the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare

The Tainted Muse Prejudice and Presumption in Shakespeare

The Tainted Muse Prejudice and Presumption in Shakespeare

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Prof Robert Brustein, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, NA

Shakespeare's Sonnets

Shakespeare's Sonnets

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William / Duncan-Jones, Katherine, PUBLISHER: Arden Shakespeare, The Arden Shakespeare has long been acclaimed as the established scholarly edition of Shakespeare's work. Now being totally reedited for the third time, Arden editions offer the very best in contemporary scholarship. Each volume provides a clear and authoritative text, edited to the highest standards; detailed textual notes and commentary on the same page of the text; full contextual, illustrated introduction, including an in-depth survey of critical and performance approaches to the play; and selected bibliography.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: Shakespeare's Sonnets
Libri in inglese e latino

Libri in inglese e latino

Vendo libri Terenzio Italiano/Latino: Terenzio Adelphoe: Plauto Aulularia: Shakespeare Macbeth: Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice: Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet: Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventure in Wonderland:

Richard III

Richard III

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William / Shakespeare / Dover Thrift Editions, PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, Final play in Shakespeare's masterly dramatization of the struggle for power between the Houses of York and Lancaster. Richard is a stunning archvillain who schemes, seduces, betrays and murders his way to the throne, yet is capable of eliciting sympathy for his plight at the end. Explanatory footnotes and an introductory Note.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: Richard III
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's Last Plays

The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's Last Plays

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alexander, Catherine M. S., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Which plays are included under the heading 'Shakespeare's last plays', and when does Shakespeare's 'last' period begin? What is meant by a 'late play', and what are the benefits in defining plays in this way? Reflecting the recent growth of interest in late studies, and recognising the gaps in accessible scholarship on this area, leading international Shakespeare scholars address these and many other questions. The essays locate Shakespeare's last plays - single and co-authored - in the period of their composition, consider the significant characteristics of their Jacobean context, and explore the rich afterlives, on stage, in print and other media of The Winter's Tale, Cymbeline, The Tempest, Pericles, The Two Noble Kinsmen and Henry VIII. The volume opens with a historical timeline that places the plays in the contexts of contemporary political events, theatrical events, other cultural milestones, Shakespeare's life and that of his playing company, the King's Men.

Pride and prejudice

Pride and prejudice

Vendo a metΓ  prezzo con cd libro in inglese usato: PRIDE AND PREJUDICE se serve spedisco con piego di libri

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: Pride and prejudice
Videocassette Via col Vento e Pride and Prejudice

Videocassette Via col Vento e Pride and Prejudice

Vendo collezione videocassette in lingua Inglese Gone with the Wind (Via col vento) e Pride and Prejudice (Orgoglio e Pregiudizio). PERFETTE condizioni (utilizzate una sola volta)) e complete. Come nuovo.

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Austen, Jane, PUBLISHER:, Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen. It was begun in , her second novel, but her first serious attempt at publication. She finished the original manuscript by in Steventon, Hampshire, where she lived with her parents and siblings in the town rectory. Austen originally called the story First Impressions, but it was never published under that title; instead, she made extensive revisions to the manuscript, then retitled and eventually published it as Pride and Prejudice. In renaming the novel, Austen may have had in mind the final chapter of Fanny Burney's Cecilia, itself called "Pride and Prejudice," where the phrase appears three times in block capitals. The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education and marriage in the landed gentry society of early 19th century England. Elizabeth is the second eldest of five daughters of a country gentleman landed in the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, not far from London.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: Pride and Prejudice
Studies on Greek Americans

Studies on Greek Americans

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kourvetaris, George, PUBLISHER: East European Monographs, In this third volume of the author's scholarly work, twenty fives articles address topics important to Greek society, culture, and politics, such as ethnicity; prejudice; ethnonationalism; civil military relations; class consciousness; and the Olympic Games. The author stresses his methods, theories, and findings, and introduction of the volume the concepts and the nature of organization and social organizations are clarified.

Shakespeare's Othello

Shakespeare's Othello

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold, PUBLISHER: Riverhead Books, The exciting new series that began in Fall with "Macbeth," "A Midsummer Night's Dream," and "Henry IV" continues... "Negative charisma is an odd endowment; Iago represents it uniquely in Shakespeare, and most literary incarnations of it since owe much to Iago." - Harold Bloom Each edition in the Harold Bloom Shakespeare series will include the full text of the play, with editorial revisions and commentary by Harold Bloom.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: Shakespeare's Othello
Libro cd pride and prejudice in inglese

Libro cd pride and prejudice in inglese

Libro con cd Pride and Prejudice di Jane Austen, edizioni Penguin Readers. 140 pagine.

