in today's world. The dynamic presentation and wealth of surprising facts will spark the curiosity of all young readers and inspire further study about our Earth. Discover Earth's deserts, how they are created, the people and animals living in them, and the natural resources they contain.

Offerte relazionate until the cows come home and other expressions about animals: Deserts
Palaces for Pigs: Animal Architecture and Other Beastly

Palaces for Pigs: Animal Architecture and Other Beastly

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lambton, Lucinda, PUBLISHER: English Heritage, Throughout the centuries there have been castles, great and small, for animals as diverse as goats and guinea pigs, deer and dogs, cows and bees, pigs and horses, bears and even salmon. In , a Grecian temple with tapering Egyptian windows was built for pigs in Yorkshire and in the s a red sandstone elephant with a castle on its back was designed for bees in Cheshire. With such architects as William Kent designing a cowshed and Sir John Soane devising classical 'canine residences,' these buildings are not mere curiosities; John Nash applied himself at his most picturesque to a dovecote, while Capability Brown was commissioned to create a classical menagerie and Henry Holland designed an elaborate Chinese Dairy. These buildings are the happy results of the British passion for both architecture and animals - emblems of unrestrained indulgence and often unnecessary extravagance. When designing for animals, architects and their patrons could realise their wildest flights of architectural fancy; the inhabitants could never complain, however idiosyncratic their dwelling - as George Eliot wrote in , 'Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms' - allowing the builders' imaginations to flourish unbridled, often with scant observance to architectural convention. Architecture for animals has been and still continues to be a tremendous British tradition. Palaces for Pigs and Other Beastly Dwellings - fully illustrated with striking detail - celebrates this tradition, telling the fascinating stories behind the buildings that housed animals and the monuments that commemorated them.

Wild Spirits

Wild Spirits

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jordan, Rosa, PUBLISHER: Dundurn Group, Eleven-year-old Danny Ryan and 19-year-old Wendy Marshall think their friendship is only about looking after two baby raccoons that Danny has rescued. But when a bank holdup upsets Wendy so much that she can hardly stand to be around people, she leaves her job as a teller, retreats to a farm, and surrounds herself with injured and orphaned wildlife. Danny, neglected at home and considered weird in a town where other boys are into hunting, finds peace on the farm, too, plus excitement, as he and Wendy adopt ever more exotic animals such as llamas, bobcats, a serval, an ocelot, and a blind lynx. Over time the two friends develop a bond that goes beyond care of the animals to caring for each other. As it turns out, Wendy rescues not just wildlife but Danny, as well. What's more, the bank robbers are still at large and still a threat, and Danny, now 14, must act to save Wendy's life.

Offerte relazionate until the cows come home and other expressions about animals: Wild Spirits
Barnyard Dance!

Barnyard Dance!

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boynton, Sandra, PUBLISHER: Workman Publishing, Everybody sing along--because it's time to do-si-do in the barnyard with a high-spirited animal crew From Boynton on Board, the bestselling series of board books, here is BARNYARD DANCE, with Sandra Boynton's twirling pigs, fiddle-playing cows, and other unforgettable animals. Extra-big, extra-fat, and extra-fun, BARNYARD DANCE features lively rhyming text and a die-cut cover that reveals the wacky characters inside. Guaranteed to get kids and adults stomping their feet. Main selection of the Children's Book-of-the-Month Club. Winner of the Gold Medal from the National Parenting Publications Award. Suitable for ages 1-4.

The Amazing Octopus

The Amazing Octopus

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kalman, Bobbie / Sjonger, Rebecca / Reiach, Margaret Amy, PUBLISHER: Crabtree Publishing Company, A fascinating portrayal of the complex relationships between ocean plants and animals, and their diverse habitats. Octopuses have captivated people's imagination for centuries. Young readers will be intrigued to discover how these tentacled animals move through water, how they hunt, how they use camouflage and other protection measures, and why octopuses are importance in oceans around the world.

Offerte relazionate until the cows come home and other expressions about animals: The Amazing Octopus
The Forgotten Woman: The Untold Story of Kastur Gandhi, Wife

The Forgotten Woman: The Untold Story of Kastur Gandhi, Wife

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gandhi, Arun / Gandhi, Sunanda / Yellin, Carol Lynn, PUBLISHER: Ozark Mountain Publishing, You've read about the man who became a legend, now read about the human being (the husband, the father, the man) as seen through the eyes of his wife and grandson. The biography is of the woman in his life. The incredible woman known simply as "Ba" (Mother), to millions of people in India, and her story was untold until now. Together since childhood, she knew the flaws and human frailties of the man behind the legend. Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, and his wife Sunanda spent almost thirty years gathering the material for this book, which discloses personal facts and details never reported in any other Gandhi biography. ** Also contains never-before-published photographs. **

Children Talking Television; The Making of Television

Children Talking Television; The Making of Television

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buckingham, David / Buckingham, D. / David Buckingham University of London In, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Is television harmful to children? Does it destroy imagination, provode delinquency and violence, undermine family life and have other detrimental effects on children?; The author, himself a parent, teacher and researcher investigates the complex ways in which children actively make meaning and take pleasure from television. Chapters cover the popular debates about children and television from a general and academic perspective. The characteristics of children's talk about television are explored, as children interact with other children and other family members in family viewing sessions.; Key concepts which inform children's talk about television are investigated i. e. genre, narrative, character, modality, and agency. Finally, conclusions are presented and issues outlined for further research.; Drawing on theories and ideas developed within media and cultural studies, English, education, psychology, sociology, linguistics and other related areas, this book will be useful to both students and teachers in the field, and to the general reader with an interest in children and the media.

