the sport scientists research adventures

The Sport Scientists: Research Adventures

The Sport Scientists: Research Adventures

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brannigan, Gary / Brannigan, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, The Sport Scientists brings together eleven leading researchers in the field of sport psychology, discuss how they got started in the field, and presents some of the most interesting areas of in which they have participated. The book introduces students to the concepts of research in interesting, applied manner and encourages psychology major to continue in research fields.

Access to Research Data in the 21st Century: An Ongoing

Access to Research Data in the 21st Century: An Ongoing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tolbert, La Verne / Science Technology and Law Panel / National Research Council, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, In the years since the Shelby Amendment, scientists, industry, and policy makers have struggled over how the public's new right of access should be applied to scientific data. There is loose agreement that research data should be accessible, but wide disagreement over the "depth" to which the public has such a right. The National Academies' Science, Technology, and Law Program held a workshop to explore the mounting tensions in the federal regulatory process between the need to provide access to research data and the need to protect the integrity of the research process. The workshop provided a picture of the debate arising from passage of the Shelby Amendment and the resulting OMB revisions of Circular A-110. This report is a summary of the workshop.

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: Access to Research Data in the 21st Century: An Ongoing
Biomedical Materials Drug Delivery, Implants, and Tissue

Biomedical Materials Drug Delivery, Implants, and Tissue

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Neenan, Thomas / Valentini, Robert F. / Marcolongo, Michele, PUBLISHER: Materials Research Society, The continual growth and increasing sophistication of biomaterials industries has been driven in large part by advances in the basic sciences of the materials involved. Indeed, advances in understanding biological systems at the molecular level have quickly been exploited by materials scientists to develop more sophisticated approaches to therapeutics and diagnostics. The interdisciplinarity and breadth of the biomaterials field necessitates the close cooperation of scientists in many different fields, including materials science, chemistry, biology, engineering and medicine. This volume brings together researchers in many of these converging fields to report on recent advances and to stimulate further discussion and research in these vital areas of discovery and development.

More Far-Out Adventures Further Strange Adventures from the

More Far-Out Adventures Further Strange Adventures from the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David Hatcher Childress, PUBLISHER: Adventures Unlimited Press, NA

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: More Far-Out Adventures Further Strange Adventures from the
Paying for Agricultural Productivity

Paying for Agricultural Productivity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alston, Julian M. / Smith, Vincent H. / Pardey, Philip G., PUBLISHER: International Food Policy Research Insitute, Agricultural research and development has stimulated enormous increases in agricultural productivity in the twentieth century. Now, in response to common pressures, countries the world over are changing how they manage and pay for agricultural R & D. Paying for Agricultural Productivity reviews agricultural R & D policy in Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States and assesses whether the new approaches are raising or lowering the efficiency and effectiveness of R & D. To complement the case studies, the book analyzes trends in R & D investment in twenty-two developed countries. Paying for Agricultural Productivity will be an invaluable resource for economic and development specialists concerned with agricultural research and development, as well as for farmers, food processors, agricultural wholesalers and retailers, environmentalists, and research scientists.

Participatory Research in Conservation and Rural

Participatory Research in Conservation and Rural

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fortmann, Louise, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, "Participatory Research in Conservation and Rural Livelihoods": "Doing Science Together" starts from the understanding that all people create knowledge and that the creation of sustainable livelihoods and of conditions that protect and sustain rural ecosystems are interrelated. Here local experts and professional researchers write independently about the participatory research processes through which they created new knowledge together. They demonstrate that interdependent science can produce more accurate and locally appropriate data, while frankly addressing persisting issues such as unequal power, whose knowledge and what ways of knowing count, whose voice can be heard or appear in print, and other dilemmas of this practice. Conservation scientists and practitioners will both benefit from reading this book. First book to examine community participatory research techniques that focuses on conservation aims Unique book in that it is written from the perspective of participating community volunteers and researching scientists Part of the prestigious Conservation Science and Practice series published in association with the Zoological Society of London ""Participatory Research in Conservation and Rural Livelihoods" is brilliant, passionate, and inspiring..." Richa Nagar, University of Minnesota, co-author of "Playing with Fire"

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: Participatory Research in Conservation and Rural
Ethics in Research

Ethics in Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gregory, Ian, PUBLISHER: Continuum, This book encourages reflection upon the inescapable ethical dimensions of the conduct of research. Gregory explores how ethical concerns inform not only the conduct of research but how they enter into the very decision to engage in a piece of research, the interpretation of data and what is done with research findings. Issues arising from the reflections of the text will be brought to bear upon the character of the researcher, the place (if any) of codes in practice for researchers and whether if in deference to ethical considerations there are limitations upon what can be countenanced in the name of research.>

