therapeutic recreation in the nursing home

Therapeutic Recreation in the Nursing Home

Therapeutic Recreation in the Nursing Home

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buettner, Linda / Martin, Shelley, PUBLISHER: Venture Publishing (PA), Using the Minimum Data Set forms (MDS Version 2.0) as a basic tenet, this book integrates the theory and practice needed to upgrade any activities department and begin providing therapeutic recreation services. The first section explains leisure theory as it applies to a nursing home. The assessment process is explained in the second section, which provides an in-depth look at the new Farrington assessment. Next, the planning process is described with emphasis on activity adaptation and goal planning. In the fourth section, intervention and case study examples are provided. Sample documentation forms and quality assurance documents make up the final chapters of the book. With OBRA '87 regulations stating that nursing homes must provide programs that meet the physical, mental, psychosocial, and emotional needs of the residents as well as diversional activities programs, the information in this book is vital. No activities director or home administrator should be without this manual.

Perioperative Nursing Care Planning

Perioperative Nursing Care Planning

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rothrock, Jane C., PUBLISHER: C.V. Mosby, PERIOPERATIVE NURSING CARE PLANNING, 2ND EDITION focuses on the process f planning and developing nursing care plans. This text highlights the role that assessment and outcome measurement play in developing successful nursing care plans throughout the text. PERIOPERATIVE NURSING CARE PLANNING is divided into three distinct units focusing on the basic principles of perioperative nursing, aspects of care planning, and adapting the planning process to special patient care settings.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Perioperative Nursing Care Planning
Nursing History Review Volume 6: Official Journal of the

Nursing History Review Volume 6: Official Journal of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lynaugh, Joan E. / Brodie, Barbara / D'Antonio, Patricia O'Brien, PUBLISHER: Springer Publishing Company, "Nursing History Review," an annual peer-reviewed publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing, is a showcase for the most significant current research on nursing history. Regular sections include scholarly articles, over a dozen book reviews of the best publications on nursing and health care history that have appeared in the past year, and a section abstracting new doctoral dissertations on nursing history. Historians, researchers, and individuals fascinated with the rich field of nursing will find this an important resource.

Improving Care in the Nursing Home: Comprehensive Reviews of

Improving Care in the Nursing Home: Comprehensive Reviews of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rubenstein, Laurence Z. / Wieland, Darryl, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This volume provides systematic reviews of the state of clinical and health services research, in particular patient-care problem areas pertinent to nursing homes. Each chapter defines progress on a specific nursing home clinical problem and provides a critical synthesis and review of research information. Topics covered include: medication use; infection control; pressure ulcers; falls; urinary incontinence; and behavioural problems.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Improving Care in the Nursing Home: Comprehensive Reviews of
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach (SC)

Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach (SC)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hegner, Barbara R. / Hegner / Caldwell, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, This best-selling, eighth-edition book offers comprehensive coverage of the theory and skills required of nursing assistants in acute care, long-term care, and home health care settings. This competency-based text includes all the essential information required to pass the competency evaluation exam required by the Omnibus Reconciliation Act- (OBRA) as well as advanced nursing assistant skills. It includes 143 procedures that identify OBRA requirements; the need for personal protective equipment as outlined by standard precautions; and related video segments on DelmarA-s Nursing Assistant Video Series, 3E. This proven book can help you master the skills you need to succeed as a nursing assistant.

Rapid Nursing Intervention: Gerontologic Nursing

Rapid Nursing Intervention: Gerontologic Nursing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Delmar Publishing / Greenway, Maryann M. / Mooney, Ruth A., PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, A handy quick reference for appropriate step-by-step nursing actions to help provide quality patient care and meet the fast paced challenges of gerontologic nursing.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Rapid Nursing Intervention: Gerontologic Nursing
Encyclopedia of Nursing Research

Encyclopedia of Nursing Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fitzpatrick, Joyce J., PUBLISHER: Springer Publishing Company, Written by the world's leading authorities in nursing research, this volume presents key terms and concepts in nursing research comprehensively explained by 200 expert contributors. The 320 articles include topics such as nursing services; electronic networks and technology; nursing education; nursing care; patients' reactions and adjustments; historical, philosophical, and cultural issues; and nursing organizations and publications. Extensive cross references assist readers in finding information. This volume is written for the information-seeking professional who is engaged in research issues or for those beginning their studies in nursing or related health research.

