the visual arts history



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Geary, Christraud M., PUBLISHER: 5 Continents, In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, artists working for the royal court of Bamum, in Cameroon, created elaborate bead-covered thrones and stools, wooden sculptures, masks in human and animal form, architectural carvings, and fine objects in bronze, ivory, and clay. This book focuses on the history, iconography, and meaning of these royal arts and looks at Western collectors who were fascinated by King Ibrahim Njoya (ruled to ) and the splendor of the royal court. Visual and written sources--including testimony by King Njoya and his courtiers, and extensive archival records--cast light on the strategies of a monarch who allowed visitors to acquire these arts to enhance the kingdom's reputation in distant Europe. The history of Bamum arts thus offers unique perspectives on African creativity and ingenuity, and European ways of collecting. Acquista Ora

Visual Impact Visual Teaching: Using Images to Strengthen

Visual Impact Visual Teaching: Using Images to Strengthen

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gangwer, Timothy, PUBLISHER: Brain Store, Formerly a publication of The Brain Store Discover how to use photographs and fine arts in your curriculum with this unique resource that includes hundreds of subject-specific visual learning activities for the classroom

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: Visual Impact Visual Teaching: Using Images to Strengthen
Renaissance Essays

Renaissance Essays

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wiener, Philip P. / Kristeller, Paul Oskar, PUBLISHER: University of Rochester Press, The Journal of the History of Ideashas, over the years, published many important articles on the Renaissance; this selection provides a significant index of American scholarship in the field in the first twenty-five years of the journal's publication. Apart from the quality of the papers, the main criterion of selection has been their diversity. The editors aimed to present a broad cross-section of the intellectual history of the Renaissance, and have on the whole preferred comprehensive rather than monographic studies. The so-called problem of the Renaissance is represented by FERGUSON; the historical thought of the period by WEISINGER, BARON, and REYNOLDS; its social, moral and religious thought by ADAMS, RICE and TRINKAUS; humanism by GRAY; philsophy and science by CASSIRER, RANDALL and BOUWSMA; literature by TUVE; the visual arts by SCHAPIRO; and music by LOWINSKY. First published .

Forms in Modernism - A Visual Set: The Unity of Typography,

Forms in Modernism - A Visual Set: The Unity of Typography,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Virginia, PUBLISHER: Watson-Guptill Publications, What do typefaces and buildings have in common? A great deal, according to typographic design expert, and former university professor, Virginia Smith. Smith believes that typography is the unifying discipline through which we can understand, analyze, and compare form in a wide range of visual mediums. This visually delightful book sets out to prove that point by studying forms--"shapes and their varieties and permutations--"in all of the other design arts. The main focus is on architecture, but the book also looks at fashion, furniture, and common artifacts. Smith believes that there is a "visual landscape" of periods in design, where all of the visual arts treat from in similar ways. "Forms in Modernism--"A Visual Set identifies some of these similarities--"including striping, skewing, stretching, compressing, and elongating--"across mediums. The majority of her examples appeared in the first half of the 20th century, and lasted from early European modernism up through the American mid-century and the International Style. More than just a book designed to prove a thesis, "Forms in Modernism--"A Visual Set provides an interesting visual journey through the signature styles of the last century.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: Forms in Modernism - A Visual Set: The Unity of Typography,
Eighteenth-Century Literary History: An"mlq" Reader

