the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st

The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St.

The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: John Nichols <strong>Jonathanstrong> <strong>Swiftstrong> Thomas Sheridan, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift,

The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift,

<strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Correspondence <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong>Jonathanstrong> <strong>Swiftstrong>, D. D.: Volume V: <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Index - Compiled by Hermann J. Real and Dirk F. Passmann <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> collected letters <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong>Jonathanstrong> <strong>Swiftstrong> D.D., Irish <strong>deanstrong> and celebrated author <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Gulliver's Travels, have long been esteemed with <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> best to have emerged from eighteenth century England, an age distinguished for <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> excellence <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> its letters. nuovo

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift,
Directions to Servants

Directions to Servants

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: <strong>Swiftstrong>, <strong>Jonathanstrong> / Toibin, Colm, PUBLISHER: Hesperus Press, "Directions to Servants" is one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong>Jonathanstrong> <strong>Swiftstrong>'s last completed <strong>worksstrong>. It displays all his caustic skill as a satirist and his unerring eye for <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> little annoyances <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> life. Taking <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> form <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> a handbook <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> manners, and a<strong>ddstrong>ressed to each servant individually, "Directions to Servant"s is <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> ultimate upstairs/downstairs battle. With scathing wit, <strong>Swiftstrong> pits master against servant in an endless struggle for order, frugality, and <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> best bits <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> roast. His servants are lazy, pr<strong><strong>ofstrong>strong>ligate, and acquisitive--always on <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> lookout for a shilling to be made on <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> sale <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> leftovers, or a half-bottle <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> wine to share with <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> cook. Written in <strong>Swiftstrong>'s final years <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> sanity, "Directions to Servants" is a last hilarious outpouring <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> cynicism at a lifetime's accumulation <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> poor service. Irish clergyman and satirist <strong>Jonathanstrong> <strong>Swiftstrong> is best remembered for his philosophical parody "Gulliver's Travels." Acquista Ora

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume IV: Shapes of

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume IV: Shapes of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bierce, Ambrose, PUBLISHER: Wildside Press, Volume 4 <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> "Collected <strong>Worksstrong> <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Ambrose Bierce" (title: "Shapes <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Clay") is a facsimile reprint <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> 250-copy limited edition <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> .

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume IV: Shapes of
Winter of Grace

Winter of Grace

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Funderburk, Robert, PUBLISHER: Bethany House Publishers, Book 3 <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Dylan St. John Novels. <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> story <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> one man's struggle against <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> sometimes lethal working <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> criminal justice system, and <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> woman who refused to stop believing in him. Set in <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Cajun Bayous <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> sou<strong><strong>thestrong>strong>rn Louisiana.

Los Angeles in the s The WPA Guide to the City of Angels

Los Angeles in the s The WPA Guide to the City of Angels

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Federal Writers Project <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> <strong>Worksstrong> Project Administration, PUBLISHER: <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> University <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> California Press, NA

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: Los Angeles in the s The WPA Guide to the City of Angels
Cyclopedia of World Authors (REV)-Vol. 3

Cyclopedia of World Authors (REV)-Vol. 3

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Editors <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Salem Press / Magill, Frank Nor<strong><strong>thestrong>strong>n, PUBLISHER: Salem Press, Cyclopedia <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> World Authors, Fourth <strong>Revstrong>ised Edition provides concise introductions to <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> lives and <strong>worksstrong> <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> authors from around <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> world and from antiquity to <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> present. <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> set pr<strong><strong>ofstrong>strong>iles important novelists, short-story writers, playwrights, poets, screenwriters, lyricists, memoirists, essayists, biographers, critics, historians, and philosophers, as well as prominent figures in politics, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> sciences, and <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> social sciences who wrote key <strong>worksstrong>.

Darling Endangered

Darling Endangered

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Guess, Carol, PUBLISHER: Brooklyn Arts Press, Fiction. LGBT Studies. <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> voice narrating Carol Guess's newest book is that <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> a playfully effusive but meticulous cataloguer <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> our darker inquiries and o<strong>ddstrong>ities, a suburban former dancer with <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> inner life and vision <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> an epic librettist. DARLING ENDANGERED is nothing short <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> exceptional, a rare breed <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> hybrid that <strong>worksstrong> between <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> "flash" <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> short fiction and <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> <strong>swiftstrong> bite <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> lyric. From <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> dizzying, battered nostalgia <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> youth remembered to <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> experiential trappings <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> maturity, Guess's collection maps <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> journey <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> a singular, sensitive existence through an ever-illuminating world <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> wayward hawks and track star meth a<strong>ddstrong>icts, avalanches and hot dog carts, zombie buildings, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> <strong>worksstrong> <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Balanchine and Pachelbel, and <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> promises <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> love and love's disorders. You will not read ano<strong><strong>thestrong>strong>r book quite like it.

