the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution

The Path to Genocide Essays on Launching the Final Solution

The Path to Genocide Essays on Launching the Final Solution

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chrisong>toong>pher R Browning, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, NA

The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Singh, Renuka, PUBLISHER: Penguin Books, Giving Buddha's spiritual journey a contemporary dimension, this anthology contains ong>essaysong> by spiritual leaders like His Holiness ong>theong> Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Thubten Yeshe on ong>theong> impact of Buddhist philosophy on ong>theong>m. Equally poignant are ong>theong> accounts of oong>theong>rs who, dissatisfied with ong>theong> present world, embark on a search for salvation. Varied and meaningful, ong>Theong> ong>Pathong> of ong>theong> Buddha provides a rare glimpse inong>toong> Buddhism.

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism
The Political Economy of American Monetary Policy

The Political Economy of American Monetary Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mayer, Thomas, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This collection of ong>essaysong> examines ong>theong> institutional framework in which monetary policy is made. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> consider two questions: How free is ong>theong> Fed ong>toong> set monetary policy and ong>toong> what extent do organizational problems affect ong>theong> choice of that monetary policy? ong>Toong>pics covered include ong>theong> Fed's response ong>toong> movements on its goals, Congressional and presidential pressures on ong>theong> Fed, ong>theong> existence of political business cycles operating through monetary policy, and ong>theong> extent ong>toong> which monetary policy may be explained by ong>theong> Fed's own interests. A final section examines ong>theong> claim that ong>theong> Federal Reserve follows countercyclical policy and evaluates its performance as a lender ong>toong> banks both in normal times and as a lender of last resort.

English Drama: Forms and Development: Essays in Honour of

English Drama: Forms and Development: Essays in Honour of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bradbrook, M. C. / Axong>toong>n, M. / Axong>toong>n, Marie, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Theong>se ten original ong>essaysong> on English drama from Tudor times onwards were first published in . Each is written by a former member of ong>theong> Cambridge English Faculty. Each author has an individual approach and makes a fresh contribution ong>toong> ong>theong> study of dramatic form seen in a changing hisong>toong>rical setting. ong>Theong>re are ong>essaysong> on genres, on individual playwrights and on social conditions affecting ong>theong> development of ong>theong> drama. ong>Toong>geong>theong>r, ong>theong> ong>essaysong> make a valuable contribution ong>toong> ong>theong> study of drama.

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: English Drama: Forms and Development: Essays in Honour of
The Cambridge Companion to Brecht

The Cambridge Companion to Brecht

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thomson, Peter / Sacks, Glendyr, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This Companion offers students crucial guidance on Brecht's ong>theong>atrical career from beginning ong>toong> end, bringing ong>toong>geong>theong>r ong>theong> contrasting views of major critics and active practitioners ong>toong> offer a provocative overview. ong>Theong> nineteen newly-commissioned ong>essaysong> place Brecht's creative work in its hisong>toong>rical and biographical context, with separate ong>essaysong> on seven major plays, on ong>theong> poetry, ong>theong> ong>theong>atrical ong>theong>ories, ong>theong> use of music, ong>theong> innovations in stage design, ong>theong> ways of working with acong>toong>rs and his hugely influential career with ong>theong> Berliner Ensemble.

Oregon Off the Beaten Path: A Guide to Unique Places

Oregon Off the Beaten Path: A Guide to Unique Places

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oakley, Myrna, PUBLISHER: Globe Pequot Press, Dedicated ong>toong> travelers with a taste for ong>theong> unique, ong>theong>se easy-ong>toong>-use, state-by-state guides will help you discover ong>theong> hidden places that most ong>toong>urists miss -- shining ong>theong> spotlight squarely on ong>theong> offbeat. If it's funky, funny, little known, or out of ong>theong> way, you'll probably find it in Off ong>theong> Beaten ong>Pathong> "RM". ong>Theong> Off ong>theong> Beaten ong>Pathong> "RM" series covers every state in ong>theong> U.S. plus Washingong>toong>n, D.C., ong>theong> Maritime Provinces, British Columbia, Quebec, and Puerong>toong> Rico.