Eighteenth-Century Literary History: An"mlq" Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown / Brown, Marshall / Marshall Brown, PUBLISHER: Duke University Press, Viewed as a crucible of modernity, the eighteenth century has become a special focus of "Modern Language Quarterly," a journal that has led the revival of literary history as a subject for empirical study and theoretical reflection. The essays in this volume, which cover a broad cross-section of eighteenth-century literary history, represent the best studies of this period recently published in "MLQ." While examining different parts of the century, as well as different aspects and countries, contributors explore the intersection of literary studies with history, philosophy, psychology, and the visual arts. They discuss a creative range of topics, including feminism, nationalism, domestic ideology, the classical novel-drama-lyric poetry triad, and both aesthetic and philosophical writings. This span of subjects and approaches extends the focus of "Eighteenth-Century Literary History" beyond its period to project a spirit of inquiry onto literary history in general. "Contributors." Nancy Armstrong, Marshall Brown, Sanford Budick, Catherine Gallagher, Thomas M. Kavanagh, Jon Klancher, Jill Kowalik, Jonathan Brody Kramnick, Christie McDonald, Jerome McGann, Ruth Perry, Michael B. Prince, Leonard Tennenhouse

The Biographical Dictionary of African Americans

The Biographical Dictionary of African Americans

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kranz, Rachel / Koslow, Philip, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Since their first arrival in the New World, the experiences of individual ethnic groups have often been lost in the larger story of American history. Using a wide arrangement of visual tools, these atlases offer a detailed overview of the experiences and important events surrounding Americans of African, Asian, and Hispanic descent. This A-to-Z guide profiles more than 230 important, influential, and fascinating African Americans and their accomplishments in all fields since colonial times, including the arts, entertainment, politics, science, sports, the military, literature, education, the media, and religion.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: The Biographical Dictionary of African Americans
Who Built America? Volume  to the Present; Working

Who Built America? Volume to the Present; Working

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rosenzweig, Roy / Lichtenstein, Nelson / Brown, Joshua, PUBLISHER: Bedford Books, "Who Built America?" explores fundamental conflicts in United States history by placing working peoples' struggle for social and economic justice at center stage. Unique among U.S. history survey textbooks for its clear point of view, "Who Built America" is a joint effort of Bedford/St. Martin's and the American Social History Project, based at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and renowned for its print, visual, and multimedia productions such as the "History Matters" Web site. With vivid prose, penetrating analysis, an acclaimed visual program, and rich documentary evidence, "Who Built America?" gives students a thought-provoking book they'll want to read and instructors an irreplaceable anchor for their course. Acquista Ora

Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic.Net  in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic.Net in 21 Days

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holzner, Steven, PUBLISHER: Sams, "Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Visual Basic.NET in 21 Days" provides the grand tour of the software, making Visual Basic accessible and easy-to-use. Steve Holzner, the author, helps you master the topic by seeing Visual Basic in action from the basics to deploying finished Window and Web applications with a working example for every topic in the book. From cover to cover, this book is pure Visual Basic.NETAeverything you need to know about the Visual Basic language and visual tools.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic.Net in 21 Days
Visual Wonders: Trains, Planes, and Ships

Visual Wonders: Trains, Planes, and Ships

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Whitecap Books / Humble, Richard, PUBLISHER: Whitecap Books, Beginning with Egyptian warships more than years ago, "Visual Wonders" explores maritime, railway, and aviation history to the present day, using hundreds of dramatic, full-color illustrations.

The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our

The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hartmann, William K. / Miller, Ron, PUBLISHER: Workman Publishing, "The History of Earth" combines geology, astronomy, evolution, history, cosmology, and painting to tell the complete and vivid history of that elegant marble known as earth. Main Selection of the Astronomy Book Club. Ages 14-up.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our
Ancient America

Ancient America

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coe, Michael D. / Snow, Dean / Benson, Elizabeth, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, The Cultural Atlas series combines intellectual depth and visual richness as it distills and synthesizes an enormous amount of information. Weaving together geography, history, archaeology, anthropology, architecture, the arts, and more, these handsomely designed, interdisciplinary volumes encompass the entire physical and cultural world of each civilization, evoking its unique spirit and vitality. Delight the Eye, Inform the Mind Designed to appeal to both the serious student and the more casual reader, the Cultural Atlas series is written with authority and clarity. Panoramic in scope, these volumes provide an overview of places and peoples through the centuries and are illustrated throughout with hundreds of striking and informative photographs and drawings. Each volume is divided into three key sections: -- Geographical/ethnographic background -- Cultural history -- A tour of present-day regions. This handsomely illustrated book provides a panoramic view of years of human history in the Americas, including the Hopewell burial mounds, Mimbres pottery, the extraordinary Mixtec and Aztec codices, Andean textiles, and the wonders of Machu Picchu.

