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Tolerable Good Anchorage: A Capsule History of St. John's,

Tolerable Good Anchorage: A Capsule History of St. John's,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Armstrong, Tammy Russell / Rusted, Joan, PUBLISHER: Creative Book Publishing, The <strong>historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> St. John's, like the <strong>historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Newfoundland itself, is centred on the sea. The city's initial function was to serve as a seasonal mercantile centre to support the fishing fleets which came to exploit the abundant fish stocks <strong>ofstrong> the island's shores Its secondary function wasas a military garrison town.

A Brief History of St. Johnsbury

A Brief History of St. Johnsbury

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Peggy Pearl, PUBLISHER: The <strong>Historystrong> Press Limited, NA Acquista Ora

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History of My Life, Vols. 1-2

History of My Life, Vols. 1-2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Giacomo Chevalier de Seingalt Casanova, PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, NA

The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our

The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hartmann, William K. / Miller, Ron, PUBLISHER: Workman Publishing, "The <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Earth" combines geology, astronomy, evolution, <strong>historystrong>, cosmology, and painting to tell the complete and vivid <strong>historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> that elegant marble known as earth. Main Selection <strong>ofstrong> the Astronomy Book Club. Ages 14-up.

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The illustrated history of comics 5 vol ingl completo benton

Collana Completa 5 Volumi The Illustrated <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Comics Mike Benton Casa Editrice: Taylor - VOL N. 1 - The Illustrated <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Horror Comics - Giugno VOL N. 2 - The Illustrated <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Superhero Comics <strong>ofstrong> the Silver Age - Ottobre VOL N. 3 - The Illustrated <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Science Ficrion Comics - Giugno VOL N. 4 - The Illustrated <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Superhero Comics <strong>ofstrong> the Golden Age - Ottobre VOL N. 5 - The Illustrated <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> the Crime Comics - Aprile - Ottime condizioni estetiche. Rilegatura rigida e forniti di dust cover. Spedizione in tutta Italia con corriere BRT (11€) o ritiro in sede a Modena gratuito.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johns, Ge<strong>ofstrong>f / Lee, Jim, PUBLISHER: DC Comics, Comics superstars Ge<strong>ofstrong>f Johns and Jim Lee make <strong>historystrong> In a universe where super heroes are strange and new, Batman has discovered a dark evil that requires him to unite the World Greatest Heroes Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and more unite for the first time to form the JUSTICE LEAGUE This volume collects issues #1-5 <strong>ofstrong> Justice League, part <strong>ofstrong> the DC Comics - The New 52 event.

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Pontiffs: Popes Who Shaped History

Pontiffs: Popes Who Shaped History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hughes, John J., PUBLISHER: Our Sunday Visitor (IN), Explore the lives and legacy <strong>ofstrong> eleven <strong>ofstrong> the most powerful men to ever occupy the Chair <strong>ofstrong> St. Peter.

A Traveller's History of England

A Traveller's History of England

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Daniell, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Interlink Books, "This compact volume... delivers a solid, comprehensive and entertaining overview <strong>ofstrong> England's <strong>historystrong>... a delightful source." ?Library Journal A Traveller's <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> England deals with all the major periods <strong>ofstrong> English <strong>historystrong> and gives a comprehensive and enjoyable survey <strong>ofstrong> England's past from prehistoric times right through to the present.

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Dangerous Birds

Dangerous Birds

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lembke, Janet, PUBLISHER: Lyons Press, First published to universal acclaim, Lembke's brilliant collection <strong>ofstrong> essays makes its paperback debut. "This is the <strong>goodstrong> stuff... Not only <strong>goodstrong> natural <strong>historystrong>, but an engaging intellectual autobiography". -- New York Times Book Review

A History of the County of Oxford, Vol. XIII Bampton Hundred

A History of the County of Oxford, Vol. XIII Bampton Hundred

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alan Crossley, PUBLISHER: Victoria County <strong>Historystrong>, NA

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Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol.

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boston Society <strong>ofstrong> Natural <strong>Historystrong>, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA



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In the House of Stone & Light: A Human History of Grand

In the House of Stone & Light: A Human History of Grand

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hughes, J. Donald / Hughes, Ted, PUBLISHER: Grand Canyon Association, Four thousand years <strong>ofstrong> human <strong>historystrong> comes to life in this journey <strong>ofstrong> discovery, replete with photos.

