traditions and encounters vol i global perspective on

Traditions and Encounters, Vol. I A Global Perspective on

Traditions and Encounters, Vol. I A Global Perspective on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Karl S Bernhardt, PUBLISHER: McGraw Hill Education, NA

The World and a Very Small Place in Africa

The World and a Very Small Place in Africa

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wright, Donald R., PUBLISHER: M.E. Sharpe, This study looks at the effects of "ong>globalong>" phenomena -- trans-Saharan trade, European expansion, the rise of an Atlantic plantation complex, industrialization, imperialism, colonialism, world wars, growth of a world market, political independence ong>andong> economic dependence -- on the way of life in Niumi, a small area at the mouth of the Gambia river in West Africa (now called The Gambia), over the last six-seven hundred years. Written in clear, accessible prose, ong>andong> drawing on archival ong>andong> oral ong>traditionsong>, the work considers ong>globalong> developments from a local/regional ong>perspectiveong>.

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Tapsoft '87

Tapsoft '87

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory ong>andong> Practice of Software Development Pisa, Italy, March di Ehrig - Levi - Montanari - Kowalski (a cura di), , Springer-verlag. collana: Lecture notes in computer science. ong>volong>. 1: Advanced Seminar on Foundations of Innovative Software Development I ong>andong> Colloquium on Trees in Algebra ong>andong> Programming (CAAP '87) ong>volong>. 2: Advanced Seminar on Foundations of Innovative Software Development I ong>andong> Colloquium on Functional ong>andong> Logic Programming ong>andong> Specifications (CFLP) Costo del singolo ong>volong>ume. I ong>volong>umi non sono acquistabili singolarmente. Ottime condizioni.

Geopolitics and the Post-Colonial: Rethinking North-South

Geopolitics and the Post-Colonial: Rethinking North-South

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Slater, David, PUBLISHER: Blackwell Publishers, With a critical focus on US-Latin American ong>encountersong>, the book analyses geopolitical issues from a post-colonial ong>perspectiveong>. A novel approach to understong>andong>ing US-Third World relations. Critically considers the genesis of US power. Interweaves ideas ong>andong> events, interventions ong>andong> representations. Highlights the contribution of Third World intellectuals.

Offerte relazionate traditions and encounters vol i global perspective on: Geopolitics and the Post-Colonial: Rethinking North-South
Traditions from the Caribbean

Traditions from the Caribbean

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dash, Paul, PUBLISHER: Raintree, Traditional folktales, recipes, games, ong>andong> other fun activities transport readers to another country. Each title examines a specific culture through regional foods, religion ong>andong> festivals, special ong>andong> every day clothing, ong>andong> music ong>andong> dance. A brief history ong>andong> discussion of the topography of each country puts its cultural diversity into ong>perspectiveong>.

Financial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspective

Financial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspective

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stolowy/Lebas / Stolowy, Herve / Lebas, Michel J., PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, Financial Accounting ong>andong> Reporting, the re-titled second edition of Corporate Financial Reporting, has become respected ong>andong> widely used over the four years since it first appeared. This updated ong>andong> redesigned edition is an introduction to financial accounting for business students who need a ausera rather than apreparera ong>perspectiveong> in accounting. Even more so now than when the book was first published, students of financial accounting in international universities or business schools should be taught to appreciate, understong>andong> ong>andong> analyze a variety of accounting ong>andong> reporting issues from a ong>globalong> theoretical ong>andong> generic point of view, rather than just be provided only the aanswera prescribed in their country of study. This book provides that modern ong>globalong> ong>perspectiveong>. Financial Accounting ong>andong> Reporting has four key strengths. It takes a ausera ong>perspectiveong> throughout, whether discussing reporting principles or in the practice of financial analysis; it both offers a non-prescriptive a-national approach ong>andong> allows an understong>andong>ing of comparative differences in practices; it is highly international ong>andong> reflects the trend towards harmonized international reporting.

Offerte relazionate traditions and encounters vol i global perspective on: Financial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspective
The Privatization Process: A Worldwide Perspective

The Privatization Process: A Worldwide Perspective

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: ong>Andong>erson, Terry L. / Hill, Peter J., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This ong>volong>ume examines the promises ong>andong> pitfalls of national ong>andong> ong>globalong> privatization, providing a variety of ong>perspectiveong>s on how privatization can best be achieved. Supported by a wealth of empirical evidence, the contributors assess the institutional changes ong>andong> economic impact of this worldwide phenomenon.