Surrealism and the Book

Surrealism and the Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hubert, Renee Riese, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, This is the first book-length study of the unique collaborations between surrealist painters and authors that resulted in illustrated books. Hubert examines the interrelationships between the visual and verbal arts as both were freeing themselves from outer codification and mimesis.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: Surrealism and the Book
Cofanetto Michael Jackson "The King Of Pop"

Cofanetto Michael Jackson "The King Of Pop"

Cofanetto Originale Michael Jackson contenente: Off the wall Thriller Bad Dangerous History: past, present and future Blood on the dance floor Invincible Video greatest hits: history History on film Volume II Live in Bucharest: The Dangerous tour + Libretti illustrati: The Collection The Legend

The illustrated history of comics 5 vol ingl completo benton

The illustrated history of comics 5 vol ingl completo benton

Collana Completa 5 Volumi The Illustrated History of Comics Mike Benton Casa Editrice: Taylor - VOL N. 1 - The Illustrated History of Horror Comics - Giugno VOL N. 2 - The Illustrated History of Superhero Comics of the Silver Age - Ottobre VOL N. 3 - The Illustrated History of Science Ficrion Comics - Giugno VOL N. 4 - The Illustrated History of Superhero Comics of the Golden Age - Ottobre VOL N. 5 - The Illustrated History of the Crime Comics - Aprile - Ottime condizioni estetiche. Rilegatura rigida e forniti di dust cover. Spedizione in tutta Italia con corriere BRT (11€) o ritiro in sede a Modena gratuito.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: The illustrated history of comics 5 vol ingl completo benton
Art Today-English for Visual and Multimedia Arts

Art Today-English for Visual and Multimedia Arts

Titolo: Art Today English for Visual and Multimedia Arts Clitt editore. Distribuzione esclusiva Zanichelli Lo vendo alla metà del suo prezzo originale come si vede da foto Il libro è in perfette condizioni pari al NUOVO Spedizione in tutta italia a Euro: - 1,50 con piego libri ordinario - 4,00 con piego libri raccomandato

The Bible

The Bible

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rogerson, John / Rogerson, J. W., PUBLISHER: Facts on File, The Cultural Atlas series combines intellectual depth and visual richness as it distills and synthesizes an enormous amount of information. Weaving together geography, history, archaeology, anthropology, architecture, the arts, and more, these handsomely designed, interdisciplinary volumes encompass the entire physical and cultural world of each civilization, evoking its unique spirit and vitality. Delight the eye, inform the mind Designed to appeal to both the serious student and the more casual reader, the Cultural Atlas series is written with authority and clarity. Panoramic in scope, these volumes provide an overview of places and peoples through the centuries and are illustrated throughout with hundreds of striking and informative photographs and drawings. Each volume is divided into three key sections: -- Geographical/ethnographic background -- Cultural history -- A tour of present-day regions. Unique in its geographical orientation, this volume provides a beautiful and detailed look at the places and events of this remarkable religious and literary work.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: The Bible
Visual Factors in Reading

Visual Factors in Reading

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Singleton, Chris / Cornelissen / Singleton C., C., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, This collection of essays examines how our visual and language systems interact in relationship to reading. Addresses four important questions concerning the role of vision in reading Presents recent findings from neuroimaging literature along with important recent work concerning how letters and letter strings are processed Investigates what constraints the visual system and eye movement control set on visual word recognition Discusses the role of the left and right visual field, together with the right and left hemispheres in visual word recognition Evaluates what information the brain computes when we read a word questions the contribution of the visual system on reading disability