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: Oregon Off the Beaten Path: A Guide to Unique Places
Frost Child, the (Lib)(CD)

Frost Child, the (Lib)(CD)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McNamee, Eoin, PUBLISHER: Listening Library, "ong>Theong> final book in ong>theong> thrilling Navigaong>toong>r trilogy." Twice ong>theong> Harsh have tried ong>toong> destroy time, and twice Owen and ong>theong> Resisters have banded ong>toong>geong>theong>r ong>toong> song>toong>p ong>theong>m. In "City of Time, "Owen killed ong>theong> Harsh king, and now ong>theong> Harsh are hungry for revenge. ong>Theong>ir massive fleet is ready ong>toong> set sail on ong>theong> sea of time and hunt down ong>theong> wily Navigaong>toong>r. In this third and final adventure, ong>theong> Navigaong>toong>r and his friends use every last ounce of bravery and endurance ong>toong> fight ong>theong> ong>toong>ughest battle ever. As Owen searches for a solution, he travels through time ong>toong> meet his faong>theong>r and grandfaong>theong>r, and discovers that ong>theong> mysterious Frost Child holds ong>theong> key ong>toong> ong>theong> power of ong>theong> Harsh. "From ong>theong> Hardcover edition."

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Lawrence E. / Kagan, Jerome / Harrison, Harrison E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Developing Cultures: ong>Essaysong> on Cultural Change "is a collection of 21 expert ong>essaysong> on ong>theong> institutions that transmit cultural values from generation ong>toong> generation. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> are an outgrowth of a research project begun by Samuel Huntingong>toong>n and Larry Harrison in ong>theong>ir widely discussed book Culture Matters ong>theong> goal of which is guidelines for cultural change that can accelerate development in ong>theong> Third World. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> in this volume cover child rearing, several aspects of education, ong>theong> world's major religions, ong>theong> media, political leadership, and development projects. ong>Theong> book is companion volume ong>toong> "Developing Cultures: Case Studies."().

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change
A Long Path: The Search for a Tennessee Bicentennial

A Long Path: The Search for a Tennessee Bicentennial

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hinong>toong>n, Kem G., PUBLISHER: Hillsboro Press, Though most Tennesseans first heard of ong>theong> Tennessee Bicentennial Capiong>toong>l Mall during ong>theong> year of its celebration, ong>theong> ong>pathong> of its creation is almost as old as ong>theong> state itself. From details of ong>theong> first settlement on ong>theong> site of ong>theong> Mall ong>toong> descriptions of items still ong>toong> come, Kem Hinong>toong>n tells ong>theong> song>toong>ry of this vital Nashville area through hisong>toong>rical pictures and commentary.

Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and

Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salmond, John A. / Clayong>toong>n, Bruce / Salmond, John, PUBLISHER: Praeger, This is a unique collection of ong>essaysong> by some of ong>theong> world's leading hisong>toong>rians of ong>theong> South, ong>toong>geong>theong>r with work by younger scholars. All contribuong>toong>rs, however, are working at ong>theong> cutting edge of ong>theong>ir particular methodological approaches. ong>Theong> book, for example, includes both an essay by Pulitzer Prize winner Rhys Isaac, and one by Rutgers University graduate student Beth Hale. Yet, both have a common concern ong>toong> explore ong>theong> reaches of ong>theong> Souong>theong>rn past through ong>theong> dimension of ethnography. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> in ong>theong> book are grouped according ong>toong> ong>theong>me. ong>Theong> largest section, ong>theong> social sciences and Souong>theong>rn hisong>toong>ry, includes ong>essaysong> drawing heavily on ong>theong> insights of anthropology of ethnography and of statistical analysis. Each essay in ong>theong> second section is designed ong>toong> illustrate how life hisong>toong>ry can be used ong>toong> illuminate much larger hisong>toong>ical ong>theong>mes and processes. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> in ong>theong> last section on labor in ong>theong> "new" South all illustrate, among oong>theong>r things, ong>theong> importance of drawing on ong>theong> insights of hisong>toong>rians of women in order ong>toong> redress ong>theong> masculinist presupposiong>toong>ns of labor hisong>toong>rians. All ong>theong> ong>essaysong> in ong>theong> book, in fact, reflect current concerns with gender and race in ong>theong> re-interpretation of ong>theong> Souong>theong>rn past.

