understanding and creating multimodal texts supplement for

Understanding And Creating Multimodal Texts A Supplement For

Understanding And Creating Multimodal Texts A Supplement For

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Danielle DeVoss Diana Hacker, PUBLISHER: Bedford Saint Martin s, NA

Xojo  Release 2 for Mac

Xojo Release 2 for Mac

Object-oriented and powerful development tool for creating Desktop, Web, Database Access and Console applications in a friendly environment Xojo is a software program designed specifically for helping you create standalone applications, test the utilities, as well as incorporate user interface widgets. It provides useful features for creating powerful and native multi-platform desktop, web and web-mobile utilities.

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Multimodal business and economics

Multimodal business and economics

vendo libro "Multimodal business and economics" di Sandra Camapagna e Cecilia Boggio.

How to Program Visual Basic 5: Creating ActiveX Controls,

How to Program Visual Basic 5: Creating ActiveX Controls,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McManus, Jeffrey P., PUBLISHER: Ziff-Davis Press, Visual Basic is Microsoft's premium programming language for creating applications in today's demanding market. This how-to guide introduces non-programmers and Visual Basic developers to the basics of object-oriented building for desktop and the Internet. Includes chapters on: ActiveX technologies, simple step-buy-step sample applications involving Visual Basic and ActiveX, and creating original ActiveX objects. -- Build ActiveX objects with Visual Basic -- Step-by-step instructions for creating impressive 32-bit applications -- A unique, four-color, highly-illustrated approach to learning Visual Basic with ActiveX -- CD-ROM includes source code from the book and utilities created by experts in the field

Offerte relazionate understanding and creating multimodal texts supplement for: How to Program Visual Basic 5: Creating ActiveX Controls,
Race for Bandwidth: Understanding Data Transmission

Race for Bandwidth: Understanding Data Transmission

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lu, Cary, PUBLISHER: Microsoft Press, Bandwidth how much information you can move from one place to another and how fast you can move it is the lifeblood of digital communications. "The Race for Bandwidth: Understanding Data Transmission offers solid guidance to business managers as they make decisions about bandwidth for the networking future of their organizations. The book builds a framework for understanding bandwidth, offering concise, clear information about such key issues as types and sources of bandwidth, identifying and determining costs, and planning ahead.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fly Fishing, 2nd Edition

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fly Fishing, 2nd Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shook, Michael D., PUBLISHER: Alpha Books, "A revised and expanded edition that will hook fishing enthusiasts." From understanding how to areada fish to devising strategies for stream, river, and dam fishing to creating and casting flies, the updated "Complete Idiotas Guidea to Fly Fishing" offers both beginning and seasoned fishing buffs a comprehensive overview of this specialized sport. a Photographs, illustrations, and detailed instructions on casting and fly tying technique a Updated coverage of technology and equipment including rods, reels, and line materials a Tips on preparing for a fly fishing trip

Offerte relazionate understanding and creating multimodal texts supplement for: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fly Fishing, 2nd Edition
Perfect Small Gardens: A Practical Guide

Perfect Small Gardens: A Practical Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McHoy, Peter, PUBLISHER: Lorenz Books, Offers realistic and sensible advice for making the most of all kinds of areas, and creating an environment for leisure and relaxation out of every plot.

160 Ways to Help the World: Community Service Projects for

160 Ways to Help the World: Community Service Projects for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Duper, Linda Leeb, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, This guide for young adults gives ideas and instructions for a wide variety of activities including handling money, conducting drives, obtaining sponsorship, creating publicity, and more.

Offerte relazionate understanding and creating multimodal texts supplement for: 160 Ways to Help the World: Community Service Projects for
Microsoft Visual Basic : Reloaded

Microsoft Visual Basic : Reloaded

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zak / Zak, Diane, PUBLISHER: Course Technology, Pairing fundamental programming concepts with business applications and also fun and engaging game applications, MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC : RELOADED, 4E provides a solid foundation in programming principles and how to use them. The book begins by covering the basics, like creating user interfaces, and understanding variables, constants, and calculations. Building upon this knowledge, coverage progresses to more advanced topics like creating classes and objects and using ADO.NET, LINQ, and ASP.NET. This edition leverages the powerful pedagogy of previous editions, but brings it up-to-date with Visual Basic and new examples and applications.

Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual

Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liestol, Gunnar / Morrison, Andrew / Rasmussen, Terje, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), Arguing that "first encounters" have already applied traditional theoretical and conceptual frameworks to digital media, the contributors to this book call for "second encounters," or a revisiting. Digital media are not only objects of analysis but also instruments for the development of innovative perspectives on both media and culture. Drawing on insights from literary theory, semiotics, philosophy, aesthetics, ethics, media studies, sociology, and education, the contributors construct new positions from which to observe digital media in fresh and meaningful ways. Throughout they explore to what extent interpretation of and experimentation with digital media can inform theory. It also asks how our understanding of digital media can contribute to our understanding of social and cultural change. The book is organized in four sections: Education and Interdisciplinarity, Design and Aesthetics, Rhetoric and Interpretation, and Social Theory and Ethics. The topics include the effects on reading of the multimodal and multisensory aspects of the digital environment, the impact of practice on the medium of theory, how digital media are dissolving the boundaries between leisure and work, and the impact of cyberspace on established ethical principles.

Offerte relazionate understanding and creating multimodal texts supplement for: Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual
The Life and Times of the Apostle Paul

The Life and Times of the Apostle Paul

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ball, Charles F., PUBLISHER: Tyndale House Publishers, The world's famous and compelling missionary story has never been more fun to read. Author Charles Ferguson Ball paints a colorful, true-to-life picture of the apostle Paul, his ministry, and his times based on the details we know from Scripture and historians. "The Life and Times of the Apostle Paul" is an excellent companion book for studying the life Paul and his missionary journeys. Added details about the region and customs and events of that time make this book a worthwhile supplement to Bible texts.

Small Groups in the Church: A Handbook for Creating

Small Groups in the Church: A Handbook for Creating

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kirkpatrick, Thomas G., PUBLISHER: Alban Institute, This planning and leader training handbook offers a distinctive broad-based, small-group approach to building community. From the Jewish havurot to Christian koinonia, you will gain a thorough understanding of community, learn how to plan an effective small-group ministry, how to select and train leaders for all kinds of small groups, and how to start small groups that are a part of and not apart from their congregations. Appendices provide an overview of the sociological, psychological, and biblical theological literature on community and a wealth of presentation and leader training resources.

Offerte relazionate understanding and creating multimodal texts supplement for: Small Groups in the Church: A Handbook for Creating
Language Arts Professional Enhancement Text

Language Arts Professional Enhancement Text

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Machado, Jeanne M., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, A supplement to accompany this text is the LANGUAGE ARTS AND LITERACY PROFESSIONAL ENHANCEMENT booklet for students. This book, which is part of Wadsworth Cengage Learning's EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL ENHANCEMENT series, focuses on key topics of interest to future early childhood teachers and caregivers. Students will keep this informational supplement and use it for years to come in their early childhood practices.

The Art of Hearing: English Preachers and Their Audiences,

The Art of Hearing: English Preachers and Their Audiences,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hunt, Arnold, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This ground-breaking study of early modern English preaching is the first to take full account of the sermon as heard by the listener as well as uttered by the preacher. It draws on a wide range of printed and manuscript sources, but also seeks to read behind the texts in order to reconstruct what was actually delivered from the pulpit, with due attention to the differences between oral, written and printed versions. In showing how sermons were interpreted and appropriated by their hearers, often in ways that their authors never intended, it poses wider questions about the transmission of religious and political ideas in the post-Reformation period. Offering a richer understanding of sermons as complex and ambiguous texts, and opening up new avenues for their interpretation, it will be essential reading for all students of the religious and cultural history of early modern England.

Offerte relazionate understanding and creating multimodal texts supplement for: The Art of Hearing: English Preachers and Their Audiences,
Advanced Chinese: Intention, Strategy, and Communication

Advanced Chinese: Intention, Strategy, and Communication

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tang, Yanfang / Chen, Qinghai, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, Written and designed for advanced learners of Chinese, this book and its accompanying audio program focus on the variety of linguistic strategies that are essential in real-life communications. The lessons include texts that are representative of current life in China and that are authentic works of literature. Five types of discourse are considered in detail--narration, description, persuasion, exposition, and lyrical expression. With carefully crafted vocabulary, grammar, and exercise sections in each lesson, the book assists learners in improving writing and speaking skills, recognizing the difference between colloquial discourse and more formal discourse, and acquiring a sophisticated understanding of the meanings and nuances of the language. The authors also include a useful list of supplementary readings that may be used to enhance the texts in the book. An mp3 CD is included with the book.

