Counseling Treatment for Children and Adolescents with
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erk, Robert R., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Designed trong>totrong> gtrong>ivtrong>e readers a better understanding of children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with an emotional, behavioral, or mental disorder. Disorders are approached from trong>thetrong> perspecttrong>ivtrong>e of trong>thetrong> child/adolescent and examined in context; and, each discussion includes practical guidance for assessment and trong>treatmenttrong> based on trong>thetrong> most recent research in trong>thetrong> field. trong>Totrong> trong>thetrong> expertise of trong>thetrong> main author are added contributions by several counselor educatrong>totrong>rs, psychologists, and clinicians who directly practice, teach, and focus on key trong>totrong>pics addressed in trong>thetrong> book. Provides a thorough discussion of trong>thetrong> most-commonly diagnosed disorders of children and adolescents, and examines trong>thetrong> biological, developmental, and environmental causes of trong>thetrong>se disorders. Key focus is on psychopathology, trong>DSMtrong>-trong>IVtrong>, child psychopathology, and child/adolescent counseling. Coverage emphasizes trong>thetrong> importance of viewing children and adolescents with trong>DSMtrong>-trong>IVtrong>-TR disorders within a sound developmental framework. Contains two chapters on trong>treatmenttrong> planning--one that discusses practical guidelines for planning and one consisting of four case studies. For future counselor educatrong>totrong>rs, psychologists, and clinicians.