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and
The Peasant and the Raj: Studies in Agrarian Society and

The Peasant and the Raj: Studies in Agrarian Society and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Song>toong>kes, Eric / Song>toong>kes, E. T., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Theong>se twelve ong>essaysong> explore ong>theong> nature of south Asian agrarian society and examine ong>theong> extent ong>toong> which it changed during ong>theong> period of British rule. ong>Theong> central focus of ong>theong> book is directed ong>toong> peasant agitation and violence and four of ong>theong> studies look at ong>theong> agrarian explosion that formed ong>theong> background ong>toong> ong>theong> Mutiny. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> give a coherent hisong>toong>rical treatment of ong>theong> Indian peasant world, and ong>theong> paperback edition of this successful book will be of interest ong>toong> ong>theong> student of peasant studies and ong>toong> ong>theong> sociologist as well as ong>toong> development economists and agronomists generally.

Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Datta Gupta, Sobhanlal, PUBLISHER: Anong>theong>m Press, This volume is a collection of ong>essaysong> on an alternative understanding of Marxism, anchored in ong>theong> ideas of humanism, democracy and pluralism. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> question ong>theong> stereotyped, positivist notion of Marxism as practised by ong>theong> exponents of official Marxism. ong>Theong>y highlight ong>theong> legacy of ong>theong> suppressed voices in ong>theong> Marxist tradition, and provide new insights in ong>theong> reading of Marxism in ong>theong> twenty-first century. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> provide a new reading of Anong>toong>nio Gramsci, Rosa Luxemburg, Nikolai Bukharin, David Ryazanov and ong>theong> Frankfurt School; review ong>theong> phenomenon of Perestroika; explore ong>theong> new hisong>toong>riography on Comintern; and examine ong>theong> relation between Marxism and postmodernism. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century
The Path of Economic Growth

The Path of Economic Growth

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lowe, Adolph, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Theong> writings on ong>theong> ong>theong>ory of economic growth share almost without exception two characteristics - ong>theong>y deal exclusively with steady growth or equilibrium dynamics, and ong>theong>y try ong>toong> predict ong>theong> actual course of long-term development on ong>theong> basis of greatly oversimplified behaviour assumptions. This book, first published in , studies ong>theong> many variants of a disequilibrium ong>pathong>, which growth processes pursue under ong>theong> impact of major growth stimuli - changes in labour supply, in natural resources, and in technology. ong>Theong> study gives direction ong>toong> public policies, sharply distinguishing between ong>theong> requirements of market economies and of planned systems.

New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sundquist, Eric J. / Elliott, Emory, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Increased interest in ong>theong> role of women and minorities in establishing ong>theong> canon of American literature has led ong>toong> renewed interest in Uncle ong>Toong>m's Cabin. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> in this volume set out ong>toong> provide contemporary readers with a critical and hisong>toong>rical interpretation of ong>theong> novel that reflects ong>theong> best of recent scholarship. In his introduction Eric J. Sundquist attempts ong>toong> show that Uncle ong>Toong>m's Cabin boldly takes issue with both proslavery arguments and prevailing prejudices among abolitionists, employing ong>theong> forms of popular melodrama and heated rheong>toong>ric ong>toong> carry its complex argument. ong>Theong> individual ong>essaysong> examine ong>theong> influence of Song>toong>we's novel on ong>theong> characterization of women in ong>theong> American novel and on later women writers, ong>theong> role of women in ong>theong> antislavery movement, ong>theong> literary exchanges between Song>toong>we and her contemporaries; Uncle ong>Toong>m's Cabin and ong>theong> tradition of ong>theong> Gothic novel, and ong>theong> characterizations of blacks in this novel and in later works.

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin
Churchill and Hitler

Churchill and Hitler

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jablonsky, David / Jablonsky, D. / Jablonsky David, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This collection of ong>essaysong> examines ong>theong> development of Churchill and Hitler as strategic leaders and analyzes in particular ong>theong> impact of ong>theong>ir formative years on ong>theong>ir leadership styles, "operational codes," views on civil-military relations, and approaches ong>toong> ong>theong> conduct of war at strategic, operational and tactical levels. Ultimately, vicong>toong>ry depended on ong>theong> calculated use of all ong>theong> means of national power - military, political, psychological and economic - ong>toong> achieve ong>theong> national end. ong>Theong>se ong>essaysong> demonstrate that it was Churchill who best undersong>toong>od that calculation.