Characterization in Shakespeare

Characterization in Shakespeare

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wells, Stanley, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Shakespeare Survey is a yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production. Since Survey has published the best international scholarship in English and many of its essays have become classics of Shakespeare criticism. Each volume is devoted to a theme, or play, or group of plays; each also contains a section of reviews of the previous year's textual and critical studies and of major British performances. The books are illustrated with a variety of Shakespearean images and production photographs. The current editor of Survey is Peter Holland. The first eighteen volumes were edited by Allardyce Nicoll, numbers by Kenneth Muir and numbers by Stanley Wells. The virtues of accessible scholarship and a keen interest in performance, from Shakespeare's time to our own, have characterised the journal from the start. For the first time, numbers 1-50 are being reissued in paperback, available separately and as a set.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: Characterization in Shakespeare
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 7, Style and Language

Shakespeare Survey: Volume 7, Style and Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nicoll, Allardyce, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Shakespeare Survey is a yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production. Since Survey has published the best international scholarship in English and many of its essays have become classics of Shakespeare criticism. Each volume is devoted to a theme, or play, or group of plays; each also contains a section of reviews of the previous year's textual and critical studies and of major British performances. The books are illustrated with a variety of Shakespearean images and production photographs. The current editor of Survey is Peter Holland. The first eighteen volumes were edited by Allardyce Nicoll, numbers by Kenneth Muir and numbers by Stanley Wells. The virtues of accessible scholarship and a keen interest in performance, from Shakespeare's time to our own, have characterised the journal from the start. For the first time, numbers 1-50 are being reissued in paperback, available separately and as a set.

Shakespeare and the Renaissance Literary Theories

Shakespeare and the Renaissance Literary Theories

Letteratura inglese - M. Marrapodi, Shakespeare and Renaissance Literary Theories, Anglo-Italian Transactions, . Libro in ottimo stato, per maggiori informazioni contattare via e.mail.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: Shakespeare and the Renaissance Literary Theories


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William / Mowat, Barbara A. / Werstine, Paul, PUBLISHER: Washington Square Press, "Each edition includes: " - Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play - Full explanatory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play - Scene-by-scene plot summaries - A key to famous lines and phrases - An introduction to reading Shakespeare's language - An essay by an outstanding scholar providing a modern perspective on the play - Illustrations from the Folger Shakespeare Library's vast holdings of rare books "Essay by" Susan Snyder The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., is home to the world's largest collection of Shakespeare's printed works, and a magnet for Shakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open to the public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performances and programs. For more information, visit

The Tale of Genji

The Tale of Genji

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shikibu, Murasaki / Suematsu, Kencho, PUBLISHER: Tuttle Publishing, Written centuries before the time of Shakespeare and Chaucer, "The Tale of Genji" marks the birth of the novel--and after more than a millennium, this seminal work about the life and loves of Prince Genji, master poet, dancer, musician and painter, continues to enchant readers throughout the world.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: The Tale of Genji
European Review of Philosophy, 5: Emotion and Action

European Review of Philosophy, 5: Emotion and Action

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pacherie, Elizabeth / CSLI Publications, PUBLISHER: Center for the Study of Language and Informat, Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in the study of emotion and cognition, and an increasing rejection of the traditional philosophical prejudice against emotions as irrational or disruptive. The essays in this collection explore various facets of the relationships among emotion, action, rationality, and self-knowledge, with particular attention to three main sets of issues: the relationships between emotions and action, the roles emotion and action play in the development of self-awareness, and the rationality of emotions and emotional action.

The Tempest

The Tempest

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold, PUBLISHER: Riverhead Books, From Harold Bloom's now-canonical book Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human come individual meditations on every one of Shakespeare's comedies, tragedies, and historical plays, each with the play's original text.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: The Tempest


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William / Gill, Roma, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Oxford School Shakespeare is an acclaimed series especially designed for students, with accessible on-page notes that are easy to find and crystal clear. Each volume also includes decorative and explanatory illustrations, clear background information, rigorous but accessible commentary, up-to-date reading lists, the addresses of relevant websites, and classroom notes - all to help students to better appreciate the great works of Shakespeare. Now the six most popular books in the series have received a fresh new look.

Pride and Prejudice, J. Austen - PENGUIN R.