Understanding the Last Days

Understanding the Last Days

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: LaHaye, Tim, PUBLISHER: Harvest House Publishers, LaHaye helps readers understand current events and prophecy by providing keys for testing prophecy teachings, guidelines for studying Scripture, and clear teaching and illustrations on the rapture, second coming, and other end-time events.

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Creating Caring Communities with Books Kids Love

Creating Caring Communities with Books Kids Love

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chicola, Nancy A. / English, Eleanor B., PUBLISHER: Fulcrum Group, What does it mean to care? Caring is a thoughtful, empathetic concern for the world around us. It is a pebble that, when thrown into a pond, spreads influential rings to the family, school, community, and beyond. In Creating Caring Communities with Books Kids Love, teachers and parents are shown how to build a caring community in the classroom and at home in order to help combat apathy and violence in our world today. Specifically targeted for grades K through 6, and incorporating a wide range of fiction and nonfiction selections, as well as offering a rich foundation of expository and expressive activities, Creating Caring Communities provides teachers with tools for promoting caring attitudes, behaviors, and values among young learners in their personal, family, school, neighborhood, nation, and world environments.

Mosby's Handbook of Drug-Herb and Drug-Supplement

Mosby's Handbook of Drug-Herb and Drug-Supplement

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Health Gate Data Corporation / Harness, Richard / Bratman, Stven, PUBLISHER: Mosby, With an increasing number of patients combining herbal treatments with prescribed medications, reliable information on herb/supplement and pharmaceutical interactions is much needed. This portable reference is organized alphabetically by drug name and features an entry for each drug-herb/drug-supplement combination that has a proven interaction. Each entry is rated on a scale of 1 to 4 to show the severity of the interaction and includes information on related drugs, an interaction summary, a discussion of the interaction, management suggestions, and references. In addition to the core material, there are also several helpful appendices on interactions by herb or supplement, nutrient depletions, and drug-herb add-on depressant interactions.

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CNBC Creating Wealth: An Investor's Guide to Decoding the

CNBC Creating Wealth: An Investor's Guide to Decoding the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Connell, Brian / CNBC / Griffeth, Bill, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Demystify investing and maximize your wealth-with guidance from the world's most trusted financial news network From CNBC, the global leader of financial news, comes the most user-friendly, approachable guide to simplifying the often confusing world of finance and investing. "CNBC Creating Wealth" offers a complete and comprehensive introduction to world markets and shows readers how to use the information and tools currently available for maximum wealth-building. Using the hallmark CNBC approach-demystifying complex and confusing market terminology through lucid language and instructions-this accessible primer helps readers make smarter investment choices, and stay successful and secure even in volatile markets. "CNBC Creating Wealth" covers: The inside story of the stock market and creating a long-term investment portfolio Strategies for the most profitable investment areas, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds Online tools, including research, brokers, and access to data about financial markets around the world

Keith's Top Tips for Watercolour Artists

Keith's Top Tips for Watercolour Artists

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fenwick, Keith, PUBLISHER: Search Press(UK), Packed with tips from basic painting lessons to final flourishes, this handy reference can assist artists of all skill levels in creating more beautiful and accomplished pictures. It takes the mystery out of painting with quick, easy, and effective techniques, covering such topics as buying and mixing paint, creating fresh color, and painting skies, fields, foregrounds, trees, and mountains. Featuring more than 100 helpful tips, this small, spiral-bound format is convenient for use while painting. In addition, numerous before-and-after sequences and artwork samples are included to illustrate the instructions. Acquista Ora

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A Primer on Wavelets and Their Scientific Applications