The Myth of Human Races

The Myth of Human Races

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Corcos, Alain F., PUBLISHER: Michigan State University Press, The idea that human races exist is a socially constructed myth that has no grounding in science. Regardless of skin, hair, or eye color, stature or physiognomy, we are all of one species. Nonetheless, scientists, social scientists, and pseudo-scientists have, for three centuries, tried vainly to prove that distinctive and separate "races" of humanity exist. These protagonists of race theory have based their flawed research on one or more of five specious assumptions: humanity can be classified into groups using identifiable physical characteristics human characteristics are transmitted "through the blood," distinct human physical characteristics are inherited together, physical features can be linked to human behavior, human groups or "races" are by their very nature unequal and, therefore, they can be ranked in order of intellectual, moral, and cultural superiority. The Myth of Human Races systematically dispels these fallacies and unravels the web of flawed research that has been woven to demonstrate the superiority of one group of people over another.

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: The Myth of Human Races
Imagining the Impossible: Magical, Scientific, and Religious

Imagining the Impossible: Magical, Scientific, and Religious

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rosengren, Karl S. / Johnson, Carl N., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The study of early cognitive development has emphasized the way in which young children act like scientists, testing and revising theories about the physical, biological, and psychological world. Evidence of this early understanding of the natural order has led researchers to reconsider children's thinking about magical, religious, or otherwise supernatural orders. The present volume offers reviews of new lines of research on children's thinking that stretch beyond the ordinary boundaries of reality. More than being "little scientists," children are here considered as "little magicians," "little metaphysicians," "little theologians" and "little story tellers" or "dramatists," imagining other-worldly possibilities.

The Adventures of Sugar and Junior

The Adventures of Sugar and Junior

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Medearis, Angela Shelf / Poydar, Nancy, PUBLISHER: Holiday House, Four stories about the everyday adventures of two interracial friends.

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: The Adventures of Sugar and Junior
Web Accessibility: A Foundation for Research

Web Accessibility: A Foundation for Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harper, Simon / Yesilada, Yeliz, PUBLISHER: Springer, Covering key areas of evaluation and methodology, client-side applications, specialist and novel technologies, along with initial appraisals of disabilities, this important book provides comprehensive coverage of web accessibility. Written by leading experts in the field, it provides an overview of existing research and also looks at future developments, providing a much deeper insight than can be obtained through existing research libraries, aggregations, or search engines. In tackling the subject from a research, rather than practitioner standpoint, scientists, engineers and postgraduate students will find a definitive and foundational text that includes field overviews, references, issues, new research, problems and solutions, and opinions from industrial experts and renowned academics from leading international institutions including Adobe, Google, IBM, W3C, and York, Dartmouth and Kansai Universities.

A Narrative History of Experimental Social Psychology: The

A Narrative History of Experimental Social Psychology: The

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Patnoe, Shelley, PUBLISHER: Springer, "A Narrative History of Experimental Social Psychology" presents lengthy and intensive interviews with the contemporary scientists that founded and shaped the field of social psychology. The story of social psychology is told through the autobiographical narratives of leading figures, such as Dorwin Cartwright, Harold Kelley, Kurt Back, Robert Krauss, Stanley Schachter, and Leon Festinger. The author traces the beginning of the field from the close-knit group of students around Kurt Lewin to the major research groups responsible for the scientific origins of the discipline. The interviews offer unique insights into the beginnings of the fields and prospects for future trends.

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: A Narrative History of Experimental Social Psychology: The
The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum

The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burgess, Thornton W., PUBLISHER: Wildside Press, The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum is part of the "Bedtime Story-Books" series.

Botanizers: Amateur Scientists in Nineteenth-Century America

Botanizers: Amateur Scientists in Nineteenth-Century America

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Keeney, Elizabeth B., PUBLISHER: University of North Carolina Press, Keeney examines the role of botany in the lives of nineteenth-century 'botanizers,' amateur scientists who collected, identified, and preserved plant specimens as a pastime. Using popular magazines, fiction, and autobiographies of the day, she explores the popular culture of this avocation, which attracted both men and women by the thousands.

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: Botanizers: Amateur Scientists in Nineteenth-Century America
The adventures of alundra

The adventures of alundra

Vendo raro gioco per play station one the adventures of alundra,manca manuale di istruzione.Per altre info contattatemi

Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for

Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Loehle, Craig, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Scientific research requires both innovation and attention to detail, clever breakthroughs and routine procedures. This indispensable guide gives students and researchers across all scientific disciplines practical advice on how to succeed. All types of scientific careers are discussed, from those in industry and academia to consulting, with emphasis on how scientists spend their time and the skills that are needed to be productive. Strategic thinking, creativity and problem-solving, the central keys to success in research, are all explored. The reader is shown how to enhance the creative process in science, how one goes about making discoveries, putting together the solution to a complex problem and then testing the solution obtained. The social dimension of science is also discussed from the development and execution of a scientific research program to publishing papers, as well as issues of ethics and science policy.