Manga Global garden

Manga Global garden

ong>Globalong> garden 8 ong>volong> 16 euro Titolo Originale: ong>Globalong> Garden Titolo Inglese: ong>Globalong> Garden Storia: Saki Hiwatari Disegni: Saki Hiwatari Edit. Originale: Hakusensha Tipologia: Shoujo Genere: Sentimentale, Drammatico, Fantastico Anno: ong>Volong>. originali: 8 (completato)

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Yearbook on Space Policy : Setting New Trends

Yearbook on Space Policy : Setting New Trends

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schrogl, Kai-Uwe / Baranes, Blong>andong>ina / Venet, Christophe, PUBLISHER: Springer, The Yearbook on Space Policy aims to be the reference publication analysing space policy developments. Each year it presents issues ong>andong> trends in space policy ong>andong> the space sector as a whole. Its scope is ong>globalong> ong>andong> its ong>perspectiveong> is European. The Yearbook also links space policy with other policy areas. It highlights specific events ong>andong> issues, ong>andong> provides useful insights, data ong>andong> information on space activities. The Yearbook on Space Policy is edited by the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) based in Vienna, Austria. It combines in-house research ong>andong> contributions of members of the European Space Policy Research ong>andong> Academic Network (ESPRAN), coordinated by ESPI. The Yearbook is designed for government decision-makers ong>andong> agencies, industry professionals, as well as the service sectors, researchers ong>andong> scientists ong>andong> the interested public.

Changing Ecosystems: Effects of Global Warming

Changing Ecosystems: Effects of Global Warming

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Casper, Julie Kerr, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Changing Ecosystems looks at this serious issue ong>andong> the far-reaching effects it is having right now, ong>andong> will have in the future, on every ecosystem on Earth. It is crucial that readers understong>andong> the relevant issues now so they can prevent this problem before it is too late ong>andong> many species ong>andong> habitats are gone forever. By discussing the effects of ong>globalong> warming on ecosystems, this new ong>volong>ume enlightens students on the many ways they can become more eco-responsible now ong>andong> in the future.

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Global, noglobal, new global

Global, noglobal, new global

Genoa (Liguria). - Contains bibliography, Internet addresses, notes ong>andong> appendix. - On the events that took place during the G8 meeting, Genoa, .

Gene Technology and Economy: An Interdisciplinary

Gene Technology and Economy: An Interdisciplinary

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Nordic Academic Press, Since the late s, few areas of science have been able to compete with genetics when it comes to attracting public interest. The mapping of the entire human gene pool, the Hugo project, makes clear that genetics ong>andong> gene technology concern life itself. The analysis of the human DNA means that new medicines can be designed, but also that human genetic material can be patented ong>andong> commercialized. In this ong>volong>ume scholars shed light on the links between biotechnology ong>andong> economics from a multidisciplinary ong>perspectiveong>. Patent on genes, national ong>andong> ong>globalong> power (im)balance, as well as human ong>andong> plant genomics, are discussed.

Offerte relazionate traditions and encounters vol i global perspective on: Gene Technology and Economy: An Interdisciplinary
China and the Global Political Economy

China and the Global Political Economy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Breslin, Shaun, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, In a relatively short period, the growth of investment to China ong>andong> the resulting increase in Chinese trade has resulted in a reconfiguration of the East Asian regional economy, ong>andong> is now altering financial ong>andong> resource flows across the globe. This book explains how this transformation has come about, focusing on the interplay between domestic politics in China ong>andong> the transition from socialism on one hong>andong>, ong>andong> the ongoing eong>volong>ution of ong>globalong> or transnational production networks on the other. It shows that while events in China have considerable ong>globalong> significance, this importance does not necessarily equate with the "power" that some already ascribe to China. Whilst recognizing that ong>globalong> economic integration has contributed to the reduction of poverty, it also shows how it has contributed to the emergence of new social cleavages ong>andong> the changing basis of communist party rule.

Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: A

Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: A

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Labarthe, Darwin R., PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, This comprehensive textbook presents major epidemiological research ong>andong> practical prevention strategies for cardiovascular disease. Your students will develop a firm foundation of knowledge on this major issue of worldwide concern. Learn the major causes ong>andong> determinants. Discover the latest strategies for prevention ong>andong> disease management. ong>Andong> understong>andong> the effects of cardiovascular disease on industrialized ong>andong> developing countries. Features include state-of-the-art research examples from the worldwide literature....more than 300 tables, figures, ong>andong> exhibits... 14 chapters devoted to causes of cardiovascular disease...insights for clinical ong>andong> preventive>andong> much more. With a unique ong>globalong> ong>perspectiveong>, this text is the superlative choice for courses in cardiovascular epidemiology or the epidemiology of chronic disease.

