the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition

Neutrino Physics

Neutrino Physics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Winter, Klaus, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition presents a comprehensive overview of modern neutrino physics. The book covers all the major areas of current interest. An international group of distinguished contributors discuss the intrinsic properties of neutrinos, the theory of the interaction of neutrinos with matter, experimental investigations of the weak interaction in neutrino processes, the theory and supporting experiment for the basic properties of the interaction of neutrinos with fermions, and neutrinos in astrophysics and cosmology. This edition presents new data on solar neutrinos and an update of the results of searches for double beta decay. It also contains a new chapter on direct measurements of the neutrino mass, with high precision data from experiments at Fermilab and CERN, and at the Kamiokande Laboratory in Japan. This is an essential reference text for particle physicists, nuclear physicists and astrophysicists.

An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the

An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the

An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the art of dancing - Carlo Blasis Libro in lingua inglese. Translated by Mary Stewart Evans. Buono stato di conservazione

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the
Dynamic Teachers: Leaders of Change

Dynamic Teachers: Leaders of Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rallis, Sharon F. / Rossman, Gretchen B. / Brackett, Ann, PUBLISHER: Corwin Press, The role of the teacher is no longer confined to the classroom or to interactions with students. The authors of this book illustrate through case studies the emerging roles of dynamic' teachers.

The Day Traders manual - Theory, Art and science

The Day Traders manual - Theory, Art and science

The Day Traders manual - Theory, Art and science of profitable short-term investing - W.F. Eng - Ed. Wiley FInance Edition

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: The Day Traders manual - Theory, Art and science
The Theory of Relativity

The Theory of Relativity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Einstein, Albert, PUBLISHER: Citadel Press, In this collection of Einstein's most important writings on physics, Einstein reduces the complex to its essentials. Covers the Theory of Relativity, E=MC2, Physics and Reality, and much more.

Instructor's Edition Organizational Theory: A Strategic

Instructor's Edition Organizational Theory: A Strategic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lester, Donald / Parnell, John A., PUBLISHER: Atomic Dog Publishing, In Organizational Theory: A Strategic Perspective, authors Donald Lester and John Parnell present the major theoretical perspectives that have contributed to our understanding of organizations in a clear, engaging style. The text presents the concepts of organizational theory from a strategic perspective. These concepts are not only the foundation for understanding organizations, they are also the basis for managing them effectively. Current examples appear throughout the text, and the ?Best Practice? features in each chapter highlight specific companies and show how they strategically manage key concepts of organizational theory. The authors also provide students with ?real world? applications in the ?Career Points? features. Seven cases are included at the end of the text for in-depth study.

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: Instructor's Edition Organizational Theory: A Strategic
Work, Status, and Self-Esteem: A Theory of Selective Self

Work, Status, and Self-Esteem: A Theory of Selective Self

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Faunce, William A., PUBLISHER: University Press of America, The book presents a theory explaining variations in the extent to which work affects self-esteem. The conventional wisdom is that work necessarily influences self-esteem, but the research evidence presented in the text indicates that this is not the case. There is, in fact, considerable variation in the extent of this relationship. A systematic theory relating attributes of the self and characteristics of status assignment systems to the self-investment process is presented.

Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Featherstone, Mike, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Recent years have seen a significant reappraisal of the idea of culture within the social sciences, and a growing integration of theoretical concerns between the social sciences and the humanities. Debates over concepts such as postmodernism and cultural globalization have been symptomatic of a broader interdisciplinary interest in the social context of cultural practice. In this book an international cast of eminent theorists examines a series of key questions on the borders of the cultural and the social. Ranging across a broad canvas, the contributors focus on different elements of cultural theory and cultural process: discourse, lifestyle, the emotions, the intelligentsia, social movements, postmodernism. Linking the chapters is a concern with the central role of European social theory in the current reappraisal of culture, and an assessment of its relation to other international traditions. This book, for an interdisciplinary readership, will serve as an outline of key concerns in cultural theory and an insight into the central insights of Theory, Culture and Society. The book is also published as issue 9.1 of Theory, Culture and Society.

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: Cultural Theory and Cultural Change
Evolutionary Theory: Paths Into the Future

Evolutionary Theory: Paths Into the Future

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pollard, Jeffrey W., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Disputes the current neo-Darwinian theory of evolution while suggesting alternative patterns of evolutionary change. It presents some considerations and constraints that a new and more adequate theory must have. Discusses the importance of developmental mechanics on both the large-scale (macroevolutionary) and small-scale (microevolutionary) levels. Includes a range of contributions by important and sometimes controversial authors, among them Sir Karl Popper--one of the greatest living scientific philosophers, and Howard Temin--a Nobel Laureate.