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for
Yearbook on Space Policy : Setting New Trends

Yearbook on Space Policy : Setting New Trends

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schrogl, Kai-Uwe / Baranes, Blandina / Venet, Christophe, PUBLISHER: Springer, The Yearbook on Space Policy aims to be the reference publication analysing space policy developments. Each year it presents issues and trends in space policy and the space sector as a whole. Its scope is global and its perspective is European. The Yearbook also links space policy with other policy areas. It highlights specific events and issues, and provides useful insights, data and information on space activities. The Yearbook on Space Policy is edited by the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) based in Vienna, Austria. It combines in-house research and contributions of members of the European Space Policy Research and Academic Network (ESPRAN), coordinated by ESPI. The Yearbook is designed for government decision-makers and agencies, industry professionals, as well as the service sectors, researchers and scientists and the interested public.

Introduction to Operations Research

Introduction to Operations Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hillier, Frederick S., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, The 8th edition of" Introduction to Operations Research" remains the classic operations research text while incorporating a wealth of state-of-the-art, user-friendly software and more coverage of modern OR topics. The hallmark features of this edition include solid coverage of fundamentals and state-of-the-practice operations research software used in conjunction with examples from the text. This edition will also feature the latest developments in OR, such as metaheuristics, simulation, and spreadsheet modeling.

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: Introduction to Operations Research
Technology in the Garden: Research Parks and Regional

Technology in the Garden: Research Parks and Regional

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Luger, Michael I. / Goldstein, Harvey, PUBLISHER: University of North Carolina Press, Research Triangle Park / North Carolina / Stanford Research Park / California / University of Utah Research Park / public policy

Research Methods for the Social Sciences

Research Methods for the Social Sciences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wellington, Jerry / Szczerbinski, Marcin, PUBLISHER: Continuum, The aim of this book is to provide an introductory but not simplistic guide to research in the social and behavioural sciences. The book sets out to tackle difficult issues and concepts in a scholarly but accessible manner, providing ample guidance and signposts to further reading. We explore a wide range of questions about research and research methods, including: * What counts as good research? * Research approaches, paradigms, methods and methodology: what are they and what is the difference? * What is the so-called qualitative/ quantitative? * When and where is quantitative research indispensable? * If one suggests that research should be scientific what does that mean? * What methods and methodologies are used in social research? * What is the role of statistics in social and behavioural research? How should statistical evidence be interpreted? * What are the ways in which research can, and should, be disseminated and presented? This book is aimed as much at the reflective, researching professional as for the professional researcher.

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: Research Methods for the Social Sciences
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Ps1 the adventures of alundra

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Tal: His Marvelous Adventures with Noom-Zor-Noom

Tal: His Marvelous Adventures with Noom-Zor-Noom

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cooper, Paul Fenimore / Reeves, Ruth, PUBLISHER: Purple House Press, The story of Tal, a little orphan boy, and the adventures that befell him on the amazing journey to the land of Troom. His companions were the wise old man Noom-Zor-Noom and the talking donkey Millitinkle. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: Tal: His Marvelous Adventures with Noom-Zor-Noom
Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crouch, Colin / Heath, Anthony, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In light of recent skepticism about the effectiveness of social research, this work provides an opportune reassessment of its influence. It also proposes new ways to consider the relationship of research to reform. The range of topics covered includes secondary educational reform, changing concepts of social work, women's studies, as well as the role of evaluation research in social policy in the United States and Sweden.

The Psychology of Gratitude

The Psychology of Gratitude

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Emmons, Robert A. / McCullough, Michael E., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Gratitude, like other positive emotions, has inspired many theological and philosophical writings, but it has inspired very little vigorous, empirical research. In an effort to remedy this oversight, this volume brings together prominent scientists from various disciplines to examine what has become known as the most-neglected emotion. The volume begins with the historical, philosophical, and theoretical foundations of gratitude, then presents the current research perspectives from social, personality, and developmental psychology, as well as from primatology, anthropology, and biology. The volume also includes a comprehensive, annotated bibliography of research on gratitude. This work contributes a great deal to the growing positive psychology initiative and to the scientific investigation of positive human emotions. It will be an invaluable resource for researchers and students in social, personality, and developmental, clinical, and health psychology, as well as to sociologists and cultural anthropologists.

Offerte relazionate the sport scientists research adventures: The Psychology of Gratitude
The Handbook of Electrical Engineering

The Handbook of Electrical Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Research & Education Association / Rea / Staff of Research Education Association, PUBLISHER: Research & Education Association, This handbook is a review of the important facts and concepts in electrical engineering. Comprehensive and concise, it is a handy reference source at all times for the professional and the student. It condenses the vast amount of detail characteristic of the subject mater and summarizes the essentials of the field. The book provides quick access to the important facts, principles, theorems, and equations in electrical engineering.