Insight collectibles bttf sculpted posterult visual coll ed

Insight collectibles bttf sculpted posterult visual coll ed

Ecco un set indispensabile per gli appassionati di "Ritorno al Futuro"!Ci troverete un bassorilievo che raffigura la locandina di "Ritorno al Futuro - Parte II" con Marty, Doc e la Delorean: ottimi i dettagli di pittura.Troverete anche l'imperdibile Back to the Future: The Ultimate Visual History, un libro che ripercorre la storia della saga, con decine di immagini, rari concept arts, storyboards, interviste con i membri del cast (compresi Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale, Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall, Kathleen Kennedy) e altro ancora!Inoltre: 3 libricini con immagini inedite, biglietti, progetti e tanto altro materiale introvabile altrove!Il tutto racchiuso in una bella scatola a tema.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: Insight collectibles bttf sculpted posterult visual coll ed
The Hopis

The Hopis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk / Himler, Ronald, PUBLISHER: Holiday House, Their history, arts and crafts, way of life, religion, and current situation.

The Big Book of Dummies, Rebels and Other Geniuses

The Big Book of Dummies, Rebels and Other Geniuses

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pouy, Jean-Bernard / Bloch, Serge / Blanchard, Anne, PUBLISHER: Enchanted Lion Books, An entertaining and humorous introduction to 26 famous individuals from history, the arts, literature and the sciences, who were considered rebels or dunces during their childhood and teen years.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: The Big Book of Dummies, Rebels and Other Geniuses
The French Revolution:

The French Revolution:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Peter, PUBLISHER: Longman, "This book, the latest in the best-selling Seminar Studies in History series, provides readers with an accessible and succinct introduction to the French Revolution, one of the most exciting and important periods in modern history. The author examines the events leading up to the revolution, the revolution itself, and the aftermath. The Assessment and Documents sections of the book will be particulalry helpful for the reader to understanding the French Revolution For those interested in French History or the French Revolution

The History of the Comstock Lode

The History of the Comstock Lode

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Grant / Tingley, Joseph V., PUBLISHER: University of Nevada Press, A complete history of mining operations on the Comstock from to the present day.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: The History of the Comstock Lode
African Arts & Cultures

African Arts & Cultures

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chanda, Jacqueline, PUBLISHER: Davis Publications, Celebrate the diversity and beauty of cultures in sub-Saharan Africa through a study of their art. Examine the traditional role of art in all facets of life -- the rites of passage, religious rituals, farming and daily existence. Conveying political, social, and economic themes, these works of art are visual proof of the cultural distinctiveness of the different African peoples.

Martial Arts Today: Conversations with Leading Authorities

Martial Arts Today: Conversations with Leading Authorities

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wiley, Mark V., PUBLISHER: Tuttle Publishing, Featuring interviews with the best-known, most influential names in the modern martial arts world.

Offerte relazionate the visual arts history: Martial Arts Today: Conversations with Leading Authorities
The African-American Bookshelf

The African-American Bookshelf

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mason, Clifford, PUBLISHER: Citadel Press, Much more than a cursory list of must-reads, The African-American Bookshelf provides sharp political commentary on and meaningful critiques of the classic works on subjects of interest to all Americans -- from politics and sports to the arts, and from cultural trends and civil rights to military history. Author and scholar Clifford Mason explores titles that are obscure and well-known, from the canonical (Booker T. Washington's Up From Slavery) to the radical (David Walker's Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World). Including books written by authors from the beginning of the country's history to contemporary writers (ranked from #1 to #50 in order of importance), Mason guides the reader through the highlights -- and lowlights -- of America's past. The African-American Bookshelf illustrates the contributions of black men and women to every part of the nation's history. This essential volume belongs in the library of every informed American reader and will appeal to scholars and historians as well as students of history and literature. Acquista Ora