The Permanent Revolution

The Permanent Revolution

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Trotsky, Leon / Schachtman, Max, PUBLISHER: Gutenberg Publishers, Reprint of American Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Trotsky put forward his conception of 'permanent revolution' as an explanation of how socialist revolutions could occur in societies that had not achieved advanced capitalism. Part of his theory is the impossibility of 'socialism in one country' - a view also held by Marx, but not integrated into his conception of permanent revolution. Trotsky's theory also argues, first, that the bourgeoisie in late-developing capitalist countries are incapable of developing the productive forces in such a manner as to achieve the sort of advanced capitalism which will fully develop an industrial proletariat. Second, that the proletariat can and must, therefore, seize social, economic and political power, leading an alliance with the peasantry.

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: The Permanent Revolution
The Pastures of Heaven 3rd printing edition

The Pastures of Heaven 3rd printing edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: John Steinbeck, PUBLISHER: Penguin Non Classics, NA

With the 3rd Wisconsin Badgers: The Living Experience of the

With the 3rd Wisconsin Badgers: The Living Experience of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Raab, Steven S. / Willard, Van R., PUBLISHER: Stackpole Books, Presents an edited version of the diary of infantryman Van R. Willard as he lived through such events of the Civil War as the Battle of Antietam, a lengthy stay at a hospital in Frederick, and the Battle of Gettysburg. Throughout the editor offers comments explaining some of the events framing the narrative of the diary.

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: With the 3rd Wisconsin Badgers: The Living Experience of the
A Short History of Sociological Thought, Second Edition

A Short History of Sociological Thought, Second Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swingewood, Alan, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This lucidly written, jargon-free text offers an account of the rise of sociological thought from its origins in the eighteenth century. Beginning with the classical sociology of Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Simmel, it goes on to examine the modern paradigms of functionalism, interactionism, structuralism and critical Marxism, and ends by discussing salient contemporary sociological theory, including the theories of Foucault, Baudrillard, Giddens, Habermas and others. Systematic and comprehensive, this is a text that critically engages with sociological theory throughout its development, offering students a path through competing traditions and perspectives that brings out the distinctive value and limitations of these.

The Balance of Power: History and Theory

The Balance of Power: History and Theory

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sheehan, Michael / Sheehan, M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, The balance of power is one of the most fundamental concepts behind international politics and provides a structure for explaining some of the essential principles behind international relations. Yet despite its widespread importance it remains an enigma and is surrounded by controversy. "The Balance of Power" traces the evolution of the theory from the eighteenth century to the present day. It incorporates classical anlysis and recent research to give a detailed account of the concept in practice and the operation of the international system while challenging traditional views of the balance of power. Its exploration of the way the balance of power operated in key historical periods shows how the generally accepted development of the concept is based on a misunderstanding of the historical reality.

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: The Balance of Power: History and Theory
A History of Anthropological Theory, Third Edition

A History of Anthropological Theory, Third Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erickson, Paul A. / Murphy, Liam D. / Murphy, Pae Liam D., PUBLISHER: University of Toronto Press, Recognizing that anthropology--"the integrated study of humanity in its biological, social, and cultural dimensions--"has deep roots in the Western experience, this concise survey begins in antiquity, then moves forward through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to the modern era. The authors focus on the twentieth century, covering American, British, and French anthropological traditions and discussing developments in theory that point to future directions in archaeology, physical anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. This edition features a new preface and new and expanded sections on transactionalism, feminist anthropology, postmodernity, medical anthropology, and globalization.

Encyclopedia of Special Education, Volume 3: A Reference for

Encyclopedia of Special Education, Volume 3: A Reference for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reynolds, Cecil R. / Fletcher-Janzen, Elaine, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, The Third Edition of the highly acclaimed Encyclopedia of Special Education has been thoroughly updated to include the latest information about new legislation and guidelines. In addition, this comprehensive resource features new biographies of important figures in special education, school psychology, and neuropsychology and reviews of new tests and curricula that have been developed since publication of the second edition in . Unique in focus, the Encyclopedia of Special Education, Third Edition addresses issues of importance ranging from theory to practice and is a critical reference for researchers as well as those working in the special education field.

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: Encyclopedia of Special Education, Volume 3: A Reference for
Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech

Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baker, C. Edwin, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Although an inchoate liberty theory of freedom of speech has deep roots in Supreme Court decisions and political history, it has been overshadowed in judicial decisions and scholarly commentary by the marketplace of ideas theory. In this book, Baker critiques the assumptions required by the marketplace of ideas theory and develops the liberty theory, showing its philosophical soundness, persuasiveness, and ability to protect free speech. He argues that First Amendment liberty rights (as well as Fourteenth Amendment equality rights) required by political or moral theory are central to the possibility of progressive change. Problem areas are examined, including the question of whether individual political and civil rights can in principle be distinguished from property rights, freedom of the press, and the use of public spaces for expressive purposes.