The Martini Museum of the history of wine,

The Martini Museum of the history of wine,

The Martini Museum <strong>ofstrong> the <strong>historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> wine - making. Pessione. Turin. Foreword by Pr<strong>ofstrong>essor Carlo Carducci. Copertina flessibile - 1 gen di SPINOLA Oberto. Come NUOVO. Euro 10. Telef.

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The History of the Comstock Lode

The History of the Comstock Lode

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Grant / Tingley, Joseph V., PUBLISHER: University <strong>ofstrong> Nevada Press, A complete <strong>historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> mining operations on the Comstock from to the present day.

Nursing History Review Volume 6: Official Journal of the

Nursing History Review Volume 6: Official Journal of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lynaugh, Joan E. / Brodie, Barbara / D'Antonio, Patricia O'Brien, PUBLISHER: Springer Publishing Company, "Nursing <strong>Historystrong> Review," an annual peer-reviewed publication <strong>ofstrong> the American Association for the <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Nursing, is a showcase for the most significant current research on nursing <strong>historystrong>. Regular sections include scholarly articles, over a dozen book reviews <strong>ofstrong> the best publications on nursing and health care <strong>historystrong> that have appeared in the past year, and a section abstracting new doctoral dissertations on nursing <strong>historystrong>. Historians, researchers, and individuals fascinated with the rich field <strong>ofstrong> nursing will find this an important resource.

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Ultimate History of Porsche

Ultimate History of Porsche

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Parragon Publishing, PUBLISHER: Parragon Publishing, Fully illustrated and highly detailed, The Ultimate <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Porsche tells all about this famous sporting marque. The German company's <strong>ofstrong>ten turbulent <strong>historystrong> has produced many <strong>ofstrong> the world's most desirable cars and numerous sporting success. Here both are amply celebrated in lavish detail and color to bring you the ultimate in sports car <strong>historystrong>

The Search for the Ancient Novel

The Search for the Ancient Novel

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tatum, James, PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, In The Search for the Ancient Novel Tatum brings together a distinguished group <strong>ofstrong> scholars to examine every aspect <strong>ofstrong> ancient Greek and Roman novelists--the recovery <strong>ofstrong> their texts, their reception, ancient and modern, and their place in literary theory and <strong>historystrong>. The contributors explore subjects ranging from antiquity to the present, from the anonymous authors <strong>ofstrong> Apollonius King <strong>ofstrong> Tyre and The Apochryphal Acts <strong>ofstrong> Peter to Tasso, Cervantes, and Rabelais, from Lucian, Heliodorus, and Petronius to Chrtien de Troye and Samuel Richardson.

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The Pictorial History of Boxing

The Pictorial History of Boxing

Libro The Pictorial <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Boxing in inglese pagine formato 37X26 cm. La storia dei personaggi piΓΉ famosi dagli inizi al

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A LITERARY <strong>HISTORYstrong> <strong>OFstrong> ENGLAND ed. Albert C. Baugh pagine 17x24 cm 5 euro

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A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt: Documents in

A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt: Documents in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thorner, Thomas / Frohn-Nielson, Thor, PUBLISHER: University <strong>ofstrong> Toronto Press, This new edition <strong>ofstrong> Broadview's two volume anthology <strong>ofstrong> documents in Canadian <strong>historystrong>, A Few Acres <strong>ofstrong> Snow and A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt, presents many new documentary sources on Canadian <strong>historystrong>, combined with the most compelling passages from the first edition, Included are documents that focus on the <strong>historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> Canada's various regions; on social, cultural, political and intellectual <strong>historystrong>; and on the experiences <strong>ofstrong> women, Native peoples, immigrants and labour.

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The Labour Party's Political Thought: A History

The Labour Party's Political Thought: A History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Foote, Ge<strong>ofstrong>frey, PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Press, This book provides a synoptic and accessible <strong>historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> the development <strong>ofstrong> political ideas within the Labour Party. It traces the complex relationship between power and political thought and illustrates how Labour's political ideas have been shaped and formed by the Labour Party's political experience. It presents "labourism" or trade union politics as a clear theory and stresses its importance in understanding the different phases in the party's <strong>historystrong>, arguing that it constitutes the bedrock <strong>ofstrong> the party's thought and that its crisis has caused the recent changes in party ideology.