The Future of the Holocaust: Between History and Memory

The Future of the Holocaust: Between History and Memory

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lang, Berel, PUBLISHER: Cornell University Press, In ong>Theong> Future of ong>theong> Holocaust, Berel Lang continues his inquiry inong>toong> ong>theong> causal mechanisms of decision-making and conduct in Nazi Germany and inong>toong> responses ong>toong> ong>theong> ong>genocideong> by individuals and nations -- an inquiry that he began in Act and Idea in ong>theong> Nazi ong>Genocideong> and pursued in Heidegger's Silence. Raising ong>theong> question now of what ong>theong> future of ong>theong> Holocaust is, he addresses among oong>theong>r ong>toong>pics how hisong>toong>ry and memory ong>toong>geong>theong>r shape views of ong>theong> Holocaust; how ong>theong> concept of "intention" -- which played a crucial part in ong>theong> events of haft a century ago -- shapes hisong>toong>ry and memory ong>theong>mselves; and how future views of this ong>genocideong> may alter those of ong>toong>day. In addition, Lang explores cultural representations of ong>theong> "Final Solution" -- from monuments ong>toong> public school curricula -- within ong>theong> Jewish and German communities. He analyzes ethical issues concerning such concepts as intention, responsibility, forgiveness, and revenge, and puts forward a ong>theong>ory of ong>theong> hisong>toong>ry, of evil which provides a context for ong>theong> Holocaust both hisong>toong>rically and morally. Addressing ong>theong> claims that ong>theong> Nazi ong>genocideong> was unique, Lang argues that ong>theong> Holocaust is at once an actual series of events and a still future possibility. If ong>theong> Holocaust occurred once, he argues, it can occur twice -- and this view of ong>theong> future remains an unavoidable premise for anyone now writing or thinking about that event in ong>theong> past.

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: The Future of the Holocaust: Between History and Memory
The Compact Reader: Short Essays by Method and Theme

The Compact Reader: Short Essays by Method and Theme

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aaron, Jane E. / Repetong>toong>, Ellen Kuhl, PUBLISHER: Bedford Books, From its well-chosen ong>essaysong> ong>toong> its thorough ediong>toong>rial apparatus ong>toong> its distinctive organization, "ong>Theong>" "Compact Reader" provides ong>theong> fundamental support students need ong>toong> become confident writers. ong>Theong> innovative dual organization -- rheong>toong>rical and ong>theong>matic -- introduces essential strategies of writing while engaging students with brief readings on captivating ong>toong>pics. For instrucong>toong>rs who want a concise, affordable, effective resource for teaching ong>theong> connection between form and content, "ong>Theong> Compact" "Reader" is ong>theong> perfect choice. Acquista Ora

Selected Essays of Wilson Harris: The Unfinished Genesis of

Selected Essays of Wilson Harris: The Unfinished Genesis of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harris, Wilson / Bundy, Andrew / Bundy, A. F. M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Wilson Harris is one of ong>theong> outstanding literary innovaong>toong>rs of ong>theong> century. His novels date from ong>Theong> Palace of ong>theong> Peacock ong>toong> Jonesong>toong>wn. This long-awaited volume matches Harris's career with his critical writings, from ong>toong> ong>theong> present day. Selected ong>Essaysong> of Wilson Harris brings ong>toong>geong>theong>r twenty-one lectures, addresses and ong>essaysong> ong>toong> make available Harris's full range of writings on subjects including: * ong>theong> literate imagination * traditions of myth and fable in Central and South America * ong>theong> North American literary imagination, from Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Melville and Ralph Ellison, ong>toong> William Faulkner and Jean Rhys * inheritances and legacies of writers of ong>theong> postcolonial diaspora This comprehensive collection also comes complete with: * an extensive ediong>toong>rial introduction, providing valuable hisong>toong>rical and ong>theong>oretical context for ong>theong> ong>essaysong> * a map of Guyana * bibliographies of Harris's fiction and non-fiction * appendices on ong>theong> legends of El Dorado and ong>theong> Holy Grail.

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: Selected Essays of Wilson Harris: The Unfinished Genesis of
The Key to Newton's Dynamics

The Key to Newton's Dynamics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brackenridge, J. Bruce, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, While much has been written on ong>theong> ramifications of Newong>toong>n's dynamics, until now ong>theong> details of Newong>toong>n's solution were available only ong>toong> ong>theong> physics expert. "ong>Theong> Key ong>toong> Newong>toong>n's Dynamics" clearly explains ong>theong> surprisingly simple analytical structure that underlies ong>theong> determination of ong>theong> force necessary ong>toong> maintain ideal planetary motion. J. Bruce Brackenridge sets ong>theong> problem in hisong>toong>rical and conceptual perspective, showing ong>theong> physicist's debt ong>toong> ong>theong> works of both Descartes and Galileo. He tracks Newong>toong>n's work on ong>theong> Kepler problem from its early stages at Cambridge before , through ong>theong> revival of his interest ten years later, ong>toong> its fruition in ong>theong> first three sections of ong>theong> first edition of ong>theong> "Principia."

Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and

Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Callanan, Maggie / Kelley, Patricia, PUBLISHER: Walker & Company, Filled with practical advice on responding ong>toong> ong>theong> requests of ong>theong> dying and helping ong>theong>m prepare emotionally and spiritually for death, this book shows readers how ong>toong> help ong>theong> dying person live fully ong>toong> ong>theong> very end. "A hopeful, helpful work... provides a gentle way ong>toong> think about ong>theong> unthinkable."--"Publishers Weekly."

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and
New Essays on the Country of the Pointed Firs

New Essays on the Country of the Pointed Firs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howard, June / Elliot, Emory / June, Howard, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Theong> Country of ong>theong> Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett is one of ong>theong> most important works of New England local color fiction. This collection of ong>essaysong> builds on feminist literary scholarship that affirms ong>theong> value of Jewett's work, but goes beyond previously published studies by offering an analysis of how race, nationalism, and ong>theong> literary marketplace shape her narrative. ong>Theong> volume constitutes a major rethinking of Jewett's contribution ong>toong> American literature, and will be of interest ong>toong> ong>theong> fields of American literary studies, feminist cultural criticism, and American studies.

Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe: Daniel Defoe

Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe: Daniel Defoe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lund, Roger D. / Bartels Emily, C., PUBLISHER: Twayne Publishers, ong>Theong> full range of literary traditions comes ong>toong> life in ong>theong> Twayne Critical ong>Essaysong> Series. Volume ediong>toong>rs have carefully selected critical ong>essaysong> that represent ong>theong> full spectrum of controversies, trends and methodologies relating ong>toong> each author's work. ong>Essaysong> include writings from ong>theong> author's native country and abroad, with interpretations from ong>theong> time ong>theong>y were writing, through ong>theong> present day. Each volume includes: -- An introduction providing ong>theong> reader with a lucid overview of criticism from its beginnings -- illuminating controversies, evaluating approaches and sorting out ong>theong> schools of thought -- ong>Theong> most influential reviews and ong>theong> best reprinted scholarly ong>essaysong> -- A section devoted exclusively ong>toong> reviews and reactions by ong>theong> subject's contemporaries -- Original ong>essaysong>, new translations and revisions commissioned especially for ong>theong> series -- Previously unpublished materials such as interviews, lost letters and manuscript fragments -- A bibliography of ong>theong> subject's writings and interviews -- A name and subject index

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe: Daniel Defoe
Stepping Out: On the Pathway to Your Dreams

Stepping Out: On the Pathway to Your Dreams

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Farrel, Pam / Clough, Sandy Lynam, PUBLISHER: Harvest House Publishers, An affordable gift ong>toong> share confidence and ong>theong> secrets of inner-strength with ong>theong> woman who is starting out, graduating, changing careers, or walking a new ong>pathong>.

An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms

An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tucker, Dennis / Ballard, Wayne / Ballard, Jr. H. Wayne, PUBLISHER: Mercer University Press, Introduction ong>toong> Wisdom Literature and ong>theong> Psalms offers a unique approach ong>toong> studying this material in ong>theong> classroom. This book is a collection of ong>essaysong> that explore ong>theong>mes and background issues intended for ong>theong> student of ong>theong> Old Testament. Divided inong>toong> two sections on ong>theong> Psalms and Wisdom Literature, each section offers an in-depth essay on hisong>toong>ry of interpretation, forms of poetry, ong>theong> text's relationship ong>toong> ong>theong> ancient Near East, ong>theong> canonical shape of ong>theong> material, ong>theong> ong>theong>ology of ong>theong> texts, and contemporary issues currently under scholarly investigation.

Offerte relazionate the path to genocide essays on launching the final solution: An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms
The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell

The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berry, Wendell / Wirzba, Norman, PUBLISHER: Shoemaker & Hoard, Essential ong>essaysong> from Wendell Berry's writings on agrarianism, agriculture, and community.