Offerte relazionate traditions and encounters vol i global perspective on: Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: A
Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative

Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Allen-Gil, Susan / Stelljes, Lia / Borysova, Olena, PUBLISHER: Springer, As the importance of environmental security increases worldwide, colleges ong>andong> universities are evaluating how well they are preparing the next generation of environmental scientists ong>andong> managers ong>andong> developing new educational approaches. In this ong>volong>ume, we examine: (1) current educational practices ong>andong> the need for change, (2) educational needs from the ong>perspectiveong> of employers ong>andong> professionals, ong>andong> (3) new practices in higher education in environmental fields. The contributors were carefully selected by an international coordinating team based on their international reputations in the field of progressive educational approaches ong>andong> understong>andong>ing of the ong>globalong> employment market in environmental science. Although the focal geographic areas are North America, Europe ong>andong> the former Soviet republics, the ideas ong>andong> strategies discussed are universal to all institutions of higher education. We highlight specific non-traditional approaches such as using the university as a curricular tool, developing permaculture programs, ong>andong> applying sustainability pedagogy, ong>andong> document their success from both a student ong>andong> employer ong>perspectiveong>. We also include case studies on risk assessment ong>andong> eco-efficiency education to illustrate why ong>andong> how transdisciplinary education can be accomplished. We conclude that it is imperative that our educational systems teach environmental security at the university level within a transdisciplinary context; ong>andong> that opportunities, such as internships ong>andong> other methods of applied learning, are included in the curriculum.

Ligeti, Kurt G, and Hungarian Music During the Cold War

Ligeti, Kurt G, and Hungarian Music During the Cold War

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beckles Willson, Rachel, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Drawing on key elements from musical thought in inter-war Hungary, this book provides a unique ong>perspectiveong> on the nation's musical heritage both inside ong>andong> outside Hungary's borders during the Cold War. Although Ligeti became part of the Western avant-garde after he left Hungary in , archival sources illuminate his ongoing contact with Hungarian musicians, ong>andong> their shifting ong>perspectiveong> on his work. Kurt g's music was more obviously inong>volong>ved with Hungarian ong>traditionsong>, was entangled with the Soviet occupation, ong>andong> was a contributing part of the city's diverse musical culture. However, from the mid-s onwards, critics identified his music as an artistic ong>andong> moral 'truth' distinct from the broader musical life of Budapest: it was an idealized symbol of life beyond the everyday in Hungary. Grounding her interpretations of works in these complex political circumstances, Beckles Willson is nonetheless sympathetic to arguments by Ligeti, Kurt g ong>andong> Budapest music critics that their music might have a life beyond nationalist ong>andong> Cold War ideology.

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Work with Anyone Anywhere: A Guide to Global Business

Work with Anyone Anywhere: A Guide to Global Business

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goodman, Michael B., PUBLISHER: Professional Publications (CA), Business is now conducted on a ong>globalong> scale. Learning how to communicate ong>andong> interact across national ong>andong> cultural boundaries is a key to success. This book discusses the issues affecting international business ong>andong> how business functions are adapted for specific regions ong>andong> cultures to facilitate effective working relationships ""Work With Anyone Anywhere is a very practical tool ong>andong> one I'll keep hong>andong>y. I still never remember all the rules of Japanese gift giving, for example. Now I'll know where to quickly find the answer."" --Keith Reinhard, Chairman Emeritus, DDB Worldwide Inc Learn to advance your business in a ong>globalong> environment Understong>andong> international business principles Recognize ong>andong> adapt to important cultural differences Negotiate, market, ong>andong> manage effectively in a ong>globalong> environment Work successfully within specific regions ong>andong> cultures

The Artist's Guide to Perspective

The Artist's Guide to Perspective

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shearer, Janet, PUBLISHER: New Hollong>andong> Australia(AU), Master the art of ong>perspectiveong> with Janet Shearer, well-known worldwide for her skillful trompe l'oeil murals. She demystifies the subject ong>andong> teaches every aspect of the technique. Grasp the basic principles through a series of simple ong>andong> fun exercises. Move on to advanced procedures, such as picture planes, vanishing points, aerial ong>perspectiveong>, ong>andong> foreshortening. Finally, use your newly learned knowledge to construct plans for a large work. This is a great resource for anyone wishing to paint with structure ong>andong> consistency. Acquista Ora

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Cauldron of Transformation

Cauldron of Transformation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabrina, Lady / Sabrina, PUBLISHER: Llewellyn Publications, Explains the finer points of Paganism ong>andong> how to blend ong>andong> combine the wisdom of different ong>traditionsong> into a living spiritual system of your own. Explore the origins, customs ong>andong> beliefs of five religious ong>traditionsong>: Celtic Druidism, Buddhism, Christianity, Santeria ong>andong> Shamanism. This book also provides new ong>andong> dynamic tools to help extend ong>andong> expong>andong> personal spiritual awareness.

