the public domain how to find use copyright free

The Public Domain: How to Find & Use Copyright-Free

The Public Domain: How to Find & Use Copyright-Free

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fishman, Stephen, PUBLISHER: NOLO, The Public Domain is the definitive legal guide to the public domain -- the creative works that are not protected by copyright. (Yes, that means you don't have to pay for copying the material) But what makes a creative work public domain? This book reveals all, discussing: -- writings -- art -- maps -- film and video -- choreography -- music -- architecture -- photography -- software -- and more

Making Use of the Census

Making Use of the Census

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lumas, Susan, PUBLISHER: Public Record Office Publications, Carried out every 10 years the British census provides a huge resource for genealogists. This book shows how to find your ancestor amongst the many millions of names recorded.

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: Making Use of the Census
Energy, the Environment, and Public Opinion

Energy, the Environment, and Public Opinion

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Eric R. A. N., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This book explores the intricate relationship between public opinion and energy issues. Energy, the Environment, and Public Opinion sheds light on how much the public understands about energy policy, what the public wants officials to do about our energy problems, and how governments at various levels are likely to come to grips with energy shortages in the future. Visit our website for sample chapters

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the World Wide Web

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the World Wide Web

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kent, Peter, PUBLISHER: Que, The World Wide Web (WWW) is the most innovative and easy-to-use part of the Internet, and with this book even intimidated beginners can get online and get productive. The lighthearted style of the book ensures easy, comfortable learning. -- Shows how to choose and use a WWW browser, find free viewers, and publish documents on the Web -- Full-color tear-out card gives quick reminders of Web basics -- The best tutorial for first-time users who are eager to learn their way around this exciting Internet service

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: The Complete Idiot's Guide to the World Wide Web
Library Displays on a Shoestring: 3-Dimensional Techniques

Library Displays on a Shoestring: 3-Dimensional Techniques

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barteluk, Wendy D. M., PUBLISHER: Scarecrow Press, When governments face financial difficulties, among the first departments to feel cutbacks are resource centers. Today, promoting libraries and the services they offer has become a necessity. Displaying that wonderful book with uninteresting cover will get it off the shelf and increase circulation; promoting the library informs users that there is more to the research than books. Barteluk shows the library worker in small to mid-size libraries how to turn out eye-catching, interest-raising displays. Using three-dimensional exhibits rather than bulletin boards, she focuses on the actual fabrication of exhibits. Liberal illustrations and photographs reinforce the philosophy that creating appealing library displays is easy, fun, and economical. The author explains why promotions are necessary and tells where to place the displays, when to put them up and when to take them down, what materials to use and where to find them, how to build and use a mannequin, how to draw when you think you can't, and how to use color. Readers will also find tips on using and creating brochures and handouts, building displays that can be used more than once, scrounging and using props and ideas, and, lastly, how to store everything for further use.

Adventure in Closeup Photography

Adventure in Closeup Photography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ericksenn, Lief / Sincebaugh, Els, PUBLISHER: Amphoto Books, 50 exciting projects designed to teach how to "see" spectacular close-ups all around. Teaches the techniques experts use and how to adapt them to specific equipment. Lots of how-to pictures and clear technical information.

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: Adventure in Closeup Photography
The Collected Works of Charles Swindoll: Living on the Edge

The Collected Works of Charles Swindoll: Living on the Edge

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swindoll, Charles R., PUBLISHER: Inspirational Press (NY), In a world where success is measured by money and where anxiety, pressure, ulcers, and stress are as common as gray flannel suits, Charles Swindoll brings home some good news: you can find joy, peace, and happiness in the struggle In Living on the Ragged Edge, Swindoll shows how to enjoy life which is the bottom line of reality for everyday living. Learn how to survive the rat race; how to be "bullish"; how to find wisdom; how to make the most of old age - essentially, find out how to stop existing and start living. Proceeding to the next step, Living Above the Level of Mediocrity encourages the commitment to excellence that should follow, as Swindoll boldy tackles the difficult problems of self-discipline, laziness, and the tendency to accept less of life than we deserve. This motivational collection proves that moral, personal, and ethical excellence is worth whatever it costs.

Exploring the Internet Using

Exploring the Internet Using

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Debra, PUBLISHER: Neal-Schuman Publishers, As the amount -- and quality -- of information available on the Internet continues to expand dramatically, students not only need to learn Internet searching skills, but to develop literacy and critical thinking skills as well. Ideal for use in a high school or college general information literacy course, this innovative workbook uses active learning to help students discover how to find information on the Net, and assess the accuracy and relevance of all information they retrieve. Incorporating easy-to-follow explanations, graphic illustrations, eight hands-on practice sessions, and dozens of screen captures, the book teaches students -- at their own pace -- how to develop efficient search strategies; analyze evidence, assumptions, and logical arguments in Internet sources; and use appropriate citation styles.