Pride and Prejudice, J. Austen - PENGUIN R.

Pride and Prejudice di Jane Austen PENGUIN READERS libro di testo in inglese

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: Pride and Prejudice, J. Austen - PENGUIN R.
Shakespeare and the Mismeasure of Renaissance Man:

Shakespeare and the Mismeasure of Renaissance Man:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blank, Paula, PUBLISHER: Cornell University Press, Shakespeare's poems and plays are rich in reference to "measure, number, and weight," which were the key terms of an early modern empirical and quantitative imagination. Shakespeare's investigation of Renaissance measures of reality centers on the consequences of applying principles of measurement to the appraisal of human value. This is especially true of efforts to judge people as better or worse than, or equal to, one another. With special attention to the Sonnets, Measure for Measure, Merchant of Venice, Othello, King Lear, and Hamlet, Paula Blank argues that Shakespeare, in his experiments with measurement, demonstrates the incommensurability of the aims and operations of quantification with human experience.From scales and spans to squares and levels to ratings and rules, Shakespeare's rhetoric of measurement reveals the extent to which language in the Renaissance was itself understood as a set of alternative measures for figuring human worth. In chapters that explore attempts to measure human feeling, weigh human equalities (and inequalities), regulate race relations, and deduce social and economic merit, Blank shows why Shakespeare's measures are so often exposed as "mismeasures"-equivocal, provisional, and as unreliable as the men and women they are designed to assess.

The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town

The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Grisham, John, PUBLISHER: Dell Publishing Company, In the town of Ada, Oklahoma, Ron Williamson was going to be the next Mickey Mantle. But on his way to the Big Leagues, Ron stumbled, his dreams broken by drinking, drugs, and women. Then, on a winter night in , not far from Ron's home, a young cocktail waitress named Debra Sue Carter was savagely murdered. The investigation led nowhere. Until, on the flimsiest evidence, it led to Ron Williamson. The washed-up small-town hero was charged, tried, and sentenced to death--in a trial littered with lying witnesses and tainted evidence that would shatter a man's already broken life...and let a true killer go free. Impeccably researched, grippingly told, filled with eleventh-hour drama, John Grisham's first work of nonfiction reads like a page-turning legal thriller. It is a book that will terrify anyone who believes in the presumption of innocence--a book no American can afford to miss.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town
Much ADO about Nothing

Much ADO about Nothing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William / Werstine, Paul / Mowat, Barbara A., PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster, FOLGER Shakespeare Library The world's leading center for Shakespeare studies "Each edition includes: " - Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play - Full explanatory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play - Scene-by-scene plot summaries - A key to famous lines and phrases - An introduction to reading Shakespeare's language - An essay by a leading Shakespeare scholar providing a modern perspective on the play - Illustrations from the Folger Shakespeare Library's vast holdings of rare books "Essay by" Gail Kern Paster The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., is home to theworld's largest collection of Shakespeare's printed works, and a magnet forShakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open tothe public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performancesand programs. For more information, visit

Words with Power: Being a Second Study "The Bible and

Words with Power: Being a Second Study "The Bible and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frye, Northrop / Frye, PUBLISHER: Mariner Books, Frye continues his exploration, begun in The Great Code, of the influence of Biblical themes and forms of expression on Western literature, with discussions of authors ranging from Chaucer and Shakespeare to Yeats and Eliot. Frye identifies four key elements found in the Bible-the mountain, the garden, the cave, and the furnace-and describes how they recur in later secular writings. Indices.

Offerte relazionate the tainted muse prejudice and presumption in shakespeare: Words with Power: Being a Second Study "The Bible and
Diversity and Unity: Relations Between Racial and Ethnic

Diversity and Unity: Relations Between Racial and Ethnic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Patchen, Martin, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This text provides a comprehensive overview of relevant theory and evidence to help students understand the processes and outcomes of ethnic diversity. Rather than describing a succession of specific ethnic groups, the focus is on the general forces and processes - such as formation of ethnic attitudes, intergroup contacts, economic competition, and demographic changes - that lead to such central outcomes as prejudice, segregation, and discrimination. It presents a fresh theoretical overview that links individual attitudes and behavior to societal institutions and processes. Two alternative visions of a multiethnic society are systematically discussed: one promoting assimilation and the other encouraging pluralism. The advantages and problems associated with each approach, the necessary conditions needed to produce this type of society, and possible ways to reduce its problems are outlined. Policy aims and techniques such as ways to reduce prejudice, income inequality, and housing are also examined.