Handbook of Critical Care Nursing

Handbook of Critical Care Nursing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moreau, David / Springhouse, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, For each alphabetically organized condition, nurses learn pathophysiology, clinical assessment, the diagnostic tests likely to be ordered, treatment and care (including medical and nursing interventions), prognosis, and discharge planning. Pathophysiology drug charts alert readers to significant drugs and protocols used to treat major body system disorders. Readers will find discussions of ethical problems, current trends, a helpful index, and more. Appendices offer crucial data on common emergency drugs and laboratory values, therapeutic and toxic drug levels, normal hemodynamic variables, and commonly encountered nursing diagnoses.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Handbook of Critical Care Nursing
The Nurse's Liability for Malpractice

The Nurse's Liability for Malpractice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bernzwell, Eli P., PUBLISHER: C.V. Mosby, THE NURSE'S LIABILITY FOR MALPRACTICE is a programmed (self-contained course) text designed to teach nurses about their legal liability for acts of malpractice. The presentation of up-to-date, authoritative information, the simple format, the inclusion of a wide variety of nursing practice situations in different settings (hospitals, home health, and long-term care facilities) make this text the most relevant, practical, and useful nursing malpractice text available.

Nursing Care Planning Guides: For Adults in Acute, Extended

Nursing Care Planning Guides: For Adults in Acute, Extended

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ulrich, Susan Puderbaugh / Canale, Suzanne Weyland, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, This comprehensive reference helps readers create care plans for clients in the acute care, extended care, or home care setting. For each of more than 60 individual disorders, detailed care plans feature a definition/discussion of the disorder, outcome/discharge criteria, nursing and collaborative diagnosis, desired outcomes, nursing actions and selected purposes/rationales, NIC interventions and NOC outcomes, and discharge teaching guidelines.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Nursing Care Planning Guides: For Adults in Acute, Extended
Handbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing

Handbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Springhouse Publishing / Moreau, David, PUBLISHER: Springhouse Corporation, Now included are nursing priority flowcharts, health promotion pointers, and physiologic and psychosocial guidelines for geriatric care. Covered are more than 265 disorders and more than 60 procedures -- including the latest on cryptosporidiosis, MI, Fanconi's syndrome, AIDS, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, thalassemia, asthma, granulocytopenia, stroke, and more. Life-threatening complications and nursing alerts are highlighted. For each disorder, nurses find a definition, causes, complications, assessment, diagnostic tests, treatment, key nursing diagnoses and patient outcomes, and nursing interventions. Treatment entries include an overview of the procedure, key nursing diagnoses and patient outcomes, and nursing interventions.

Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on

Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clifford, Joyce C. / American Organization of Nurse Executive, PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Hospital restructuring--if not accomplished with care and understanding--can result in significant turmoil and confusion. "Restructuring" attempts to help remedy these negative consequences by vividly describing the behind-the-scenes impact of hospital restructuring on one of the most important components of the hospital workforce--its nursing staff. "Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on Nursing Leadership" is a careful examination of the evolution of the role of the chief nursing officer (CNO) in hospitals responding to a dramatically changing health care environment. It explores how and why the CNO role is changing and strives to clarify the impact of that change on the management and administration of clinical nursing services. The book's main focus is that nursing, and ultimately the quality of patient care, is strongly influenced by the existence of a chief nursing officer (CNO) and his or her leadership capabilities.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Restructuring: The Impact of Hospital Organization on
Story Writing in a Nursing Home