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: Exploring the Internet Using
Audiences for Public Television

Audiences for Public Television

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frank, Ronald Edward, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Frank and Greenberg's book studies the audience for American public broadcasting. The authors segment this unique and frequently misunderstood audience into fourteen groups, each with its own interests and needs. All those who study or work in the media and are interested in the kinds of people who watch quality television will find much of use to them in both the methodology and the description of the audiences. '...the book should be of substantial interest to a wider audience than persons unilaterally concerned with the future of public television. It is a welcome addition to any library collection in survey research, mass communications research and policy, broadcasting research, and policy and marketing techniques.' --

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Performance Appraisals

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Performance Appraisals

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Margrave, Adele / Gorden, Robert, PUBLISHER: Penguin Putnam, For managers and small business owners, this book is a practical guide to preparing and presenting performance reviews. It discusses the primary types of appraisals, how you can make sure your program is within the law, and provides useful information on how to approach touchy subjects. Small business owners will find instructions on how to set up a program, what training resources are available, and where to find the latest information on state and federal laws.

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Performance Appraisals
The Koehler Method of Guard Dog Training: An Effective and

The Koehler Method of Guard Dog Training: An Effective and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Koehler, William, PUBLISHER: Howell Books, Honored as the Best Technical Dog Book of the Year, this soundly written guide matches breeds to security purposes and explains how to begin, what equipment to use, how to correct faults, and more.

Ways to Make RV Travel Safer, Easier, and More Fun

Ways to Make RV Travel Safer, Easier, and More Fun

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beard, Bernice, PUBLISHER: Arbor House Publishing, Plenty of great new ideas readers can use right away whether they're new to RVing or old pros, whether they're buying or renting. They'll learn how to prepare for any trip; how to make the most of an RV's storage space; how to make sure the children have fun; how to cope with mechanical problems on the road

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: Ways to Make RV Travel Safer, Easier, and More Fun
Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Coporate PR and the Assault on

Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Coporate PR and the Assault on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dinan, William / Miller, David, PUBLISHER: Pluto Press (UK), Bringing together leading activists and writers from the US and beyond, this book unmasks the covert and undemocratic world of corporate spin. Wherever big business is threatened, spin doctors, lobbyists, think tanks and front groups are on hand to push the corporate interest, often at the public's expense. The public relations industry is not just about celebrity gossip. The authors show how PR techniques are in use across a wide range of political fields, driven by corporate interests. They reveal the secrets of the PR trade including deception, the use of fake "institutes," spying and dirty tricks. The impact can be devastating--when the public is denied access to the truth, the results are rising inequality and environmental catastrophe. The book exposes the misdeeds of famous companies including BP, Coca Cola, British Aerospace, Exxon and Monsanto. It also reveals startling new information about the covert funding of various apparently independent think tanks and institutes. What can we do about it? The authors offer a guide to concrete campaigns that will help to roll back corporate power and show us how to raise awareness about resisting deceptive PR.

Deliverins Xdsl

Deliverins Xdsl

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harte, Lawrence J., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, Deliver money-making bundled service packages with xDSL A feature-focused, state-of-the-art guide, Delivering xDSL, by Lawrence Harte, tells you exactly why DSL is your best bet for profitably delivering a wide array of services to public phone network users. You'll find out how xDSL stacks up against competing technologies and how DSL technologies differ. Examine the services they multipletechnologies can co-exist in the system...and how xDSL works with the Internet and other technologies. Explore the applications that make xDSL valuable and the networking equipment required to take advantage of xDSL. Above all, see exactly how you can make money putting it into action.

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: Deliverins Xdsl
The Maxwell Manual for Good Citizenship: Public Policy Skill

The Maxwell Manual for Good Citizenship: Public Policy Skill

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coplin, Bill, Professor, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This is a completely revised update of the third edition of Public Policy Skills. That manual has been used to teach more than students at Syracuse University and in a college credit course taught at more than 50 high schools as part of the academic program of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, the Number 1 school of public affairs in the country. Using this book and taking a course based on it prepares you to bring your heart and your mind to solving the many problems that we face in the twenty-first century. The book teaches students the essential components for public policy analysis; how to get information from published sources and individuals; how to survey stakeholders; formulate public policy; examine costs and benefits of a policy; develop political strategies; write a briefing paper; research and write a quantitative research paper; among other skills.

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bowden, Jonny, PUBLISHER: Fair Winds Press (MA), A complete guide to the healthiest foods you can eat - and how to cook them Why get your nutrients from expensive supplements when you can enjoy delicious, nourishing foods instead? From almonds to yucca, readers will find out what nutrients each of the 150 featured foods contains, what form contains the most nutrients, if it's been recommended to combat any diseases, where to find it, how to prepare it, and how much to eat - plus wonderful recipes using these sometimes obscure foods Indexes by nutrient, by disease, and by food make finding what you need a snap, and the at-a-glance format makes the information as easy to digest as the foods themselves.