World Geography Guide to the Essentials Revised 7th Edition

World Geography Guide to the Essentials Revised 7th Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, World Geography: Building a ong>Globalong> ong>Perspectiveong> is a stong>andong>ards-based program that helps students understong>andong> how geography impacts their lives. The story-telling narrative ong>andong> integrated visuals - combined with user-friendly teacher support ong>andong> interactive tools - makes it easy to present lessons that are both current ong>andong> compelling. The program keeps geography relevant through its in-depth, country-by-country coverage, ong>andong> up-to-date through online current events updates. It presents key concepts through maps ong>andong> visuals ong>andong> prepares students for success on geography assessment.

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Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual

Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liestol, Gunnar / Morrison, ong>Andong>rew / Rasmussen, Terje, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), Arguing that "first ong>encountersong>" have already applied traditional theoretical ong>andong> conceptual frameworks to digital media, the contributors to this book call for "second ong>encountersong>," or a revisiting. Digital media are not only objects of analysis but also instruments for the development of innovative ong>perspectiveong>s on both media ong>andong> culture. Drawing on insights from literary theory, semiotics, philosophy, aesthetics, ethics, media studies, sociology, ong>andong> education, the contributors construct new positions from which to observe digital media in fresh ong>andong> meaningful ways. Throughout they explore to what extent interpretation of ong>andong> experimentation with digital media can inform theory. It also asks how our understong>andong>ing of digital media can contribute to our understong>andong>ing of social ong>andong> cultural change. The book is organized in four sections: Education ong>andong> Interdisciplinarity, Design ong>andong> Aesthetics, Rhetoric ong>andong> Interpretation, ong>andong> Social Theory ong>andong> Ethics. The topics include the effects on reading of the multimodal ong>andong> multisensory aspects of the digital environment, the impact of practice on the medium of theory, how digital media are dissolving the boundaries between leisure ong>andong> work, ong>andong> the impact of cyberspace on established ethical principles.

Lonely Planet Green Dreams: Travels in Central America

Lonely Planet Green Dreams: Travels in Central America

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Benz, Steve / Benz, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Lonely Planet, On the Amazon, in Costa Rica, Honduras ong>andong> on the Mayan trail from Guatemala to Mexico, Stephen Benz ong>encountersong> water, mud, insects ong>andong> other wildlife -- including that new species, the 'ecotourist'.

Offerte relazionate traditions and encounters vol i global perspective on: Lonely Planet Green Dreams: Travels in Central America
A Coursebook on Language Disorders in Children

A Coursebook on Language Disorders in Children

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hegde, M. N. / Hedge, M. N., PUBLISHER: Singular Publishing Group, This is a coursebook written for courses on children's language disorders, their assesement ong>andong> treatment. It is written for introductory courses on language disorders in children. It is based on several books including textbooks ong>andong> journal articles on language disorders in children. The emphasis in on descriptive ong>andong> clinical ong>perspectiveong>. The coursebook makes it easier for instructors to expong>andong> the basic information provided here by including complex issues ong>andong> theoretical ong>perspectiveong>s.

An Appeal to Reason: A Cool Look at Global Warming

An Appeal to Reason: A Cool Look at Global Warming

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lawson, Nigel, PUBLISHER: Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd, "Clear, analytical ong>andong> compelling." -"The Economist" In this well-informed ong>andong> hard-hitting response to the scaremongering of the climate alarmists, Nigel Lawson, former Secretary of State for Energy under Margaret Thatcher, argues that it is time for us to take a cool look at ong>globalong> warming. Lawson carefully ong>andong> succinctly examines all aspects of the ong>globalong> warming issue: the science, the economics, the politics, ong>andong> the ethics. He concludes that the conventional wisdom on the subject is suspect on a number of grounds, that ong>globalong> warming is not the devastating threat to the planet it is widely alleged to be, ong>andong> that the remedy that is currently being proposed, which is in any event politically unattainable, would be worse that the threat it is supposed to avert. Argued with logic, common sense, ong>andong> even wit, ong>andong> thoroughly sourced ong>andong> referenced, Lawson has written a long overdue corrective to the barrage of spin ong>andong> hype to which the politicians ong>andong> media have been subjecting the public on this important issue.

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Marriages & Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths

Marriages & Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Olson, David / DeFrain, John / Skogrong>andong>, Linda, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, An introductory text, "Marriages ong>andong> Families" accentuates the positive aspects of relationships ong>andong> focuses on enriching students' knowledge ong>andong> experience in building strong, successful couple ong>andong> family relationships. The authors, seasoned family scholars ong>andong> therapists, integrate research, theory, ong>andong> practical applications with an interdisciplinary ong>perspectiveong> on marriage ong>andong> family. To enhance teaching ong>andong> student learning, an updated AWARE (Awareness of Attitudes ong>andong> Relationships Expectations) Online computerized assessment contains 15 categories that match the chapters of the book.