Story Writing in a Nursing Home

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: John, Martha Tyler / John Edd, Martha A., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Based on the belief that older people have good stories to tell, Story Writing in a Nursing Home was developed as part of a volunteer teaching service to a nursing home. Graduate students who were learning to teach this special population conducted story writing activities with older adults and found that even the frail elderly who are confined to nursing centers provided a unique perspective about events that emphasize the lasting verities in life. The idea of a patchwork was derived from one of the lessons taught and was suggested by one of the older participants who said, "We're sort of like a patchwork quilt." The information, memories, and humor the elderly see in situations is worth recording. In addition, Story Writing in a Nursing Home emphasizes the way to develop the mental stimulation that is so important for physical well being. This sensitive and insightful book provides a lesson plan outline and the type of content that was used as an example. It also provides a running commentary in the form of a diary that tells how to begin a teaching program for nursing center residents. Students and professionals interested in implementing a similar program can use these ideas for planning and for organizing the use of student help to better serve the population.Fascinating reading, this book includes stories by frail elderly people, lesson plans, tips on working with administrators in a nursing center, and reasons for providing instruction. Teachers, volunteers, librarians, gerontology/sociology students, and others concerned with the well-being of the elderly will refer often to this instructive volume.

Advances in Therapies for Children

Advances in Therapies for Children

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schaefer, Charles E. / Sichel, Steven M. / Millman, Howard L., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Guidebooks for Therapeutic Practice Series Provides today's therapists and counselors with the practical, current information they require to keep abreast of the dynamic field of child therapy. Supplements the best-selling Therapies for Children (), providing all new material on the most recent therapeutic advances.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Advances in Therapies for Children
Forest Tourism and Recreation: Case Studies in Environmental

Forest Tourism and Recreation: Case Studies in Environmental

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Font, X. / Tribe, J. / Font, Xavier, PUBLISHER: CABI Publishing, Tourism and recreation are set to play an increasing role in the future of forests and woodlands. The increasing demand for outdoor recreation and tourism can be partly catered for in woodlands, since these can be used to screen otherwise conflicitng uses and absorb large numbers of visitors. These recreational uses also drive up the use-value of forests that are visited. At the same time outdoor recreation has the potential to bring extra income to forest owners. This can help offset the extra costs of sustainable timber production and forest conservation. But the use of forests for tourism brings added environmental pressures and requires management responses to ensure the sustainability of this relationship. This book addresses 16 international examples of case studies and concepts and looks at the problems, benefits and ideas relating to tourism and recreation within the context of a forest environment.

Manual of Critical Care: Applying Nursing Diagnoses to Adult

Manual of Critical Care: Applying Nursing Diagnoses to Adult

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swearingen, Pamela L., PUBLISHER: C.V. Mosby, Manual of Critical Care Nursing is a mid-range clinical reference for practicing and student critical care nurses. Using the 13th Conference () NANDA ursing diagnoses, it provides quick information for over 75 clinical phenomena seen in critical care and is used in the clinical setting to plan nursing care. Each disorder includes a brief description of pathophysiology, assessment, diagnostic testing, collaborative management, nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions specific to those diagnoses, and patient teaching and rehabilitation.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Manual of Critical Care: Applying Nursing Diagnoses to Adult
Essentials of Clinical Pharmacology in Nursing [With Disk

Essentials of Clinical Pharmacology in Nursing [With Disk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Williams, Bradley R. / Baer, Charold L. / Williams, Robert, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Concise presentation of basic pharmacologic information for the student. Units 1 and 2 address fundamentals of pharmacology and drag administration. Units 3- 16 group drags by therapeutic classification with each chapter covering pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapeutics, adverse drug reactions and nursing process steps in administering drugs. Additional chapters cover dosage measurements and calculations, administration routes and techniques, uncategorized drugs and more. Disk has questions and exercises for self-study.

Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation

Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jenkins, John / Jenkins, John / Pigram, John, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of these fields, this reference work helps to contextualize the leading research and knowledge about leisure and outdoor recreation concepts, theories, and practices. Its alphabetically organized entries are fully cross-referenced and comprehensively indexed; in additions, most entries contain up-to-date suggestions for further reading. The "Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation" is an essential reference resource for teaching, an invaluable companion to independent study, and a solid starting point for wider exploration.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation
Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual

Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sparks, Sheila / Taylor, Cynthia, PUBLISHER: Springhouse Corporation, Added features include community-based care plans, integrating care plans and critical pathways, and updates that reflect the most recent NANDA conference. The appendix listing nursing diagnoses for hundreds of disorders has also been updated. Contents are organized in lifestyle sections containing alphabetically organized entries. For each nursing diagnosis, readers learn the definition, assessment criteria, defining characteristics, associated medical diagnoses, expected outcomes, interventions and rationales, documentation guidelines, and evaluation criteria.

Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health

Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clark, Mary Jo Dummer, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Now more than ever-locally, nationally, globally-society is in need of community health services. This book emphasizes the application of community health nursing as it relates to specific populations, settings, and community health problems. Theoretically and scientifically sound, as well as practical and applicable, this resource is a thorough introduction to the specialty. Unit I sets the stage for practice by describing the context in which community health nursing occurs. Unit II examines community health nursing as a specialized area of practice, exploring its population focus and the attributes and features making it unique. Unit III presents common processes used in community health nursing. Unit IV examines community health nursing care provided to special population groups. Unit V presents community health nursing practice in specialized settings. Finally, Unit VI focuses on community health nursing practice related to common population health problems. For nurse generalists-who need to function in any setting, providing care to individuals, families, communities, and population groups. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Community Health Nursing: Advocacy for Population Health
Quantitative Nursing Research

Quantitative Nursing Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Knapp, Thomas R. / Knapp, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), You may stop looking now. Quantitative Nursing Research is the answer to the prayers of graduate students and practitioners who have sought the key to this often intimidating subject. In this highly readable (dare we say enjoyable?) work, Thomas R. Knapp guides the reader through the basic definitions, fundamentals of design, and techniques of quantitative research

Maternity Nursing NCLEX Review Series

Maternity Nursing NCLEX Review Series

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rollant, Paulette D. / Piotrowski, Karen A. / Rollant, P. D., PUBLISHER: Mosby Elsevier Health Science, "Mosby's Review Series" provides a comprehensive overview of core nursing content. Designed as a review or clinical resource during undergraduate coursework or in preparation for NCLEX-RN, these books present essential content in concise, outline format. Each book comprises four elements: introductory material, content review, questions and answers, and a comprehensive exam which is also included on disk (both IBM & Mac). Core content of each book follows an outline format that includes the five steps of the nursing process, home care, patient teaching, and geriatric considerations.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Maternity Nursing NCLEX Review Series
American Nursing Review for NCLEX-RN [With

American Nursing Review for NCLEX-RN [With

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bininger, Carol J. / Rodgers, Marianne W. / Lamp, Jane M., PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Included are gerontologic nursing, case management, principles of home health care, and infection control, plus an expanded review of labor and delivery with new information on preterm labor. A pretest is followed by comprehensive review -- organized by specialty and nursing process -- of diseases, maintaining homeostasis, major nursing concepts and principles, and the five major clinical areas tested. Case studies -- including a new scenario on asthma -- and sample questions with rationales reinforce key concepts. Two computerized practice tests let students assess their knowledge. Students can select questions by category or choose to review incorrectly answered questions.

Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Manual

Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Manual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sparks, Sheila / Taylor, Cynthia M. / Dyer, Janyce G., PUBLISHER: Springhouse Corporation, For each alphabetically arranged nursing diagnosis, readers find a plan of care that includes the related-to factor, definition, defining characteristics, patient outcomes, interventions with rationales, and evaluation statements. Rationales are given for every intervention. Plus, patient outcomes and nursing interventions are organized by time frame and patient acuity -- initial, interim, and discharge. An introduction tells readers how to formulate nursing diagnoses.

Offerte relazionate therapeutic recreation in the nursing home: Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Manual
Skills Checklist to Nurs Intervent

Skills Checklist to Nurs Intervent

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elkin, Martha Keene / Ochs, PUBLISHER: Mosby Elsevier Health Science, Featuring a dynamic, full-color design with full-color photographs, "Nursing Interventions and Clinical Skills" presents basic and advanced nursing skills in a unique format that addresses the needs of today's students. The nursing process framework; crisp, clear writing style; consistent, logical format; generous use of color photographs and drawings; and functional use of color combine to make this text attractive, practical, and easy to use. The format includes assessment criteria, nursing diagnoses, expected outcomes and equipment, implementation, as well as evaluative criteria, unexpected outcomes and related interventions, and sample documentation for each skill.