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: Darling Endangered
The Table Museum Figma Action Figure Davide di Michelangelo

The Table Museum Figma Action Figure Davide di Michelangelo

,<strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Table Museum, is a series <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> figma figures based on famous <strong>worksstrong> <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> art that almost anyone would recognize! <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> fourth artwork to join <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> series is <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> masterpiece sculpture <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> David by Michelangelo, now known around <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> world as one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> best examples <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Renaissance art. <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> beautiful yet powerful appearance <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> his sculpt still captures <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> hearts <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> people to this day.

African Arts & Cultures

African Arts & Cultures

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chanda, Jacqueline, PUBLISHER: Davis Publications, Celebrate <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> diversity and beauty <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> cultures in sub-Saharan Africa through a study <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>ir art. Examine <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> traditional role <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> art in all facets <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> life -- <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> rites <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> passage, religious rituals, farming and daily existence. Conveying political, social, and economic <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>mes, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>se <strong>worksstrong> <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> art are visual pro<strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> cultural distinctiveness <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> different African peoples.

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: African Arts & Cultures
Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Milton, John, PUBLISHER: Nuvision Publications, Epic poem in blank verse, one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> late <strong>worksstrong> by John Milton, considered by many scholars to be one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> greatest poems <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> English language, Paradise Lost tells <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> biblical story <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> fall from grace <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Adam and Eve

Anton Chekhov

Anton Chekhov

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, -- User's guide -- Biography <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> short story writer -- List <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> characters in each story -- Detailed <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>matic analysis <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> each short story -- Extracts from major critical essays that discuss important aspects <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> each work -- A complete bibliography <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> writer's <strong>worksstrong> -- A list <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> critical <strong>worksstrong> about <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> short stories covered in <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> book -- An index <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>mes and ideas in <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> author's work

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: Anton Chekhov
The Red Badge of Courage

The Red Badge of Courage

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crane, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Smk Books, <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Red Badge <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Courage is considered one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> most influential <strong>worksstrong> in American literature. <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> novel, a depiction on <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> cruelty <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> American Civil War, features a young recruit who overcomes initial fears to become a hero on <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> battlefield. <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> book made Crane an international success.

The Republic

The Republic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Plato / Dover Thrift Editions, PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, Famous philosophical treatise <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> 4th century BC concerns itself chiefly with <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> idea <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> justice, as well as such Platonic <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>ories as that <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> ideas, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> criticism <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> poetry, and <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> philosopher's role. Source <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> famous cave myth and prototype for o<strong><strong>thestrong>strong>r imaginary commonwealths, including those <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Cicero, St. Augustine, and More. Benjamin Jowett translation.

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: The Republic
The Poetical Works of the REV (Volume 1); H. H. Milman

The Poetical Works of the REV (Volume 1); H. H. Milman

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hart Henry, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

The Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem in

The Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: M Gervers, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, NA

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: The Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem in
Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of

Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frymer-Kensky, Tikva, PUBLISHER: Schocken Books Inc, "Reading <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Women <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Bible "takes up two <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> most significant intellectual and religious issues <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> our day: <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> experiences <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> women in a patriarchal society and <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> relevance <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Bible to modern life.

Benedict's Disciples

Benedict's Disciples

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Farmer, David Hugh / Farmer, David H., PUBLISHER: Gracewing, A fascinating presentation <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> great monastic figures, monks and nuns, who have contributed so much to British history, written by a range <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> foremost Benedictine scholars <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> out time. Spanning <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> period from <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> sixth century to <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> twentieth, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>se lives show <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> followers <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Rule <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> St Benedict to have been one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> most important influences in <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> making <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Europe. Edited by <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> noted scholar and mediaevalist Hugh David Farmer.