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased
Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Second

Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Second

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hall, Nigel / Hall Nigel / Robinson, Anne, PUBLISHER: David Fulton Publishers, The second edition of this text shows how play and literacy can combine to help young children develop a more complete understanding of writing, as well as literacy more generally. In addition to discussing the implications of the new Guidance for the Foundation Stage, the authors use more recent research to extend the discussion of how and why play and literacy work together so powerfully, and provide further advice on planning and developing effective experiences. Early years practitioners should find that this book helps them to focus on the development of literacy knowledge and skills.

Using the Internet as a Reference

Using the Internet as a Reference

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sauers, Michael, PUBLISHER: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Can't find the answers you're looking for online? Here is the book that will answer your questions. You'll learn how to dramatically extend your library's ability to provide current, complete, and accurate answers to an amazing array of questions. Topics include when to use and how to evaluate both print and Internet sources, strategies for quickly answering ready reference questions using the Internet, when to use an Internet search engine or directory site, strategies for using them effectively, and techniques for handling more complex reference questions. Designed as an individualized workshop between two covers, you'll also find tips for creating your own "Reference Web Page," and descriptions of sites the author has found useful, including metasites and "online vertical files." A companion Web site keeps site information up-to-date. If you work at a reference desk in any type of library in any capacity, this book is for you.

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: Using the Internet as a Reference
Domain Names: How to Choose & Protect a Great Name for Your

Domain Names: How to Choose & Protect a Great Name for Your

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elias, Stephen / Gima, Patricia, PUBLISHER: NOLO, This Quick & Legal book explains in plain English how to choose, register and protect a domain name chat works. Includes up-co-date information and samples of letters and agreements.

How to Get Publicity: Revised and Updated for the Internet

How to Get Publicity: Revised and Updated for the Internet

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Parkhurst, William, PUBLISHER: Harper Paperbacks, Business needs a boost? Invented the software that's going to revolutionize cyberspace? How is everyone going to find out about that fundraiser you're organizing? Publicity is the simple answer to your prayers--the greatest (and cheapest) resource for self-promotion that's available. Learn everything you need to know about promoting yourself efficiently, effectively, and economically with the indispensable "How to Get Publicity"-- now completely revised an updata Television, radio, and publishing public relations wizard William Parkhurst offers his proven insider's expertise, using examples and case histories as well as his own tried-and-true methods--covering everything from writing a penetrating press release and booking a successful tour to handling bad publicity and the unlimited opportunities the Internet has to offer. The techniques and media may have changed through-out the years, but the basic steps remain the same on the path to self-promotion--and "How to Get Publicity" is the perfect guide to capturing millions of dollars' worth of media coverage and maximizing your opportunities.

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: How to Get Publicity: Revised and Updated for the Internet
The Practical Pendulum Book: With Instructions for Use and

The Practical Pendulum Book: With Instructions for Use and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jurriaanse, D., PUBLISHER: Weiser Books, Easy instructions for using a pendulum to determine how your inner self is feeling. Use it to learn your best colors, how to motivate your career, for personal relationships. Also included are charts for working with homeopathic remedies, herbal teas, to increase health and vitality and number of other alternatives.

Citing Sources Learning To Use The Copyright Page

Citing Sources Learning To Use The Copyright Page

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Suzy Rabbat, PUBLISHER: Cherry Lake Publishing, NA

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: Citing Sources Learning To Use The Copyright Page
Beautifully Quilted with Alex Anderson: How to Choose or

Beautifully Quilted with Alex Anderson: How to Choose or

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anderson, Alex, PUBLISHER: C&T Publishing, - How to Choose or Create the Best Designs for Your Quilt - 5 Timeless Projects - Full Size Patterns, Ready to Use

Debt-Free Living: How to Get Out of Debt and Stay Out [With

Debt-Free Living: How to Get Out of Debt and Stay Out [With

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burkett, Larry, PUBLISHER: Moody Publishers, Easy access to credit has led many into deep debt without any idea on how to get out. Debt-Free Living has the solution. This updated bestseller now comes with the Snap-Shot Gold CD-rom that creates a customized plan to help anyone get out of debt.

Offerte relazionate the public domain how to find use copyright free: Debt-Free Living: How to Get Out of Debt and Stay Out [With
Using Divorce Mediation: Save Your Money & Your Sanity

Using Divorce Mediation: Save Your Money & Your Sanity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stoner, Katherine E., PUBLISHER: NOLO, Mediation is the quick, fair and low stress way to resolve all kinds of disputes, including divorce. In Using Divorce Mediation, Attorney-Mediator Katherine Stoner sheds light on the role of mediation in divorce, and then explains how to: -- find a mediator -- prepare for mediation -- conduct oneself in the mediation -- get an agreement in writing -- find and use legal and other types of advisors -- research state divorce laws Using Divorce Mediation includes worksheets and checklists.