A Primer on Wavelets and Their Scientific Applications

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walker, James S. / Krantz, Steven G., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, The rapid growth of wavelet applications-speech compression and analysis, image compression and enhancement, and removing noise from audio and images-has created an explosion of activity in creating a theory of wavelet analysis and applying it to a wide variety of scientific and engineering problems. It becomes important, then, that engineers and scientists have a working understanding of wavelets. Until now, however, the study of wavelets has been beyond the mathematical grasp of many who need this understanding. Most treatments of the subject involve ideas from functional analysis, harmonic analysis, and other difficult mathematical techniques. Wavelets and their Scientific Applications offers an introduction to wavelet analysis without mathematical rigor, requiring only algebra and some very basic calculus. The author stresses applications, and explains, using elementary algebra, how wavelet methods are typically applied in analyzing digital data. Software is available for download through CRC's Website that will enable recording, playing, and modifying sound files, and includes a facility for displaying, printing and modifying IEEE gray field images. Unlike other software packages for wavelet analysis, the author developed this attractive, easy-to-use software without the need for a C++ compiler or MATLABa. Throughout the book the author provides numerous suggestions for computer experiments designed to challenge and enhance the reader's comprehension and provide practice in applying the concepts learned. Wavelets and their Scientific Applications thus provides the perfect vehicle for understanding wavelets and their uses. It provides a fast-track learning opportunity for scientists and mathematicians unfamiliar with wavelet concepts and applications, and it is ideal for anyone without an extensive mathematical background.

Learning to Read the Numbers: Integrating Critical Literacy

Learning to Read the Numbers: Integrating Critical Literacy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Whitin, David J. / Whitin, Phyllis E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Being a critical reader of data is an integral part of being fully literate in todaya (TM)s information age. Children need to know how to challenge conclusions, uncover assumptions, and analyze how data can both reveal and conceal certain kinds of relationships. This text shows prospective and practicing K-8 teachers how to help students develop a critical perspective involving knowledge of essential skills and concepts in both mathematics and language, and the ability to use this knowledge to both effectively compose statistical texts and critique the texts of others. Data-related texts are multimodal, incorporating language as well as visual and numerical information. Arguing that these texts must be interrogated for their biases and limitations, and underscoring the interdisciplinary importance of this stance by drawing on theoretical perspectives from both the fields of language and mathematics, Learning to Read the Numbers: Uniquely addresses both mathematics and language issues as they relate to developing a critical perspective toward data-related texts in the elementary classroom Presents a heuristic outlining key parts of the data-gathering process and important questions that teachers can pose to nurture this critical orientation Examines the dimensions of this process in depth, drawing on examples from a range of elementary school classes, as well as some examples from the media Suggests questions that teachers might consider as they think about fostering a critical perspective in their classrooms Features a close look at a fifth grade class as it engages in a long-term study of the school lunch program a DEGREES' their experience illustrates how the various aspects of the heuristic are developed over time Engaging, concise, rich with examples and clear connections to classroom practice, this text is designed for teacher education courses in the areas of language arts, mathematics, and curriculum studies, and for elementary teachers, administrators, and literacy and mathematics coaches.

Offerte relazionate understanding and creating multimodal texts supplement for: Learning to Read the Numbers: Integrating Critical Literacy
The Piano Book: Buying and Owning a New or Used Piano

The Piano Book: Buying and Owning a New or Used Piano

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fine, Larry / Gilbert, Douglas R. / Jarrett, Keith, PUBLISHER: Brookside Press (MA), Essential advice for buying and caring for a new or used piano. A ' supplement is available.

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,  Statutory Supplement

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Statutory Supplement

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Yeazell, Stephen C., PUBLISHER: Aspen Publishers, By pairing the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Judiciary Code with relevant cases, notes, and questions, this easy-to-use supplement has earned the respect of both students and instructors.

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Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Fireworks X in 24 Hours

Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Fireworks X in 24 Hours

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: West, Jackson, PUBLISHER: Sams, "Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Fireworks X in 24 Hours" is written for Web designers who are looking for a book to quickly and easily get up to speed with Fireworks. The reader most likely has some experience creating Web pages and designing Web graphics, and probably plans on using Fireworks in conjunction with Macromedia Dreamweaver. Readers will learn everything they would need to know in order to use Fireworks in a professional graphics production environment - everything from how to create and edit graphics, to using complex techniques like transformations, to optimizing graphics for use on Web pages, to creating animations and interactive elements.