Game cube The Legend of Zelda Collector's edition

Game cube The Legend of Zelda Collector's edition

Vendo The Legend of Zelda Collector's edition che comprende 4 episodi (The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: Adventure of Link, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time e The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) con, in aggiunta, un demo di The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Preferisco scambio a mano ma posso anche spedire.

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: Game cube The Legend of Zelda Collector's edition
Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses

Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gee, James Paul, PUBLISHER: Taylor & Francis Group, This fully-updated new edition engages with topics such as orality and literacy, the history of literacy, the uses and abuses of literacy in that history, the analysis of language as cultural communication, and social theories of mind and meaning, among many other topics. It represents the most current statement of a widely discussed and used theory about how language functions in society, a theory initially developed in the first edition of the book, and developed in this new edition in tandem with analytic techniques for the study of language and literacy in context, with special reference to cross-cultural issues in communities and schools. Built around a large number of specific examples, this new edition reflects current debates across the world about education and educational reform, the nature of language and communication, and the role of sociocultural diversity in schools and society. One of the core goals of this book, from its first edition on, has been to develop a new and more widely applicable vision of applied linguistics. It will be of interest to researchers, lecturers and students in education, linguistics, or any field that deals with language, especially in social or cultural terms.

Parallelisms of Complete Designs

Parallelisms of Complete Designs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cameron, Peter J. / Hitchin, N. J., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, These notes present an investigation of a condition similar to Euclid's parallel axiom for subsets of finite sets. The background material to the theory of parallelisms is introduced and the author then describes the links this theory has with other topics from the whole range of combinatorial theory and permutation groups. These include network flows, perfect codes, Latin squares, block designs and multiply-transitive permutation groups, and long and detailed appendices are provided to serve as introductions to these various subjects. Many of the results are published for the first time.

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The Theory of Intermolecular Forces 2nd Edition

The Theory of Intermolecular Forces 2nd Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anthony Stone, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, NA

Fundamentals of Physics, a Student's Companion E-Book to

Fundamentals of Physics, a Student's Companion E-Book to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walker, Jearl / Resnick, Robert / Halliday, David, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, No other book on the market today can match the success of Halliday, Resnick and Walker's Fundamentals of Physics In a breezy, easy-to-understand style the book offers a solid understanding of fundamental physics concepts, and helps readers apply this conceptual understanding to quantitative problem solving. The extended edition provides coverage of developments in Physics in the last 100 years, including: Einstein and Relativity, Bohr and others and Quantum Theory, and the more recent theoretical developments like String Theory. This book offers a unique combination of authoritative content and stimulating applications.

Offerte relazionate the theory of toroidally confined plasmas 3rd edition: Fundamentals of Physics, a Student's Companion E-Book to
Play and Educational Theory and Practice

Play and Educational Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnston, M. C. / Lytle, Don / Lytle, Donald E., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Combining the research talents of many long-standing members of the Association for the Study of Play, this work provides discussions of the theory and applied value of play, as well as ongoing research from America, Australia, Taiwan, and Korea. The developmental and educational theories of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky are analyzed in several chapters. The world's premiere play scholar, Brian Sutton-Smith, continues his seminal play theory work, following up on previously presented findings and constructing a developmental theory of play based on emotions. Chapters address: Play as a parody of emotional vulnerability Learning to observe children at play Symbolic play through the eyes and words of children The activities of children at recess in middle school Professors, teachers, scholars, and university students interested in early childhood education, child development, play theory and practice, and preschool and elementary education will find this volume of interest.

Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Second

Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Second

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Polyanin, Andrei D. / Zaitsev, Valentin F. / Pol'ianin, A. D., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Updated and expanded, this popular handbook provides a catalog of nonlinear PDEs and their solutions. With nearly 400 pages of new and updated material, this edition contains over 500 nonlinear PDEs with solutions and many new nonlinear systems of PDEs with solutions. In the first half of the book, numerous new and nonlinear systems of PDEs are described with a focus on equations containing one or more arbitrary parameters. The authors cover equations that arise in heat transfer, wave theory, nonlinear mechanics, hydrodynamics, gas dynamics, plasticity theory, nonlinear optics, theoretical physics, differential geometry, control theory, biology, and other fields. The second half of the book presents the exact methods used for solving these types of equations. The authors explore classical methods and some recent developments, along with examples that illustrate applications of the methods.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pratt, Minnie Bruce, PUBLISHER: Firebrand Books, Minnie Bruce Pratt expands the boundaries of gender and its theory in these sophisticated lyrical vignettes sited at the crossroads of feminist analysis, queer theory and transgender liberation.