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: Benedict's Disciples
Famous Affinities of History, Vol 4

Famous Affinities of History, Vol 4

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Orr, Lyndon / 1st World Library, PUBLISHER: 1st World Library, Purchase one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> 1st World Library's Classic Books and help support our free internet library <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> downloadable eBooks. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLibrary.ORG - - <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> story <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong>Jonathanstrong> <strong>Swiftstrong> and <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> two women who gave <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>ir lives for love <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> him is familiar to every student <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> English literature. <strong>Swiftstrong> himself, both in letters and in politics, stands out a conspicuous figure in <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> reigns <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> King William III and Queen Anne. By writing Gulliver's Travels he made himself immortal. <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> external facts <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> his singular relations with two charming women are sufficiently well known; but a definite explanation <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>se facts has never yet been given. <strong>Swiftstrong> held his tongue with a repellent taciturnity. No one ever dared to question him. Whe<strong><strong>thestrong>strong>r <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> true solution belongs to <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> sphere <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> psychology or <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> physiology is a question that remains unanswered. But, as <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> case is one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> most puzzling in <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> annals <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> love, it may be well to set forth <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> circum-stances very briefly, to weigh <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>ories that have already been advanced, and to suggest ano<strong><strong>thestrong>strong>r. <strong>Jonathanstrong> <strong>Swiftstrong> was <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Yorkshire stock, though he happened to be born in Dublin, and thus is <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong>ten spoken <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> as "<strong><strong>thestrong>strong> great Irish satirist," or "<strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Irish <strong>deanstrong>." It was, in truth, his fate to spend much <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> his life in Ireland, and to die <strong><strong>thestrong>strong>re, near <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> ca<strong><strong>thestrong>strong>dral where his remains now rest; but in truth he hated Ireland and everything connected with it, just as he hated Scotland and everything that was Scottish. He was an Englishman to <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> core.

Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future

Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm / Dover Thrift Editions / Zimmern, Helen, PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, One <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> most popular <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> 19th-century philosophers refines his p<strong>revstrong>iously expressed ideal <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> superman in a fascinating examination <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> human values and morality. This inexpensive, unabridged edition <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Nietzsche's most important <strong>worksstrong> <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong>fers a rich sampling <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> philosopher's influential school <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> thought. Publisher's Introduction.

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future
Vendere una foto

Vendere una foto

<strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> work was written by <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> artist N. Lvov in <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> mi<strong>ddstrong>le <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> first half <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> 20th century.<strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> painting depicts <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> summer sou<strong><strong>thestrong>strong>rn seascape. On <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> left side - a mountainous shore with cypress. <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> landscape is characterized by simplicity, clarity and original pictorial expression.A picture with a harmonious color, based on a combination <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> subtle shades <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> blue, green and brown colors. <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> work is written with <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> appropriate mood and corresponds to <strong>worksstrong> popular with connoisseurs <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> art!

The Life and Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar

The Life and Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dunbar, Paul Laurence, PUBLISHER: Winston-Derek Publishers, During <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> first half <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> 20th century, Dunbar was one <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> America's most celebrated poets. This comprehensive, volume chronicles his life and <strong>worksstrong>.

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: The Life and Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar
The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn

The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Behn, Aphra, PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, Contents--<strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Royal Slave; <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Fair Jilt; <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Nun; Agnes de Castro; <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Lover's Watch; <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Case for <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Watch; <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Lady's Looking-Glass to Dress Herself By; <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Lucky Mistake; <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Court <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> King <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> Bantam; <strong><strong>Thestrong>strong> Adventure <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Black Lady.

American Oratorios and Cantatas: A Catalog of Works Written

American Oratorios and Cantatas: A Catalog of Works Written

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dox, Thurston J., PUBLISHER: Scarecrow Press, Includes <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> basic title page information, length, description <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> required performing forces, and location <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> source for extended choral <strong>worksstrong>--<strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> which 450 are categorized as oratorios--by over composers.

Offerte relazionate the works of the rev jonathan swift dd dean of st: American Oratorios and Cantatas: A Catalog of Works Written
The Baseball Catalog

The Baseball Catalog

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schlossberg, Dan, PUBLISHER: <strong>Jonathanstrong> David Publishers, In twenty fact-filled chapters, Schlossberg covers <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> rules and language <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> game, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> record-breaking players and teams, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> media, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> franchises, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> umpires, <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> traditions and superstitions, and much more. Baseball lovers will find <strong><strong>thestrong>strong> Millennium Edition <strong><strong>ofstrong>strong> this attractively designed and illustrated work a veritable feast.