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Career Ideas for Kids Who Like Animals and Nature

Career Ideas for Kids Who Like Animals and Nature

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reeves, Diane Lindsey / Heubeck, Nancy / Bond, Nancy, PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, "Career Ideas for Kids Who Like Animals and Nature enables children to learn about professions that they may not know a great deal about but find interesting just the same. The easy tone and imaginative illustrations offer a no-pressure look at some of many career possibilities. The format of the book encourages young readers to find out what they like to do and what they do best. A skills evaluation allows kids to identify their strengths

Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and

Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Numbers, Ronald L., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, If we want nonscientists and opinion-makers in the press, the lab, and the pulpit to take a fresh look at the relationship between science and religion, Ronald Numbers suggests that we must first dispense with the hoary myths that have masqueraded too long as historical truths. Until about the s, the dominant narrative in the history of science had long been that of science triumphant, and science at war with religion. But a new generation of historians both of science and of the church began to examine episodes in the history of science and religion through the values and knowledge of the actors themselves. Now Ronald Numbers has recruited the leading scholars in this new history of science to -puncture the myths, from Galileo's incarceration to Darwin's deathbed conversion to Einstein's belief in a personal God who "didn't play dice with the universe." The picture of science and religion at each other's throats persists in mainstream media and scholarly journals, but each chapter in "Galileo Goes to Jail" shows how much we have to gain by seeing beyond the myths.

Offerte relazionate until the cows come home and other expressions about animals: Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and
The Practical Manual of Captive Animal Photography

The Practical Manual of Captive Animal Photography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Havelin, Michael, PUBLISHER: Amherst Media, Photographers don't have to travel on safari or risk life and limb for a portfolio of marketable nature shots. This book teaches the step-by-step techniques necessary for capturing and selling dramatic images of animals in settings such as zoos, nature preserves, and even at home. Beginning with how to approach the animals and avoid danger, this book discusses choosing appropriate subjects, scouting locations, creating suitable settings for smaller animals, capturing shots of animals in motion, selecting lenses and filters, and dealing with obstructions such as fences, glass, and water. The book also outlines the necessary equipment -- specialized viewfinders, lenses, and flashes -- and essential legalities such as permissions to shoot and photo releases.

Perl Power!: The Comprehensive Guide

Perl Power!: The Comprehensive Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Flynt, John P., PUBLISHER: Course Technology, Perl Power provides programmers with a learning and reference resource on Perl. All readers will find tutorials that utilize a "learn by doing" approach that they can work from as soon as they get the book home. The tutorials build upon each other throughout the book until a level of expertise is reached. All chapters offer complete programs to demonstrate the topics discussed, with source code available on the book's companion website. These programs are ready to run, and line-by-line commentary in the program and in the book allows programmers to understand the logic and syntax behind them. Additionally, each program is introduced in a way that provides a story about what the program does and what you can use the program to do after learning it. The topics covered begin with how to set up the DzSoft Perl Editor so that you can easily work with Perl programs. Then, through dozens of complete programs, the book explores the primary data categories of Perl: scalars, hashes, arrays, and handles. The topics of later chapters range from using references to working with data structures and incorporating data files into your programs. The final chapter comprehensively reviews regular expressions through a multitude of examples.

Offerte relazionate until the cows come home and other expressions about animals: Perl Power!: The Comprehensive Guide
Skates and Rays

Skates and Rays

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sjonger, Rebecca / Kalman, Bobbie, PUBLISHER: Crabtree Publishing Company, Skates and Rays provides children with a fascinating description of two of the most interesting fish species on Earth. Beautiful full-color photographs and concise text help children discover how these animals with skeletons made of cartilage move through water and how they protect themselves from other animals in the oceans. Other topics include - where in oceans skates and rays live - the differences between the bodies of skates and rays - how skates and rays hunt and what they eat Children will be captivated by The Living Ocean, an easy-to-read and informative series covering all aspects of the Earth's oceans. Created by Bobbie Kalman, this beautiful set of books provides a fascinating portrayal of the complex relationships between ocean plants and animals, and their diverse habitats. Clearly written text and astonishing images provide young readers with important insight into the living ocean. Each book includes: - detailed diagrams - simple text - full-color photographs and illustrations - glossary and index

Home Care of the High Risk Infant: A Family-Centered

Home Care of the High Risk Infant: A Family-Centered

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ahmann, Elizabeth / Ahmann, PUBLISHER: Aspen Publishers, This revised, expanded edition addresses the increased interest in and demand for information about the nursing care of premature, technology-dependent infants once they are at home. Clinical practice and research updates, care plans, assessment forms, sample care maps, and other hands-on materials presented in an 8 1/2 x 11 format make this a practical tool as well as a textbook.

Offerte relazionate until the cows come home and other expressions about animals: Home Care of the High Risk Infant: A Family-Centered
Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women

Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Casey, Karen, PUBLISHER: Hazelden Publishing & Educational Services, Find inspiration and guidance for dealing with the challenges and new experiences of recovery in the writings from a woman who cares about others. This beloved author writes about self-esteem, friendships with other women, hope, attitudes about life and relationships, and more. Her words help bridge the gap between self and Higher Power, between loneliness and sharing the emotions of recovery. Almost three million recovering women turn to these meditations each day.
